View Full Version : 10k game GAME THREAD

08-18-2009, 07:32 AM

So, I got 10k posts a while back, and because I'm straight up ballin' out of control, I invited everyone to casa seis cuatro for a crazy night of hookers and blow to celebrate.

However, after you all flew in to the UK, you forgot to notice that I don't live in London because, contrary to popular belief, England is moderately large and has more than one place worth visiting. So you wander over and book some train tickets up to where I actually live on my account.

If you live in the UK, you know that this would be ****ing expensive. This is, of course, down to capitalism, but for the purposes of this game we will assume it's actually down to thousands of people not buying tickets, putting the cost up for everyone else.

Needless to say I'm a bit pissed off at the huge charge on my credit card, and something needs to be done. Five of you didn't bother to pay, and it's up to the rest of you to find them.

08-18-2009, 01:46 PM
10k Posts...PB is this a new sn for you?

08-18-2009, 01:58 PM
Soo.. I went to his party.. Needless to say it ended up costing me $2000 dollars (Jesus Christ inorite).. Anyways. I got off the plane and when I asked the taxi to take me to the place I was basically in the wrong part of England, Yes yes I know.. Anyways. I finally get there and it's around 1am. I walk in the party is bumpin, a good amount of people but...

The hookers were a little cheap, I didn't get the right vibe from one of them either. It looked like a women but you never know now adays. I could have sworn it had a penis. Regardless, the liquor was awesome, my new favorite drink is Lemon Gin on ice. It's fucking brilliant.

Anyways, I ended up having a great time met a lot of people and what not. I peeled out of the party around 7am, Fucking Trashed. The taxi wouldn't let me take the huge painting I saw on the way out of the house. I thought it would look good in my room, not realizing I was actually stealing the said painting, I began to punch the taxi driver for being a dick. ( I never really hit him though, now that I think about it I might have hit the guy in the painting.) So I left the painting and started walking towards my hotel. Woke up the next morning in my bed in Canada. Don't know how.
