View Full Version : OMG I'm going deaf....
Miss X
03-02-2004, 12:45 PM
Ok, I need some advice. I'm totally freaking out because I woke up this morning and I cant hear out of my left ear. I can hear like a buzzing and it really hurts, its like pressure in my ear and stuff. I'm scared I'm going deaf, but also I don't wanna waste my Docs time if its just nothing. Anyone ever had a simelar experience?
Go to the doctor. I have never had anything like that happen but don't screw around, get it checked out now.
Seriously X, why are you still online?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-02-2004, 12:57 PM
Get warm water and peroxide and flush your ear with it. I had basically packed earwax in my ear with q-tips and thats how my doctor got it out -- similar symptoms to you.
03-02-2004, 01:04 PM
I had that same experience. It was an ear infection, not impacted wax though. My ear drum had filled up with purulent material and uh... it was bad.
Anyway, your hearing is not something you should let go. If something has changed, drastically, in a short period of time -- with ANYTHING -- you should see a doctor.
I wouldn't put anything in there until the doctor says to. If it's an infection, you could cause major problems. You know what peroxide does when it comes into contact with that kind of stuff.
Miss X
03-02-2004, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Mint
Seriously X, why are you still online?
Its 6pm, so too late to see a doctor today. I'm gonna go tomorrow morning so hopefully it will get sorted out. Thanks for all the advice guys. :)
Originally posted by Miss X
Originally posted by Mint
Seriously X, why are you still online?
Its 6pm, so too late to see a doctor today. I'm gonna go tomorrow morning so hopefully it will get sorted out. Thanks for all the advice guys. :)
Oh well, that makes sense, carry on then. Heh.
03-02-2004, 01:45 PM
Some people do leave there computers online, i've left mine on and sitting on these msg boards over night while i wasnt at work...doesnt mean i was at the computer just cause it says i was online...
Just some food for thought.
03-02-2004, 01:53 PM
If you press around the area of the ear (by your jaw, down and around the lobe to behind the ear) that is giving you trouble and it hurts, you have an ear infection. You can get antibiotics for that.
I'd go to an urgent care if I couldn't make it to a doctor's office today. If your ear drum bursts from the infectiion, it can cause you problems down the road.
03-02-2004, 01:54 PM
If your sick too long im gonna cry. But i think you just have an ear infection. No sick!
03-02-2004, 02:04 PM
I mean, man, we're not doctors here.
03-02-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
I mean, man, we're not doctors here. EDINE IS KINDA sorta not really...
But at least we have a few hypochondriacs, that's like having free medical advice, although it's generally the same for any possible symptoms or lack thereof.
Miss X
03-02-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
I mean, man, we're not doctors here.
Direct me to where exactly I stated that anyone who posts here is a doctor? I was simply asking advice, do you have to jump down everyone's throat for no reason because its getting old, really fucking fast.
03-02-2004, 02:32 PM
Well, I was a paramedic for 10 years and I am a nursing student who recently completed my eye, ear, nose and throat assesments. Although I'm not a doctor, I have a very good idea when one should see a doctor's help. so HA!! :moon:
Miss X
03-02-2004, 02:35 PM
hehe, thanks Zeyrin, I had a prod around behind my ear and around my jaw and it hurt, and made my ear feel all itchy inside so I'm guessing it is an infection. Glad I have an appointment tommorow! :)
03-02-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
Direct me to where exactly I stated that anyone who posts here is a doctor? I was simply asking advice, do you have to jump down everyone's throat for no reason because its getting old, really fucking fast.
You didn't, and no one jumped down anyone's throat. Want me to? If I was jumping, I'd say something like, "Damn, first place I'd go for medical advice'd be an online forum full of non-doctors who aren't looking me right now and really can't tell me shit but the obvious 'See a doctor,' besides which you got nationalized medicine so it isn't going to cost you $50 like it would here."
But I'm not jumping nohow, so I won't say that. :)
Miss X
03-02-2004, 02:42 PM
Well, I'm afraid we can't all be the image of perfection that you so obviously think you are. Forgive me for being the kind of person that needs re-assurance about certain things, however I hardly think it's a big deal. Regardless of cost, I'm not someone who likes to visit the Dr all the damn time, so I was simply wondering if others had experienced the same sort of problem. If you don't like it, feel free to gloss over my posts and keep your smart ass comments to yourself.
03-02-2004, 02:45 PM
Ish. What you describe could be impacted wax, fluid accumulation deep in the ear, or an infection. No matter which it is, I am glad you have an appointment to see your physician tomorrow. These symptoms are definitely not something to ignore. :)
HarmNone hopes you feel better soon
03-03-2004, 08:13 AM
How did the appt go? Hope everythings cool. Let us know what it was (hugs)
Miss X
03-03-2004, 12:16 PM
Well.... Im just a bundle of medical problems today! Went to the docs about my ear, which is an infection and I have anti-biotics which is cool, however while I was there I mentioned the pain and swelling I've had in my right wrist for a while, she examines it and says theres some kind of lump/mass on the bone <insert me freaking out and convincing myself I'm dying of cancer here.>
So now I'm even more worried than yesturday, gotta go for a scan as soon as I have my next period (something about radiation and pregnancy etc.) So basically I have to wear the splint thing on it for two weeks and take ibuprofen to see if that helps, but what with me being a complete hypochondriac Im shitting myself! :(
*just wanted to add (after two people asked) I'm not pregnant! They just won't do any X-Rays here unless you are within 10 days of your last period, annoying since I know im not pregnant, but I gotta wait.
[Edited on 3-3-04 by Miss X]
03-03-2004, 04:37 PM
Man that sucks :( I mean, it's good your ear is getting treated, but I hope your wrist just turns out to be something minor.
Best wishes hun.
03-03-2004, 04:38 PM
I'm half-deaf. Too much loud music. Tut tut Chics, listening to too much So Solid Krew again?
03-03-2004, 04:47 PM
Strayrogue, do you hear those buzzing sounds when it's quiet around you?
Miss X, it does that to me often, it's either:
1) brain cancer
2) ear infection
3) Temporary condition that makes that (begining of a cold, stuff like that)
4) Lack of sexual life
Of course one of those is a joke and i won't tell you which it is.
03-03-2004, 04:55 PM
Ish. It is always frightening to hear you have a mass ANYWHERE! If it helps any, most growths on extremities are benign. Cancerous growths on the extremities are very, very rare. :)
[Edited on 3-3-2004 by HarmNone]
Miss X
03-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Thanks HN, that reassured me a lot, Im a big time worrier and I think because the lump is hard I was more worried, but it is probably just one of those ganglian (sp?) cysts I hope. Its not too painfull and wearing the pressure of the bandage seems to be helping a bit.
I just cant stop myself freaking out, I always imagine the worst case scenario!
03-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Ganglian cysts are awesome because you get to hit them with a book.
03-03-2004, 05:05 PM
Was always told that lump that moves and hurts are not dangerous
fear the one that doesn't move and doesn't hurt
I have like, personnaly, 500 kysts, booh genes (at least we only have that as a bad part of life in my family)
03-03-2004, 05:06 PM
My ganglian cyst moved and didn't hurt.
Miss X
03-03-2004, 05:08 PM
<------ is now freaking out even more since the lump doesnt move or hurt.
03-03-2004, 05:09 PM
Do like me, pray that you'll survive the next 10 years. They'll surely found a cure 'till then.
(I have one in my "breast", it's fucking hurting when I play with it... Doctor thought I was taking Steroyde.. booh the doctor)
[Edited on 3-3-04 by Xcalibur]
03-03-2004, 06:19 PM
No X. I used to, but thats when I used to spend five days a week at gigs with my ears on the speaker etc. Now my hearing in my right ear just sounds like the volume has been turned WAY down.
03-03-2004, 10:56 PM
Good idea, lets all post out medical problems, or better yet, lets make a thread about it.
03-03-2004, 10:59 PM
1. MrFeature is dumb.
2. Going back to the deaf thing, this has happened to me a lot. At one point my right ear was deaf for three days. Other times it's a few minutes to a few hours.
It also occurs in the left, occasionally, and I suspect a case of minor tinnitus.
[Edited on 3-4-2004 by Bobmuhthol]
03-03-2004, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
and I suspect a case of minor tinnitus.Could be from having your head up your ass.
:lol2: I'm so kidding, Bob, you're the awesomest, I couldn't let that one go, though.
03-03-2004, 11:02 PM
Not funny alert.
Kill yourself warning.
Suicide watch.
Miss X
03-03-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by MrFeature
Good idea, lets all post out medical problems, or better yet, lets make a thread about it.
Or even better yet.. you could STFU. People can post about what ever the fuck they like as long as they are not violating TOS, no one is forcing you to read it. kthx
03-03-2004, 11:18 PM
MrFeature must have cancer. Oh dear.
03-04-2004, 03:14 AM
My husband has three small lumps on his arm, he gets them checked every few years and they are fine. They move, but they don't hurt.
My fear is skin cancer for me, I've been severly sun burned twice and over all sunburned so many times I don't remember.
Now I never go outside for long periods without tons of Sunscreen.
We will be thinking of you, don't freak yourself out, either way good or bad news, it won't help :(
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