View Full Version : Thrown

08-12-2009, 12:55 PM
How much do returning thrown weapons go for? and what ones are out there?

08-12-2009, 01:00 PM
Several will be going up for sale this weekend at the live event auction that a few of the merchant extraordinaires are having.

Belnia advertised a few, khal...er, paul said at least 1, so you should have some options.

Prices vary depending on base, enchant, and flare obviously. But they're all a decent chunk :)


08-12-2009, 01:17 PM
Vivaldi is selling his chain spear, and I think the other chain spear is going to be put up at the auction.

The Ponzzz
08-12-2009, 01:42 PM
For returners, the following exist:


The nets and bolas are cheaper, because they are generally lower damage (nets more than bolas). But they come with some new flares. A discus was made, and I am not sure how it works in Prime. I had it in Platinum, and it broke and GM Khaladon had converted it to a chakram for me, because the return script wasn't set up to work with discus. So if the discus in Prime is in fact a discus (and not a chakram with the wrong noun) then add that to the list as well.

Then there are the chainspears, which are sort of returners. Only 3 were released.

For pricing, a 4x blessible returner will cost you about 20-40mil depending on type. Once you involve flares and more enchants, sanct or weighting, the price steadily goes up.

Chainspears were going for 80mil at 4x. They have an enchant cap off of 6x, and I would guess every chainspear in Prime is 6x by now. They can be flared, and will have double flares because they have a mech-flare type effect when you PULL the shaft to get the head back (dirty). But I would say if you can't get a super flare, they are best left blessible.

Bolas and nets sell for about 15-25mil.

I think I answered all your questions.

08-12-2009, 01:45 PM
My chainspear is basically sold for 80m. Just waiting to finish the transaction.

The auction will have 2 bandoliers (4x daggers/5x axe) and a returning hammer (5x/acid) and perhaps a 6x/sancted.

If your interested in these days, definitely come to HSN2009.


08-12-2009, 02:00 PM
Thanks all
Yea I have the 3rd chainspear, my bro is thinking of returning and wants to have a thrown returner, i'll let him know about the auction

08-12-2009, 02:03 PM
I had a nice 5x eonake axe that was returner - its 5x sancted and lightning flaring .. I sold it to coyote man and not sure where it went after that. but I sold it for like 40M coins/trades

08-12-2009, 02:11 PM
I have the 6x sancted handaxe returner and am considering selling it this weekend, I have the PP to where I could get it flared for and additional charge as well.