View Full Version : Champions Online

That Jay
08-22-2009, 12:43 AM
Pierre Du Chevalier was a street performer in Paris barely scraping by on the meager donations to his art, when he was accosted by a savage band of Birthday Party Clowns. Afterward he raged to the heavens (silently of course) vowing that he had had enough. He would never again be trapped in an invisible box or caught walking against the wind. That day the ANGRY MIME was born!

08-22-2009, 09:31 AM

That Jay
08-22-2009, 10:05 AM
Just one of the characters I created for the beta. :)

08-22-2009, 01:53 PM
Got a link to the game Jay?

Anyway to get a key still?


08-22-2009, 02:36 PM
i loved making characters in CoX

Includding the pink clad katana wielding scrapper...THE SASSY SAMURAI

...and the evil french canadian logger turned brute...Le Bucheron (the lumberjack)

08-22-2009, 04:42 PM
Beta ends on the 24th, but you can hit fileplanet to get in until then. I'm having a blast with it, probably gonna do the 6 month option.


08-24-2009, 02:49 PM
I got into the closed beta awhile ago; it was fun for awhile, but quickly lost appeal. I stuck around until the "boost yourself to Lv40 and go PVP crazy" day, and half the builds were completely broken, half were completely, completely overpowered, and a lot of the ones I liked (telekinesis/etc) weren't properly implemented yet.

I doubt I'll buy it, but they definitely improved on some mistakes they made in CoH. In the end, though, it feels like yet-another makeover on the same, tired MMO; created with only a shred of originality, challenges none of your preconceptions about what makes an MMO.

I'm waiting for something radically different. Like Jumpgate: Evolution. Maybe Star Trek Online (made by the people making Champions Online).

08-24-2009, 05:21 PM
I got into the closed beta awhile ago; it was fun for awhile, but quickly lost appeal. I stuck around until the "boost yourself to Lv40 and go PVP crazy" day, and half the builds were completely broken, half were completely, completely overpowered, and a lot of the ones I liked (telekinesis/etc) weren't properly implemented yet.

I doubt I'll buy it, but they definitely improved on some mistakes they made in CoH. In the end, though, it feels like yet-another makeover on the same, tired MMO; created with only a shred of originality, challenges none of your preconceptions about what makes an MMO.

I'm waiting for something radically different. Like Jumpgate: Evolution. Maybe Star Trek Online (made by the people making Champions Online).

That's what i expected, the quickly losing appeal thing. CoX are super, super fun for like a month and then they just get so god damn repetitive...even by MMO standards.

But making the characters is awesome, and running around being all super powery...i'm sure i'll try the game eventually, and likely do what I did with CoX. Activate for a while, make some new heros and kick around till it gets worn out, then cancel.

hell i want to buy it now just t ouse the tunneling travel power. Moley Mole Moleman to the rescue!