View Full Version : Help on my script

08-12-2009, 05:39 PM
I am working this fletching script to get me ranks in the skill and free xp but something is messing up in the script and I think I know what it is but dont know how to fix it.

put get my dagger from my g pack
put get 1 shaft from my g pack
match noarrows what?
put cut my shaft with my dagger
match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
match succeed1 you pare away the excess wood

pause 1
put cut nocks in my shaft with my dagger
put cut nocks in my shaft with my dagger
match fail2 might as well toss it.
match succeed2 You carefully cut a nock into

put drop shaft
waitfor You drop a
goto start

goto start

goto start

put stow all
put out
put s
put out
put s
put s
put s
put s
put s
put e
put e
put e
put e
put e
put e
put e
put n
put n
put go door
put order 10 of 40
put buy
put o
put s
put s
put w
put w
put w
put w
put w
put w
put w
put n
put n
put n
put n
put n
put go inn
put n
put go table
put open package
pause 1
put empty pack into g pack
waitfor everything falls in quite nicely.
put drop package
goto cutwood

put get wood from g pack
match start what?
put get my handaxe
put cut arrows from my wood with my handaxe
match cutwood placed cuts, you split

in this section

put get my dagger from my g pack
put get 1 shaft from my g pack
match noarrows what?
put cut my shaft with my dagger
match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
match succeed1 you pare away the excess wood

the 'match noarrows what?' is making try to buy arrows when it cannot get a dagger out of my pack but with my limited scripting skills (juss started the other day) I dont know what to do. Here is a screen shot of it messing up:

[Script fletchrankup is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>get my dagger from my g pack
>get 1 shaft from my g pack
Get what?
>cut my shaft with my dagger
You remove a single rough arrow shaft from a bundle of rough arrow shafts.
You begin to pare away the excess wood, but in a moment of carelessness, you shave a bit too much away from one side. Realizing it would never fly straight, you discard the rough arrow shaft.
Roundtime: 28 sec.
[[LNet]-Tillmen]: "You chatted anyway not expecting it to work?"
[[LNet]-Shannivar]: "I'm used to it working on psinet, wasn't really thinking about it. :P"
>get my dagger from my g pack
>get 1 shaft from my g pack
>cut my shaft with my dagger
Get what?
You remove a single rough arrow shaft from a bundle of rough arrow shafts.
>stow all
You begin to pare away the excess wood, but in a moment of carelessness, you shave a bit too much away from one side. Realizing it would never fly straight, you discard the rough arrow shaft.
Roundtime: 23 sec.
...wait 23 seconds.
...wait 23 seconds.
[[LNet]-Tillmen]: "Heh."
You can't go there.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
Loud and abusive noises emanate from behind the swinging kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers, and to the chagrin of others. Tapestries hanging from the walls depict soothing idyllic wildlife scenes. Hard wooden tables and chairs are placed evenly, allowing enough space for the cook and wait servants to pass. You also see some inviting tables and a cozy nook.
Obvious exits: south, southwest
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
[Raging Thrak Inn, Front Desk]
A polished wooden desk sits to the side of the staircase, and bears the placard of the Thrak's proprietor. At the top of the creaky wooden stairs are the establishment's guest rooms. You also see the Arf disk, a freshly-painted sign and a handpainted placard.
Also here: Lord Arf who is kneeling
Obvious exits: north
You can't go there.
You can't go there.
You can't go there.
You can't go there.

could use a lil help please. :thanx:

EDIT: I fixed it on my own. the answer was right under my nose too....Doh..

08-12-2009, 05:52 PM
This script works to master. I usually master within 3 days of starting. The only thing you need to do is get wood logs from the Kobold Mines, which are free, and edit the rest of teh script to match containers etc.

Aside from that, you just run it and watch it go.

put glance
Match GETdagger You glance down at your empty hands
Match GETSHAFT1 You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a dagger in your left hand.
Match GETSHAFT2 You glance down to see a dagger in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
Match HAVEBOTH You glance down to see a single arrow shaft in your right hand and a dagger in your left hand

put get my dagger from my pack
Match GOTdagger You remove

pause 1
put swap
Match GETSHAFT1 you swap

pause 1
put get 1 shaft from my pack
Match CUTSHAFT1 You remove
Match PUTdagger get what?

pause 1
put swap
pause 1
put get 1 shaft from my pack
Match CUTSHAFT1 You remove
Match PUTdagger get what?

pause 1
put drop my shaft
pause 1
put clean table
Match START A busboy appears

pause 1
put cut my shaft with my dagger
pause 1
put glance
Match CUTSHAFT1-OK You glance down to see a single arrow shaft in your right hand
Match START You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a dagger in your left hand.

pause 1
put cut nock in my shaft with my dagger
pause 1
put cut nock in my shaft with my dagger
Match CUTSHAFT2-OK You carefully cut a nock
Match START might as well toss it

pause 1
put drop my shaft
pause 1
put clean table
goto START

pause 1
put put my dagger in my pack

pause 1
put look log in my pack
Match GETAXE You see nothing unusual

pause 1
put get handaxe from my pack
Match GETWOOD You remove

pause 1
put get log from my pack
Match CUTSHAFT You remove

put cut arrow shafts
pause 3
put put my shafts in my pack
pause 3
put look log in my pack
Match WOODGONE I could not find
Match GETWOOD You see nothing unusual

pause 1
put put my handaxe in my pack
pause 1

08-12-2009, 06:01 PM
thanks for the script but Mine is working great. Buys logs from the fletching shop in the landing and takes me back to a table at thraks. I am too lazy to go to the mines to get wood.

08-12-2009, 06:05 PM
starts at a table in thraks inn (standing not sitting) cuts the wood up to the nocking step then disposes it. Will not check your exp but I dont afk script so really not a problem for me. when you are out of shafts it will take you to the shop and back to the table and then cuts the wood and starts over agian when you are out of wood to cut. If you find any bugs send me a pm or you can fix it and repost it here. This is my first successful script so I am gonna be making more try to improve.

put get my dagger
put get 1 shaft from my g pack
match noarrows what?
put cut my shaft with my dagger
match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
match succeed1 you pare away the excess wood

pause 1
put cut nocks in my shaft with my dagger
put cut nocks in my shaft with my dagger
match fail2 might as well toss it.
match succeed2 You carefully cut a nock into

put drop shaft
waitfor You drop a
goto start

goto start

goto start

put stow all
put out
put s
put out
put s
put s
put s
put s
put s
put e
put e
put e
put e
put e
put e
put e
put n
put n
put go door
put order 10 of 40
put buy
put o
put s
put s
put w
put w
put w
put w
put w
put w
put w
put n
put n
put n
put n
put n
put go inn
put n
put go table
put open package
pause 1
put empty pack into g pack
waitfor everything falls in quite nicely.
put drop package
goto cutwood

put get wood from g pack
match start what?
put get my handaxe
put cut arrows from my wood with my handaxe
match cutwood placed cuts, you split

10-01-2009, 10:50 PM