View Full Version : Hot Summer Nights 2009

08-09-2009, 04:53 PM
Mark your calendars for a weekend of excitement and auction goodness which will bring back memories of the Hot Summer Nights auctions! The auction will be held in the Wehnimer's Landing Merchant Guild with the fun beginning on the night of Friday the 14th, at approximately 9 PM EST. The auction will run for until around 1 in the morning (4 hours or so) and possibly later depending on how awake everyone is. The goods will resume the next day at 4 PM EST and run for an as-of-yet undetermined amount of time, or until we run out of things to sell!

Silvers should be on hand or readily available and prompt payment will be expected for all purchased items. Many items will begin at rather low prices, so bring your silver and bring lots of it!

And now, on to the teasers!
A large assortment of enhancive items.
A large amount of +25 gear, all of mine will begin at 1 coin for the 5x stuff.
A few pieces of +50 gear.
Some returning weapons.
A bandoleer or two.
Flaring armor accessories.
Multi gold ring holders.
Enchanted claidhmores.
Nalea gowns.
Self mana items.
Self charging items.
Enhancive knowledge of spell items.
Lots of scripted things as well.

08-09-2009, 11:17 PM
Add in....

A sack of lockpicks that haven't been seen in 10 years...

Several 7x shields

Spiked items

A master class instrument

I'm gonna likely sell one or two or three self mana items, or at last put them for bid, the invis bracers, the heal1 plate, and the 7x ewave fal, but the min bids be what I'm willing to part with them for. Not desperate to sell them.

Self charging locklore and traplore items.

Dagger bandolier

Returning hammer

Bunch of padded armor, both high and low end


08-09-2009, 11:23 PM
What's a bandoleer?

08-09-2009, 11:36 PM
Mark your calendars for a weekend of excitement and auction goodness which will bring back memories of the Hot Summer Nights auctions! The auction will be held in the Wehnimer's Landing Merchant Guild with the fun beginning on the night of Friday the 14th, at approximately 9 PM EST. The auction will run for until around 1 in the morning (4 hours or so) and possibly later depending on how awake everyone is. The goods will resume the next day at 4 PM EST and run for an as-of-yet undetermined amount of time, or until we run out of things to sell!

Silvers should be on hand or readily available and prompt payment will be expected for all purchased items. Many items will begin at rather low prices, so bring your silver and bring lots of it!

And now, on to the teasers!
A large assortment of enhancive items.
A large amount of +25 gear, all of mine will begin at 1 coin for the 5x stuff.
A few pieces of +50 gear.
Some returning weapons.
A bandoleer or two.
Flaring armor accessories.
Multi gold ring holders.
Enchanted claidhmores.
Nalea gowns.
Self mana items.
Self charging items.
Enhancive knowledge of spell items.
Lots of scripted things as well.

Tease me!

Give me some MB's.

Multi ring holders? How much!

08-10-2009, 12:02 AM
Tease me!

Give me some MB's.

Multi ring holders? How much!

I dunno, 25m? shrug, its sitting there, mines 5 rings, wrist worn.


08-10-2009, 12:06 AM
What's a bandoleer?

Something I coded for hurled for the Wavedancer.

Generally are 4x flared weapons (a recent rerelease didnt come flared).

Basically, unlimited hurled ammo, and they self-expire in 2 minutes and poof away.

A few people got theirs upgraded to 5x and 6x via points (can't be done normally, needs a merchant cause the system isn't recursive and since only 3 items actually need it (shell armor, dual crossbows, bandoliers) the work that it would entail far dwarfs the benefit. But, no one since some other guy left actually done the services for them.

I'll be selling my dagger one. While I love hurled and intrigued where it might be going , really only gonna focus on two chars these days, one pure, one archer, everything else is support.


08-10-2009, 12:33 AM
I've got that +25 handaxe bandoleer I'll be looking to unload, and I've also got a 5 socket wrist-worn gold ring holder.

08-10-2009, 01:42 AM
Also added (forgot)

Skeleton key (opens any box once/day, lock and trap don't matter)


08-10-2009, 02:18 AM
Something I coded for hurled for the Wavedancer.

Generally are 4x flared weapons (a recent rerelease didnt come flared).

Basically, unlimited hurled ammo, and they self-expire in 2 minutes and poof away.

A few people got theirs upgraded to 5x and 6x via points (can't be done normally, needs a merchant cause the system isn't recursive and since only 3 items actually need it (shell armor, dual crossbows, bandoliers) the work that it would entail far dwarfs the benefit. But, no one since some other guy left actually done the services for them.

I'll be selling my dagger one. While I love hurled and intrigued where it might be going , really only gonna focus on two chars these days, one pure, one archer, everything else is support.


I know what they are. But isn't the spelling Bandolier? ;)

08-10-2009, 02:45 AM
Gonna slap your gnome ass around....


08-10-2009, 03:27 AM
Gonna slap your gnome ass around....


If you take pics of the hot gnome slapping i will bid highly on them at the auction.

08-10-2009, 04:08 AM
gnome slapping ftw, do mine every...err, never mind...

lemme just post some videos that are similar and fun...




Ok, I'm in a mood.


08-10-2009, 08:28 AM
I will be puttling up several nalea gowns and a dhu kitten, plus some other things as I can sort through my locker.

Someone has to bring out the girly items!


08-10-2009, 09:14 AM
I've got that +25 handaxe bandoleer I'll be looking to unload, and I've also got a 5 socket wrist-worn gold ring holder.

Will definitely bid on the ring holder, I have more than I know what to do with.

08-10-2009, 11:39 AM
But but but, must see district 9!?

Save the good stuff for later in the evening, kthx.


08-10-2009, 05:24 PM
Lockpick preview? And could yah PM me the look and usage on the skeleton key? I honestly think I have one of these and cannot determine the usage, either that or it's one of the old Ebon's keys(but I don't think so).

Thanks Paul


08-10-2009, 05:53 PM
What can we expect in terms of 10x gear.

08-10-2009, 06:05 PM
You need to set up the twitter feed option for the people who will be out on friday nights. Grab someone from the lich community, it's gotta be possible. hah.

08-10-2009, 07:09 PM
What can we expect in terms of 10x gear.

Not much! I'm probably only going to unload a falchion or a handaxe, and keep the other for my paladin. Not sure which one yet.

08-10-2009, 07:41 PM
For a fleeting moment I had the desire to log in and attend. Would be fun to see another big auction.

08-10-2009, 08:27 PM
For a fleeting moment I had the desire to log in and attend. Would be fun to see another big auction.

You should sweetie....

Cylas, gathering all the picks into one place and found a container that rocks to sell em in. <grin>


08-10-2009, 08:29 PM
Not much! I'm probably only going to unload a falchion or a handaxe, and keep the other for my paladin. Not sure which one yet.

If you don't end up putting up the handaxe... can I um... talk to you about it, even though my account is closed I will reopen! meh nm, I dunno

08-11-2009, 08:04 PM
Speaking of rings, what ever happened to all the skull rings?

Did anyone ever figure out how to unattune them?

08-11-2009, 10:38 PM
If I can decide what to set as the min bids I will put up a few items as well.

08-12-2009, 01:15 AM
Two days!

08-12-2009, 01:20 AM
More Teasers!!!!1111!!

08-12-2009, 01:44 AM
Ummm, what more do you want to know?

08-12-2009, 01:58 AM
Ummm, what more do you want to know?

What new stuff are we going to see? Not trying to be a meaniehead but most of the list looks like stuff I've already seen.

08-12-2009, 07:41 AM
It is a player run auction. They can't make anything new to bring to the table. Short of Ardwen bringing stuff people forgot still existed, you're not going to see items you have never heard of.

08-12-2009, 09:55 AM
It is a player run auction. They can't make anything new to bring to the table. Short of Ardwen bringing stuff people forgot still existed, you're not going to see items you have never heard of.

I'm sure both Adam and Paul have stuff hidden away that nobody has seen for awhile.

08-12-2009, 10:10 AM
Speaking of rings, what ever happened to all the skull rings?

Did anyone ever figure out how to unattune them?

Yes, people did :)

I know since I coded them, but still under an NDA, so not going to tell.


08-12-2009, 10:13 AM
Yes, people did :)

I know since I coded them, but still under an NDA, so not going to tell.


I have one.

You tap a mithril ring inset with a large ruby carved into the shape of a skull that you are wearing. Nifty little things they are. And using 407 to unlock them when they're stubborn is nice! Mine was from an attuned owner and I believe he did something around midnight to unattune them.

Player of Noldo.

08-12-2009, 01:53 PM
I have one.

You tap a mithril ring inset with a large ruby carved into the shape of a skull that you are wearing. Nifty little things they are. And using 407 to unlock them when they're stubborn is nice! Mine was from an attuned owner and I believe he did something around midnight to unattune them.

Player of Noldo.


no, heh, time is involved, but thats the extent I'll say.


08-12-2009, 03:09 PM
Yes, people did :)

I know since I coded them, but still under an NDA, so not going to tell.


The PC should require non-non disclosure agreements for ex GM's.

08-12-2009, 04:35 PM
The PC should require non-non disclosure agreements for ex GM's.

/me agrees

08-12-2009, 06:13 PM
bah humbug! As if I'd sell items at some other persons auction, even if they are firends.

08-12-2009, 06:14 PM
Something about 30 days to unattune fully(and be functional again). I forget the details, never owned one I just know a few friends that had to deal with it.

Mr. Dallas
08-12-2009, 07:53 PM
I think I have the details saved somewhere . . .I'll take a look.

08-12-2009, 09:23 PM
i thought it was 60 or 90 days for them to be unattuned. gotta put them in a backpack and not wear it for 60-90 days.

i was going to buy one from ratolin and he said he could unattune it at midnight but the day i was going to buy it he "sold it to the pawnshop"

08-13-2009, 11:15 AM
This is the "filler" list of pretty much everything I have assembled so far. I'm still working on the big ticket items.

an enruned eonake pageant shield
+20, sanctified
large shield

a stout wyrwood light crossbow

an elven-runed light crossbow

some mithril arm greaves trimmed in bronze
+4 strength, +2 stamina recovery
Need THW ranks for bonus.

an ancient fireleaf runestaff

a smooth illthorn runestaff

a shimmeirng blue glowbark runestaff

a gleaming witchwood runestaff

a blackened golvern buckler

an iron-banded brown vultite breastplate
Emblazoned proudly across the front of the breastplate in large lettering are the words, "Dragonsdraught Ale." Another inscription below the first proclaims, "The Brew that made Wehnimer's Landing famous!" The breastplate itself is forged from oak brown vultite with thin, straight vertical indentations every two inches around its surface. Two horizontal iron bands are wrapped around the curve of the breastplate. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
+25, 18 pounds

a white sapphire-inlaid warmace
Etched into the handle of the warmace is the image of a field with countless bodies and body parts scattered across it, and standing in the middle of it all is a dark angel covered in blood. The haft of the warmace has been hewed from a solid length of phosphorescent white sapphire capped at the end with a pommel formed by two interlocking silver rings. Extending from the rings are two bloodstained silver chains attached to heavy silver balls. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
+32, cold flares

a perfect rune-carved mithril hatchet
+25, perfect forging bonuses

a vicious kelyn backsword
Long, curved, and honed to a keen edge the mere sight of this backsword should be enough to inspire an enemy with dread. The sharp blade, tapered and grooved, ends in a quillioned, shark-skin wrapped hilt. A large, faceted diamond glitters from the pommel, scattering the area with refracted rainbows. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
+25, fire flares
+7 to stamina recovery, +4 to Constitution, innumerable charges

a glaes-hilted short veil iron cutlass
The translucent glaes hilt of the cutlass reveals a view of small water-filled glass cylinders attached to drakar tubes which run upwards and vanish into the cross guard of the blade. Two glaes bulbs rest on opposite ends of the cross guard. Circular holes covered by thin verdigrised grates of salt-encrusted copper run the length of the veil iron blade.
+25, steam flares

a short mechanized vultite blade
Two slender metal blades are attached to the handle of the blade. They are angled so that they lie parallel to one another, against the length of the weapon. Tightly coiled steel springs are clearly visible beneath the blades. The springs appear to be in absolutely perfect condition. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
+25, permanent blade flares

an aureate golvern pike with a leather-wrapped ironwood shaft
+25, elegant forging
8 pounds (maximum lightening)

a kelyn-hilted golvern dagger

an aquamarine vultite war hammer

an engraved vultite war hammer

a thanot-hafted veil iron mace
+25, veil iron.

a flexible black speckled rapier
+25, fire flares

an eonake-set onyx vultite dagger
Mimicking polished onyx, the blade of the dagger is a flawless ebon hue with a glossy finish. Though the edges have been sharpened, the depthless hue is found even there, denying any reflection of light. In stark contrast, strands of silvery eonake have been inset along the midline of the blade, creating a narrow band of vine knotwork. The guard in comparison is simplistic - downswept and curved to guard the bearer's hand. Beneath, the hilt is wrapped in ebon suede edged in a subtle argent threading.
+20, Siolan dagger with tier 2 scripts

a gold-bound steel axe loop
Weapon displayer.

an elven infantry baldric
Weapon displayer.

a mechanical dark elf pin
Mechanical toy.

a spiraling tapered faewood runestaff
Heimer's profession-based scripts.

a fang-clasped hide dagger harness
Dagger harness.

a matte black raw silk tanto harness
Dagger harness.

a bone-strung ebony dagger harness
Dagger harness.

a forest green woolen cap adorned with a burnished silver griffin feather
Eza hat with feather. Very scripted, removable feather.

a gold-inlaid dark green jade bracelet x2
+5 mana recovery each, wizard/sorcerer only

a varnished tanik runestaff carved to resemble an elongated table leg / a rune wristlet
+20 morphing runestaff

a thick fireleaf aegis
+27 large shield

a thick spiked vultite greathelm
spiked, permanent moderate resistance to fire

an embossed mithril greathem
Permanent moderate resistance to lightning

an eonake-spike thick tower shield
+10, spiked, sanctified
Permanent +3 to TD

a highly polished veil iron greathelm with upswept wings rising from its top
+25, veil iron

an embossed veil iron greathelm
+25, veil iron

a blackened vaalorn greathelm
Ice flares

some spiked mithril arm greaves
Spiked, vaccum flares.

some silver-insigiled ebon silk casting gloves
Scripty spellcaster gloves

a mithril bracer enameled with a pattern of repeating triskelions
+3 Strength, +2 Agility
Needs a large amount of TWC for the bonuses.

an eonake-inset gold anvil symbol
Weatherby symbol of Eonak

a gold slit-eye symbol set in a cradle of eahnor caging
Weatherby symbol of Fash'lo'nae.

a leaf-engraved faenor spyglass
Dhu spyglass, lets you peer two rooms away.

a heavy rolaren slab
25 pounds

a gold maul head-glyph and a gold maul shaft-glyph

a white pearl-inlaid bracer clasped with a sliver of nacre x2
Pair of CoL bracers.

08-13-2009, 02:24 PM
<3 Lists -- Looks like I'll be buying some stuff after all.

08-13-2009, 06:01 PM
I think I have the details saved somewhere . . .I'll take a look.

Yes, please do.

Also, cool stuff Belnia. Maybe I'll show. I'd like an Illithorn runestaff to add to my collection.

08-13-2009, 07:16 PM
might want to check if that Kelyn backsword is actually cold flares. I owned it at one point and I seem to recall it being that. Unless you got it changed (or somewhere along the line it did).

08-13-2009, 08:15 PM
I did indeed get it changed to fire flares, making it the King of Sunfist sword.

08-13-2009, 09:27 PM
Here's a bit more of the filler I'm packing. Includes a small amount of girly stuff. I'll post a list of my big-ticket items around mid day tomorrow.

a gold sheaf of grain symbol
Weatherby symbol of Imaera

a scratched spiked hoarbeam greatshield
+12, spiked, steam flares

a small rune-encrusted sickle
+13, earth flares

a simple imflass falchion
With its single, sharpened edge, the blade is a testament to the care that has been taken to preserve the integrity of the light metal. Where blade meets hilt, a basket of imflass mesh protects the wielder's hand and stands guard over a handle of grey modwir. The wood's grey hue provides muted contrast to the blue tint of the blade, and the simplicity of the weapon seems suited to the utilitarian soul of a battle-hardened warrior. Block letters wind around a ruby heart imbedded into the pommel. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
The Warchief's Heart
+20 (yes, +20) with fire flares
a carved modwir scabbard
Grey wood is varnished to preserve the vignette carved upon it. A stand of modwir trees covers the back and sides of the scabbard, their boughs reaching around to frame the image of a camp. A number of wizened reivers gather around a blazing fire, which has been painted red and orange to provide a single burst of color. Each carries a different weapon, and extra weapons rest against shelters in the area. Red and green tartan wool lines the inside, and a few words have been embroidered upon it.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
A sword for a sword, a death for a death; the Divine we serve to regain what was lost.
3x a day blessing scabbard, 50 swings per

an eahnor and gold link bracelet
+4 Edged Weapons bonus

a grey-striped invar rock thumper
Fresh and unused.

some spiked steel vambraces set with dark storm agate
+4 to Strength Bonus, +6 to Thrown Weapons bonus.
Requires 50 ranks of Thrown to get the bonuses.

an old spiked ora greathelm

an etched spiked ora greatshield
+10, spiked

a deep blue rolaren mirror detailed with a frame of overlapping waves
Once unlocked Yvexia mirror

a pair of dark gold mithril bracers
Disruption flares

a sapphire and glass cat's eye marble
Self recharging Eye Spy

a piece of granite
Old scripted Pet Rock

a corseted drakar-toned marbrinus gown subtly swirled with blended orange and pale yellow
Fully unlocked metallic gown

an ivory satin gown with twin blue sapphire cabochons catching its folded straps
Nalea gown

08-13-2009, 10:07 PM
Janit Granite!

08-13-2009, 11:10 PM
On the chopping block!

08-13-2009, 11:14 PM
You have that other hunk of rock that I didn't see going up for auction, B.

08-14-2009, 02:19 AM
I'll be bringing an asshat full of altered girly leftovers from my huge liquidation auction for tomorrow night, most of them with at least somewhat lowered minimums. Very doubtful i'll be there Saturday though.

08-14-2009, 02:26 AM
i was going to buy one from ratolin and he said he could unattune it at midnight but the day i was going to buy it he "sold it to the pawnshop"

08-14-2009, 12:20 PM
Big Stuff:
a silver-strung burled sephwir harp
Elegantly simple in its lines, this harp is crafted from perfectly matched pieces of burled sephwir. By some trick of light, the richly-grained wood seems imbued with an inner glow. The harp is strung with wires of purest spun silver that glisten without trace of tarnish or wear.
+10 Aura, +10 Influence while played
Bard only, persistant.

5x acid flaring handaxe bandoleer

a scorched mithril claidhmore

a veniom-hilted mithril claidhmore

a heavy wyrwood crossbow embedded with chiseled emeralds
Enhancive knowledge of Sneaking (617)

a glaes-paneled slim mithril bracer
5 setting gold ring holder. Wrist worn.

an umbral shade-skink
Living shadow-lizard that likes to hurt you.

a carved modwir parrot figurine
Speaks any message you want in the Sylvan language, whenever you want.

a translucent silvery glaes buckler emblazoned with a tankard
+30, 4 pounds, Tier 3 Anfelt scripts.
+2 to Spirit Recovery.
Good for those channeling spirit tasks for cauldron training, or lots of Wracking.

Still under consideration: Which 10x weapon to unload, and which returners must go.

08-14-2009, 08:59 PM
Beginning in mere minutes. Coooome!

08-14-2009, 09:26 PM
Would be nice to set aside a time when the expensive stuff is going to be sold. I don't want to sit through all this under 1 mil stuff.

08-15-2009, 01:07 AM
Is there a log of what sold and for how much? I went to the horse track and missed it Doh!.

08-15-2009, 08:46 AM
Alot of stuff went fairly cheap.

6x ice flaring shortsword went for 2.5 mil

nalea gowns were going for 3 mil

some 5x stuff went from 500k - 1 mil

08-15-2009, 11:28 AM
When's round 2?!

08-15-2009, 11:32 AM
I logged it but it's too much work to sort through all that.

Highlights ...

Stunseed bought the Sylvan parrot for 10m.
The dagger bandoleer went out for 50m.
The skeleton key sold for 25m?

08-15-2009, 11:53 AM
round 2 starts in 4 hours, 4pm EST, going till 8pm or whenever we run out of stuff.

As far as the sub million stuff, always found its best to mix it up, be plenty of big stuff today for sure.


08-15-2009, 02:24 PM
Someone needs to sell some high enchant doubles already. I'm sick of asking.

08-15-2009, 07:44 PM
Thank you for setting up the auction and such.
Had a lot of fun!

08-15-2009, 08:00 PM
Thank you for setting up the auction and such.
Had a lot of fun!

I, too, had a great time attending. Thank you for hosting it, all.

08-15-2009, 08:41 PM
Thanks gang, the main point of it was fun first, hasn't been lots going on lately with the EG prep going on, and second, move off some stuff.

Really had a good time with everyone, met some new folks, hung out with some folks I really like, and made a few coins.

Definitely do it again.


08-15-2009, 08:43 PM
Since Jolena and I host the Elanthian Elegance auction every year, it was nice to make some payback. :)

08-15-2009, 08:44 PM
I was there but clearly a minor stack at the table so I missed out on a lot of cool items. Picked up some lower stuff but just missed out on a few items I would have really liked to pick up. Thanks for running it guys, good time.

08-15-2009, 08:45 PM
yeah sad i missed it, those are the only real things in GS that I look forward to, especially if its normal people putting them together

08-15-2009, 10:16 PM
was fun to just sit around and bs the first night, unfortunately couldn't make it today as I had a graduation celebration to attend. (actually it was in a room filled with a bunch of single ladies, so it wasn't terribly unfortunate)

Wish I had some more spare coin sitting around at the moment.

And i'm very sad I didn't win any of the 1 coin MB items for 2 coins. I thought for sure i'd snag one :(

Of course, what made the event for me was this...

Soemone's owl familiar: I'll bid 350k
random person: I hope that bird has a big bank account!
me: He has a sizable nest egg.

...tee hee

08-15-2009, 10:27 PM
Any highlights of who bought what? I missed it!:(

Heard some 7x, HCP doubles went. Missed the other set of lockpicks, if there was any(someone said there was)

Any, highlights MOAR highlights!

08-15-2009, 10:34 PM
I sold a backpack for 25mill, a 2x claid for 12mill, and a 5x DCW maul for 11mill

08-15-2009, 10:37 PM
Yeah I missed the backpack! :( I'm a sad panda. Good thing I can borrow it whenever I like though!

08-15-2009, 11:00 PM
Missed it all. If the tinderbox is still for sale or whatnot, drop me a note.

Mana Goddess
08-16-2009, 12:07 AM
Man, I so wish I'd been in town for this D:

08-16-2009, 12:09 AM
Janit is mine, nothing else really sold worth talking about

08-16-2009, 12:53 AM
Let see, I bought:
5x elegantly forged golvern lance, max lightened and altered
5x perfectly forged maul, Decently crit weighted
2x DCP brig
8x shield
6x buckler
6x shield
a jar full of bubbles (by far my best buy)
a rolaren long-knife, 4x with some sick lightning flares
an armor concealer that conceals any armor type
pin worn, LA jacket
few other random containers and small weapons

Also sold during the auction or to people from the auction:
7x DCW short sword for 20m
FGB for 9m

And lastly, just after the auction I bought the 4x close to claidh weighted mattock

08-16-2009, 01:01 AM
5x elegantly forged golvern lance, max lightened and altered

For how much?

08-16-2009, 01:25 AM
if I recal the lance went pretty cheap under a Mill? about a Mill? somewhere around there.

08-16-2009, 01:56 AM
sounds about right

08-16-2009, 01:58 AM
Damn robbers and thieves, the lot of you.

08-16-2009, 02:23 AM
I got 4x masterfully crit padded chain hauberk (thanks Avantos) that I immediately loaned out to a good friend. I logged in today, there was one item then the hauberk came up, I paid the coins and then logged out. That was literally the only time I could get on today so that worked out pretty well.

08-16-2009, 02:27 AM
Did Ye Olde Dwarven Longbow sell?

08-16-2009, 02:28 AM
I got 4x masterfully crit padded chain hauberk that I immediately loaned out to a good friend. I logged in today, there was one item then the hauberk came up, I paid the coins and then logged out. That was literally the only time I could get on today so that worked out pretty well.

You two are good folks...

I made money on that deal since I got it in trade when I sold the 8x mcp set and I really didn't need heavy armor other than that I got.

I did fairly well, I gotta pay some friends for looting their accounts for stuff and got more to sell, gonna restock the shops and post it up.

Rogane did well for sure, grabbed some good buys.

We'll do another one in the spring, start saving now.


08-16-2009, 02:34 AM
You two are good folks...

I made money on that deal since I got it in trade when I sold the 8x mcp set and I really didn't need heavy armor other than that I got.

I did fairly well, I gotta pay some friends for looting their accounts for stuff and got more to sell, gonna restock the shops and post it up.

Rogane did well for sure, grabbed some good buys.

We'll do another one in the spring, start saving now.


Yeah I felt it was a fair price for both sides, that's a good feeling to come away with. I actually have a lot of 10 mil+ items that I need to sell I just didn't have time to prepare for this auction, I'll probably put them up next auction.

08-16-2009, 04:01 AM
Bah. I'm annoyed I couldn't make it to sell some things. Though, considering how busy I am right now, that's not surprising I guess.

08-16-2009, 04:12 AM
Did Ye Olde Dwarven Longbow sell?

Nope, and it's for sale, PM me if you want to negotiate on the price.

08-16-2009, 04:13 AM
Nope, and it's for sale, PM me if you want to negotiate on the price.

It's just an item I've always liked, not looking to buy it right now. Best of luck.

08-16-2009, 04:27 AM
It's 6x now, and if it doesn't sell soon it will be going to 7x.

08-16-2009, 07:07 AM
Any chance we could get some kind of feed for the next auction? I found it really hard to keep up with what was going on in the room.

08-16-2009, 08:52 AM
It's 6x now, and if it doesn't sell soon it will be going to 7x.

What is it? I'm looking for a bow.

08-16-2009, 11:02 AM
its a longsword or something twohanded iirc. I chuckled when I saw the dwarven longbow part only to see it on a piece of steel. dwarves are funny like that.

08-16-2009, 11:21 AM
It's a returning handaxe.

Hence dwarven longbow.

08-16-2009, 11:22 AM
It's a returning handaxe.

Hence dwarven longbow.

Is that the actual description on it?

If so that's awesome.

08-16-2009, 11:29 AM
It's 6x now, and if it doesn't sell soon it will be going to 7x.

You need to give me a hook up on some PP here. I wouldn't mind taking my armor up to 4x eventually. And now that I'm not using the 6x perfect DCW maul, I might start looking to enchant that to 8-10x eventually.

Rogane did well for sure, grabbed some good buys.

Yeah, I was fairly impressed how few people were bidding here. There were some amazing steals for anyone looking to do a quick turn around. Two mithril claids for 4m (one went for 3m on the amunet during the first night cause no one was paying attention). I walked in with close to 80m, spent about 40m and made it back selling only a few of the items. And that was just in a few hours and not really trying to get full price for em. I would have spent a lot more if I had known only one 10x item was going to be offered up. I was also considering grabbing the 617 crossbow.

All-in-all, great event. Though if you want people to bid on items, don't tell them you are going to bring out a bunch of 10x weapons and armor then don't do it and bitch about being robbed. I know of at least 10 people who were holding back on bidding because they wanted these items.

08-16-2009, 12:12 PM
So what was the lockpick bundle? And Belnia sold the tinderbox there? How much did that go for?

08-16-2009, 12:26 PM
You need to give me a hook up on some PP here.

This needed quoted.. just because

08-16-2009, 01:47 PM
This needed quoted.. just because

Don't be jealous that he has more PP than you!

08-16-2009, 02:08 PM
It's true. I sold my PP.

08-16-2009, 02:10 PM
Interesting that you found it hard to follow the room, I've hosted auctions in the far past with literally 250+ people in the room, though I have to admit the scroll as minor as it was annoyed me heh

08-16-2009, 06:24 PM
What 10x item sold?

It looks as though only a 10x fal with cold flares is being held over.

And too bad you resold everything so quick for way more than you paid, would be nice to have some deflation for all who have little to be able to afford cool things.

08-16-2009, 07:52 PM
Only the 10x falchion was put up for sale, early on the first night. I only resold a few items, and they were asked for. It is what it is. If the young people had been at the auction and bothered to bid, they could have gotten the items. Many many times I wouldn't bid on an item if someone else simply bid on it.

08-17-2009, 08:27 AM
All-in-all, great event. Though if you want people to bid on items, don't tell them you are going to bring out a bunch of 10x weapons and armor then don't do it and bitch about being robbed. I know of at least 10 people who were holding back on bidding because they wanted these items.


Consider me #11.

08-17-2009, 01:38 PM
Only the 10x falchion was put up for sale, early on the first night. I only resold a few items, and they were asked for. It is what it is. If the young people had been at the auction and bothered to bid, they could have gotten the items. Many many times I wouldn't bid on an item if someone else simply bid on it.

I beg to differ. If you are who I think you are in game then you outbid my little cleric on a few items that i was really hoping to snag. Granted I wanted them mostly for the turnover but still.

08-17-2009, 07:06 PM
No one sells 10x axes anymore =/ unless they have lightening flares and ask too much =)