View Full Version : TO SELL: 9 year vet retiring, 9 characters

07-27-2009, 12:40 PM
I have the list (15 pages) I can send to you with all of the information. It runs from a level 33 Cleric to a new Paladin. Let me know if you are serious, and I'll send via email.

Asking $1,150, but will listen to reasonable offers. Must be done by Saturday July 30th. Thanks!

07-27-2009, 12:41 PM
After 9 years you only have a 33 cleric?

07-27-2009, 12:44 PM
I have the list (15 pages) I can send to you with all of the information. It runs from a level 33 Cleric to a new Paladin. Let me know if you are serious, and I'll send via email.

Asking $1,150, but will listen to reasonable offers. Must be done by Saturday July 30th. Thanks!

Thanks for the chuckle.

07-27-2009, 12:45 PM
Wow. Unless those characters have some SERIOUS coins / gear, you're sadly mistaken about their value. Read up on the recent character sales to get a better idea. Capped character values are around 350-400 unless you have a bard or a wizard (or a ranger, but nobody sells those).

07-27-2009, 12:48 PM
You need to work on your sales pitch, bud. A level 33 cleric is worth maybe the $50 out of the $1,150. You should be listing all the major items that add up to grand. You're not arousing anyone's interest with a low level cleric and a crap new gen character listed.

07-27-2009, 12:53 PM
maybe he has like 15000 premium points heh

07-27-2009, 12:56 PM
Post the list, otherwise what you see so far probably gets worse. (This is the PC after all.)

07-27-2009, 01:00 PM
I lulz'd.

07-27-2009, 01:05 PM
who knows, they could have lockers full of old items and silvers out the ass.

or they could all be in plain 4x gear and have like 100k to their name.

details plz.

07-27-2009, 01:10 PM
I'll bite.

Stanley Burrell
07-27-2009, 01:12 PM
I only have this $1200 dollar bill, so unless you have a fifty you can give me, in advance, I can't close the deal.

07-27-2009, 01:13 PM


07-27-2009, 01:18 PM
I'm entertaining offers for an account with 150 level 10 characters attached to it.

MB: $10,000
CB: $10,000 Stanely Burrell, auction closes tonight at 9 elven if no further interest.

Stanley Burrell
07-27-2009, 01:21 PM
I'm entertaining offers for an account with 150 level 10 characters attached to it.

MB: $10,000

I'll bid MB.

07-27-2009, 02:56 PM
anyone want to take Aller + gear for $20,000?

07-27-2009, 02:58 PM
anyone want to take Aller + gear for $20,000?

I do. Take payment plans?

07-27-2009, 03:01 PM
I do. Take payment plans?

You can just take over my student loans

Stanley Burrell
07-27-2009, 03:05 PM
anyone want to take Aller + gear for $20,000?

I shall only pay using my vast supply of jew-pennies:


P.S. It's over 9000.

07-27-2009, 03:06 PM
You can just take over my student loans

Only if you guarantee a good time! :D

07-27-2009, 03:21 PM
Only if you guarantee a good time! :D


Lord Orbstar
07-27-2009, 03:37 PM
no response to my email request yet. lookin forward to seeing the treasure.

07-27-2009, 03:39 PM
this is like one of the old "mystery backpacks"....

and lol whoever repped me about golf shoes on my first post in this thread.... wtf?

07-27-2009, 03:43 PM
Well? Did you get them?!?

07-27-2009, 03:49 PM
i did get a pair recently but i dont know where the comment came from. didnt remember telling anyone here I was buying a pair.

07-27-2009, 03:52 PM

07-27-2009, 03:59 PM
I get it now. Havent watched the movie in awhile and didnt pick up on the reference especially since I just purchased a new pair of 'golf sneakers' this past weekend.... I was all sitting here like WHO IS IT AND HOW DID THEY KNOW I JUST BOUGHT GOLF SHOES?!

07-27-2009, 04:17 PM
I'll bid MB.

MB accepted, will update first post.

Will close auction by tonight if no further interest.

Happy bidding.

07-31-2009, 05:55 PM

07-31-2009, 05:59 PM
MB accepted, will update first post.

Will close auction by tonight if no further interest.

Happy bidding.


07-31-2009, 06:00 PM
oh nevermind.

07-31-2009, 08:13 PM
Must be done by Saturday July 30th. Thanks!

just caught this part, the whole thing was a joke, right?

07-31-2009, 10:28 PM
You can just take over my student loans

Student loans suck ass

Lord Orbstar
08-01-2009, 02:30 AM
It is not a joke. he just sent me a long ass list. Yes...it is a bunch of low level toons with fluff and junk. There are a couple nice items in there, older fluff, containers, and lockpicks (a couple mein and an alum) I would like to have for nostalgic reason. Other than that... eh. The characters all have stats placed for maximum growth by level 20 if you know what I mean.

Bryan, reassess your thoughts. Your best bet would be to do some massive fluff auction like Deithx or, better, a fun in game auction in the moot hall as long as it was done fast paced. I mean fast because there is a lot of crap there that no one will buy and you seem to attach serious value to.

You have no magic items, armor or weapons of value in any of that unless those vultite shields were somehow 10x

08-01-2009, 02:39 AM
It is not a joke. he just sent me a long ass list. Yes...it is a bunch of low level toons with fluff and junk. There are a couple nice items in there, older fluff, containers, and lockpicks (a couple mein and an alum) I would like to have for nostalgic reason. Other than that... eh. The characters all have stats placed for maximum growth by level 20 if you know what I mean.

Bryan, reassess your thoughts. Your best bet would be to do some massive fluff auction like Deithx or, better, a fun in game auction in the moot hall as long as it was done fast paced. I mean fast because there is a lot of crap there that no one will buy and you seem to attach serious value to.

You have no magic items, armor or weapons of value in any of that unless those vultite shields were somehow 10x

Sounds more like a 9 year NOOB!

08-01-2009, 07:09 AM
It is not a joke.

I guess he needs money fast to buy a new calendar.

08-01-2009, 01:14 PM
Someone post the list?

Lord Orbstar
08-01-2009, 01:37 PM
These were teh best of them...

*** The most experienced and played is Nybar, a level 33 cleric with 1.8 million silver in the bank. He has a locker in House Sovyn (of which he is a member), but I cannot remember how to get in! So there are tons of goodies there. Here's what he has on him and stats:
Name: Nybar E'Venga Race: Sylvankind Profession: Cleric (shown as: Proselyte)
Gender: Male Age: 956 Expr: 1240107 Level: 33
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 78 (14) ... 78 (14)
Constitution (CON): 63 (6) ... 63 (6)
Dexterity (DEX): 61 (15) ... 61 (15)
Agility (AGI): 65 (12) ... 65 (12)
Discipline (DIS): 71 (5) ... 71 (5)
Aura (AUR): 96 (28) ... 96 (28)
Logic (LOG): 76 (13) ... 76 (13)
Intuition (INT): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Wisdom (WIS): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Influence (INF): 66 (8) ... 66 (8)
Mana: 111 Silver: 0
Maximum Health Points: 136
Remaining Health Points: 136
Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10
Maximum Stamina Points: 52
Remaining Stamina Points: 52
You are holding a drakar-spiked eonake morning star in your right hand and a golvern-bound spiked rolaren targe in your left hand.
You are wearing a gold clasped-hands ring, a glistening gold Phoen symbol, a brilliant goldfinch amulet, an indigo glaesine orb, a gold-tooled spidersilk pack, a golden Phoen sash, an ivory scroll case, a golden Phoen circlet, a sunburst etched silver flask, a twisted rope gold bracelet, a striped gold ribbon, some white gold-buckled trousers, a fresh flower, a small daisy, a perfect red daisy, a cleric crest, an ora-studded golden imflass thigh-sheath, a ruby-inset gold sunburst medallion, a small crystal Sovyn pin, some fitted white leather gloves with embroidered golden sigils along the cuffs, a rune-stamped white leather satchel, some low white golden-buckled boots, a butterfly charm, a white leather cloak clasped with a dazzling star sapphire, a white rose bud, a golden sunburst-shaped pin, some pure white leather armor, a small rose, and a silver-inlaid black pearl necklace.
In the spidersilk pack you see a glassy black mica amulet, a goblet of dark crimson wine, a polished steel war hammer, a pale blue rolaren war hammer, some acantha leaf, a twisted wand, some wolifrew lichen, some aloeas stem, an iced raisin cookie, a light scroll, a soft lavender blouse, a small statue, a blue crystal, a blue crystal, a caramel and chocolate nut cluster, a snifter of Vaalorian brandy, a blue crystal, some tree bark, a frosted raisin tart, an engraved clear zircon pendant, a blue crystal, a white crystal, some basal moss, a dark chocolate cat figurine, a shot of cascabel liqueur, a small statue, a star-shaped silver amulet, a blue crystal, some acantha leaf tea, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, a fresh ginger doughnut, a golden mithril lantern, a ghoul finger, an onyx-hafted eonake mace, an antique silver prayerbook and a gold-banded white faenor sceptre.
In the golden imflass thigh-sheath you see a veniom-hilted slender vultite knife.
In the white leather satchel you see an uncut diamond, a ruby, some ephlox moss, some basal moss, a white crystal, a blue crystal, some sweetfern tea, a feverfew potion, a polished pewter earring, a golden topaz sun, a Cuctucae berry, a calling card, an engraved amber band, a diamond pendant, some ambrominas leaf, some wolifrew lichen, some aloeas stem, a copper and pink topaz earring, a pure white leather bankbook, a polished coin and a coral and crystal puzzle cylinder.
In the golden-buckled boots you see a gold ring.
In the ivory scroll case you see a torn scroll, a torn scroll, a light scroll, an obscure scroll and a faded scroll.
Character # 2 is a lvl 17 ranger:
Name: Branndon N'gorr Race: Human Profession: Ranger (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 32 Expr: 366226 Level: 17
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 86 (23) ... 86 (23)
Constitution (CON): 58 (4) ... 58 (4)
Dexterity (DEX): 95 (22) ... 95 (22)
Agility (AGI): 75 (12) ... 75 (12)
Discipline (DIS): 75 (12) ... 75 (12)
Aura (AUR): 74 (12) ... 74 (12)
Logic (LOG): 55 (7) ... 55 (7)
Intuition (INT): 95 (27) ... 95 (27)
Wisdom (WIS): 77 (13) ... 77 (13)
Influence (INF): 28 (-11) ... 28 (-11)
Mana: 59 Silver: 0
Level: 17 Deeds: 19
Experience: 366226 Death's Sting: None
Exp. until next: 15774 Recent Deaths: 0
Mental TPs: 4 Fame: 378636
Physical TPs: 0 Mana: 59/59 max
Maximum Health Points: 133
Remaining Health Points: 133
Maximum Spirit Points: 7
Remaining Spirit Points: 7
Maximum Stamina Points: 49
Remaining Stamina Points: 49
You are holding a veniom-bound golden vultite shield in your left hand.
You are wearing a gold ring, a green leaf-shaped amulet, an engraved golden modwir bracelet, a scuffed brown leather satchel slung over your shoulder, an obsidian-inlaid belt, some fitted green casting leathers, a bright snapdragon, a shiny earring, some rolaren studded leg greaves, some rolaren studded arm greaves, a butterfly charm, an oak leaf pendant, a thin calamine blue ribbon, a deep green velvet sack, a studded leather weapons harness slung over your other shoulder, some ironshod black leather boots, a ranger crest, a dice pouch, a misty blue glaesine orb, a forest green veniom-threaded cloak, a twig-latched verdant green case, some mud-caked forest green pants, a twig-clasped soft brown pack, and a wire-bound pale green jade circlet.
You push the loop holding the clasp of your soft brown pack closed and fold the cover back to reveal the contents.
In the soft brown pack you see a twisted wand, some acantha leaf, a white flask, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a white crystal, an onyx and amethyst stickpin, a crystal amulet, a star-shaped multihued candy tin, a blue crystal, a ruby amulet, some aloeas stem, a crystal amulet, a tooled peridot earring, an iced lemon muffin, an huntmaster toy, an amethyst-inlaid compass, a dark rod, an iced raisin tart, a blue crystal, a blue crystal, a small statue, a blue crystal, a fresh raisin tart, an aged scroll, a heavy rod, a small statue, a forest green locker manifest, an aquamarine inset pewter headband, a narrow gold ring, a windblown ranger marionette, a drake yierka-spur, a white crystal, a tin ring, an iron wand, a pale yellow leather bankbook, a small statue, an aquamarine wand and some studded leather.
In the brown leather satchel you see a polished bloodwood wand, a blue crystal, a crystal amulet, a silver wand, a black crystal, some ephlox moss, some haphip root, some wolifrew lichen, some aloeas stem, some ambrominas leaf, some calamia fruit, a tarnished coin, some basal moss, a white flask, some acantha leaf, an iced peach cookie, a crystal amulet and a crystal amulet.
In the velvet sack you see some wolifrew lichen, a starstone engagement band, a shiny ring, a white flask and a black crystal.
In the leather weapons harness you see a diamond-edged black vultite falchion and an invar-edged black vultite warblade.
The teller thumbs through the books and says, "Your balance is currently at 754381 silvers. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"

08-01-2009, 02:23 PM
So he came up with the price by multiply 9 years times 12 months times a basic account subscription?

08-01-2009, 02:54 PM
lulz. My rogue had 10x the experience and sold for less than half what he's asking.

08-01-2009, 07:58 PM
That was pretty douche baggish of you, not to edit out his character's name...

08-01-2009, 08:00 PM
I will offer 5 dollars, a hotel keycard, a lighter, and 2 newport cigarettes. Let me know if you are interested.

Lord Orbstar
08-01-2009, 08:03 PM
i dont think he plays or cares really. he wants to sell and be done with it. just needs to reassess that price alot. I honestly didnt even think about it. it doesnt bother me as a rule, so it never entered my mind as a problem.

no harm meant. its 2am here...nite

08-02-2009, 06:20 PM
Wow. Unless those characters have some SERIOUS coins / gear, you're sadly mistaken about their value. Read up on the recent character sales to get a better idea. Capped character values are around 350-400 unless you have a bard or a wizard (or a ranger, but nobody sells those).

I have barely been in the lands the last five years or so, and thus have gotten away from the values of things. I was going by other auctions and posts, and doing some comparisons... I'm sorry if that was offensive to some of you. Maybe you outta try seeing what life is like outside your basement before you criticize. Geez. :wtf:

For those of you less judgmental and actually willing to discuss what a fair offer would be, please message me and I'll send the list via email to you.

08-02-2009, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the chuckle.

Kinda of like your social life, I'm guessing. Those who live in glass houses, a-hole...

08-02-2009, 06:26 PM
Kinda of like your social life, I'm guessing. Those who live in glass houses, a-hole...

Yes, I live in a glass house....And have 0 Social Life.

You must have 0 brains if you claim to base your price off of other recent sales...No idea how you equated a level 33 Cleric to the price of say, 3 Capped Characters since they seem to sell for roughly 3-500 cash...Anyhow, best of luck

08-02-2009, 06:27 PM
Your calling other people losers despite the fact you're a "9 year veteran" of the game? Hmmm.

If the rest of the list is akin to the two things posted here, I'd assess the account to be worth probably less than $100.

08-02-2009, 06:28 PM
So he came up with the price by multiply 9 years times 12 months times a basic account subscription?

Actually, no, it was the cost to have about 22 hours with your mother sucking me off.

08-02-2009, 06:32 PM
More like 9 year veteran of the special forces.


08-02-2009, 06:51 PM
Actually, no, it was the cost to have about 22 hours with your mother sucking me off.

She charges for more than your asking price.

But it's well worth it.

08-02-2009, 07:02 PM
I retract my previous statement and concur that the douche baggery should now in sue

08-02-2009, 07:22 PM
Bryan, I think you'd have a much better chance of sales if you listed any equipment over 1m in value.

Taking a character to level 20-30 can be done in a few weeks with XXX, bounties, tasks, and coupled with the fact that lower levels have a lower exp requirement than in GS3.

I retract my previous statement and concur that the douche baggery should now in sue

ensue. (not to be a dick)

08-02-2009, 09:23 PM
Kinda of like your social life, I'm guessing. Those who live in glass houses, a-hole...

Gett'em e-bad ass!

Don't project your failures on others, own up to them. You didn't compare shit, if you had then you'd know you're retarded. You didn't appraise squat, if you had you'd realize fogging a mirror is your biggest skill. You aren't getting the low flying clues so I'm guessing your knuckles are sore from walking on them.

Fail is fail, and you sir are fail.

08-02-2009, 10:17 PM
in sue

ENSUE. Jesus fucking christ.

08-02-2009, 10:19 PM
ensue. (not to be a dick)

Stop beating me to post, you dick!

08-03-2009, 12:06 AM
speel checker police...loookout!

08-03-2009, 01:21 AM
so did you make your deadline, whatever day it was?

08-04-2009, 02:00 PM
I just keep wondering if the GS3 part is supposed to make me feel like he really is a vet.

08-04-2009, 02:07 PM
I just keep wondering if the GS3 part is supposed to make me feel like he really is a vet.

And the playground politics begin :rofl:

08-04-2009, 02:09 PM
I'll give you 50 bucks if you agree to front the cost of transferring all of them to my account.

08-04-2009, 02:17 PM
Don't know I asked him about the account and sent him my e-mail when this first started out of curiosity, have yet to see any list from him.

08-04-2009, 06:13 PM
I did the same and havent heard back with anything worthwhile.

08-06-2009, 08:08 PM
Don't know I asked him about the account and sent him my e-mail when this first started out of curiosity, have yet to see any list from him.

Um, you must not CHECK your email, because I sent it last week to Robswandeing@aol.com which your private message said was your email address.

08-06-2009, 08:10 PM
Bryan, I think you'd have a much better chance of sales if you listed any equipment over 1m in value.

Taking a character to level 20-30 can be done in a few weeks with XXX, bounties, tasks, and coupled with the fact that lower levels have a lower exp requirement than in GS3.

ensue. (not to be a dick)

Not surprised some people here are spell challenged like he was. Of course, he's perfect, which is why he is on these forums looking to buy someone else's character.

I don't really care that it takes two weeks of 24/7 work to get a character there. If you're interested fine, if not, then shut your pie hole.

08-06-2009, 08:10 PM
I'm still lolling at the asking price.

08-06-2009, 08:25 PM
Yes, I live in a glass house....And have 0 Social Life.

You must have 0 brains if you claim to base your price off of other recent sales...No idea how you equated a level 33 Cleric to the price of say, 3 Capped Characters since they seem to sell for roughly 3-500 cash...Anyhow, best of luck

Recognition is the start of treatment for your condition.... congratulations on at least seeing you have a problem.

My "research" consisted of looking at a couple of other auctions, figuring the market would tell me if it was high. And it is fun to get losers like you riled up, flexing their keyboard muscles, trying to sound all bad. :club:

If that's all the list is worth, that's fine by me. I'd hate to play a game with idiots like you who base their whole net emotional worth on a fantasy. That's why I stopped playing years ago, and I'm not seeing a change. Good luck in your quest for a girl without a blowup tube in the back of her neck. :tool:

08-06-2009, 08:26 PM
I'm still lolling at the asking price.

But it's for VET STATUS!1!1!

08-06-2009, 08:28 PM
Not surprised some people here are spell challenged like he was. Of course, he's perfect, which is why he is on these forums looking to buy someone else's character.

I don't really care that it takes two weeks of 24/7 work to get a character there. If you're interested fine, if not, then shut your pie hole.

Woah there killer.

I was just informing you of the factors that shape people's assessment of your asking price.

I was being helpful and civil. You're welcome.

Good luck.

08-06-2009, 08:42 PM
I bid 1337 dollars because it's obvious this guy has a life and I want to be a part of the awesomeness. Sent from my iPhone for the LOL factor.

08-06-2009, 09:57 PM
Well try again cause the only thing I have gotten in my E-mail for the last two weeks was houses to look at from my real estate agent, and about a dozen jokes from family and friends.

08-06-2009, 10:00 PM
Well try again cause the only thing I have gotten in my E-mail for the last two weeks was houses to look at from my real estate agent, and about a dozen jokes from family and friends.

Said jokes including asking price? If not, someone make a chain letter of this shit to send to your great aunt!

Epic fail, Bryan. I have a 32 Cleric btw, $900 obo.

08-06-2009, 10:14 PM
I didn't say I was going to pay what he wants I was just curious what he had. But if the best things on the account are 10 lockers full of fluff, a 32 cleric, and an almost lorded bard? (or was it just past lord?) I doubt I would so much as even make an offer.

Sides I asked before Orb posted there was nothing worthwhile. Still curious about it all the same.

08-06-2009, 10:26 PM
If that's all the list is worth, that's fine by me. I'd hate to play a game with idiots like you who base their whole net emotional worth on a fantasy. That's why I stopped playing years ago, and I'm not seeing a change. Good luck in your quest for a girl without a blowup tube in the back of her neck. :tool:

Hmmm. Who's the emotional one? Everyone was telling you you're are a fool for asking so much, and they're right.

Good thing I sold a 32 Wizard for $2200 when the market was good. And if you want to sell stuff to people, stop being such a sandy-panty douche.

08-06-2009, 10:33 PM
It really seems like you feel guilty for having paid money for a text based game, Bryan. If anybody ever does... they should just quit and forget they ever did.

(that is... if they have nothing of value)

08-06-2009, 10:39 PM
Also Bryan...If someone says "That's too much", you could have just posted what you have and asked what a fair asking price is. Everyone would have gave you a number. But we are all virgins sitting in our basement, playing GS 24 hours a day. Penis envy much?

08-07-2009, 07:24 AM
Recognition is the start of treatment for your condition.... congratulations on at least seeing you have a problem.

My "research" consisted of looking at a couple of other auctions, figuring the market would tell me if it was high. And it is fun to get losers like you riled up, flexing their keyboard muscles, trying to sound all bad. :club:

If that's all the list is worth, that's fine by me. I'd hate to play a game with idiots like you who base their whole net emotional worth on a fantasy. That's why I stopped playing years ago, and I'm not seeing a change. Good luck in your quest for a girl without a blowup tube in the back of her neck. :tool:

I hope you seriously aren't wondering why no one has bought your shit. Douche.

08-10-2009, 11:18 PM
I hope you seriously aren't wondering why no one has bought your shit. Douche.

No, I am fully aware of why. And if you want to see a douche... look in the mirror. Loser.

08-10-2009, 11:22 PM
It really seems like you feel guilty for having paid money for a text based game, Bryan. If anybody ever does... they should just quit and forget they ever did.

(that is... if they have nothing of value)

No guilt whatsoever. I grew out of it. No need to spend hours on a keyboard, when there's a world out there.

Sorry to disappoint you.

I just was trying to help out someone who DIDN'T want to spend all that time getting a character up, but if no one cares, why should I? No skin off my nose, and more cash to do something else.

I think it's funny that many of you are all trying to be cool in the thread, but send me a private message anyway. A teeny bit hypocritical. If I was SO way off, and the characters so worthless, why even bother to ask? What a riot! :rofl:

08-10-2009, 11:35 PM
If that's all the list is worth, that's fine by me. I'd hate to play a game with idiots like you who base their whole net emotional worth on a fantasy. That's why I stopped playing years ago, and I'm not seeing a change. Good luck in your quest for a girl without a blowup tube in the back of her neck:tool:

So your "nine year vet" status includes "years ago" that you haven't been playing?

08-10-2009, 11:38 PM
No guilt whatsoever. I grew out of it. No need to spend hours on a keyboard, when there's a world out there.

Sorry to disappoint you.

I just was trying to help out someone who DIDN'T want to spend all that time getting a character up, but if no one cares, why should I? No skin off my nose, and more cash to do something else.

I think it's funny that many of you are all trying to be cool in the thread, but send me a private message anyway. A teeny bit hypocritical. If I was SO way off, and the characters so worthless, why even bother to ask? What a riot! :rofl:

Most of them just wanted more ammo to laugh at you.

They were well rewarded.

If you think your shit is worth even half of what you're asking then you're still living in a fantasy world, it's just not elanthia anymore ^_^

bye bye.

08-23-2009, 03:42 PM

There we go.

08-23-2009, 03:51 PM

There we go.


08-23-2009, 03:57 PM
sometimes things are relative:

Notes: He has some cool older items... and a lot of silver.

You are wearing a gold-edged crimson ruby necklace, a golden mithril-mesh harness slung over your shoulder, a ruby-inset gold filigree flask, a leather sheath, an emerald encrusted armband, a butterfly charm, a gold-threaded silvery hip satchel, a shimmering glaesine orb, some white leather boots, a lovely piccolo charm, some soft linen silver-buckled pants, a modwir keg amulet, a spidersilk flute pouch slung over your other shoulder, a silvery spider silk backpack, some enruned crimson leather hunts, a crimson silk-lined mantle embroidered with a musician playing a golden fife, and a narrow gold ring.
In the mithril-mesh harness you see a vaalorn-toed rolaren scythe and a barb-pronged ridged vultite trident.
In the silvery hip satchel you see a star ruby, some polished black coral and some ambrominas leaf.
In the spider silk backpack you see some hearty granola, some polished red coral, a tiny golden fife case, a fresh chocolate doughnut, a white crystal, a crystal amulet, a white flask, a mug of nut-brown ale, some acantha leaf, an old scroll, an old scroll, a small statue, a rune-etched pink dreamstone pendant, a crystal amulet, a black crystal, a fresh apple cupcake, a pale thanot wand, a black crystal, a crystal amulet, a silver-edged blue leather bankbook, a snake-etched sterling silver pendant, a slender locker manifest, an aged scroll, a shot of aged golden whiskey, some ephlox moss, a snifter of sylvan brandy, some calamia fruit, a white flask, some calamia fruit, a charred scroll, an aged scroll, a small statue, an ancient scroll, a golden wand, some acantha leaf, a tall glass of icy lemonade, a snake-etched copper alloy ring, a black crystal, an etched copper alloy sceptre, some acantha leaf and a golden hued maoral cittern.
In the flute pouch you see an emerald.
The teller thumbs through the books and says, "Your balance is currently at 676046 silvers. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"

08-23-2009, 09:34 PM
Did he quit years ago, and then just come back in order to sell this stuff, in the belief that he is loaded?

08-23-2009, 09:57 PM
Well, look, I can understand his stance to a degree. You do invest a lot of time into the game, and even if it doesn't ever amount in you being fortunate enough to come into a ton of money or a lot of great items or whatever, oh well. The purpose of the game is to entertain you, and how you go about that is up to you.

I started playing GS when I was really young and used to have to quit during the school year, because we didn't have a computer at my mother's house. When we got one, we opened the account my main is on now. My first billing cycle is April 2000, and my main is level 51. Heh. I mainly just sit around and talk in the game, but that's how I derive my enjoyment from it.

The end result of that is that the value of my character is nowhere near the time or money I've invested in the game, or what I guess you would consider the "sentimental" value I've attached to him/the account. Thing is, if I ever decided to quit the game for good and knew that I was really done with the game, I don't see where I'd get off factoring my sentimental value for the character into the asking price for him. If the OP actually did any of the research he claims he did, I'll be surprised. That is way beyond an absurd asking price for that account, and you can find that out by reading any thread in the topic he posted. What you're selling is the character itself, and that's a product advertised to people who have no idea how much personal value you attach to it. The asking price can't be a measure of your blood, sweat, and tears.

If you're really rolling up that much sentimental value into your characters and their gear, don't quit the game. If you really haven't played in five years and you don't see yourself ever playing again, don't ask some ludicrous price for the account because you feel like you deserve it based on the amount of time you spent on the game. And don't insult people and then get mad when they fire back. I think the immediate response here was incredibly tame by any set of standards (much less PC standards), and it didn't get bad until Bryan started taking shots at everyone.

What a bizarre little thread this was.

08-23-2009, 09:59 PM
No, your main is 51 because you used to sit on your ass on the boulder all day.

08-23-2009, 10:24 PM
No, your main is 51 because you used to sit on your ass on the boulder all day.

I'm sayin'.

08-24-2009, 12:58 PM
Well least the prices look reasonable on GSAuctions. Took a little graff shot back like an angry teenageer, but realized his mistake and fixed it.

All in all I would say the PC did there job here.

08-24-2009, 04:11 PM
I bought one of his listings from GSAuctions.com and I've yet to be contacted. Personally I'm questioning if these are legit.

08-24-2009, 05:18 PM
Uhm...hello? hes a nine year gemstone vet. He's super reliable.

08-24-2009, 06:49 PM
No, your main is 51 because you used to sit on your ass on the boulder all day.

Not a damn thing wrong with that. Pre Death's Sting that was some of the most fun available in GS.

Seems like this guy, in turn, just sat around building nerd rage.