View Full Version : poop on this!
08-24-2009, 10:40 PM
24 hr auction @ 1 copper starting point on this piece of shit... Cause I already wasted like 20g trying to list it with actual prices.
the helm... (
08-24-2009, 11:16 PM
Someone needs to make a character on my server just so they can save up and buy this POS helm I wasted mats on.... I cannot believe how ... unwanted the thing is.
08-25-2009, 03:34 AM
lol @ clickers
08-25-2009, 09:02 AM
Eh I don't click, I use 1-0. But yeah I am slower then you die hard play 10 hrs a day PVP/raid guys.
08-25-2009, 11:37 AM
Never do Auctions with no buyout = Fail. Always undercut the person by 1-10copper. It will put you at the top of the list and then people think that's the going rate for the helmet so they won't mind buying it.
Not very good at MMO's, are you.
08-25-2009, 01:30 PM
Not very good at MMO's, are you.
Funniest post I've read in a long time. Two thumbs up, :yes:
08-25-2009, 02:07 PM
An auction with no buyout? WTF.
Some merchant YOU are!
08-25-2009, 06:15 PM
Sure looks like you've got your UI mapped out nice there. lol.
08-25-2009, 06:21 PM
Man you people are dense. Did you read the line before the picture? Here is some more explanation since the first line didn't make it through the thick skulls you neanderthals were born with.
I have held onto this helm for over 2 months at least, listing it around 4-5 times. And trying to list it in trade chat for like a week at prices 1/2 the rate of the AH. No one wants it. NO ONE ON THE SERVER USES THE FUCKING THING. Hence I put it up for 1 copper to see how high it went and that is about as high as it got. And then I cancelled the auction, OMG>!!LK!_*!@!@4-8
So I am still stuck with a POS. The only mistake I made was crafting the fucking helm in the first place.
Notice the gold in my bag? Over 5k of that was in the last 24 hours when I tried to empty my personal guild bank of junk I wasn't using. All done using normal every day tactics on the AH like undercutting by a little bit.
08-25-2009, 06:22 PM
5k is nothing.
08-25-2009, 06:22 PM
Sure looks like you've got your UI mapped out nice there. lol.
You must be really bored. Was this actually supposed to be an insult or something?
08-25-2009, 06:23 PM
5k is nothing.
You sir, are nothing. Try again.
08-25-2009, 06:24 PM
Man you people are dense. Did you read the line before the picture? Here is some more explanation since the first line didn't make it through the thick skulls you neanderthals were born with.
I have held onto this helm for over 2 months at least, listing it around 4-5 times. And trying to list it in trade chat for like a week at prices 1/2 the rate of the AH. No one wants it. NO ONE ON THE SERVER USES THE FUCKING THING. Hence I put it up for 1 copper to see how high it went and that is about as high as it got. And then I cancelled the auction, OMG>!!LK!_*!@!@4-8
So I am still stuck with a POS. The only mistake I made was crafting the fucking helm in the first place.
Notice the gold in my bag? Over 5k of that was in the last 24 hours when I tried to empty my personal guild bank of junk I wasn't using. All done using normal every day tactics on the AH like undercutting by a little bit.
You're bragging about 8k gold?
Holy shit you crack me up.
08-25-2009, 06:24 PM
You must be really bored. Was this actually supposed to be an insult or something?
Merely to say your UI is rubbish, and by the looks of things, unless your MARVO THE MYSTERY MAN, you don't have anywhere close to all your combat abilities mapped.
08-25-2009, 06:27 PM
Merely to say your UI is rubbish, and by the looks of things, unless your MARVO THE MYSTERY MAN, you don't have anywhere close to all your combat abilities mapped.
Fucks sake Stay, please don't question his authoritae. He is the Game Meister.
He knows more than you me and the rest of the 9 million players of wow combined. He is omnipotent.
08-25-2009, 06:27 PM
You're bragging about 8k gold?
Holy shit you crack me up.
Damn bitch, where in world did get from my post that I was bragging about 8k in gold?
08-25-2009, 06:28 PM
the part where you said "Notice the gold in my bag?"
Fucking handbag, more like.
BTW, keep calling me a bitch, it means I am succeeding.
08-25-2009, 06:29 PM
Fucks sake Stay, please don't question his authoritae. He is the Game Meister.
He knows more than you me and the rest of the 9 million players of wow combined. He is omnipotent.
08-25-2009, 06:31 PM
OK changing this thread to talk about me, which is far more interesting.
I am levelling up a paladin, mainly for the gold so I can get my three-seater elephant mount, but am having a blast doing it.
I got jumped by a 56 paladin and a 56 shaman today, one after the other - my paladin is 52. Gauntlet pvp I believe it's called, fights directly after each other with no break.
Fucked them both over. Deeeeeeestroyed the pair of them. Laugh? Nearly went to Ethopia.
08-25-2009, 06:32 PM
Merely to say your UI is rubbish, and by the looks of things, unless your MARVO THE MYSTERY MAN, you don't have anywhere close to all your combat abilities mapped.
Do you even play anymore? Please tell me wtf I am missing. Nothing.
08-25-2009, 06:34 PM
Apart from better bags? Or how about hot-keyed abilities beyond 1-0 (lol)?
You could make the game miles smoother as well with a few simple addons.
08-25-2009, 06:38 PM
the part where you said "Notice the gold in my bag?"
Fucking handbag, more like.
BTW, keep calling me a bitch, it means I am succeeding.
You seem to infer too much from everything based on your opinion of me. Fuck off. I mentioned the bag and 5k as a means of showing how much was made from a few of my items selling in a day. Not to brag that I had 8k in my possession at the time, or to say it was an awesome amount.
If I were to brag about my gold, it would be not only what I had for spending money in my bag, and the money I made in the last day but all the shit I have stored in the bank, and on my alts. I would have put everything in one bag, and said OMG, lookit me! And it could have been the 277k limit or whatever it is, and you guys would still be fucking around and calling me an idiot.
Get a life. Or lose the one you have.
08-25-2009, 06:39 PM
Haha someone's getting emotional again.
08-25-2009, 06:44 PM
Apart from better bags? Or how about hot-keyed abilities beyond 1-0 (lol)?
You could make the game miles smoother as well with a few simple addons.
Um, I prefer my 20 slot bags to the 22 slot bags. Huge waste to try and get those.
As far as hotkeys, when I decide to do something beyond dailies and PVP or raid, I might get something different set up.
As far as addons, I have around 6-7 atm, most of which you cannot see in that screenshot. And the only reason I would have to add more is if/when I start raids.
But that isn't what you meant at first. You said I was lacking in DK abilities being used. I am missing jack shit. So shove it.
08-25-2009, 06:45 PM
Haha someone's getting emotional again.
If only you could see my tears. They are ruining my keyboard.
08-25-2009, 06:47 PM
But that isn't what you meant at first. You said I was lacking in DK abilities being used. I am missing jack shit. So shove it.
Pretty sure I know what I meant, as I wrote it.
And what I meant was you don't have even some basic stuff hotkeyed. You'd get fucked in any kind of moderate PVP action. Were you playing any other class I doubt you would have lasted as long (as DK's carry mediocre players).
As for raiding, or even HCing, I'd lol at a tank with no hot keys.
08-25-2009, 06:51 PM
Merely to say your UI is rubbish, and by the looks of things, unless your MARVO THE MYSTERY MAN, you don't have anywhere close to all your combat abilities mapped.
Here let me quote that again.
Now we know that combat abilities means "bags with two more slots, hot keys, and addons."
08-25-2009, 06:53 PM
Er yes it does. Mapping your abilities doesn't mean putting them in the little squares, you cretin. It means KEY MAPPING AKA, hot keys.
08-25-2009, 09:56 PM
Man you people are dense. Did you read the line before the picture? Here is some more explanation since the first line didn't make it through the thick skulls you neanderthals were born with.
I have held onto this helm for over 2 months at least, listing it around 4-5 times. And trying to list it in trade chat for like a week at prices 1/2 the rate of the AH. No one wants it. NO ONE ON THE SERVER USES THE FUCKING THING. Hence I put it up for 1 copper to see how high it went and that is about as high as it got. And then I cancelled the auction, OMG>!!LK!_*!@!@4-8
So I am still stuck with a POS. The only mistake I made was crafting the fucking helm in the first place.
Notice the gold in my bag? Over 5k of that was in the last 24 hours when I tried to empty my personal guild bank of junk I wasn't using. All done using normal every day tactics on the AH like undercutting by a little bit.
Maybe we're laughing at lots of little things regarding this because we felt mocking you for trying to sell the same item 4-5 times would be too easy. Thanks for proving me wrong, since there was plenty to mock you about.
Why did you make an item with so many mats without looking to see if this was something people wanted in the first place? Seems like a major waste of time and money. But you have 8k in gold?! You can afford it, so.... not sure what you're bitching about. Just vendor the fucking thing and move on or hand it to an enchanter so that they can disenchant it and then you can sell that. Other options are better than coming here to get tortured.
08-26-2009, 10:08 AM
I don't have any ui add ons. I feel line I'm cheating if I add anything. I would like to have all my combat options available...
08-26-2009, 10:16 AM
AD you're fucking incredible. God I had you pegged so long ago.
You're an emotional basket-case, so I can see why you're into gaming so much; I can't imagine having to interact with you in real life. It's just a shame you're so horrible at gaming too.
08-26-2009, 10:59 AM
Er yes it does. Mapping your abilities doesn't mean putting them in the little squares, you cretin. It means KEY MAPPING AKA, hot keys.
Hey.. I only use the Default UI and Titan Panels because I like to see the Gold instead of looking in my backpack.
Oh and I use Healbot.
Other than that I use 1-0 and QWEFTY
I'm 1990 5s Rating and Main Healer for my guild.
08-26-2009, 01:00 PM
Healers are not DPS. Most healers ARE clickers. I was a clicker, HEALBOT junky priest.
Try clicking as DPS/Tank though.
08-26-2009, 01:16 PM
Healers are not DPS. Most healers ARE clickers. I was a clicker, HEALBOT junky priest.
Try clicking as DPS/Tank though.
To be fair, he isnt DPS or a tank he demonstrated in his other threads.
08-26-2009, 01:18 PM
To be fair, he isnt DPS or a tank he demonstrated in his other threads.
:lol: Win!
08-26-2009, 01:37 PM
Yeah, healers are such clickers there's an addon called Clique which has functionality pretty much only for them.
08-26-2009, 02:33 PM
I boomkin using 1-5 and just Q and I'm 4.1k dps
I've done feral at 3k pre ulduar with 1-7 and QF.
Although I think I might have missed the point, are we talking about clicking or using 1-0 and QWEFT with your fingers instead of macros and nifty UI addons?
Maybe we're laughing at lots of little things regarding this because we felt mocking you for trying to sell the same item 4-5 times would be too easy. Thanks for proving me wrong, since there was plenty to mock you about.
Why did you make an item with so many mats without looking to see if this was something people wanted in the first place? Seems like a major waste of time and money. But you have 8k in gold?! You can afford it, so.... not sure what you're bitching about. Just vendor the fucking thing and move on or hand it to an enchanter so that they can disenchant it and then you can sell that. Other options are better than coming here to get tortured.
The hilarious thing is he did ask
I specifically advised him not to make that item and explained why over 3 months ago.
08-26-2009, 03:26 PM
Healers are not DPS. Most healers ARE clickers. I was a clicker, HEALBOT junky priest.
Try clicking as DPS/Tank though.
I tanked all of the bosses in 25man naxx (except on grobb I had to use the S key too since you gotta walk backwards) with just my mouse once to shut up a jackass warrior tank that sucked miserably. It was after I tanked it in DPS gear because we were bored thought. I suppose I could have mapped a mouse key to move backwards.
I quit before Ulduar though, I imagine it's just as mindlessly easy as any other raid since the early EQ days (save parts of POT! =( )
08-26-2009, 05:30 PM
I boomkin using 1-5 and just Q and I'm 4.1k dps
I've done feral at 3k pre ulduar with 1-7 and QF.
Although I think I might have missed the point, are we talking about clicking or using 1-0 and QWEFT with your fingers instead of macros and nifty UI addons?
You missed the whole point entirely. It isn't about key binding. It is about making fun of me. Get with the program.
The hilarious thing is he did ask
I specifically advised him not to make that item and explained why over 3 months ago.
I only asked that question because I had already made the helm, and was wondering why it hadn't sold as quickly as the other two helms. I made one of each. As well as the boots for tank and dps. It was only after I encountered trouble selling the thing that I came to ask about it.
So wrong again... Bitch.
08-26-2009, 05:34 PM
To be fair, he isnt DPS or a tank he demonstrated in his other threads.
I don't DPS and I don't PVP. I do however tank, and the first and only time I have had an opportunity to do it in something other than an instance, in Naxx, I did as well or better then the other warrior tank who'd been around far longer than I. And I did it using 1-0 keys and clicking.
Bitch. (This word will end every reply I have in this thread from now on BTW, because that's all you people do is bitch and insult.)
08-26-2009, 05:40 PM
Bitch. (This word will end every reply I have in this thread from now on BTW, because that's all you people do is bitch and insult.)
08-26-2009, 05:56 PM
I don't DPS and I don't PVP. I do however tank, and the first and only time I have had an opportunity to do it in something other than an instance, in Naxx, I did as well or better then the other warrior tank who'd been around far longer than I. And I did it using 1-0 keys and clicking.
Bitch. (This word will end every reply I have in this thread from now on BTW, because that's all you people do is bitch and insult.)
That's fine by me.
Stupid. (This word will end every reply I have in this thread from now on BTW, because all you do is stupid.)
I only asked that question because I had already made the helm, and was wondering why it hadn't sold as quickly as the other two helms. I made one of each. As well as the boots for tank and dps. It was only after I encountered trouble selling the thing that I came to ask about it.
So wrong again... Bitch.
My bad I assumed you were asking the questions before you had actually made the items because that would actually be a logical sequence of events. I forgot you do things then after fucking it up do you're crying in the form of questions.
08-26-2009, 09:28 PM
I only asked that question because I had already made the helm, and was wondering why it hadn't sold as quickly as the other two helms. I made one of each. As well as the boots for tank and dps. It was only after I encountered trouble selling the thing that I came to ask about it.
So wrong again... Bitch.
So g++ gave you the benefit of the doubt and thought you were asking but had already made it without knowing if it was worth it?
:lol: :rofl: :lol:
Epic fail. Stoopid.
As far as bags I tend to agree with AD, aside from the free 22 slot bag I dont see a reason to spend thousands of gold upgrading my item capacity by 2 per bag in my bank or on my person. As far as key binds....imo anyone that doesnt use bartender prolly doesnt actually keybind shit properly because its too hard to get your keybinds right on the fly with the default UI...Downloading bartender is a good way to instantly become a slightly better player. I have also seen a video of a tank doing 25 man fire fighter clicking like a mother hey to each their own...I personally think clicking is a huge delay factor and definately lethal in pvp but people do it successfully in pve...I have seen tape.
08-27-2009, 09:23 AM
I have 4 bars (normal, CTRL+, ALT+, SHIFT+) of 12 buttons each keybound. To be fair, one of those bars (SHIFT+) is hidden and only relates to non-combat activities, like mounts and professions. However, every potential combat ability I use is keybound. I only ever NEED Shadowfiend once or twice in a whole raid, but pressing ALT+= is much easier than searching my bars for it, and doesn't lower my dps like it does for those who have to search.
And priests have relatively few things to worry about - a hunter, for example, has like 70 different aspects to take care of, and, until recently, shamans had to keep track of many different totems (and still do if they want any flexibility), all things which need to be keybound.
Some Rogue
08-27-2009, 09:42 AM
So you can remember the keybinds of every potential combat ability across three or four characters, but you can't remember where on the bars they are and have to search every time?
It's a preference for the most part. I have too many characters to try and remember them all, so I just click. I've never had a problem tanking or dps'ing like that.
08-27-2009, 09:42 AM
Maybe that's why you suck. :P
08-27-2009, 09:43 AM
And yes, my mind is more prone to tactile memory than visual memory.
Some Rogue
08-27-2009, 09:52 AM
Sucked so bad that I out dps'd you...hmm. What's that say about you??
08-27-2009, 10:03 AM
Sucked so bad that I pressed the button harder than you...hmm. What's that say about you??
You have great fingers skillz?! :)
I dont think the problem with clicking is necessarily a huge time difference between using binds I think the biggest factor is in pvp when your moving with your mouse. If you move with your mouse, and you pretty much have to, and your clicking you have to stop dead in your tracks and get face rolled to click an ability which is the major reason I bind everything. Like if you play a mage and stop to click ice block while kiting a dk...your prolly gonna die before you get your mouse to the button because you wont be moving while your going for the selection.
08-27-2009, 10:46 AM
You have great fingers skillz?! :)
That's what she said.
On topic - I keep my right hand on my mouse to move, and my left on QWER. Stuff all around those keys are bound to the abilities I use most. Stuff I only use rarely gets clicked.
08-27-2009, 11:17 AM
That's what she said.
On topic - I keep my right hand on my mouse to move, and my left on QWER. Stuff all around those keys are bound to the abilities I use most. Stuff I only use rarely gets clicked.
I'm pretty much the same way.. I put the skills I use most on my 1 through 0 bars so I can simply push the button. I move with mouse and the arrow keys (QWER R 4 L0S3RS)
08-27-2009, 11:20 AM
Wait, does this mean Nekk is a keyboard turner? It would explain so much.
And yeah, I play a gimped class, you play a class where 70% of your 5k dps is from white damage. Auto-attack ftw, apparently.
Some Rogue
08-27-2009, 11:26 AM
Wait, does this mean Nekk is a keyboard turner? It would explain so much.
And yeah, I play a gimped class, you play a class where 70% of your 5k dps is from white damage. Auto-attack ftw, apparently.
All I am hearing are excuses..and not an I'm sorry.
What exactly would need to be explained anyway? That I could figure out how to use a mouse and keyboard to move and didn't stand in the fire and still was able to compete on the dps meters?
08-27-2009, 11:27 AM
Wait, does this mean Nekk is a keyboard turner? It would explain so much.
And yeah, I play a gimped class, you play a class where 70% of your 5k dps is from white damage. Auto-attack ftw, apparently.
I don't understand how your damage is not much higher. You aren't doing something right.. maybe cliping your dots or something.
It's not your gear or your spec.. so it has to be your rotation.
Some Rogue
08-27-2009, 11:39 AM
I don't understand how your damage is not much higher. You aren't doing something right.. maybe cliping your dots or something.
It's not your gear or your spec.. so it has to be your rotation.
I believe this is called L2P.
08-27-2009, 11:58 AM
Wait, does this mean Nekk is a keyboard turner? It would explain so much.
Easiest HK I ever got was your good self.
And yeah, I play a gimped class, you play a class where 70% of your 5k dps is from white damage. Auto-attack ftw, apparently.
Everyone thinks their class is gimped.
08-30-2009, 05:45 PM
I was clipping my Vampiric Touches for awhile. And my mind flays, but no longer. Not clipping mind flay is more important than getting a mind blast on cool down, now, but it wasn't always so.
I think my biggest problem is I'm conservative in my priorities - I always push to survive fights more than push dps. I'm first out of the fire and then, because of the nature of dots, I have to reapply everything if I run too long to get situated. I'm often top of the meters on Emelon where I just stand there and watch my timers. Been pushing 5k there.
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