View Full Version : Prices of crap

09-14-2009, 10:13 PM
Why why WHY is nothing priced the actual price anymore? My $49.99 cell phone plan costs ~$60. I have no idea what my new cable bill is going to be - they tell me it's $89.85, so I'm guessing ~$110. I just bought a new washer and dryer, and had to spend an extra $50 on cords. New TV? Another new cord. New computer and printer? New USB cord. Plane ticket? Don't get me started.

I want to be able to buy something, take it home for the price on the shelf, open it, and use it. Pretty soon, I'll have to pay a seperate charge for the tines on the forks, the handles on coffee mugs, and for the pimento in the olives.



09-14-2009, 10:22 PM
< I just bought a new washer and dryer, and had to spend an extra $50 on cords. >

? A phillips head screwdriver to the old ones and match red, blue and green.

< New TV? Another new cord. >

Unless you went from component to HDMI, those can be switched out. If you got sold HDMI cables, I hope you got the HD package from your cable subscriber, otherwise you got screwed. ( A blue-ray player negates this screwing )

< New computer and printer? New USB cord. >

Unless you went from 1294(?) or USB 1.0 or 1.1 to 2.0 ( gold-tipped for extra lulz ) the same cable could be used.

Unfortunately, the retail market thrives on the upsell. TV's, printers and such can occasionally be sold at a loss and the retailer uses price protection to not take the loss and the cable/extras are the profit needed to continue to operate. Which is why you're handed spare inks for your printer, a USB cable sold at an outrageous markup, paper, extended warranty, canned air to clean, blah blah blah and crap.

09-14-2009, 10:41 PM
? A phillips head screwdriver to the old ones and match red, blue and green.

Old ones stay with old house.

Unless you went from component to HDMI, those can be switched out. If you got sold HDMI cables, I hope you got the HD package from your cable subscriber, otherwise you got screwed. ( A blue-ray player negates this screwing )

I freecycled my 18 year old piece o'crap. HD package and blue-ray both on the way with new house.

Unless you went from 1294(?) or USB 1.0 or 1.1 to 2.0 ( gold-tipped for extra lulz ) the same cable could be used.

I don't have a printer (or any peripherals) on this computer. This one is going to my 14 year old cousin who just wants SOMETHING that he doesn't have to share with the whole family (and is being forced to help me move).

Unfortunately, the retail market thrives on the upsell. TV's, printers and such can occasionally be sold at a loss and the retailer uses price protection to not take the loss and the cable/extras are the profit needed to continue to operate. Which is why you're handed spare inks for your printer, a USB cable sold at an outrageous markup, paper, extended warranty, canned air to clean, blah blah blah and crap.

I get it. I just really wish everything had "what it will cost you if you actually want this to be a useable product" price on it. Yes, I know, I sound old.

09-15-2009, 09:50 AM
I get it. I just really wish everything had "what it will cost you if you actually want this to be a useable product" price on it. Yes, I know, I sound old.


09-15-2009, 10:06 AM
The apartment community I live in changed the company it uses for billing water & sewer. This new company tacks on a $2.75 processing fee, so my bill is always $2.75 more than before, and prices are higher. Before we'd average like $27/mo. My bill for last month is $36.

The Ponzzz
09-15-2009, 10:13 AM
I see what Stun is saying, but I hear ya Jorddyn. We bought a brand new LG washer and dryer, and the dryer didn't come with the power cord for it because my outlet was an old style outlet that was designed when dryers used the same hook-up as a stove. So I had to pay an extra $50. It's like, wtf, I just spent $2100 on a washer and dryer and you can't give me a fucking powerr cord on the house?

The thing that kills me is changing my cable services (adding premium channels) gives me a $2 service fee for using the customer service rep. That's there fucking job, I have to pay for their job now!?

09-15-2009, 12:01 PM
Yeah I recently bought a w/d set too and we had to buy a bunch of cables and shit for them... I think only the power cord for the washer came with them. I didn't buy the expensive as fuck ones though, hahahaha. You're crazy Mario.

09-15-2009, 12:29 PM
We just signed a contract to have our pool resurfaced.. and they wanted to charge me a "fuel surcharge". After laughing about it for a minute, then I pretty much told him to either take it off or I'll be taking my business elsewhere. I mean fuck man, I didn't charge you a fuel surcharge when I drove out here to hire you.

After a moment with their "boss", they cheerfully took it off.

09-15-2009, 12:58 PM
I get it. I just really wish everything had "what it will cost you if you actually want this to be a useable product" price on it. Yes, I know, I sound old.


09-15-2009, 01:00 PM
I can't complain about my cable bill right now.

They must have found their billing error. I had been charged 63.06 a month for the last year and a half. I should have been charged double that...which is exactly what they're charging me now.

09-15-2009, 01:27 PM
The apartment community I live in changed the company it uses for billing water & sewer. This new company tacks on a $2.75 processing fee, so my bill is always $2.75 more than before, and prices are higher. Before we'd average like $27/mo. My bill for last month is $36.

Which is impossible unless the city raised the fees, so someone (or like two someones, the billing company and the complex) is making 9 dollars more a month. Its little, but depending on how many units x 12 months, it certaintly adds up, esp if its a big management company and they did it across the board.


09-15-2009, 01:31 PM
I see what Stun is saying, but I hear ya Jorddyn. We bought a brand new LG washer and dryer, and the dryer didn't come with the power cord for it because my outlet was an old style outlet that was designed when dryers used the same hook-up as a stove. So I had to pay an extra $50. It's like, wtf, I just spent $2100 on a washer and dryer and you can't give me a fucking powerr cord on the house?

The thing that kills me is changing my cable services (adding premium channels) gives me a $2 service fee for using the customer service rep. That's there fucking job, I have to pay for their job now!?

Mario, preaching to the choir. <laugh>

Yep, had the same issue with the washer and dryer...

Comcast, ugh, dun get me started...

I called to pay a late bill with my credit card cause I mucked up and lost a bill somewhere, and to pay my f'n bill on the phone, I got nicked 2 bucks...wtf, trying to give them money, and want to charge me more???

Oh well, while I was on the phone for my 2 bucks, I cancelled all my movie channels, I don't use them anyways that often, in a month or two, I'll turn em back on and made my 4 bucks back (since they probably charge me to add em) and cost them a few bucks for MY convienence fee.


09-15-2009, 01:33 PM
Which is impossible unless the city raised the fees, so someone (or like two someones, the billing company and the complex) is making 9 dollars more a month. Its little, but depending on how many units x 12 months, it certaintly adds up, esp if its a big management company and they did it across the board.

I know. It's bullshit. A "processing fee" for their computer system to calculate the bill, print the invoice, and mail it? Assholes.

09-15-2009, 01:51 PM
You guys just need to learn how to properly complain. I'm a big believer that since I've got options for other retailers or service providers that I use them or at least make it clear that my business with whoever is done unless the bullshit is cut out. I've had several instances where I've had the "extra" cables, service fees, etc taken off because I give them the choice of removign them or removing the entire bill and I'm getting the product/service elsewhere.