View Full Version : Which one?

07-27-2009, 10:24 PM
Combat movement or combat focus for rangers? Not much to chose from that are worthwhile.

This is what I have so far....

Shadow Mastery smastery 5
Dirtkick dirtkick 5
Disarm Weapon disarm 5
Sweep sweep 5

I have 33 more points left.

I was leaning toward Combat movement (like a +10 DB).

Any suggestions?


07-27-2009, 10:28 PM
What's your hunting style?

07-27-2009, 10:31 PM
I'd personally use the rest to train CMANs for defensive purposes.

Get a couple ranks Feint, SBash, SStrike, Hamstring.

07-27-2009, 10:38 PM
Miko's advice is good. Focus isn't a bad option either, because later on, generic TD becomes quite valuable.

07-27-2009, 10:41 PM
Ambushing, OHE/shield, more physical build.

Defensive purposes, other then PvP and bandits there really isn't anything else that uses those skills.

I had feint for a while, but never used it. There's either a ranger spell that does most of those or I don't need it for ambushing.

Ranger Cman's suck.

07-27-2009, 10:49 PM
Feint is one of the more common maneuvers at cap. It doesn't have a huge effect like some, but sometimes those 5 seconds of RT can be crucial. Sbash and hamstring are pretty much just bandits and Grimswarm. Sstrike is bandit only.

You're right, though. Ranger CMANs suck.

07-27-2009, 10:59 PM
Maybe I've never noticed, but what uses feint? Jans? I know bandits do. I just hate getting cman's that I never use.

The main think that pisses me off about cmovement/cfocus is life/death for me really doesn't hindge on 10 DS/TD.

Do all defensive cman's (Feint, SBash, SStrike, Hamstring), raise your defense against any offensive cman?


07-27-2009, 11:07 PM
Maybe I've never noticed, but what uses feint? Jans? I know bandits do. I just hate getting cman's that I never use.

The main think that pisses me off about cmovement/cfocus is life/death for me really doesn't hindge on 10 DS/TD.

Do all defensive cman's (Feint, SBash, SStrike, Hamstring), raise your defense against any offensive cman?


Tritons use feint pretty regularly.

Training in a CMAN for defense only adds to your defense against that particular CMAN. I too used to loathe just training something that is just going to sit there idle, but its saved my ass so many times it isn't even funny. The only CMAN I use offensively is Feint, everything else is for defense/utility. It really is sweet to see that a triton needs a 80-90+ roll just to get a Charge off on me. :)

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Shield Bash sbash 3
Shield Charge scharge 2
Disarm Weapon disarm 3
Feint feint 5
Charge charge 3
Specialization I wspec1 5
Bull Rush bullrush 2
Surge of Strength surge 5

Hmmmmm, yummy defense!

07-27-2009, 11:19 PM
Haven't been to the temple yet. Maybe go that your route Miko, get feint and some ranks in something else defensive.

07-28-2009, 01:34 AM
Triton feint, Grimswarm feint, bandits feint, some Ithzir (janissaries?) feint. Lots of things feint.

07-28-2009, 03:29 AM
Use the Dirt Kick?

If no, you could master Feint and still have the spare points to throw around. I run into feint, sweep, and disarm in the Old City, but haven't been to the Temple yet.

You have my ranger's first three planned CMANs covered - Shadows, Disarm, and Sweep.

Combat Focus could be cool for the TD too. The first two or three ranks seem pretty cost effective - or could get up to 4 ranks (8 generic TD) for 30 CMAN points.

07-28-2009, 08:02 AM
I haven't hunted tritons, don't do grimswarm, jans can't touch me unless they get lucky, and even then I run around in offense in OTF.

I do use dirtkick once in a while, makes it easy to hide in front of a war griffin.

07-28-2009, 12:06 PM
I haven't hunted tritons, don't do grimswarm, jans can't touch me unless they get lucky, and even then I run around in offense in OTF.

I do use dirtkick once in a while, makes it easy to hide in front of a war griffin.

Charge is CRUCIAL in Nelemar. I suggest that for Defensive purposes, feint you could probably go without.

07-28-2009, 12:09 PM
Charge is CRUCIAL in Nelemar. I suggest that for Defensive purposes, feint you could probably go without.

Skill Name: Charge
Mnemonic: charge
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: Base 20 (-5 Rank 1, -3 Rank 2)
Other Requirements: Charge requires a polearm (and left hand for two-handed poles) that is a puncturing weapon.
Available to: Warriors, Bards, Monks, Paladins.
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2 (Semis) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 4 (Semis) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 6 (Semis) 9
Rank 4: (Squares) 8 (Semis) 12
Rank 5: (Squares) 10 (Semis) 15
Description: Charge can be used with most polearms to damage and knock down an opponent. In some cases, it can stun your opponent and/or force them to lower stance. Poor attempts may have adverse effects on the attacker.

07-28-2009, 12:12 PM

07-28-2009, 12:15 PM
