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View Full Version : Best/favorite Lich scripts

08-18-2009, 06:35 PM
Ok I just reinstalled Lich is the repository has a ton of new scripts. What are your favorites? What should everyone have for sure? etc.

08-18-2009, 06:37 PM
Also is there anyway to batch download the scripts from the repository without having to key each name in individually?

08-18-2009, 09:50 PM
I'm a little biased but...

UltraWaggle - Spellups with a GUI for exclusions.
sloot - Bestest loot script eva!
voodoo - Incant spells just by typing the number (519 mean troll)
krakii - ;krakii forest gnome (FTWWW!!!)
salchemy - If you're an alchemist
sstow - Spiffy Stow - let's you set something as your pack and then just type pack <item> to stow it in that pack.
keepalive - stop from getting disconnected
xpsentry - xp/hour time to level
gibxpsf - if you're using stormfront adds some nifty info to your xp panel
slib - required for all of the Spiffy scripts
ultrahunt - good hunting script that doesn't require setting up the hunting path. more advanced though and requires a bit of setup.

I wrote or helped write every script above but they're all quality scripts. If you have a specific function you're looking for let us know and we'll get you the info you need.