View Full Version : UltraAlchemy - Coming Soon!

07-30-2009, 01:54 AM

Now for a little more of a teaser! You might be wondering why I'm measuring my ingredients. It's a way for me to verify and retrieve the object IDs for every ingredient. The glory of that is UltraAlchemy doesn't care how you have your herbs bundled or if you add items to the bag after it checks. You can have acantha leaf as a single, with two double bundles, and a bundle of 40 and it will always split them down until you have the single required amount. It's secksay! Oh, and those tasks do work :)

[uatest]>measure my clear water
Now, why are you trying to measure the clear water? How unusual!
[uatest]>get my acantha leaf from my poke
You remove some acantha leaf from in your black leather poke.
[uatest]>bundle remove
You carefully remove one dose from your acantha leaf.
[uatest]>put my acantha leaf in my poke
You put some acantha leaf in your black leather poke.
[uatest]>put my acantha leaf in my poke
You put some acantha leaf in your black leather poke.
[uatest]>get my cauldron from my bag
You remove a black iron cauldron from in your alchemy supply bag.
[uatest]>drop my cauldron
You drop a black iron cauldron.
[uatest]>light cauldron
You focus on the iron cauldron and pulse a small amount of mana into it. A small flickering flame appears beneath it.
[uatest]>get #18440168
You remove a flask of clear water from in your alchemy supply bag.
[uatest]>put #18440168 in cauldron
You pour the clear water into the iron cauldron, keeping the empty flask that remains.
[uatest]>put my empty flask in my bag
You put an empty flask in your alchemy supply bag.
[uatest]>get #18600042
You remove some acantha leaf from in your black leather poke.
[uatest]>put #18600042 in cauldron
You place some acantha leaf into a black iron cauldron.
[uatest]>alchemy boil
You focus on the iron cauldron and push mana into it. The flame beneath it quickly flares up wildly, bringing the contents to a rolling boil.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
[uatest]>get my empty flask from my bag
You remove an empty flask from in your alchemy supply bag.
[uatest]>alchemy seal cauldron
You hold your hands over the iron cauldron and murmur the incantation for sealing the solution. As you do so, a dull orange haze begins to seep out of the cauldron, dissipating as it reaches the ground.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
sR>;chat It's easy to use once you try it out. I just started using it like 30 mins ago.
Gradually, you pulse mana into the cauldron, settling the turbulent essences contained within.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
As you soothe the solution, you can see the liquid ripple and contort slightly as it starts to condense.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
sR>;chat I learned about it at 5, drove to rolla, and just started dicking with it.
You sense that the ritual is complete and lower your hands. The flame beneath the cauldron quietly goes out. You note that the solution in the cauldron has condensed into a rich potion.

You reach into the cauldron and fill your flask.

[You have 2 repetitions remaining.]

[uatest]>put my Tincture of Acantha in my bag
You put a tincture of acantha in your alchemy supply bag.
[uatest]>get cauldron
You pick up a black iron cauldron.
[uatest]>put my cauldron in my bag
You put a black iron cauldron in your alchemy supply bag.

Drunken Durfin
07-30-2009, 10:51 AM

07-30-2009, 12:05 PM


I dread starting it, but I've got a cobbler, fletcher, and forger... and mining/smelting isn't happening for a while, so...

Get this working!

07-30-2009, 12:13 PM
This is great! I will give me something to do with all of those alchemy supplies that I have saved up. I was thinking about selling them at the alchemist. Now to decide whether I want to work the cleric or wizard's alchemy. Opinions?

07-30-2009, 01:53 PM
I'm a wizard so I'd suggest doing those because those recipes will be available at launch :)

07-30-2009, 02:03 PM
I'm a wizard so I'd suggest doing those because those recipes will be available at launch :)

Good point.

07-30-2009, 02:04 PM
Are you going to add functionality for all of the other tasks other than just making potions in order to get ranks? like sweeping dirt or whatever it is that the wizard guild has?

07-30-2009, 05:43 PM
Are you going to add functionality for all of the other tasks other than just making potions in order to get ranks? like sweeping dirt or whatever it is that the wizard guild has?

We'll see.

Drunken Durfin
07-30-2009, 06:09 PM
Are you going to add functionality for all of the other tasks other than just making potions in order to get ranks? like sweeping dirt or whatever it is that the wizard guild has?


08-05-2009, 09:50 AM

New script information.

09-05-2009, 02:12 PM
Is there a place where the recipe database is posted? If not, can we start one? Seems like a lot of repeated effort if everyone has to input all the recipes by themselves. I'm assuming that there's some data file that it stores them all in that would be able to be uploaded.

Failing that, we can just post the commands needed so cut and paste is an option.

09-06-2009, 04:40 AM
Is there a place where the recipe database is posted? If not, can we start one? Seems like a lot of repeated effort if everyone has to input all the recipes by themselves. I'm assuming that there's some data file that it stores them all in that would be able to be uploaded.

Failing that, we can just post the commands needed so cut and paste is an option.

For recipes I use.




09-08-2009, 05:08 PM
For recipes I use.




He was probably referring to the database that SpiffyAlchemy uses to create recipes. There isn't a database yet but you could create a wiki page at http://www.lichproject.com and update it when needed.

09-09-2009, 09:41 AM
I wanted to add that ;salchemy is available on the repository and mostly works. Due to the recent name change business some of the automatic download/update functions may not work so you'll have to retrieve them manually using ;repo download.

11-13-2009, 10:58 AM
I wanted to add that ;salchemy is available on the repository and mostly works. Due to the recent name change business some of the automatic download/update functions may not work so you'll have to retrieve them manually using ;repo download.

downloaded salchemy.lic for the repository try to run it and lich say's I need slib.lic no big deal I download that from the repository. I then try to run ;salchemy and lich say's this.

--- Lich: salchemy active.
--- Lich: slib active.
--- Lich: slib has exited.
================================================== ==
| Download Started |
================================================== ==
Now downloading: [["SpiffyAlchemy-gui.xml"]].
This may take a while depending on the size...

it never downloads. ok, I download it manually (the file in the repository is this SpiffyAlchemy-gui.xml.txt) I download it manually remove the .txt and run ;salchemy again and it tried to download SpiffyAlchemy-gui.xml again even though it's there already.

what am I doing wrong?

11-13-2009, 11:40 AM
I figured out that the .txt is needed.

I downloaded

and then ran :salchemy
and got this error
--- Lich: salchemy active.
Missing required container setting: [alchemysack]
--- Exception: undefined method `gui_configuration' for SpiffyAlchemy:Class
slib:604:in `run_setup?'
--- Lich: salchemy has exited.

do i need to set containers before hand? if so how?
am i wrong to assume that a GUI should open on first run so it can be configured?

I just tried swaggle and the GUI opens but no spells are listed on either side. I'm assuming all spells known by my character would be listed on the do not cast side and then i would need to move them over to the cast side to be run when the script is executed but no spells listed....there is a file called spell-list.xml.txt in the script directory of lich, is this where the spells are read from? if so how do I make that happen?

11-13-2009, 08:22 PM
I've updated slib.lic and salchemy.lic. I recommend removing all the xml files, slib, and salchemy, and starting from scratch.

11-14-2009, 06:43 AM