View Full Version : top geared accounts for sale

09-08-2009, 01:57 AM
Restoration Druid$693.03
Bonus Healing:1949, Mana Regen:512, Haste Rating:18.67, Crit Chance:20.56%
Gears: All Epics , T8(10 Ulduar) 1/5, T8.5(25 Ulduar) 1/5
Other Epic Gears:Ring of the Vacant Eye, Idol of the Crying Wind, Eye of the Broodmother, Shroud of Luminosity, Stormtip, Vestments of the Shattered Fellowship, Boots of the Unrelenting Storm, Ironmender, Belt of the Winter Solstice, Evoker's Charm, Bracers of the Autumn Willow, Malfurion's Gloves of Triumph, Lady Maye's Sapphire Ring, Shoulderpads of the Glacial Wilds, Elemental Focus Stone
Skills:FIRST AID 450

Holy Paladin$686.01
Bonus Healing:2195, Mana Regen:405, Haste Rating:21.05, Crit Chance:34.69%
Gears: All Epics , T8.5(25 Ulduar) 4/5
Other Epic Gears:Libram of the Resolute, Ironmender, Soul of the Dead, Sabatons of the Courageous, Radiant Seal, Binding Stone, Liadrin's Spaulders of Triumph, Ring of the Faithful Servant, Girdle of Unyielding Trust, Unfaltering Armguards, The Turning Tide, Frozen Tear of Elune, Shroud of Alteration

Skills:MINING 450, FIRST AID 450
$975.00 (29.64% Off)

View ProfileElemental Shaman$675.98
Bonus Damage:1902, Hit Rating:0, Crit Chance:30.32%, Haste Rating:16.22
Gears: All Epics , T8.5(25 Ulduar) 4/5
Other Epic Gears:Cloak of the Dormant Blaze, Pandora's Plea, Atonement Greaves, Guiding Star, Belt of the Fallen Wyrm, Binding Light, Wristguards of the Firetender, Radiant Seal, Shoulderguards of the Spirit Walker, Renewal of Life, Voice of Reason, Pendant of Endless Despair, Totem of Misery

Skills:FIRST AID 450
check more details at http://www.guy4game.com/?aid=770

09-08-2009, 06:58 AM
When did PC start selling shit for WOW?

09-08-2009, 07:05 AM
Meh... there's a good number of WoW players here. Either way though, this is spam. Now if he had the common decency to post lots of scantily clad women in his thread, it'd be okay.

09-08-2009, 07:08 AM
Could never play WOW, in large part because they have *fucktarded* names for everything. Pendant of Unending Despair my ass.

09-08-2009, 07:49 AM
Heh- shoulderpads of the glacial wilds. Seriously? How about padded bra of the unrelenting winds? Thigh-highs of neverending torment?

09-08-2009, 08:06 AM
I laughed at the "top geared" then you see a resto druid that's geared worse than my alt. The paladin and shaman are a touch better but still no way in hell they are worth 600 combined let alone sold seperate.

09-08-2009, 09:17 AM
Totally spam. And I am with Briar. Apeshit retarded gear names, toon names, or for that matter anything called a "toon" sucks. I will wait for that Star Wars MMO.

Lord Orbstar
09-08-2009, 10:54 AM
what toon will you play in Star Wars?

09-08-2009, 11:44 AM

09-08-2009, 11:55 AM
You earn 12.5% referral fees from the gold sales and 0.01$ from the click,and you earn 15% referral fees from leveling sales and wow gear sales.The commissions are only avaible to the finished orders not including pending orders(this part of commission will be sent when the pending orders are finished),we will send you a detailed form of all orders that come from you along with the payment notification email. We pay Paypal users twice a month,and Check users once a month. Add on:we highly suggest you register with paypal account for secure and efficient transfer.

He earns a cent every time someone clicks on that link.

09-08-2009, 12:04 PM

09-08-2009, 12:05 PM
Heh- shoulderpads of the glacial wilds. Seriously? How about padded bra of the unrelenting winds? Thigh-highs of neverending torment?

I'm pretty sure the thigh-highs of neverending torment already exist as a GS alter.

(or in Jihna's closet)

09-08-2009, 12:16 PM
Could never play WOW, in large part because they have *fucktarded* names for everything. Pendant of Unending Despair my ass.

You shouldn't be playing GS if realistic item names is a main reason for playing a game or not.


09-08-2009, 12:17 PM
LOL its a scam anyways

I play an elemental shaman and mine is way better geared than this one.

09-08-2009, 12:21 PM
I'm just not into WoW though I played very briefly, I more wanted to make fun of spambot and the word "toon".

The Ponzzz
09-08-2009, 12:26 PM
I'm actually surprised the term toon is so widely used, seeing the origins of it come from Toon Town, an online RPG based off Looney Toons.

I guess because the WoW population is so childish or because the game looks like a cartoon? I have no clue. They weren't called toons though till WoW. FFXI, DAoC, UO, EQ and many other older MMOs never did it.

09-08-2009, 12:32 PM
I'm actually surprised the term toon is so widely used, seeing the origins of it come from Toon Town, an online RPG based off Looney Toons.

I guess because the WoW population is so childish or because the game looks like a cartoon? I have no clue. They weren't called toons though till WoW. FFXI, DAoC, UO, EQ and many other older MMOs never did it.

I think it's because of the cartoon like looks of the characters.

09-08-2009, 03:12 PM
I'm actually surprised the term toon is so widely used, seeing the origins of it come from Toon Town, an online RPG based off Looney Toons.

I guess because the WoW population is so childish or because the game looks like a cartoon? I have no clue. They weren't called toons though till WoW. FFXI, DAoC, UO, EQ and many other older MMOs never did it.

I've never heard of the Toon Town game you speak of. The term Toon as I use it is/was refering to Looney Toons or cartoons to be less specific. I have been using it for quite a few years, perhaps I picked it up from GS or the internet I dunno, but I doubt it had much to do with Toon Town, though I could be wrong.


09-08-2009, 04:11 PM
Well obviously the term "Toon" came from before the toon town RPG, but it wasn't applied to a Player Character, or Avatar, until that game.

Stupid term.

09-08-2009, 04:16 PM
I'm currently wearing my boxers of the warm breeze.

09-08-2009, 04:36 PM
$2k on all three