View Full Version : Sound files

08-04-2009, 09:48 PM
Sound files.

What format/file type do they need to be in? For both SF and WizardFE

How can I make the file trigger by matches in the game for both SF and WizardFE?

I use Lich so my best thought on how to do this would be to run a script for each character controlling their matches and what sound files etc.

Is there a feature built into either FE to do this?

Edit: Plz tell me I can(and the how to) pump out MP3 format for matches. This game would get a whole lot better.

08-04-2009, 09:48 PM
.wav, I believe. I'm not sure what other formats.

Highlights menu, there's a field for play sounds. (that's for SF, haven't used the wizard since SF came out, whenever that was.)

The Ponzzz
08-04-2009, 10:18 PM
mp3 won't work.

Sylvan Dreams
08-05-2009, 12:03 AM
They have to be .wav files. When you are at the Custom Highlights pop-up box in SF, at the bottom of that box there is a box to enter the path of the sound file you want associated with the highlight string. You don't have to keep the string in a separate color if you don't want to, either.

08-05-2009, 03:55 AM
Nice, that solves SF easily enough.

Now I need a program to make a .wav file. I'm sure I've got it, just never made one, never even recorded any voice or anything with this laptop.

Also and to me more important, how do I make a Lich script or .cmd script running through Lich to play a sound file?

And thanks for all the halp!

08-05-2009, 05:10 AM
Nice, that solves SF easily enough.

Now I need a program to make a .wav file. I'm sure I've got it, just never made one, never even recorded any voice or anything with this laptop.

Also and to me more important, how do I make a Lich script or .cmd script running through Lich to play a sound file?

And thanks for all the halp!

Can you not just get your script to put a string up then match the string to the sound file in the sound files section of the front end.

I.E. put whisper to [yourname] play this soundfile [nameofsoundfile]

08-05-2009, 01:05 PM
Nice, that solves SF easily enough.

Now I need a program to make a .wav file. I'm sure I've got it, just never made one, never even recorded any voice or anything with this laptop.

Also and to me more important, how do I make a Lich script or .cmd script running through Lich to play a sound file?

And thanks for all the halp!

To record your voice, the easiest way is sound recorder. Start>accessories>entertainment(?)

For files, download audacity and/or a <filetype> to wav converter. The other option is to loop a recording (record w/ sound recorder and play on the player at the same time. Quality suffers, but it works)

08-07-2009, 03:49 AM
Can you not just get your script to put a string up then match the string to the sound file in the sound files section of the front end.

I.E. put whisper to [yourname] play this soundfile [nameofsoundfile]

Not exactly what I'm after.

I want a script to be running through Lich to waitfor a match and then open a sound file. I want both music and voiced recordings altering me when something happens.

I really need the sound files to work with WizardFE. However for the time being while I setup some sound files, I will play with SF, because it's my only option at this point.

08-08-2009, 07:14 AM
Posting this here for ease of ability to find. Plus it's hopefully what I'll be editing for my sound files to be launched through Lich

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# All this does is run notepad.exe to edit a script; if the file doesn't exist, the script creates it and then launches notepad to edit it. If it does exist, just opens the file as-is. You can replace notepad.exe with your editor of choice on the next line (which I really recommend doing...)

#editor = "notepad.exe"
editor = "C:\\Program Files\\Windows NT\\Accessories\\wordpad.exe"
scriptfile = script.vars[1]

unless script
echo("Error! Syntax is: ;edit (name)")

unless File.exists?($script_dir + "#{script.vars[1]}.lic")
File.open($script_dir + "#{script.vars[1]}.lic","w") { |file| file.puts("# Skeleton Lich file") }
echo("There's been an error during creation of the skeleton script file: #{$!}")

unless system("#{editor} " + "\"#{$script_dir + scriptfile}.lic\"")
echo("Unknown error launching your editor, aborting: #{$!}")

06-30-2010, 11:46 AM
Rezzing an old thread here

I've recently gotten sound-happy on Stormfront and am trying to come up with a damn color and/or sound for every occasion. Got ahold of a number of Warcraft and Metal Gear Solid sound effects, and found this website to convert them all to .wav


Very useful for anybody else out there wanting to incorporate more sound into their gameplay

06-30-2010, 12:20 PM
What are some common files you guys use? Just music? Sound effects? I have never really played with that in GS before. Alerts for [Sends]? Death? Magic wand sounds?

Gimme some ideas here :D

06-30-2010, 12:21 PM
I have all my highlight strings play vuvuzela.wav

06-30-2010, 12:37 PM

06-30-2010, 12:43 PM
I have all my highlight strings play vuvuzela.wav

I lol'ed. Hard.

What are some common files you guys use? Just music? Sound effects? I have never really played with that in GS before. Alerts for [Sends]? Death? Magic wand sounds?

Gimme some ideas here :D

Just about everything is sound effects for me as opposed to music. Some instances I have sounds for:
Death, Spirit Drain, Spirit Gain, Level Up, Finishing Bounty Task, Rogue Guild Tasks, being spotted while hiding, seeing/catching pickpockets, amunet activation, private amunet thoughts, amunet thought not being received, amunet wearing off, low stamina, gift of lumnis, losing track of someone you're watching, RP award, death sting wearing off, crafting/forging perfect items, sign of staunching wearing off, earning artisan craft ranks, [SEND], [script done], a clean miss, overspending spirit in public, sign of darkness/teleporting, IDLE TOO LONG, decaying.

I have a TON of sound effects I'm going through to assign to more events. At the top of my list right now is finding a decent sound for being stunned and for events with combat maneuvers.

06-30-2010, 12:47 PM
Methais had the best setup for .wav Lots of mortal kombat stuff on crits FATALITY! etc. It was pretty awesome.

06-30-2010, 12:49 PM
Methais had the best setup for .wav Lots of mortal kombat stuff on crits FATALITY! etc. It was pretty awesome.

Haha awesome. Does he have any of that listed somewhere??

06-30-2010, 12:50 PM
He used to years ago. Go go remembering useless shit!

06-30-2010, 12:59 PM
Methais had the best setup for .wav Lots of mortal kombat stuff on crits FATALITY! etc. It was pretty awesome.

I remember going through that list and thinking how horrible it must have been to play gemstone with. He had SO many, and not just short little sound effects, tons of clips from movies and stuff... all disjointed.

06-30-2010, 01:05 PM

06-30-2010, 01:05 PM
Just about everything is sound effects for me as opposed to music. Some instances I have sounds for:
Death, Spirit Drain, Spirit Gain, Level Up, Finishing Bounty Task, Rogue Guild Tasks, being spotted while hiding, seeing/catching pickpockets, amunet activation, private amunet thoughts, amunet thought not being received, amunet wearing off, low stamina, gift of lumnis, losing track of someone you're watching, RP award, death sting wearing off, crafting/forging perfect items, sign of staunching wearing off, earning artisan craft ranks, [SEND], [script done], a clean miss, overspending spirit in public, sign of darkness/teleporting, IDLE TOO LONG, decaying.

I have a TON of sound effects I'm going through to assign to more events. At the top of my list right now is finding a decent sound for being stunned and for events with combat maneuvers.

I've always just depended on bright colors and skillful highlighting. I'm going to have to play around with this. What are some sounds you use?

06-30-2010, 04:31 PM
I've always just depended on bright colors and skillful highlighting. I'm going to have to play around with this. What are some sounds you use?

The vast majority of all sounds I use are from Metal Gear Solid and Warcraft 3.
Uhhh some examples would be the "!" (MGS) noise when discovered in hiding or when catching a pickpocket, the undead "sleep" spell (WC3) when spirit is drained, a heartbeat when spirit is gained, the "codec" ring (MGS) when private thoughts are sent to me, Snake's death scream when Xero dies, a couple of Zelda sound effects for leveling up and making perfect hammer pieces. I got the WC3 sounds more recently than the MGS ones so I'm still working on getting more of them incorporated into events.

06-30-2010, 04:43 PM
If you're not playing the FF7 victory music every time you kill an opponent, you fail.

Edit: This should also play every time you enter a hunting zone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9LrE6dRHn8

06-30-2010, 05:04 PM
Edit: This should also play every time you enter a hunting zone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9LrE6dRHn8
