View Full Version : Stats Added to TD

08-18-2009, 03:22 AM
What are the stats added to TD these days?


Another question I'm eventually going to ask...

What's causing me to have a 329 TD against someone casting 102 on me @ level 98 with nothing listed in SPELL ACTIVE and a 25 wisdom bonus?

I've tried to factor everything out (including getting completely naked in case somehow I acquired a TD enhancer without realizing it).

98*3 + 25 = 319

I tested this on someone else and their TD was exactly (level*3 + wisdom bonus).

[EDIT: Having figured out the reason for my TD issue.. to answer the question I posed.. it's WISDOM BONUS against Spiritual spells, AURA BONUS against Elemental spells, and ((WISDOM BONUS + AURA BONUS) / 2) rounded up for Sorcerer spells (which is what I was thinking it was all the time but it wasn't working because of this Sign of Dissipation bug.]

08-18-2009, 03:44 AM
Woah.. check this out..


Arianiss gestures at you.
CS: +401 - TD: +139 + CvA: +14 + d100: +44 - -5 == +325
Warding failed!
The air thickens and begins to swirl around you.
>sign of dissipation
Magic flows towards you, but does not reach you.
Arianiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Arianiss gestures at you.
CS: +401 - TD: +154 + CvA: +14 + d100: +49 - -5 == +315
Warding failed!
The air thickens and begins to swirl around you.
>prep 119
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Dispel spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at XXX
You gesture.
The air calms down around you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 119
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Dispel spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at XXX
You gesture.
Your SIGN OF DISSIPATION is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Arianiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Arianiss gestures at you.
CS: +401 - TD: +149 + CvA: +14 + d100: +41 - -5 == +312
Warding failed!
The air thickens and begins to swirl around you.
>spell active

You currently have the following active spells:
Spirit Barrier


Basically, what's happening here is (and I think I know why it's happening, sorta), I'm using the Sign of Dissipation which increases my TD (Spiritual in this case) by +15. You see it go from 139 to 154.

Then, when it wears off (I'm sure it's when it wears off and has nothing to do with the dispel because I know it wasn't dispelled on Arianiss who I first noticed this quirk with), +10 TD remains!

I don't know how long this lasts.

** Hmm. Casting 102 at my test subject again and her TD is back down to 139. However, Ari is still at his inflated +10. **

I only recently started using Sign of Dissipation and so I was testing to find out what kind of TD it was (generic or a sphere) and just how much it was. I did that testing on the morning of Saturday and, oddly enough looking through the log, it's responding the way it should (when it wore off my TD immediately returned to normal).

However, I noticed my TD was short today (and it was actually because I was missing a spell) and discovered that Sign of Dissipation was no longer adding +15 but was +5 for Spiritual, +8 for Sorcerer, and +10 for Elemental (but that was because I still was receiving the rest of the benefit DESPITE Sign of Dissipation not being active).

I wonder if maybe there's two parts to the sign and maybe you can stack the 'lingering' part indefinitely despite the messaging saying you can't use it again.

08-18-2009, 04:11 AM
Okay.. just did Sign of Warding and Sign of Dissipation at the same time and then dispelled Sign of Dissipation.. the '+10 TD' lingered until ~20 seconds prior to Sign of Warding falling off.

[EDIT: Okay, did another test running my 'timer' script. Same process.. the lingering TD bonus fell at ~203 seconds and Sign of Warding fell at ~205 seconds.]

I did Sign of Warding and Sign of Dissipation twice (just Dissipation twice; generated the error that you can't use it again) and then dispelled Dissipation. The '+10 TD' lingered welllll past Sign of Warding dropping off (which also seemed to go a bit longer this time.. maybe a dispel doesn't remove the duration of signs but just the effects (sorta)). Unfortunately, I forgot to put Sign of Warding back on to see if it was roughly 2x the duration of a sign.

[EDIT: ..and the second test (this was just Sign of Dissipation twice in the beginning (so it triggered the error message about using it while it was already active)) is in with the lingering TD wearing off after ~390 seconds.]

[EDIT: ..and you can see the timestamps for yourself (though this duration is lasting far longer than the timestamps show).. an hour later.. I still have this bonus TD with no worry about having to manage a spirit sign and wracking.]

08-18-2009, 04:14 AM
What are the stats added to TD these days?




08-18-2009, 04:21 AM
Race doesn't affect the basic spells (it might affect some of the more complicated ones but we're talking 201.. 102.. 701.. 409..).

08-18-2009, 04:35 AM
Arianiss gestures at you.
CS: +401 - TD: +149 + CvA: +14 + d100: +41 - -5 == +312
Warding failed!
The air thickens and begins to swirl around you.
>spell active

The bolded part is a racial modifier if you didn't know. Looks like an elf? If your noticing a temporary +10 TD every time though sounds like your onto something.

08-18-2009, 04:43 AM
Half-elf, yes. ..and yes, I'm aware of THAT racial modifier. This is purely a change in TD only. I'll message you some more details (also running my 2nd timer script test).

08-18-2009, 06:58 PM
Okay, did my final test...

I dispelled down to nothing, hammered Sign of Dissipation over and over, dispelled Dissipation, then did my spellup routine (4 hours of everything).

4 hours later (and a logout for sleep).. my spells start to fall, I make sure I still have the lingering TD bonus, and then dispel down completely. At this point I lost the bonus (but I reproduced the dispelling action to make sure I hadn't dispelled it away and it doesn't appear that you can). It looks like the bonus does obey the 4 hour and 10 minute cap and given the dispelling test, I suspect it might even persist through death.

Fun stuff.

[EDIT: No, it doesn't last through death.]

08-18-2009, 08:23 PM
Can you summarize your conclusion after all the testing? Hard for me to tell with all the edits what you were hypothesizing and what has been tested.

Are you saying some of the TD bonus from dissipation lasts after the sign wears off / is dispelled?

08-18-2009, 08:40 PM
Are you saying some of the TD bonus from dissipation lasts after the sign wears off / is dispelled?Yes.

Further, that bonus is stackable.

The bonus is: +10 spirit TD (tested against 102/201), +7 sorcerer TD (tested against 701), +5 elemental TD (tested against 409)


As an aside...

Why is it that 701/711/719 from a player triggers my TD to be 446 and 711/719 from a creature triggers it to be 447?

[EDIT: Looking through my log of the 447 TD (which now it isn't.. it's 446 against things).. it was for a short period of time. My test subject cast 701 at me and it was 446. Then some oddities and legionnaires and monks were casting at me and it was 447. Finally, a short time later, it went back to being 446 against them. Between the last occurance of 447 and the first of 446, the only thing that happened is I cast 311 on myself (which was successful). Who knows. Stupid mechanics.]