View Full Version : Anchoring Traveller's Song

03-06-2004, 05:55 AM
How the hell do you do this. I'm always in the game when no one else is around to show me. :?:

[Edited on 3-12-2004 by Soulpieced]

03-12-2004, 10:13 AM
I'm currently working on figuring it out. You will notice that when you prep 1020, and you sing a song, it will give you a message about mana swirling around you.. I've had two different messages. One was when the song was too weak (2 and 4 lines), and it told me that the mana swirled, but dissipated.. Another was when the song was strong enough (6 lines) and it said "You can distinctly feel the swirl of mana around you, but nothing happens." So as an example, it goes...
prep 1020

sing <insert 6 verse song here>

Within the song, you need to put something I think... I tried just the names of the places i want, like "Raging Thrak Inn" or "Wayside Inn", but neither worked... ::shrugs:: Still figuring it out.

My guess currently, is that you need to stand where you want it to be anchored, sing a 6 line verse, and that will anchor it.

03-12-2004, 10:14 AM
I will confirm this tonight when i get home. It just came to me now hehe.. and im at school

03-12-2004, 10:15 AM
There are a number of keywords you're supposed to use. Let me see if I can find the lyrics I used, but doubt it.

03-12-2004, 10:16 AM
Heh, again, once again, i could be completely wrong... But i will investigate it later :)

03-12-2004, 10:19 AM
Soulpieced likes to ruin game secrets.


You sing:

"For a place of great times and memory
this is the site I wish to be
travel me here and I'll stay
anchor my body and let me play
the adventurers of Shimmarglin Inn rest with lack of sound
is the only bar in which I'll be found
so bring me here when I sing this song
and I'll continue singing all night long"

You notice a great circle of visible mana form around you and begin to spin, slowly growing closer. It enfolds around you gently like a giant's hand then releases and sinks into the ground below.
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.

03-12-2004, 10:21 AM
As an aside, you have to prepare 1020, then loresing the verse at the location you're doing the anchoring.

03-12-2004, 10:22 AM
Nice, nice... So I wasn't wrong! Yay me! :) Thanks Soulpieced!!

03-12-2004, 10:24 AM
It has to be that exact verse, or just a song at the location while using the name and the word anchor?

03-12-2004, 10:26 AM
There is no universal verse, like I said there are specific keywords somewhere in there that you have to use like the name of the inn, travel, anchor, bar, sing, etc. But that verse should work.

03-12-2004, 10:27 AM
Just for the record, if i see anyone just singing "Anchor Me Here", I will run Chadj's sonic lance through their heads faster then a V'tull Elder could kill a 10 train cleric.

03-12-2004, 10:29 AM

Slow your roll there Chadster, I'm just a humble non Bardly kinda gal trying to understand the mechanics.

03-12-2004, 10:30 AM
Im just stating for the benifit of any bards whom decide they wanna try that :)

I will be watching ::Stares::

03-12-2004, 10:31 AM
Maybe I should post on the official boards for the people to come read these boards since we can post stuff like this.


[Edited on 3-12-2004 by Soulpieced]

04-28-2004, 10:06 AM
Bumped since this is easily one of the more difficult game secrets spoiled.

04-28-2004, 10:13 AM
Now I just need to learn 3 more songs and I'm golden heh.

You sing:

Anchor me here
Chadj <3 men
Beer good to drink
Bar, travel, sing, etc
Second verse different from the first, little bit louder, little bit worse!

04-28-2004, 10:15 AM
I never understood that spell...

You do that verse song, and then it's like setting your ring?

What after?

Can the song still kill you?

04-28-2004, 10:20 AM
It increases your chances of landing there, decreases chance of failure, but there is still the possibility of failing, or landing at a different place.

04-28-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Now I just need to learn 3 more songs and I'm golden heh.

You sing:

Anchor me here
Chadj <3 men
Beer good to drink
Bar, travel, sing, etc
Second verse different from the first, little bit louder, little bit worse!

U die 2x, kthx

04-29-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Just for the record, if i see anyone just singing "Anchor Me Here", I will run Chadj's sonic lance through their heads faster then a V'tull Elder could kill a 10 train cleric.

Finiswolf Sings:

Anchor me here.


Also thats about all a V'tull Elder could kill.


04-29-2004, 09:05 PM
Damn, how did I miss this thread before? Thanks SP, you rock.

05-26-2004, 04:18 PM
I tried this.. and then I ended up somewhere very disturbing. I think I messed something up. Not sure where, it was some freakyass Teras place about a month ago. I'll try it again if I actually play Czeska before I take my hiatus.

12-06-2004, 09:04 AM
ok, you rock soul. call me dumb, yeah I know I'll read it later, so what, but like...after reading the official board, I was like, wtf, I'll never figure that out. Then once I learned the song, I asked on ooc, an kaz, being of no help, said to find the keyword. So then I went to thrak's, an started typing in random things, like, plant, hit enter, anchor, hit enter. So..yeah, thx, never would'a got that one! Was thinkin I might need to sing somethin, an yeah...anchor me would'a been my first try, rofl

oh, thought of somethin else to ask, do you need to anchor at every inn, and, if you anchor at another, does it remove the past anchor?

[Edited on 12-6-2004 by Norator]

01-13-2005, 04:52 PM
Also.. haven't tried this in months.. after you anchor and wish to go back, I remember some one saying you had to..

prep 1020 and sing a verse instead of just cast/singing it.

But I've been in other bards' groups that just poofed.


01-14-2005, 11:58 AM
Got myself anchored successfully for the first time last night. Even used my own song, yay me. <3 archales for helping.

05-13-2005, 02:43 PM
All right, I've prepped 1020 and loresung two of my own compositions, as well as Soulpierced's sample song, in every room in the Shimmarglin Inn in Ta'Illistim, and I can't even get the failure messaging. What am I missing here?

[Edit: I am a dork. Figured it out. But Chadj is dorkier.]

[Edited on 5-13-2005 by petroglyph]

05-13-2005, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Now I just need to learn 3 more songs and I'm golden heh.

You sing:

Anchor me here
Chadj <3 men
Beer good to drink
Bar, travel, sing, etc
Second verse different from the first, little bit louder, little bit worse!

Use Anticor's, Petro.

05-13-2005, 03:08 PM
Czeska's anchored there, in the tavern, right where you >go table.

By the lemonade!

[Edited on 5-13-2005 by Czeska]