View Full Version : UltraLooter

08-07-2009, 03:06 AM
Thanks to Auryana bitching at me I've attempted to create the end all be all of looting/skinning scripts. If there's something that your script does that this one doesn't LET ME KNOW. It's my goal to consolidate all looting scripts into one - if such a thing is possible.

################################################## #####################################
# UltraLooter by SpiffyJr (Noldo, the Forest Gnome Wanger)
# Date: Friday, August 07, 2009
# Version: 1.0
# The loot script to rule them all!
# Features
# Containers: alchemy, ammo, box, forage, gem, herb, magic, scroll, skin, skin weapon, unknown, wand
# Settings: skin weapon, loot all, stow hand, skin, skin alternate, skin with (left/right), pickup alchemy, pickup ammo
# pickup boxes, pickup forage, pickup gems, pickup herbs, pickup magic, pickup scrolls, pickup skins
# pickup weapons, pickup unknown, pickup wands, disk boxes, use skinning (if ranger)
# Todo
# Add disking of boxes
# Add GUI configuration
# Changelog
# * Friday, August 07, 2009
# First release.
################################################## #####################################

08-07-2009, 03:45 AM
Make sure you add an option for other peoples disks to, for group hunts and MA's. Would need to be the leader though. My first thought

08-07-2009, 06:11 AM
does this script auto pick up your arrows after looting a npc?

if so ima love this on my ranger.

and skinning critters on my ranger will it cast skinning spell?

08-07-2009, 06:29 AM
It aint ultra until it's ultra... Spiffy should find a new naming scheme...

niftylooter, niftyalchemy, niftyfletcher...
or the bit more obvious
spiffylooter, spiffyalchemy, spiffyfletcher

08-07-2009, 06:50 AM
I cannot seem to figure out how to set this up, if anyone is willing to help I would appreciate it, I can set the variables but I am not smart enough to figure out how I set the containers on it.

08-07-2009, 08:26 AM
does this script auto pick up your arrows after looting a npc?

if so ima love this on my ranger.

and skinning critters on my ranger will it cast skinning spell?

That's the idea behind the "ammo" line. You can turn pickup_ammo to on and then set your ammosack and it will snag it. I'm a wizard/archer so this will definitely be in before the script is finished. And yes, it will keep skinning up for you ranger types.

08-07-2009, 08:28 AM
I cannot seem to figure out how to set this up, if anyone is willing to help I would appreciate it, I can set the variables but I am not smart enough to figure out how I set the containers on it.

Just do ;ultralooter --setup and the menu will come up. Type the letter/number next to the variable and press enter. It will say something like "Setting value for pickup_boxs. Enter cancel to escape." Then you would just type in something like bag and hit enter.

08-07-2009, 08:28 AM
It aint ultra until it's ultra... Spiffy should find a new naming scheme...

niftylooter, niftyalchemy, niftyfletcher...
or the bit more obvious
spiffylooter, spiffyalchemy, spiffyfletcher

SpiffyXXXX does sound nice. Ultra was one script I did a LOOOOONG time ago and it just stuck. The only script that's really "ultra" is the fletcher because it handles every possible combination of fletching in the game.

08-07-2009, 08:30 AM
On a side note: I made this post at 2am people! Why the hell did I get so many replies!

08-08-2009, 12:57 AM
Another couple thoughts.

If possible, have it announce when it finds a bounty heirloom. Also is it going to auto LOOT or would you manually loot the creature?

If it auto loots the creatures upon death, if there's a way to patch across other people in the groups bounties. Basically so the other grouped characters get a chance at their bounties.

Will it be smart enough to know when the containers have been emptied so they can be refilled? Or will the script need to be ;kill'ed and then restarted each hunt? Like Pickup.lic does? If it is indeed that smart, that's SW33T!

08-08-2009, 01:24 AM
Does this script work in real life after natural disasters?

08-08-2009, 01:41 AM
Another couple thoughts.

If possible, have it announce when it finds a bounty heirloom. Also is it going to auto LOOT or would you manually loot the creature?

If it auto loots the creatures upon death, if there's a way to patch across other people in the groups bounties. Basically so the other grouped characters get a chance at their bounties.

Will it be smart enough to know when the containers have been emptied so they can be refilled? Or will the script need to be ;kill'ed and then restarted each hunt? Like Pickup.lic does? If it is indeed that smart, that's SW33T!

It doesn't go by what's on the mob, It goes by what's on the ground after you loot the mob. So it should pick up heirlooms just as any other earring/bracelet etc.

08-08-2009, 06:45 AM
It doesn't go by what's on the mob, It goes by what's on the ground after you loot the mob. So it should pick up heirlooms just as any other earring/bracelet etc.

Right, and adding new items that were not on the list is easy. Not what I said nor meant. It would be handy if it would ECHO and announce when it does pickup your bounty heirloom, with the pickup.lic script I've missed the heirloom message with all the spamming in Nelemar or OTF, then I spend time looking for what container or what character it's on.

And if it auto loots upon a critters death, bounties with a group wouldn't be so nice with this script.

*NEW* Thought, it always pissed me off when that stupid modwir(sp) box floating around the rift would pop in and screw the pickup.lic script up. I would assume since you're using GameObj that the rift body box will no longer be an issue?

EDIT: BTW Deathravin, thank you for the Wizard picker edition waaaay back in the day. I used the shit out of that Pre-GSIV until the traps exceeded the match limit.

08-08-2009, 06:59 AM
Cool. You're welcome ^^ glad somebody used it. I liked that thing. My picking script in Lich is okay and it works and everything, but so dirty and inflexible at the moment. Wish I had drive to fix things that work for me...

The SF one I used FOREVER. Thing was great. Used to love making SF scripts. I think I'd still use them if I just had ifs.

08-08-2009, 07:10 AM
Cool. You're welcome ^^ glad somebody used it. I liked that thing. My picking script in Lich is okay and it works and everything, but so dirty and inflexible at the moment. Wish I had drive to fix things that work for me...

The SF one I used FOREVER. Thing was great. Used to love making SF scripts. I think I'd still use them if I just had ifs.

Won't have to worry about drive too much longer. Joseph's working on something that looks pretty nice. I was in the middle of making what I considered to be the ultra_picker. Then I saw this on the repo and it made my last 4 days come back and give me a headache all at once.

- Jungle_love#$#.lic (34K, 8-8-2009)

Then after looking through ^that a bit, my headache went away and I realized that my headache was from the way I was compiling my code. Looking at his layout style was like taking two extra strength Advil.

08-08-2009, 08:29 AM
bah, You arn't supposed to advertise scripts that arn't really done yet :-p

08-08-2009, 08:45 AM
bah, You arn't supposed to advertise scripts that arn't really done yet :-p
It's a good way to get people who are already working on something similar to coolaborate. It also allows for people to make feature suggestions, which are much easier to integrate in the design/development phase (not to mention since it's being made for free often scripters don't want to go back once they've finished).

The side effect is the looking like your showing off/over hype, which hopefully isn't intentional. (I don't think it is)

08-08-2009, 09:14 AM
It's a good way to get people who are already working on something similar to coolaborate. It also allows for people to make feature suggestions, which are much easier to integrate in the design/development phase (not to mention since it's being made for free often scripters don't want to go back once they've finished).

The side effect is the looking like your showing off/over hype, which hopefully isn't intentional. (I don't think it is)

Multiple people have already done similar scripts (locksmithing) I didn't like those products so I don't use them.

I am making this for myself to use, and others to reference when they ask me how-to questions... this script has parts that other people will have to change / modify if they want to use ( I am not making it an out of the box script, I have no desire to do so.)

As for features it won't have any, once finished it will simply be ;alias unlock=;e unlock_box(Box.new(GameObj.right_hand)) or ground etc..

08-08-2009, 09:41 AM
What? I wasn't asking a question.. I wasn't sure of your knowledge of development so I assumed you were someone eagerly awaiting this script and wondering why someone would tease about it.

... not sure what any of this has to do with a locksmithing script though.

08-08-2009, 01:16 PM
bah, You arn't supposed to advertise scripts that arn't really done yet :-p

My bad, I didn't think anything of it mainly because you already had it advertised up on the repo for any afk scripter not to see.

C what U did there!:nono:

08-08-2009, 03:35 PM
Couple of things:
1) UltraLooter will now be called SpiffyLoot with a script name of ;sloot. I will be renaming my scripts to make them easier to use and I'm tweaking them in the process to use SpiffyLib. SpiffyLib is becoming pretty handy and if anyone wants to use it I am willing to offer any help.
2) sloot does not run continuously because I never liked that idea. That said, I will probably add an option for it because I'm looking to do the end all be all of loot scripts.
3) Good idea on the heirloom. If someone could get me the line that comes up when one drops I will go ahead and add that feature. I think I will add a bountysack for that stuff to go in.