View Full Version : Favorite beauty products? Ladies..
03-04-2004, 07:31 AM
okokok.. I'm a beauty junkie. I love make up and want to know all your favorites. A great news letter and site for questions and reviews is:
I really like this site because of the reviews of products and if you have problem skin, a lot of great links for help. Especially a link for a site that has irritants for acne prone skin and animal tested products. They have a great newsletter.
03-04-2004, 07:32 AM
Girls have cooties.
03-04-2004, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Girls have cooties.
And I bet you love every single one of them.
03-04-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Girls have cooties.
Bob has crabs...and lobsters. :wasntme:
03-04-2004, 10:03 AM
I use Aveeno stuff... don't get much into it after washing my face...
I'm a fan of Bath and Bodyworks 'Cucumber Melon' line, but I usually can't afford it.
Right now I have St. Ives Swiss Vanilla lotion, and St. Ives Apricot face scrub.
03-04-2004, 10:40 AM
Aveeno face wash and face lotion.
03-04-2004, 11:59 AM
the site I use is similar
I use mostly Clinique - and as little as possible
Miss X
03-04-2004, 12:12 PM
I am obsessed with make up/skin products. I stick to the brands I love/trust always though: Clinique for cleansing/moisturising stuff, Mac for foundation/powder, Lancome for lip stuff (:heart: Juciy Tubes) and Yves saint Laurent for eyes and their touche eclat.
I have so much make up and skin care stuff, they take up the entire bathroom cupboard and two drawers in my bedroom. Gotta seperate by season too, different products for weather changes and seasonal colours etc. I have really really dry skin, and in the winter with the central heating/wind my skin is really flaky so I use this fab cream my mum got me when she was in Poland, cant seem to find any here though and its nearly run out!
03-04-2004, 12:15 PM
I guess I'm lucky because I never use skin care products and I never break out. I have never broken out in my life. I get occasional zits now and then but they go away after a day or so.
As for lotion.. I guess I have healthy skin because it rarely dries out. I think I can count the times I've felt the need to use lotion on one hand.
Haha, suckas.
03-04-2004, 12:30 PM
Nice site.
I don't use alot of makeup but I do like Clinique and Mac, quality items if they are a bit more expensive than I would like.
03-04-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
I guess I'm lucky because I never use skin care products and I never break out. I have never broken out in my life. I get occasional zits now and then but they go away after a day or so.
Same here. I haven't had any kind of pimple/zit on my face since I was 11 or 12-which I am VERY thankful for. I do use Dove's Essential Nutrients Night Cream and COUNTLESS hair products. I have half my bathroom counter full of them because I love to experiment. ;)
03-04-2004, 01:44 PM
I know, girls only, but I collect this crap just as much as any chick does...
I use alot of Neutrogena products such as the pore refining exfoliate and cream, acne free face wash, and the body emulsion moisturizer.
I also like Dove's moisture rich shampoo and the Dove exfoliating body wash with those blue beads. Good stuff.
03-04-2004, 02:50 PM
I never thought I'd hear guys post so many products before.
I try to get my boyfriend to try out new things that I'll buy at the grocery store and he freaks out. He uses the 99 cent Suave shampoo and like the cheapest soap you can find. <stare> This irks me.
BUT, it leaves me more room to fill our two bathrooms with tons os MY favorite products.
I like testing new things so its not like I have a real favorite. I'm kindof stuck on the makeup brand HardCandy because their tinted foundation is SPF 15 and that is deprately needed in AZ. It doesn't lay on thick and it pretty much evens out my skin tone. And Clinique has the best jel-gloss mascara. Doesn't cake on thick and gives feathery lashes. a hair product FREAK. I try to use all the same kind of brand and I'm addicted to Bed Head. So needless to say both my cabinets are filled with leave-in conditioners, sprays, goos, curl boosters, etc. Its sickening, really. And as soon as I can use all that up I'm going to try out Aveada products because they smell delicious.
03-04-2004, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
I try to get my boyfriend to try out new things that I'll buy at the grocery store and he freaks out. He uses the 99 cent Suave shampoo and like the cheapest soap you can find. <stare> This irks me.
I've been using Pert Plus for years, and I don't see me stopping anytime soon. A few years back my girlfriend at the time suggested I try the Suave body wash instead of bar soap. She also tried to get me to use a loofa. I still use the body wash, but the loofa seemed a bit much.
Also, too good to pass up:
Originally posted by Snapp
I love to experiment. ;)
03-04-2004, 03:05 PM
<3 acne.
03-04-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
and the Dove exfoliating body wash with those blue beads. Good stuff.
That's what I've been using lately.. Definitely good stuff! :thumbsup: I switch it up between the Dove body wash and Old Spice.
As for interested? :smug:
03-04-2004, 03:42 PM
I just use Lever 2000 and some coconut suave shampoo. I ran out of shampoo once and was too lazy to buy some more so I used lever 2000 in my hair for like 2 weeks until it started to like crack.
03-04-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
I just use Lever 2000 and some coconut suave shampoo. I ran out of shampoo once and was too lazy to buy some more so I used lever 2000 in my hair for like 2 weeks until it started to like crack.
Sad. Very sad.
Get a girlfriend soon, plz. You need to learn to groom yourself.
03-04-2004, 03:51 PM
Hah, I do alright with lever 2000 and some suave. I keep myself looking clean, you can't really see a difference if someone uses neutrogena or regular soap. I don't just use Lever for my hair, that was when I was in a dorm with no money, lol.
I think one of the kindest things women (and some men) can do for their skin is never go to bed with makeup on. I don't wear a lot of makeup but always wash it off before sleeping. It's worked for me anyway.
edited to add: I will let you know in 30 or 40 years whether this has any long term effect.
[Edited on 3-4-2004 by Mint]
03-04-2004, 09:58 PM
I've spent years testing out all kinds of products and I help people with skin care products all the time. I prefer to use Bioelements products for skin. They're the highest grade of products you can find.
Aveeno and Clean and Clear test on animals, and use very low grade ingredients to mass produce. And while some people are okay with the thought of bunnies getting blinded by acid, I'm not.
St. Ives doesn't test on animals, and they make a great acne wash containing tea tree oil - if you want something you can buy at Walmart.
03-05-2004, 04:21 PM
I don't know why I (or any of the other male posters) are responding to a thread with the word "Ladies.." and without the word "Naked" in it, but anyway:
Head & Shoulders shampoo (the blue kind) damn dandruff and white bars of soap are good for me. I used to have skin problems (like the backs of my hands would just crack up and start bleeding) but not any problems with acne or anything.
I've used soap on my hair before, definitely. If the choices are don't wash or pseudo-wash, I'll take pseudo-wash every time.
03-05-2004, 04:32 PM
You don't want to see my bathroom, I'm a girly girl when it comes to that. I have a huge caboodles make-up case filled with everything from cheap 99 cent stuff to Mary Kay, Clinique and the like brands. Mary Kay face wash, Origins facial scrub. My hair is long and I won't use cheap shampoo so I splurge on Paul Mitchel, Bed Head or whatever my flavor of the month is. For lotions and body washes I usually stick with Victoria's Secrets or Bath and Body works. I like looking good, even if I'm just sitting at home by myself. :saint:
03-05-2004, 04:37 PM
Mary Kay facial wash (Exhileration?) is the shitaz, and it smells really good.
Originally posted by Ambrosia I like looking good, even if I'm just sitting at home by myself. :saint:
Not me...if noone is going to be seeing me and I am not going anywhere I dont even brush my hair let alone apply makeup. Well, unless the mail man is delivering something...he is hot. That reminds me I must go order something from ebay that comes USPS...
03-05-2004, 04:51 PM
Well, I won't apply make-up, but I at least shower and brush my hair. Although I will toss on a baseball hat and work out clothes rather than fitted jeans and such.
Originally posted by Ambrosia
Well, I won't apply make-up, but I at least shower and brush my hair. Although I will toss on a baseball hat and work out clothes rather than fitted jeans and such.
Do you think it would be inappropriate to wear an evening dress to receive a mail delivery though?
03-05-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Mint
Originally posted by Ambrosia
Well, I won't apply make-up, but I at least shower and brush my hair. Although I will toss on a baseball hat and work out clothes rather than fitted jeans and such.
Do you think it would be inappropriate to wear an evening dress to receive a mail delivery though?
It would be as appropriate as wearing a sequined gown to run a marathon.
If my mail man were running the marathon I'd be right there in spiked heels and sequins.
03-05-2004, 05:13 PM
Love love love the dove exfoliating body bar thing.. Thats awesome stuff. Since I have pretty pale dry skin its great.
As far as face goes, I am an old fashioned kinda girl, noxema on the face for cleansing, oil of olay for moisturizing.
I dont break out much thank god, so I dont have to worry about that much.
And EVERYTHING I own has sunscreen in it. Being a fair redhead, I almost never buy any makeup or skin product if it doesnt have sunscreen in it.
As far as makeup goes.. when I wear it... love Clinique's lip glosses and mascara
The sound effects killed me.
Weedmage Princess
03-08-2004, 05:50 AM
I'm an Avon junkie myself. I love their products...from lotions to cosmetics...always worked exceptionally well for me and the prices really are a bargain. As a matter of fact, I'm going to start selling their stuff pretty soon. It's worth it for me cause I buy it all the time anyway..heh.
As far as soaps and stuff...I used to do the bath/shower gel thing all the time...and like Peam I loved the Cucmber/Melon combo. Once I got pregnant though, I just started using plain ol' Ivory soap and haven't been motivated enough to go back. I like the Skintimate line shaving gels and the Nair Vanilla Smoothie bikini area stuff. It smells NO WHERE as bad as regular Nair.
But did you try the acne game at the link I posted Weedmage? Guaranteed to make you run and wash your face a 100 times.
Weedmage Princess
03-08-2004, 06:00 AM
LOL I'm at work...but I'll be sure to try it when I get home. I'll keep the scrub handy and have the warm water running ;p
Weedmage Princess
03-08-2004, 06:02 AM
OH, forgot to mention.
NOXZEMA?! In the blue jar? I *LOVE* that stuff. Nothing like smearing that over your face in the summer and washing it off. Makes you feel like a million bucks.
03-10-2004, 06:02 AM
When I was in school we had a Nioxin rep come and talk about their hair care items. I LOVED that stuff since my hair grows super slow. Helped it get back healthy and stuff.
I rarely break out so I've never really worried about the acne stuff but since I've been tanning, my face doesn't tan so I always end up getting a bit burned. Mmm flakes so I really like the Aveeno face scrubs to help with the flaking. I'll try all kinds of various make-up brands when I decide to wear it. No particular favorites though.
03-10-2004, 07:26 AM
I LOVE buying make-up but rarely wear it simply because I suck at applying it. Mascara and lip gloss is about as fancy as I get. I do have all the other stuff right down to an eye lash curler, but I don't know how to use it.:lol: My favorite brands are whatever is on sale. Anything that smells like cucumber or melon. I love foot scrubs and mud masks, herbal essense hair products, and anything made by Dove.
My husband is into the Nivea thing, especially the shave cream. Smmoooothhhh.
Edited to add Johnson and Johnson is now a big part of my life as well. Baby's Own soap has to be the yummiest baby smell EVER.
[Edited on 3-10-2004 by Sweets]
03-10-2004, 07:55 AM
Hi Sweets, here is a make up lesson for you. I find most women wear the wrong shade of foundation and its really important for make up to look natural to match your skin. One trick is to make an appointment at department store and get a free make over. Watch and listen, question the woman a lot about what is your color. Another way is right now Cover Girl has a new line out that you can buy three little testers for a $1.50. Their new true tone line.
After you know your color, moisturize first and let that absorb a bit, then dap some foundation on your cheeks and forehead, blend in to your hair line, don't forget your neck. Don't use more than a nickle size blob, for your whole face.
Next take cover- up and dab some on what ever needs it. I use a eye shadow brush to dab and blend it.
Next loose powder, a light dusting, throw away the puff, use a big fluffy brush.
I use a cream blush, SMILE and hit the apples of your cheeks, and then a small amount where the sun would hit your face, forehead, near the hair line. I see a lot of women using blush as eye shadow, DON"T, makes your eyes look tired. I also use a bit of blush along the jaw line, blend it down the neck.
Hope that helps.
03-10-2004, 09:26 AM
Hey thanks...that does help.
Any idea on how that whole eyeshadow thing works? I usually end up looking like I have been punched.:duh:
03-10-2004, 10:50 PM
It depends on if you want a natural look or not. One of the most important aspects of making your eyes pop is the frame. Your eyebrows, spring for 10 - 20 bucks at a good salon to have them done professionally. Then just keep them up with your tweezers. Take a powder than matches your eyebrow color and use a slant brush (Mac makes the best slant brushes, very narrow, expensive but worth it because they last.) Now fill in to the contour of your brows, a lot of women make the mistake of going to dark. An easy way to figure out how far to go is take your brush and slate it from your nose to the outside of your eye.
In the crease between your lid and brow, a light dusting of a light brown or dark gold eye shadow blended along the crease to the outer corner of your eye. As you become more proficient you can experiment with darker colors for evening.
I use a face illuminator for the arch under the brow, not a lot of color but a bit of shimmer to light up that area. If your going for a day time look, you don't need color on your lid, just brush of tan, beige or pale pink.
Eyeliner is tricky and I think the easiest ones are the pencils. L'oreal puts out some great pencil liners. This is tricky but with a little practice its a very natural and pretty. Hold your eyelid up and color right UNDER the lash line (careful not to poke your eye out) and between the lashes with a soft dark brown eyeliner pencil. If you have sensitive eyes.. forget it, don't even try it. Then with a slate brush (same kind as above), wet the brush and rub in a dark brown powder (Mac Brun, is the best) Make a little paste and follow the lash line ABOVE the lash line. Very tiny thin line from the inside corner to a nice point right outside your lash line. Let it dry for a moment and then follow with dry powder and dry brush over the line. Won't melt off.
03-12-2004, 12:05 PM
My last lesson Sweets, and if this isn't making any sense let me know, I'll try and explain better.
Eyelash curlers will eat your eyelashes after awhile, stay away from them.
Mascara- Never dip your brush in again and again to load up color just makes it clump on your lashes. Roll the brush around at the base of your lashes and then pull it to the tips. Let dry and then another coat, just at the tips. Use the tip of the brush to separate lashes and to lightly brush over the bottom lashes.
Lip stick-When you put your moisturizer and foundation, don't forget your lips, this gives a great base for your lipstick, plus the sunscreen.
For everyday looks try to find a shade that matches your natural lip color. I happen to love Cover Girls Longlasting lip color Duo, you put it on in the morning and carry the gloss with you. If you use the gloss a couple times a day you never have to reapply the color, even after eating and drinking, just refresh with the gloss, your color stays true. After about 12 hours it does get gummy and you have to reapply BUT it does last that long.
For lip liner put the color on first and then apply the liner, you get a better blend.
My favorite make up products at the moment are:
Neutrogena eye cream
Creme de Mer
Olay total effects
Cover Girl smoothers tinted moisture
Cover Girl Tru Blend foundation
Mac Powered Blush
L'oreal Touch on Color (favorite)
L'oreal lash out mascara
Revlon Skinlights Luminator in Natural
Almay amazing lasting concealer
Mac Eyeshadow in Brun and Zone Velvet
L'oreal Wear Infinite Eyeshadow Quad in Autumn Leaves
Mac brushes
Cover Girl duo's of long lasting color and gloss (forgot the name and its not on the product) Its a blue gloss case though
03-12-2004, 12:18 PM
Bah 99 percent of these products are gimmicks to make you all blow money
03-12-2004, 12:23 PM
This coming from a man who thinks Dial soap constitudes as a beauty product.
03-12-2004, 12:37 PM
Ivory soap! No weird additives for me thank you.
Buyer of soap
03-12-2004, 01:02 PM
Ivory's pretty good soap. I get it at BJ's in 24-cake packages, lasts me a long time.
Hey, does it mean I ain't a real man if I confess to having a loofah?
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