View Full Version : Connection problems

09-03-2009, 07:30 PM
Disclaimer: I just installed Lich the first time yesterday. I came across it while looking for an alchemy script. Anyway, I got it all installed and running, been using go2 and magic quite a bit already.

The problem I'm having is this:

--- Lich: infomon active.
--- Lich: updater active.
--- Lich: lnet active.
Error encountered establishing TCP socket:
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. - connect(2)
--- Lich: updater has exited.

Error connecting to server: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. - connect(2)

Any ideas? I am (sadly) running on Vista if that makes a difference.

09-05-2009, 12:01 AM
I finally figured out what was causing this problem. Sort of. The lichnet and the repository are at lich.sudolife.com, but for some reason, this domain name no longer points at the right IP. The scripts the use the server save the IP though, so only a few people had problems. A reverse DNS lookup of the saved IP showed that the domain name was sudolife.com. I have no idea why, since it's been lich.sudolife.com for as long as I can remember. updater.lic, lnet.lic, and infomon.lic have been updated to use sudolife.com, but I don't have rights to update repository.lic. If repository.lic isn't working for you, just open it up and change the server name.

09-05-2009, 01:51 PM
Aha, thank you! That fixed it.

09-21-2009, 10:59 AM
I'm actually having the same problem, and I changed lich.sudolife.com to sudolife.com to no avail.

I'm assuming I did it wrong. Here's what I did:

My Computer > Program Files > Lich > repository.lic (opened as a notepad file) >changed as instructed.

What should I have done?

09-21-2009, 12:17 PM
There are several scripts that connect to the Lich server. I'd guess that the change to repository.lic was correct, but another script is giving you the same message. If you're using Lich > v3.57, try to following:

;rep download updater
;rep download lnet
;rep download infomon

09-22-2009, 11:59 PM
Above fix worked for me as well, though another problem popped up sometime yesterday - lnet doesn't work anymore.

I get the following error when starting the script:
--- Lich: lnet active.
--- Error: lnet: undefined local variable or method `servername' for #<Object:0x371f9dc>

I've tried the following:
1. ;rep download lnet/updater/infomon
2. Verifying that lnet.lic contains the right server name.

09-23-2009, 12:37 AM
lichnet is currently down. After lnet failed to connect, it threw out the IP it had saved, exposing a bug while trying to find a new IP. I've uploaded a new version of lnet, but it won't do much good, because the server is still down.

09-23-2009, 04:32 AM
I blame UltraWaggle

Lichnet server was up for like 6 months solid then UltraWaggle came along and it's been iffy at best ever since

09-23-2009, 08:54 AM
a few quick changes to ultrawaggle and cross for anyone that wants ultrawag to work when lnet is down (for your own characters only)

change this in ultrawaggle

mychars = ['NAME1', 'NAME2' etc.]
$uw_targets.each {|tar|
if (tar !~ /#{Char.name}/i)
message("Requesting spells from #{tar}...")
if mychars.include?("#{tar}")
$spell_info[tar] = $cross_magic["#{tar}"]
elsif (Script.hidden + Script.running).find { |script| script.name == 'lnet' }
$spell_info[tar] = lichnet_get_spells("#{tar}")

change this in crosscharcom

def lookup_crosscharcom_action(message)
if message =~ /^ BAD $/i
echo("Server says the last msg was incorrectly formatted!")
elsif message =~/magic_data_([^\d]+)/i
who = $1.sub(' ', '')
magic = Hash.new
magicarray = Array.new
data = message.sub(/[^\d]+_data_[^\d]+/i, '')
data.each('|') {|pair|
pair = pair.sub('|', '')
pair.each(' = ') {|spell|
spell = spell.sub(' = ', '')
until magicarray.length == 0
magic[magicarray.shift.to_s] = (magicarray.shift.to_f * 60).to_s
unless $cross_magic
$cross_magic = Hash.new
$cross_magic["#{who}"] = magic
elsif message =~ /spells_([^\d]+)/i
who = $1.sub(' ', '')
magic_data = []
Spell.active.each {|spell| magic_data.push("#{spell.num} \= #{spell.remaining}")}
unique_send_to_script 'crosscharcom', "#{who} magic_data_#{Char.name} #{magic_data.join('|')}"
elsif message =~ /^echo /i
echo message.sub(/echo /i, '')
elsif message =~ /^exec\s*/i

also add this to crosscharcom

def crosscom_get_spells(tar)
$cross_magic.delete_if {|peep, magic| peep == tar}
unique_send_to_script 'crosscharcom', "#{tar} spells_#{Char.name}"
until $cross_magic.has_key?("#{tar}")

09-23-2009, 06:23 PM
Works great - thanks.

I bet some people would appreciate the lnet-less version being on the repository, with mychars as a setting, and another setting to autostart crosscharcom with ultrawaggle. >.>

09-24-2009, 01:09 AM
and another setting to autostart crosscharcom with ultrawaggle. >.>


;favs add global crosscharcom

09-24-2009, 03:34 AM

;favs add global crosscharcom

Yeah, I added that and:

Much smoother results.

09-24-2009, 07:40 AM
I can log one character on fine, but when I log in Brute I get disconnected right away. Not sure if it's lich related, but I can't see anything else it would be. I don't use UltraWaggle and haven't changed anything that I know of. I was logged in fine last night. I'm at work now, so I can't really mess with it much..

Any ideas?

--- Lich v3.99 caught the connection and is active. Type ;help for usage info.

Please wait for connection to game server.
uploading settings
Welcome to GemStone IV (R) v5.10
Copyright 2009 Simutronics Corp.
All Rights Reserved

* Connection to the game has been lost. You will need to login again to continue playing.

09-24-2009, 07:49 AM
Problem solved.. just logged in with the wizard fe for a second.

Thanks Trace.