View Full Version : UltraWaggle - Gogo Spellups!
07-25-2009, 12:16 AM
Introducing the new waggle spellup script. It currently only spells up the user but it will be expanded in a few days to spellup others. <3 Lich Community!
07-25-2009, 12:25 AM
gogo spellup auto... <3 psinet community
07-25-2009, 12:29 AM
gogo spellup auto... <3 psinet community
Yeah, Lich even has a Go2 now...
07-25-2009, 12:29 AM
gogo spellup auto... <3 psinet community
Pretty much the exact same thing... except I wrote it and didn't have to wait for someone else. When Psinet gets ultrafletch, ultraalchemy, ultraherb, and ultrahunt let me know. Oh, and krakii.
07-25-2009, 01:07 AM
07-25-2009, 01:29 AM
Pretty much the exact same thing... except I wrote it and didn't have to wait for someone else. When Psinet gets ultrafletch, ultraalchemy, ultraherb, and ultrahunt let me know. Oh, and krakii.
I have scripts that activate with the touch of a button...Mozilla has krakii.
The fatter just keep getting fatter I guess, lazy bastards! :)
07-25-2009, 01:31 AM
I have scripts that activate with the touch of a button...
Doesn't everyone? I have no problems with Psinet except that it's closed source. If it was open source I'd be adding things to it like I am to Lich. I'm a big advocate of the GNU GPL and open source in general.
07-25-2009, 01:32 AM
Doesn't everyone? I have no problems with Psinet except that it's closed source. If it was open source I'd be adding things to it like I am to Lich. I'm a big advocate of the GNU GPL and open source in general.
Lich is good for that reason, but I personally don't like to script everything in this game, takes out any fun it may have left
07-25-2009, 01:35 AM
Lich is good for that reason, but I personally don't like to script everything in this game, takes out any fun it may have left
I do this a few months every year. Subscribe for a month, write a few scripts, then disappear. I've learned a touch of GTK and bumped up my regular expressions knowledge this go around. My subscription was cancelled after only playing a month this time. I believe it expires August 7th.
07-25-2009, 01:47 AM
What are the main differences between lich and psinet, asides from one being opensource?
07-25-2009, 10:26 AM
What are the main differences between lich and psinet, asides from one being opensource?
A post from something I did earlier...
Lich Pros
* Autoupdating with no restarts
* Narost (rip-off as Atlas and just as good)
* All the features of PsiNet
* None of the idiots on OOC (though some find it humorous)
* Opensource
* Community driven
* Ruby driven scripting (powerful language written for TEXT PARSING)
* Multiple concurrent scripts
* Get to 30 in three weeks or your money back (not responsible for bans due to afk scripting )
Lich Cons
* Have to type ; before scripts/commands (essentially everything is a script)
* Less user base (rescues/magic sharing less prominent)
Psinet Pros
* Small learning curve
* Perdy GUIs (now Lich has GUIs)
* Private channels
* Original Atlas? (and slightly faster than go2)
* More likely to be rescued with the larger user base
* Can get a custom title if you donate (which I have, but never bothered with a title)
Psinet Cons
* Closed source, boooo!
* No scripting worth a shit and I'd give my left nut if the new engine is going to be half as powerful as Ruby.
* Having Psinet automatically associates you with OOC (which is fail)
* Have to wait for Jamus to make any sort of updates
* EDIT -Updated a few things that have changed
07-25-2009, 01:17 PM
And you have to pay to use lich?
07-25-2009, 01:46 PM
And you have to pay to use lich?
Nope. Opensource = free.
07-25-2009, 02:20 PM
Good work on the GUI.
07-25-2009, 02:28 PM
Again, you are the man. Here's a little snapshot of something going wacky with it but other than this, its working great.
[ultrawaggle2]>prepare 1612
[ultrawaggle2]>prepare 1612
[ultrawaggle2]>prepare 1612
[ultrawaggle2]>prepare 1612
You trace a simple symbol as you reverently call on your patron in the prayer for Champion's Might...
Your spell is ready.
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
[ultrawaggle2]>cast Baerden
You gesture.
A dim celadon wisp flares briefly about each of your hands, trailing soft pulses of residual light as they move.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
| You are low on mana! Waiting for pulse...
Also, I havent run into this yet, BUT in the old waggle if lnet dies, which it sometimes does, it will freeze and die. You might want to put a check in there to make sure its running, and run it if it isnt to avoid that problem.
Its also refusing to cast my 400 level spells for my wizard.
07-25-2009, 03:04 PM
400s should work as I'm a wizard myself. Good point with the freezing and dying. It will still do self spell ups but it will freeze if you try to spell someone else up. I might fix this later.
07-25-2009, 03:16 PM
* Original Atlas? (and slightly faster than go2)
I've never used Psinet, so I don't know... but go2 is pretty fucking fast for me. I set my type-ahead to 4 and the text just flys by.
Small park to North Market (portals off of course)
176 rooms in 10 seconds.
17.6 rooms a second?
I know I'm in plat, but prime couldn't be all that much worse, could it? that's pretty fast.
07-25-2009, 03:19 PM
Somebody needs to make a new lichnet & repository...
I STILL say lichnet should be a connection to an IRC server, would be so easy. And Repository could easily just be a ;krakii style connection to some wiki out there so we can keep it under control.
07-25-2009, 03:22 PM
Repo is getting a GUI soon.
07-25-2009, 03:25 PM
Repo is getting a GUI soon.
Great, now I can at least get a scrollbar instead of obliterating all my scrollback history.
07-25-2009, 03:27 PM
Great, now I can at least get a scrollbar instead of obliterating all my scrollback history.
No, I mean, Tillmen is doing folders and what not.
07-25-2009, 05:58 PM
Yeah. It simply wont cast 400s. i dont know why. I've restarted infomon, done a skills full. Simply dont know why.
I'm a empath and I just have a list of 900s and 400's spells
07-28-2009, 03:20 PM
Interesting. I don't have an empath to test with but I'll take a look at the code when I get in later tonight. Do you have a time your generally online? I'll need a guinea pig for testing.
I have a micro test tomorrow so will be studying soon so tomorrow afternoon or so. Empath is torvea
07-28-2009, 04:33 PM
Other empaths tested an it worked after running ;ultrawaggle setup again. I'm not sure what the cause is yet but you should try it to see if it works.
Showing 400's, 500's, 900's. It did work the first time but when I ran setup again I starting getting the above.
07-28-2009, 05:05 PM
I've never used Psinet, so I don't know... but go2 is pretty fucking fast for me. I set my type-ahead to 4 and the text just flys by.
Small park to North Market (portals off of course)
176 rooms in 10 seconds.
17.6 rooms a second?
I know I'm in plat, but prime couldn't be all that much worse, could it? that's pretty fast.
I tested this out a lot today using between 3 and 10 typeahead lines. using 3 it was taking me about 30 seconds, 4 dropped it to 15 seconds. I tried all the way up to 10 typeahead lines but I never saw it drop below 12 seconds(dropped to 12 at 10 typeahead lines) so id say the money zone is the 4-5 range.
btw I ran this with a basic 1 character account.
07-28-2009, 06:25 PM
I tested this out a lot today using between 3 and 10 typeahead lines. using 3 it was taking me about 30 seconds, 4 dropped it to 15 seconds. I tried all the way up to 10 typeahead lines but I never saw it drop below 12 seconds(dropped to 12 at 10 typeahead lines) so id say the money zone is the 4-5 range.
btw I ran this with a basic 1 character account.
Typeahead is the shiznit. I didn't even know about it until recently.
Drunken Durfin
07-31-2009, 02:58 PM
Does Ultrawaggle require that the caster be logged into lnet? Getting some oddities, mainly overcasting.
07-31-2009, 05:15 PM
Does Ultrawaggle require that the caster be logged into lnet? Getting some oddities, mainly overcasting.
It shouldn't...
Drunken Durfin
07-31-2009, 06:01 PM
sent you a PM with the log.
This just in...
- Minor Spirit:
101: Spirit Warding I - 3:21:52
103: Spirit Defense - 0:07:46
107: Spirit Warding II - 3:22:11
- Minor Elemental:
401: Elemental Defense I - 3:46:18
406: Elemental Defense II - 3:46:10
414: Elemental Defense III - 3:46:03
- Major Elemental:
503: Thurfel's Ward - 3:45:54
509: Strength - 3:45:46
- Ranger:
606: Phoen's Strength - 0:07:44
and this from my capped wizard:
>;ultrawaggle list durfin
--- Lich: ultrawaggle active.
| Requesting spells from durfin...
================================================== ===============
| durfin needs the following stackable spell(s):
| (x 2) [ 2 mana] Elemental Defense I
| (x 2) [ 12 mana] Elemental Defense II
| (x 2) [ 28 mana] Elemental Defense III
| (x 2) [ 20 mana] Thurfel's Ward
| (x 4) [ 36 mana] Strength
| ==========================================
| Spells: 5 Mana: 98 Casts: 12
| durfin needs the following unstackable spell(s):
| None
================================================== ===============
| Totals:
| Spells: 5 Mana: 98 Casts: 12
================================================== ===============
--- Lich: ultrawaggle has exited.
Really should only need one cast of each.
07-31-2009, 08:59 PM
Type in ;e echo eval(Spell[401].duration) and ;e echo Spell[401].timeleft and let me know what that says.
Drunken Durfin
07-31-2009, 09:35 PM
>;e echo eval(Spell[401].duration)
--- Lich: exec1 active.
[exec1: 90]
--- Lich: exec1 has exited.
>;e echo Spell[401].timeleft
--- Lich: exec1 active.
[exec1: 243.66815]
--- Lich: exec1 has exited.
- Minor Elemental:
401: Elemental Defense I - 4:03:37
406: Elemental Defense II - 4:03:41
414: Elemental Defense III - 4:04:20
425: Elemental Targeting - 0:46:08
430: Elemental Barrier - 0:46:47
Oh, and now I am getting this:
>;ultrawaggle list
--- Lich: ultrawaggle active.
================================================== ===============
| You need the following stackable spell(s):
| None
| You need the following unstackable spell(s):
| (x 1) [ 40 mana] Temporal Reversion
--- Error: ultrawaggle: (eval):599:in `*': coerce must return [x, y]
--- Lich: ultrawaggle has exited.
07-31-2009, 11:32 PM
What spell would that have cast?
Drunken Durfin
08-01-2009, 01:39 PM
Temporal Reversion
08-03-2009, 09:41 PM
I just can't seem to get this thing to save my settings... I set the spells I want excluded, and pull up the list and it will show me that it wants to eblast me... or I'll set not to cast a familiar and yet it will show it on my unstackable list of spells to cast. When I do back into setup, it is unchecked for some reason.
Also, if 419 intended to count as an unstackable spell?
08-04-2009, 09:31 AM
Yah, there's a bug right now where spells over 20 won't be cast properly.
Drunken Durfin
08-04-2009, 10:36 AM
Spells that rank over 20, or spells that have to be cast over 20 times?
Drunken Durfin
08-04-2009, 12:19 PM
Getting some interesting results from my Sorcerer too, when spelling up others.
What the target is currently wearing:
- Minor Elemental:
401: Elemental Defense I - 4:09:31
406: Elemental Defense II - 4:09:34
414: Elemental Defense III - 4:09:37
- Major Elemental:
503: Thurfel's Ward - 4:09:40
506: Haste - 0:00:33
509: Strength - 4:09:43
- Ranger:
601: Natural Colors - 3:23:23
606: Phoen's Strength - 2:15:56
613: Self Control - 2:04:45
618: Mobility - 3:12:20
- Wizard:
911: Mass Blur - 2:38:12
What Ultrawaggle [target] list returns:
>;ultrawaggle list [target]
--- Lich: ultrawaggle active.
| Requesting spells from [target]...
================================================== ===============
| [target] needs the following stackable spell(s):
| (x 3) [ 3 mana] Spirit Warding I
| (x 3) [ 21 mana] Spirit Warding II
| (x 3) [ 3 mana] Elemental Defense I
| (x 3) [ 18 mana] Elemental Defense II
| ==========================================
| Spells: 4 Mana: 45 Casts: 12
| dieneces needs the following unstackable spell(s):
| (x 1) [ 3 mana] Spirit Defense
| ==========================================
| Spells: 1 Mana: 9 Casts: 1
================================================== ===============
| Totals:
| Spells: 5 Mana: 54 Casts: 13
================================================== ===============
--- Lich: ultrawaggle has exited.
For some reason the caster thinks that the target needs 406 and 401. Just to make sure it was not an issue with the 4 hour limit, I waited until I got this:
- Minor Elemental:
401: Elemental Defense I - 3:58:34
406: Elemental Defense II - 3:58:37
414: Elemental Defense III - 3:58:41
Same result was returned by Ultrawaggle on the Sorc.
08-05-2009, 03:52 AM
--- Lich: ultrawaggle active.
================================================== ===============
| You need the following stackable spell(s):
| (x 3) [ 3 mana] Elemental Defense I
| (x 3) [ 18 mana] Elemental Defense II
| (x 3) [ 21 mana] Thurfel's Ward
| (x 9) [ 126 mana] Elemental Deflection
| (x 6) [ 48 mana] Elemental Bias
| (x 5) [ 45 mana] Strength
| (x 6) [ 198 mana] Elemental Focus
| (x 9) [ 81 mana] Prismatic Guard
| (x 3) [ 78 mana] Melgorehn's Aura
| ==========================================
| Spells: 9 Mana: 618 Casts: 47
| You need the following unstackable spell(s):
| (x 1) [ 10 mana] Elemental Wave
| ==========================================
| Spells: 1 Mana: 30 Casts: 1
================================================== ===============
| Totals:
| Spells: 10 Mana: 648 Casts: 48
================================================== ===============
A) Still can't get it to stop casting spells like this. No matter how many times I set it to exclude the spell, it will change it right back.
B) It's math is off somewhere. First it says it's going to be 1 cast at 10 mana and then tells me the total mana it needs for that section is 30.
08-05-2009, 11:49 AM
--- Lich: ultrawaggle active.
| UltraWaggle v
| by SpiffyJr (Noldo, Forest Gnome Wanger)
| Welcome to UltraWaggle. Since this is your first time running
| this script I will open the GUI configuration screen for you.
| You can access this screen in the future by typing
| ;ultrawaggle setup
| If you find a bug send an email to
| P.S. AFK scripting is bad, blah blah blah. Have fun!
GUI configuration will open in ...
--- Error: ultrawaggle: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:743:in `+': can't convert nil into String
--- Lich: ultrawaggle has exited.
Probably has something to do with me using Linux. narost produces the same thing.
--- Lich: narost active.
--- Error: narost: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:743:in `+': can't convert nil into String
--- Lich: narost has exited.
Anyone else able to get these things working in Linux?
Drunken Durfin
10-24-2009, 03:29 PM
Mass Blurs?
Mass Colors?
10-24-2009, 04:34 PM
--- Lich: ultrawaggle active.
| UltraWaggle v
| by SpiffyJr (Noldo, Forest Gnome Wanger)
| Welcome to UltraWaggle. Since this is your first time running
| this script I will open the GUI configuration screen for you.
| You can access this screen in the future by typing
| ;ultrawaggle setup
| If you find a bug send an email to
| P.S. AFK scripting is bad, blah blah blah. Have fun!
GUI configuration will open in ...
--- Error: ultrawaggle: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:743:in `+': can't convert nil into String
--- Lich: ultrawaggle has exited.
Probably has something to do with me using Linux. narost produces the same thing.
--- Lich: narost active.
--- Error: narost: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:743:in `+': can't convert nil into String
--- Lich: narost has exited.
Anyone else able to get these things working in Linux?
Bumping this bug, as it prevents me from using ultrawaggle on linux as well. Pretty sure this bug is specific to ultrawaggle because ultrafletch and narost both work for me.
10-24-2009, 04:47 PM
Hate to tell you but the ol Spiffster hasnt played in a while..
Good luck on getting him to fix any of these issues.
10-24-2009, 04:53 PM
If you don't have this already, you must have it.
Makes creating a complex regex so much simpler.
EDIT: Oh this is 3 months old.
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