View Full Version : requesting a script snippet
100% Wool
03-05-2004, 05:03 PM
i just started learning how to script a couple of days ago and made my own hunting script it works fine even though its really basic not complex at all.
I was wondering if someone can let me know/teach me/ or post a snippet of part of a script that will find out if I'm on the floor or not and if I am to stand or cast 1107
oh yea quick question
is it possible to have
a match, a matchwait and a GOTO command
put look
match TEST Sorry, you may only type ahead
goto checkroom
like if I see that line,it would go back to test
but if I don't see that line than it would goto checkroom
anyway thanks in advance
03-05-2004, 05:07 PM
Just match the correct string to checkroom, what you're trying to do isn't possible.
Also, post your script and where you want it to test lying down.
03-05-2004, 05:10 PM
Statusprompt flag has like a P if you're lying down, mebbe you could use that.
03-05-2004, 05:14 PM
I don't think prompts will get recognized.
<--- doesn't use prompts anyway.
03-05-2004, 05:17 PM
put look
match TEST Sorry, you may only type ahead
goto checkroom
put look
MATCH TEST Sorry, you may only type ahead
that would work
100% Wool
03-05-2004, 05:33 PM
[Edited on 3-6-2004 by 100% Wool]
03-05-2004, 05:58 PM
If you don't mind looking dumb, you can have it put a flail in. It has different messaging for being down.
Or you could do it the dumb way and use "rest". But that will look so much less cooler.
03-05-2004, 06:01 PM
Or try to walk away and do a match for You will have to stand up first or crawl there.'
100% Wool
03-05-2004, 06:08 PM
ah thanks guys i'll fix it up now
100% Wool
03-05-2004, 09:29 PM
I made a totally new script for this area
Can someone tell me whats wrong with this part? I can't seem to know what I'm doing wrong.
pause 1
match DEAD2 The wood sprite's eyes dim
match DEAD2 The wood sprite's eyes grow dim
match DEAD2 The internal skeletal structure
put prep 1106
put channel sprite
match ATTACK2 Sorry, you may
match ATTACK2 only type ahead
match ATTACK2 Please wait
match ATTACK2 Roundtime:
match ATTACK2 Wait
match ATTACK2 ...wait
match ATTACK2 Seemingly from nowhere, a wood sprite wanders in!
match DEAD2 A little bit late for that don't you think?
match R%c I could not find
match R%c What were you referring to?
match YES Cast at what?
match wand wand
match orb orb
match scroll scroll
match amulet amulet
match diamond diamond
match emerald emerald
match lapis lapis lazuli
match opal opal
match pearl pearl
match ruby ruby
match sapphire sapphire
match shell shell
match topaz topaz
match coral coral
match amber amber
match amethyst amethyst
match bloodstone bloodstone
match gem gem
match crystal crystal
match jasper jasper
match moonstone moonstone
match glimaerstone glimaerstone
match stone stone
match broke1 It had nothing else of value.
match broke1 It had nothing of interest.
match R%c I could not find
match R%c What were you referring to?
match checkroom Geez! It's still alive! Not a good time for that.
matchwait 1
put search sprite
waitfor You search
put look
goto checkroom
The problem I'm having is after I kill it
it doesn't search the monster. What am I missing?
03-06-2004, 12:35 AM
Couple of things.
There is no R%c label, and I can't find anything in your script that sets the %c variable anyway. So... I'm not sure what type of function you want to put into this section of the script. Might be a room movement script.
Everything else under ATTACK2 looks fine, just be aware that it won't match any of the strings you've listed until it gets to the matchwait. Might want to put the Prep 1106, Channel Sprite line right before the matchwait line, and make sure to list all the matches in the order you would want the system to check for them.
Dead2: you should have the search right before the matchwait, and you shouldn't need to use a waitfor.
pause 1
match DEAD2 The wood sprite's eyes dim
match DEAD2 The wood sprite's eyes grow dim
match DEAD2 The internal skeletal structure
match ATTACK2 Sorry, you may
match ATTACK2 only type ahead
match ATTACK2 Please wait
match ATTACK2 Roundtime:
match ATTACK2 Wait
match ATTACK2 ...wait
match ATTACK2 Seemingly from nowhere, a wood sprite wanders in!
match DEAD2 A little bit late for that don't you think?
match R%c I could not find
match R%c What were you referring to?
match YES Cast at what?
put prep 1106
put channel sprite
match wand wand
match orb orb
match scroll scroll
match amulet amulet
match diamond diamond
match emerald emerald
match lapis lapis lazuli
match opal opal
match pearl pearl
match ruby ruby
match sapphire sapphire
match shell shell
match topaz topaz
match coral coral
match amber amber
match amethyst amethyst
match bloodstone bloodstone
match gem gem
match crystal crystal
match jasper jasper
match moonstone moonstone
match glimaerstone glimaerstone
match stone stone
match broke1 It had nothing else of value.
match broke1 It had nothing of interest.
match R%c I could not find
match R%c What were you referring to?
match checkroom Geez! It's still alive! Not a good time for that.
put search sprite
put look
goto checkroom
100% Wool
03-06-2004, 01:19 AM
ah thanks a bundle Nakiro that fixxed it just fine
It was only a part of the script that was going wrong so I only posted that part,but yea your changes really helped, thanks a lot
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