View Full Version : My revolving door addiction

08-01-2009, 12:34 AM
I have been playing Gemstone on and off since 2002, when a buddy in the army introduced me to it. (His character name was Blades, wonder how he is, I lost contact with him years ago) Anyway, the long and the short of it is, I don't have access to uber 145x super weapons and armor ect ect, lately, I've been giving it a real go, playing several characters up, really trying to find something I can fall in love with, but, invariably it gets boring not being able to venture out past the area around the landing, for fear I will accidently get one shotted and I can never seem to hunt anything even close to my level. I've killed so many Hobgoblins now, I actually recieved a trophy in the mail and a cease and desist order from the Hobgoblin's lawyer. The only post or "guides" you find in any forums anywhere talk about stats at cap and pocket wizards and personal dragon slayer bazookas. My question is, is there a class that has a balance of utility and hunting capability at lower levels? Or am I doomed to hunt Hobgoblins until level 15, wishing I was dead the whole time? In the end I am probably doing it all wrong, but at the rate I level, even if I had played uninterrupted since 2002, I'd still only be lvl 23. I love the concept of Gemstone, the community, even if growing ever smaller, still seems to be helpful and friendly in game....I just can't seem to progress, I refuse to believe its supposed to take me 3 days of hunting to get from level 6-7.

08-01-2009, 12:42 AM
You have 30 days to change your stats and training. Use that to your advantage. Train in two handed weapons, combat manuevers, and PT and then go out and swing a claid. Should be able to get to 20 in no time regardless of what profession you pick.

Lord Orbstar
08-01-2009, 12:44 AM
wow. the answer is yes. A rogue will do you fair. hide and ambush.

warriors are easy sauce at the lower levels too. and fun. Use a claidhmore.

It sounds like you need to set your stats to max out (in your main class stats) by level 40 to allow you some growth and alot of power in the lower levels. There's no reason to not make Lord easily unless you are playing a pure or doing some funky ass training aberration. "burghal gnome lance weilder wizard"

finally, group hunt! ask on the amunet and psinet if anyone wants to hunt. I routinely hunt with lower level people with my characters and enjoy helping. It is amazing when I offer to help a person or group with a capped character and I get no response. You get better experience and absorption when you are grouped, it is safer and synergistic. Oh ya, and fun.

send me a tell when you are on and I will help. I have a 16 empath, 35 wizard, 35 warrior, 13 bard, 41 paladin, and a couple higher level guys to help/group with.

Look for Edaarin, Jagyr, Sturmshaman, Zerman, Druhj

08-01-2009, 09:59 AM
FYI, Blades was around occasionally in Ta'Illistim as of a couple months ago.

08-01-2009, 10:03 AM
I still see Blades on a regular basis in Ta'Illistim and I only play ~6 hours a week.

08-01-2009, 11:02 AM
Semis are capable of hunting just fine on their own spells from 0 to cap. Wizards also do fine, but you will hit mana issues until 35 or so.

You can do bounties from the Adventurer's Guild for extra experience which will help out the leveling as well.

08-01-2009, 11:16 AM
As others mentioned, skew your stats/skills to being a low level killing machine for 30 days, get as high as you can, then skew them for mid-level growth.

08-01-2009, 11:56 AM
Glad to hear Blades is still around, we were at intel school together when he got me into gemstone, but as the army goes, I can't remember where he went next. I hope he didn't sell out on that toon, he had been playing the game for forever when I met him.

So, from what you guys are saying, I shouldn't try so hard to "be the class" early on, just pump myself up to kill things with 2H, and then switch out? I wonder though, whats the switch point? I have been trying out a wizard right now, which has done wonders to help me understand the spell system, but after a couple days put into it, I'm not sure they are how I want to go. I played a warrior once, thats my highest toon ever, and while easy to splat things with a claid, it always felt to me, a little lacking, always having other people pick your boxes, relying on others for heals or spells. I tried a cleric, but couldn't get past level 2.....but I didn't try to make him a melee machine. Hmmm.....Thanks for the ideas, I will look at this and see what I want to do, I also need to wrap my head around psinet and do a better job grouping, I've never really tried to group that much.

08-01-2009, 12:12 PM
You've got 30 days from character creation to do whatever you want. Every time you log in, you'll get a bright yellow notice telling you when that 30 days is up. And swinging away for 29 days is totally the easiest way to do it. Once you get Haste for a wizard, the swinging is easy.

08-01-2009, 01:19 PM
A little side note, after really looking at things this morning, I might go back to trying a warrior, rp-wise they are one of my favorites and they have my favorite Cman in the game, headbutt. Plus they are a little easier on my brain. Now do I want to be a dwarf or a giantman....choices, choices.

08-01-2009, 01:32 PM
Warriors are awesome these days. MoC + berserk just flat out tears through shit.

08-01-2009, 01:47 PM
Yep. 0-50, warriors are hard to beat.

08-01-2009, 02:02 PM
A little side note, after really looking at things this morning, I might go back to trying a warrior, rp-wise they are one of my favorites and they have my favorite Cman in the game, headbutt. Plus they are a little easier on my brain. Now do I want to be a dwarf or a giantman....choices, choices.

Back in the AOL, me and my friends thought it was the cool thing to do to make fun or warriors because they were easy

08-01-2009, 02:14 PM
Easy is as Easy does. Got to keep things simple for me, I would like to try a warpath or a cleric one day, but all things in time.

I'll be on Hrolfgrim, my Half Giant warrior, being easy around the landing for now.

08-01-2009, 02:28 PM
Blades = one of the last true legends around. Awesome dude. Look him up. He'll stare at you a bit, grumble, then most likely help you.

08-01-2009, 03:00 PM
Yeah he was a cool guy IRL too. One of the guys at our school that had his head on his shoulders squarely, even if he was paying some god awful amount of money per month to play a mud. He had helped start out my first ever dwarf warrior back in '02, but between 3 tours of Iraq and whatnot, I lost all that info. <sigh>

08-01-2009, 03:54 PM
Blades is one of the people I miss interacting with. The witch really got a kick out of "her Blades" and so did I.

And Beldin, Evarin, Sereg, Zhelas, and a bunch more.

Enjoy the revolving door, I'm avoiding it at present. :)

08-05-2009, 06:26 PM
I always found my ranger to be the best balance of useful spells and physicality. That's all I really have to contribute...except to add that I don't really remember a time when Blades wasn't around, and I've been around off and on for a long, long time.

08-05-2009, 06:52 PM
Blades lives in illistim. He's around often enough. And I am pretty sure he posts here on the rare occassion.