View Full Version : EXP absorbtion formula from base logic

09-01-2009, 06:45 AM
I've been looking for the exact formula for base EXP absorbtion from base Logic (I know the node/group/weapon modifiers) and have had no luck. Nothing on Kraakipedia, nothing i can find on the forums, and I don't know anything about psinet. Can someone please just post the actual formula for figuring out EXP absorbtion.

09-01-2009, 06:58 AM
Nothing on Kraakipedia,.

Directly from krakiipedia..

Logic (http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Logic) Bonus Changes -- The benefit of Logic bonus on experience absorption has been changed from a multiplier of the base amount to an addition to the base amount. When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse. For most players this will result in a small improvement while on a node and no significant change when in a hunting area.

09-01-2009, 07:06 AM
This is why retards should not post. The information on kraakipedia is not the information i am looking for. Did you give me a formula here? Do I see a mathematical formula here? Also, did I not mention in my post I know the node/group/weapon modifiers ???? Read the whole question and respond appopriately. I specifically went in detail on what I already knew and EXACTLY what I was looking for so people like you would not just chime in with "It is on Kraakipedia." Normally I wouldn't say anything, but what you did was just that retarded.

Editing to go into detail what I mean and how this was a stupid answer. Read your quote below that was posted from Kraakipedia.. in double Parenthesis is my comments.

Logic Bonus Changes -- The benefit of Logic bonus on experience absorption has been changed from a multiplier of the base amount to an addition to the base amount. (( Please re-read that line that says "in addition" to the base amount... ADDITION to the BASE amount. Is what you just posted was how much extra i get for my logic BONUS not the Logic BASE exp absorbtion. I WANT TO KNOW THE FORMULA TO FIGURE OUT MY BASE NOT FROM MY BONUS)) When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse. For most players this will result in a small improvement while on a node and no significant change when in a hunting area.

09-01-2009, 08:36 AM
This is why retards should not post.

Oh I apologize if you had said that you were a complete retard that could not ask the question you wanted the answer too I would have given you the dumbass simple answer the first time.

Ill save myself the trouble of answering your new question, as you likely still have not asked what you wish to know.

To get your BASE exp absorption.. which has NOTHING TO DO WITH LOGIC.
base = 25
field bonus = field exp / 200

The only way that could be affected by logic is that your field pool size increases with log, but it is not the "base logic" exp or whatever the fuck you think it is.

09-01-2009, 09:16 AM
This is why retards should not post. The information on kraakipedia is not the information i am looking for. Did you give me a formula here? Do I see a mathematical formula here? Also, did I not mention in my post I know the node/group/weapon modifiers ???? Read the whole question and respond appopriately. I specifically went in detail on what I already knew and EXACTLY what I was looking for so people like you would not just chime in with "It is on Kraakipedia." Normally I wouldn't say anything, but what you did was just that retarded.

Editing to go into detail what I mean and how this was a stupid answer. Read your quote below that was posted from Kraakipedia.. in double Parenthesis is my comments.

Logic Bonus Changes -- The benefit of Logic bonus on experience absorption has been changed from a multiplier of the base amount to an addition to the base amount. (( Please re-read that line that says "in addition" to the base amount... ADDITION to the BASE amount. Is what you just posted was how much extra i get for my logic BONUS not the Logic BASE exp absorbtion. I WANT TO KNOW THE FORMULA TO FIGURE OUT MY BASE NOT FROM MY BONUS)) When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse. For most players this will result in a small improvement while on a node and no significant change when in a hunting area.



09-01-2009, 12:44 PM
This is why retards should not post. The information on kraakipedia is not the information i am looking for. Did you give me a formula here? Do I see a mathematical formula here? Also, did I not mention in my post I know the node/group/weapon modifiers ???? Read the whole question and respond appopriately. I specifically went in detail on what I already knew and EXACTLY what I was looking for so people like you would not just chime in with "It is on Kraakipedia." Normally I wouldn't say anything, but what you did was just that retarded.

Editing to go into detail what I mean and how this was a stupid answer. Read your quote below that was posted from Kraakipedia.. in double Parenthesis is my comments.

Logic Bonus Changes -- The benefit of Logic bonus on experience absorption has been changed from a multiplier of the base amount to an addition to the base amount. (( Please re-read that line that says "in addition" to the base amount... ADDITION to the BASE amount. Is what you just posted was how much extra i get for my logic BONUS not the Logic BASE exp absorbtion. I WANT TO KNOW THE FORMULA TO FIGURE OUT MY BASE NOT FROM MY BONUS)) When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse. For most players this will result in a small improvement while on a node and no significant change when in a hunting area.

and who the fuck are you? 25 posts coming in here talking shit when someone responds to a poorly worded first post..... good way to get answers...

09-01-2009, 02:53 PM
This is why retards should not post...

All the info you're looking for is on krakiipedia, end of story.

09-01-2009, 04:21 PM
Below is directly from Krakiipedia....... Please read "Base rate - A number dictated by one's LOG stat. THIS is what I am looking for. I got upset because Krakiipedia DOES NOT show me what I was looking for and I worded it just fine. As seen from below I wanted the formula for the base EXP which IS based on LOG. I spent like 6 hours researching and in post from this forum on this topic everyone tries to refer them places that do not have the right answer. The way this was answered someone just said base stat is 25. That must be the max correct?

If my BASE logic is 56 right now, then how much EXP per pulse at a node am I losing if my LOG was at 85 or 95. (The bonus stat to my logic would be unchanged.)

To anebriated:

I'm sorry you got so upset that I got upset. If my only having 25 posts makes me unworthy of being upset or would somehow qualify someone such as you more, then you can fuck off yourself. I began playing this game myself back in 95.

Joseph - If you were TRULY trying to help me find my answer then I apologize. However, it seemed to me you were more interested in "proving me wrong" that something was on krakiipedia than helping me. I came to this conclusion because instead of just plain giving me an answer you had to add "Directly from krakiipedia." If you were truly trying to help I would have thought you would have just straight up given me an answer.

Experience absorption is affected by a number of factors, including one's physical location in the game, one's status with regard to a group, and even health.

Base rate - a number dictated by one's LOG stat
Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's pool, one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse
In town off-node
Base rate - a number dictated by one's LOG stat, usually a few lower than the on-node base rate
Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's pool, one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse
Weapons - carrying a weapon or shield in one's hands decreases the rate of experience absorption
Other areas
Base rate - a number dictated by one's LOG stat, usually a few lower than the in town base rate
Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's (pool - 200), one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse
Weapons - carrying a weapon or shield in one's hands decreases the rate of experience absorption

09-01-2009, 04:24 PM
read the links on the bottom of that page about the two exp updates.

and what do you mean by base logic? your current logic bonus is what matters.

09-01-2009, 04:28 PM
That is for enhanced node EXP. I am simply looking for the formula that is based off of my base LOG number. It doesn't have it anywhere in Krak.

If my Log is 56 (0) and my mind is full, no group, weapons sheathed, and in a node what will i absorp per pulse compared to if all was the same except my base logic was (85) 0 or (95) 0. Can you answer that?

09-01-2009, 04:36 PM
Taken from the first response:

When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse.

so if your logic bonus is zero your logic gives you no benefit when on a node and no benefit when off a node.

and like I said, your BONUS is what matters, so whether it's 56 (0), 85 (0) or 95 (0) due to racial modifiers, your bonus is still zero so there will be no difference with regards to xp absorption.

09-01-2009, 04:42 PM
IM NOT ASKING FOR MY BONUS. WHAT IS MY BASE. WHAT IS THE FORMULA FOR MY BASE LOGIC ABSORBTION. I know the bonus equation. I'm not looking for that. That is why I made my bonus say 0 for this post so we wouldn't have to deal with that. the 56 85 95 has alot to do with exp absorbtion. I just can't find the formula. I'm not looking for the "extra" exp from bonuses. I want to know my base rate which is based on my base logic stat.

09-01-2009, 04:43 PM
Thanks for trying to help me though :) Hopefully someone out their knows the whole formula.

09-01-2009, 06:10 PM
why not go out and fry then head back to a node. Watch the xp you get, will probably be in the 28-34 range per tick. Figured out your logic bonus/5 and subtract that from the exp/tick. That should give you a ballpark figure of your "base".

Since you require it in a formula...

XP = XP per tick while fried on a node

(XP-(Logic Bonus/5))= BASE (hint: should be around 25)

Now what I find amusing is that you say you have been around since '95. Im fairly certain thats longer than I have played(by a few years, I started around 98 or 99) and yet I cant think of more than 3-4 game formula's that are known to the population. Maybe its known, but its obviously not common knowledge as its nowhere to be found. So dont get your panties in a bunch when someone tries to post helping you out. I wasnt even upset was more shocked at the stupidity of someone who isnt known to these boards coming in feeling like King Shit but acting like a douche.

09-01-2009, 06:25 PM
I've wondered the same question myself, because Muktare is right - Krakiipedia does not tell you what the base rate is (i.e. the rate with a 0 LOG bonus) and neither does the forum post link there. Joseph may have given the answer when he said 25 for everyone (independent of LOG stat), but that would have to be the node rate and it's the first I've heard that.

I have a 25 LOG bonus (+5 to base rate in town) and I just absorbed 29 EXP on a pulse in town but not on a node while clear. Accounting for the 1-2 extra from being clear, that indicates a base rate of 22-23 for me in town. On a supernode right after that I absorbed 33, which would be in line with a base rate of 25-26.

09-01-2009, 06:32 PM
Regardless of finding whatever information you're looking for, Muktare, you are definitely retarded.

09-01-2009, 07:12 PM
I have a 25 LOG bonus (+5 to base rate in town) and I just absorbed 29 EXP on a pulse in town but not on a node while clear. Accounting for the 1-2 extra from being clear, that indicates a base rate of 22-23 for me in town. On a supernode right after that I absorbed 33, which would be in line with a base rate of 25-26.I'm pretty sure there's a XP bonus for being in town.

09-01-2009, 08:18 PM
Excellent, we are starting to dig into this more. Anebriated, I wasn't trying to come in like king shit, I was just aggravted at reading through hours of pages where all anyone ever says is "Krakiipedia says it." Or, I see a post of somenoe posting info and it says, "If you would have looked you might have found it." So, when I seen someone doing the same thing when I asked my question and pointed out it was not on Those sites it pissed me off. This is because I've seen plenty of threads now where someone asks a question and they get flamed, or treated like crap (sarcastic answers) So, When I asked a question and gave all the info I knew and somone came back posting info and remarking "yes it is on Krakiipedia" I tend to get cranky.

Bob, I'm pretty sure i've read threads where you have made some rash comments too. No biggie.

As for generic formulas we actually know tons. How to calculate AS/DS/CS/TD/ spell hinderance/armor hind/stat growth, and a ton others.

Going out and getting fried and checking my exp/ pulse is easy enough, but I am trying to figure out how much I am missing out by having such a low Logic base. This is why I needed the formula. I need to find the difference between my LOGIC base EXP Absorbtion compared to if say my base was 85 or 95. I couldn't do that unless a had a few fixstat potions lol.

At least we are on the right track in this thread though!

09-01-2009, 08:29 PM
I couldn't do that unless a had a few fixstat potions

you'd be amazed what you can do with a newb character, rats, and Tsoran's spreadsheets.

09-01-2009, 08:45 PM
At least we are on the right track in this thread though!

My gawds scroll up. I have already given you the answer to every part of exp absorption that you have not specifically listed as having known in this thread..

BASE = 25
Field = pool / 200
Logic = (Bonus/7) or (Bonus/5)

What more do you want? do I need to make a spreadsheet for you to calculate your friggin exp?

09-01-2009, 09:17 PM
So, you are saying we get the same EXP absorbtion whether our base logic score is 0 or maxxed at 100 and that base is 25 no matter what. So, crrect me if I am wrong Joseph

If I roll a character with 20 logic and another with 100 logic.... as long as their race/bonus/modifiers/mind fry are all the same.... they will then have the exact same EXP absorbtion. Thier base is always 25 regardless of the base LOGIC stat?

09-01-2009, 10:17 PM
For the third time, your logic STAT is irrelevant, only your logic BONUS matters. The reason you can't find any information on the effect of your logic STAT on experience absorption is because IT HAS NO EFFECT.

09-01-2009, 11:29 PM
So to sum up:

According to Joseph, the base is 25 for everyone. That would make this part in bold from KP inaccurate and in need of some kind of edit, right?
Experience absorption is affected by a number of factors, including one's physical location in the game, one's status with regard to a group, and even health.

* Base rate - a number dictated by one's LOG stat
* Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's pool, one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
* Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse
Or KP is right, and homey should keep on looking for an answer to what part that bold and underlined word plays.

From the looks of it, the confusion comes from being told that the answer is up on KP,
All the info you're looking for is on krakiipedia, end of story.
and then that he's wrong for subsequently repeating what's up there (again, look at the bold part).
For the third time, your logic STAT is irrelevant, only your logic BONUS matters. The reason you can't find any information on the effect of your logic STAT on experience absorption is because IT HAS NO EFFECT.

09-01-2009, 11:53 PM
Hence why I pointed you to read the links at the bottom of the page, which refer to the changes made to the xp system. But you're just listening to what you want to hear so I'm done here.

09-02-2009, 12:02 AM
I might be blind, but I don't see anything in the changes that addresses how the base rate is determined. I am not disputing that the absorption rate is base + LOGbonus/5 or base + LOGbonus/7; however, Krakiipedia's only mention of the base is that it is "dictated by" logic stat as opposed to bonus.

09-02-2009, 12:06 AM
Hence why I pointed you to read the links at the bottom of the page, which refer to the changes made to the xp system. But you're just listening to what you want to hear so I'm done here.

Cool. That would've been the answer too, if guy were asking about what effect Logic bonus has. When you come back (which you inevitably will), here's what the one relevant change post says about Logic:

Logic Bonus Changes -- The benefit of Logic bonus on experience absorption has been changed from a multiplier of the base amount to an addition to the base amount. When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse. For most players this will result in a small improvement while on a node and no significant change when in a hunting area. See that underlined part there in bold? There's that pesky base amount thing again. Which, again, is supposedly based on your Logic stat according to KP, which has all the info he needs.

09-02-2009, 12:07 AM
Bob beat me to it.

09-02-2009, 12:47 AM
So, you are saying we get the same EXP absorbtion whether our base logic score is 0 or maxxed at 100 and that base is 25 no matter what. So, crrect me if I am wrong Joseph

If I roll a character with 20 logic and another with 100 logic.... as long as their race/bonus/modifiers/mind fry are all the same.... they will then have the exact same EXP absorbtion. Thier base is always 25 regardless of the base LOGIC stat?

YES, oh my gawd he learned how to read.

09-02-2009, 02:43 AM
Thanks bob and yes.

So Joseph, is what you are saying is that Krakiipedia is wrong. There is no "experience based on the base stat of LOG" as dictated on the very site you refered to as your answer. In fact, the site you referenced in the frist post was indeed wrong and base LOG is NOT a factor in the BASE stat of EXP absorbtion. Everyone has a base stat of 25 no matter what their base LOG is.

09-02-2009, 03:46 AM
in the BASE stat of EXP absorbtion.

My Gs is broke...

I don't have an exp stat.

09-02-2009, 04:58 AM
Thanks bob and yes.

So Joseph, is what you are saying is that Krakiipedia is wrong. There is no "experience based on the base stat of LOG" as dictated on the very site you refered to as your answer. In fact, the site you referenced in the frist post was indeed wrong and base LOG is NOT a factor in the BASE stat of EXP absorbtion. Everyone has a base stat of 25 no matter what their base LOG is.

NO, what I am saying is that Krakiipedia is indeed correct, it has an OLD post and an UPDATE to that post.

09-02-2009, 06:21 AM
NO, what I am saying is that Krakiipedia is indeed correct, it has an OLD post and an UPDATE to that post.

Eye's bumped you to bubbles ~ Plural.

09-02-2009, 07:00 AM
I think the confusion comes with these two entires:


Base rate - a number dictated by one's LOG stat
Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's pool, one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse



Logic Bonus Changes -- The benefit of Logic bonus on experience absorption has been changed from a multiplier of the base amount to an addition to the base amount. When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse. For most players this will result in a small improvement while on a node and no significant change when in a hunting area.

....and the two definitions of the word "bonus." We have

1) Bonus as in a number derived from the LOG stat, 25 here --> [LOG: 100 (25)]
2) Bonus as in the pure definition of the word...an addition or modifier in an equation.

The "benefit of Logic bonus" spoken of in the update actually refers to the "Base rate - As dictated by one's logic stat." Think of it as a bonus from the stat, not the stat's bonus. You're talking about the same thing, its just semantics getting in the way.

09-02-2009, 02:51 PM
25 is the base rate for a node in town but not a supernode.
27 is the base rate for a supernode.
23 is the base rate for in town but not on a node.
16 is the base rate for outside of town.

I just tested them all using a fresh and clear character (close to belled so no pool bonus) with empty hands, no injuries, and subtracting the appropriate number from my LOG bonus (bonus / 5 inside town and bonus / 7 outside town)

09-02-2009, 03:42 PM
Good stuff. Hey doctor, what was your guys stats? Just curious.

Elcid - Good point as they could have been using bonus in a defferent way, but then they made it even more confusing by saying the word EXTRA. They said the bonus of experience will be in addidtion to instead of multiplied and then said you will absorb EXTRA which would mean they weren't talking about base exp lol. However, if it seems everyone is getting a base of 25 at a node no matter what their stat is then we know LOG plays no role is base EXP absorbtion.

Logic Bonus Changes -- The benefit of Logic bonus on experience absorption has been changed from a multiplier of the base amount to an addition to the base amount. When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse. When in a hunting area, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse. For most players this will result in a small improvement while on a node and no significant change when in a hunting area.

09-03-2009, 12:46 AM
91 LOG stat with a bonus of +25

05-01-2019, 02:55 AM
I think the above numbers are wrong and that these are the proper numbers...

25 is the base rate for a node in town but not a supernode.
27 is the base rate for a supernode.
22 is the base rate for in town but not on a node.
19 is the base rate for outside of town.


Posted the above info first for TLDR purposes.

I've noticed some crazy results happening, the worst of which is out in the field when your pool is almost empty.

I also got different results when doing my testing as a result of trying to clarify some wording on the wiki. I accounted for logic bonus (set my logic to 0 on the test character and the numbers were the same for a character with a logic bonus of 19) and all other known variables.


Started at clear as a bell. Killed a creature that got me 40 XP. Absorbed 20, then 16, then 3, then 1. This was while out in the field with empty hands.


While sitting at a table...

You absorb 27 experience points.
You absorb 26 experience points.
You absorb 27 experience points.

I feel the testing for this is better done at a fried state because the above numbers were always the same no matter the situation.