View Full Version : Role-playing and levels.

03-02-2004, 03:59 PM
Due to recent events and such things like this that have happened in the past, I decided to create a topic about this issue.

In role-played combat situations or other situations where a character forces another character do something that he/she doesn't neccessarily want to do (Kidnappings, sacrifices, drinking..) should the higher level character have the say in what happens? Should they be able to go "Act grabs you by the hands, ties you up, and takes you away!" and due to their level not have any chance of their victim escape? Or what if the victim is the higher level and the kidnapper is a lower level.. Should the victim be able to escape by using their stats to their advantage?

A well role-played situation, in my view, would go something like "Act approaches you with a coiled rope in hand, gesturing to XXXX to move behind you and help detain you." This would allow said person to escape or run away, unless they accepted the role-playing opportunity given to them.

I'm going to try and edit this into a poll since half-way through I decided to make it one. ---But you can't.

[Edited on 3-2-04 by Zentoph]

03-02-2004, 04:01 PM
I think that anyone over level 0 has the right to kill Warclaidhm.

03-02-2004, 04:06 PM
You are into some kinky shit, Zentoph

03-02-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I think that anyone over level 0 has the right to kill Warclaidhm.

Did he leave or get locked out? Normally, he was always in the game. I haven't seen him in a month or so.

03-02-2004, 04:15 PM
Mechanics shouldn't ever really come into RP. Thus, a higher level character would never have the 'upper hand' in an RP situation.

03-02-2004, 04:19 PM
Warclaidhm still plays. Either he's like me and lost a lot of interest, or he was telling the truth when he said he got grounded.

03-02-2004, 04:23 PM
It shouldn't Maimara, but it seems most everyone includes them.

Heh Wezas, I was just using a kidnapper tying someone up as an example. Although, I'm looking for someone to tie -me- up tonight..

03-02-2004, 04:51 PM
you think hes asking you wezas or telling you? ::smirk:: saw WarClaidhm a few nights ago on

03-02-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Mechanics shouldn't ever really come into RP. Thus, a higher level character would never have the 'upper hand' in an RP situation.
Except it does all the time and there's a whole thread of players screaming right now that anyone who doesn't use superior power to pwn anyone in any RP situation is an idiot.

It'd be different if no matter how weak someone was, they'd always have a chancce to pwn anyone else. 5% would do it, just like with Rolemaster.

But until then I'll get out however I can, thanks, if that's the way the game's played.

03-02-2004, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Pierat
you think hes asking you wezas or telling you? ::smirk:: saw WarClaidhm a few nights ago on

I didn't pick up on that when he said it Pierat. Now I'm frightened.

03-02-2004, 04:53 PM
RP 'pwnage' has nothing to do with casting or swinging, it has to do with acting out what you're going to do.

03-02-2004, 04:56 PM
act pwnz j00 + j00r mom.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-02-2004, 05:02 PM
I guess I"m not a purist, because I believe might = right in most cases.

I know, I'm such a "rollplayer" rather than roleplayer, but thats just how I feel.

03-02-2004, 05:03 PM

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-02-2004, 05:04 PM
Oh wanted to add, that obviously there is more to it than just might = right, but I don't feel like getting into it.

I don't go around smiting things left and right that annoy me, but someone gets lippy, I may.

03-02-2004, 06:42 PM
I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but silence/stun/sleep/bind that isn't quickly remedied is a sucky-ass way of roleplaying, because you don't let the other party play. What the hell, play by yourself then and don't waste my time. I'd rather get 302-ed than silenced any day of the week (especially because pures are such softies against shield bash).

03-02-2004, 09:05 PM
Though I have posted on this in the Syyn thread, I will share my opinions here.

I am a believer that Might = Right in roleplaying situations. I know, G, that gets your goat, but its just one opinion among many.

That being said, I FIRMLY believe that the Act/Smile verb should not be used to influence another character unless certain circumstances arise. I see even a simple touch using the act verb as mechanics abuse, as it negates my characters chance of reacting to your actions.

The circumstances I refered to above are:

- If you have consent from the player to physically/mentally influence their character.

- The player is stunned/incapacitated. Though this is still very much a grey area, you could poke, tap, touch someone who is unable to react. Others will disagree.

I for one would like to see the next in the RP lessons from Simu (see the Tone and Racism news posts IG) addressing the "rules and guidelines" of the Smile and Act verb. A specific stance or clearly stated set of guidelines would help alleviate many of these problems.

[Edited on 3-3-2004 by Fallen]

03-03-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
[Except it does all the time and there's a whole thread of players screaming right now that anyone who doesn't use superior power to pwn anyone in any RP situation is an idiot.

If that's what you got out of that thread, you have some serious reading comprehension issues.

03-03-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Tea & StrumpetsIf that's what you got out of that thread, you have some serious reading comprehension issues.
Aw, poh baby, can't take the truth?

Anyone has any means to cast at anyone else. If he wants to sleep her so he can dump booze down her throat, so be it.

I PERSONALLY (yes, just me) think that using spells on other characters is totally fine as long as you can justify it in an IG sence.

I'm 66, so does that mean I couldn't cast at her? What about my 15 sorcerer? Could he? Do I have to be young enough that I cannot ward her to cast at her? I mean you all talk like its an all or nothing event. If thats the case, cancel my accounts because sorry, Disney is not what I signed up for.

He cast at her? So fucking what. He spent the time and effort to get to level 100, so you are saying he should now suddenly not cast spells? Grow up, smell the scent of "no one gives a damn".

Oh ya, also, i think Methais was right, if the dirty-cunt slut woulda thrown my ale out, i'd do the same thing, Methais doesnt have time to just waste makeing ales, he makes them for a reason, and she DIRECTLY disrespected him, in my opinion, she shoulda been shot in the head and had her tits cut off and glued to her eyes.

I'm sure Methais was not casting at her to show off his CS, but some of you idiots that can't separate player from character focus on the CS vs TD numbers. Your mentality is "Welp, she had no chance of warding the cast so Methais is automatically wrong." This is the mentality of an imbecile.

Is that fair? No. Life isnt fair, and in this aspect GS resembles this fact. To say at any point a character should not use his powers in an IC argument, whether he is right or wrong, because the person is younger than him, is a copout.

Damn, I'm not even halfway through the thread here.

So what is it, T&C? Do YOU have reading comprehension problems, or is your memory that bad, or are you just a liar who thinks everyone's that forgetful? So STFU.

[Edited on 3/3/2004 by Galleazzo]

03-03-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Aw, poh baby, can't take the truth?

Man, when I read that, I laughed out loud.

Even funnier, not one of the quotes that you listed to support your point, even remotely support your point.

You said this, you stupid fuck.

[Except it does all the time and there's a whole thread of players screaming right now that anyone who doesn't use superior power to pwn anyone in any RP situation is an idiot.

And then you list a bunch of quotes that don't even say that. It would be funnier, but unfortunately you don't even realize it when you make an ass of yourself.

So what is it, T&C? Do YOU have reading comprehension problems, or is your memory that bad, or are you just a liar who thinks everyone's that forgetful? So STFU.

I'm sure you have great reading comprehension, as long as the words are small and the concepts aren't complicated.