View Full Version : Companions!!

08-19-2009, 09:30 AM
Show off your companion here!!!

[I just got to this level of affinity today!]

You gaze admiringly at your friend and companion, the black seahawk, which gazes back at you with strong admiration.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

A golden-eyed black seahawk soars high overhead, lazily gliding up and down in the gentlest of breezes. The large and powerful wings dominate the picturesque view of the seahawk as she performs swift aerial stunts.

Regal and aloof, the seahawk outwardly displays no interest in her surroundings except for her large keen eyes, which flick to and fro, following the slightest movement. Occasionally, she stretches her impressive wings to their full span and leans back and forth on her cruelly hooked claws. While a golden-eyed black seahawk appears docile enough at the moment, she would clearly be a formidable ally or opponent.

08-19-2009, 10:15 AM
A silver-shaded silky black panther saunters in.
>describe panther
Supported by a finely muscled legs and balanced by a thick tail, the panther's frame is slender and sinuous. Like fireflies rising from the shadows of nightfall, her vivid yellow eyes gleam in contrast to her glistening coat of silky black fur. Tempered with lowlights of blue, the feline's coat shimmers with the smooth, silvery ebon hue of a healthy and conditioned animal, and the curl of her lip reveals perfect white teeth.

08-19-2009, 10:25 AM
I went for a very...minimalistic approach.

A crow glides into view.

>desc crow
The crow flies overhead.

>tell comp to land
Your thoughts drift outward and reach your companion and express the desire that he land.

A crow glides in and makes a perfect landing.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

>desc crow
The crow's black feathers are slightly disheveled, but otherwise it appears to be a regular crow.

>tell comp to sleep
You force a feeling of indolence out along your link to your companion and feel him begin to slowly sink into a slumber.
A crow pulls his wings over his head and begins to nap.
>desc crow
The crow is sleeping.

08-19-2009, 11:56 AM
Nice panther Zhel

08-19-2009, 02:33 PM
You gaze admiringly at your friend and companion, the jet black gyrfalcon, which returns your look along with a solid feeling of fellowship.

A grey-winged jet black gyrfalcon soars high overhead, lazily gliding up and down in the gentlest of breezes. The large and powerful wings dominate the picturesque view of the gyrfalcon as he performs swift aerial stunts.

Regal and aloof, the gyrfalcon outwardly displays no interest in his surroundings except for his large keen eyes, which flick to and fro, following the slightest movement. Occasionally, he stretches his impressive wings to their full span and leans back and forth on his cruelly hooked claws. While a grey-winged jet black gyrfalcon appears docile enough at the moment, he would clearly be a formidable ally or opponent.

08-19-2009, 02:38 PM
Here's Gruff - his alteration is largely based on the default description:

An enormous brown mastiff saunters in.

The large canine appears closely related to his domestic cousins, but his proud carriage, ease of movement, and the feral gleam of intelligence in his cloudy green eyes speak of a far wilder nature. The brown mastiff has a square head, long flopping ears, a wide jawline, and giant paws that meet the ground beneath a muscular and powerful frame. Nearly four feet tall at the shoulders, he could be a difficult opponent or a powerful friend.

The mastiff sprawls in his sleep, his closed eyes nearly completely hidden beneath the folds of wrinkles that crease his forehead. Occasionally his floppy ears or enormous paws twitch restlessly, their movement usually accompanied by an impressively deep snore.


I was AFK running to the portals recently and forgot I had a bandit task. After a bandit stunned Gray and plinked him to death, it went after Gruff:

An elven bandit swings a ball and chain at an enormous brown mastiff!
AS: +446 vs DS: +689 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +88 = -138
A clean miss.

[Script]><Rescuer> picks up a portal ticket.
<Rescuer> put a portal ticket in her lavender silk cloak.

>l[Sylvarraend Road]
The road widens slightly, as trees begin to press closer to the edges of the cobblestones. Twin grooves have been worn in the stones, evidence that wagons travel frequently on the road. You also see a glum solar spirit that is flying around, a silver-inlaid black locker manifest, an enormous brown mastiff and an elven bandit.
Also here: Lady <Rescuer>
Obvious paths: south, northwest

><Rescuer> picks up a silver-inlaid black locker manifest.
<Rescuer> put a silver-inlaid black locker manifest in her lavender silk cloak.

>An elven bandit shouts, "Die, ya ratsbane!"

>An enormous brown mastiff charges forward and snaps his jaws at an elven bandit! The brown mastiff's jaws snap closed with the elven bandit between them!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike pierces calf!
It is knocked to the ground!
The elven bandit is stunned!

>l[Sylvarraend Road]
The road widens slightly, as trees begin to press closer to the edges of the cobblestones. Twin grooves have been worn in the stones, evidence that wagons travel frequently on the road. You also see a glum solar spirit that is flying around, an enormous brown mastiff and an elven bandit that appears stunned.
Also here: Lady <Rescuer>
Obvious paths: south, northwest

><Rescuer> reaches down and tenderly cradles your lifeless hand in hers.
>Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .

[Hall of Patrons, Vestibule]
Cool marble floors and frescoed walls enclose this spacious entryway. Candlelight flickers brightly from brass wall sconces, illuminating the area and seamless marble columns support a large archway to the north, opening into a large rotunda. To the south, large gated doors stand open.
Also here: Lady <Rescuer>
Obvious exits: north, east

><Rescuer> wipes the sweat from her brow.

08-19-2009, 07:54 PM
An emerald-eyed golden brown jaguar saunters in.
>look jagu

You see a fairly typical golden brown jaguar.
She appears to be in good shape.
She has some delicate ivy-twined soft leather paw-wraps clasped with tiny emerald leaves (worn).

>desc jagu
The powerful, sleek-bodied jaguar returns your attention with a challenging, even stare. Black rosettes pattern her muscular flanks, which are otherwise colored an intense golden brown hue like desert sand in shadow. Her coat is perfectly pristine except for the tips of her padded front paws, where dried bloodstains make the area around the retractile claws reddish-brown. She keeps her tail coiled about herself at all times, maintaining an aloof, royal demeanor as she warily inspects the world.

>desc jagu
The sleek-bodied golden brown jaguar lies splayed across the ground, her paws shifting driftlessly as if reacting to a dream. Black rosettes pattern her muscular flanks, which are otherwise colored an intense golden brown hue like desert sand in shadow. A faint rumbling purr is emitted from deep within her throat as she sleeps, while her tail swishes lazily back and forth.

>gaze jagu
You gaze admiringly at your friend and companion, the golden brown jaguar, which looks directly into your eyes and offers a sense of undying loyalty.

08-19-2009, 09:59 PM
I had a mongoose. Nice crits with it. It's just too bad it takes so long for a companion to start attacking. After telling it to attack, by the time it was ready to start, I'd have time to put an arrow in the eye of three different creatures.

08-21-2009, 10:23 PM
Here is Yepa

A green-eyed white arctic tiger saunters in.
>look at tiger

You see a fairly typical white arctic tiger.
She appears to be in good shape.
She has some warm dark leather paw-wraps (worn) and an ivory-edged thick black leather collar adorned with small glaes studs (worn).

>describe tiger

Soft, pure white fur covers the sleek frame of the white arctic tiger, unmarred save for a pair of bold black stripes that frame each side of her face. She is an imposing beast, her shoulders set near waist level of an average elf, that moves with grace and ease. Trimmed whiskers twitch slightly with any movement of her nose, and two jade green, slitted eyes dart toward anything that moves. Her lengthy tail occasionally darts back and forth, and deadly claws are extracted whenever she paws at the ground.

A green-eyed white arctic tiger stretches out and rolls over on her side sound asleep.

>describe tiger

Soft, pure white fur covers the sleek frame of the sleeping white arctic tiger, unmarred save for a pair of bold black stripes that frame each side of her face. Trimmed whiskers twitch slightly, moving in unison with her steady breathing. Her lengthy tail darts back and forth and her deadly claws retract as she dreams, seemingly comfortable and oblivious as she lies in a curled position.

You gaze admiringly at your friend and companion, the white arctic tiger, which looks directly into your eyes and offers a sense of undying loyalty.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

08-21-2009, 11:02 PM
Ya I wish they would look into the companion code and make them attack faster. as it is now its just for show and rarely does it even help me when im hunting.

08-22-2009, 11:56 AM
I altered my fox to look like one of the riddle ones in the katana quest. I'll post her once I reactivate.

08-22-2009, 12:38 PM
That simple crow is ace. I really like it.
I miss my Hill Tiger, Feth. :(

08-23-2009, 11:44 PM
who the hell hates me so much that i get random bad rep? Companions!! 08-23-2009 04:48 PM d is for shut up

09-01-2009, 11:58 AM
A Green-eyed Ridge Panther.

It took me a long time to find her in the wilds around River's Rest. Kaig's sister decided to tag along and most of the journey was spent trying to protect her from the swarming trolls in the area. Couldn't figure out why she wanted to come along, the damn things were BIGGER than she was. Heh, a great memory. I named the panther Mura.