View Full Version : Playing Instruments

08-16-2009, 07:51 PM
So what's the deal with playing instruments, for a non-bard? Is it like artisan skills - you gain ranks in 'musical ability' or somethig? Just for social purposes my character would like to learn to play but I'm not sure of the mechanics...


08-16-2009, 09:50 PM
I just know some basics. You play the instrument to gain ranks. Eventually you might have to play in front of people but I know you can start off playing alone. You use PLAY SKILL to check your rank and more ranks = more scripts that people see when you play. Bards get an extra script as I think only they can master it. And then I think there are bard only instruments with even more scripts.

08-22-2009, 09:40 PM
I just know some basics. You play the instrument to gain ranks. Eventually you might have to play in front of people but I know you can start off playing alone. You use PLAY SKILL to check your rank and more ranks = more scripts that people see when you play. Bards get an extra script as I think only they can master it. And then I think there are bard only instruments with even more scripts.

All correct, though you're missing a bit of info ;)

There are 20 ranks of instrument skill, and six instrument types (stringed, neck stringed, percussion, horn, woodwind, and bagpipes). Non-bards max out at the last rank of apprentice (13), which gives them 7 of the ten possible messages for bards.

(There is an extra line of messaging available to bards who are playing a master-class instrument, but there's no mechanical advantage and masters are ridiculously rare and expensive.)

You gain ranks just by playing. End of story. You can vary up the play STYLE as much as you want, but it's just fluff.

If you're looking into instruments for a non-bard, I assume it's for roleplaying purposes. If so, rank 13 is considered "talented amateur".

You can also check KP, of course. http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Instrument_learning

08-22-2009, 10:02 PM
For the record, anyone can use a master class instrument, bard or not. I own one, and when one of my characters (a non-bard) used it, she got another set of messaging above what she normally could attain. Based on that, I believe master quality instruments unlock the next highest message set, regardless of skill level or profession.
