View Full Version : It's over, had a hell of a time guys

07-23-2009, 03:37 AM
I'm tired of playing GS knowing that any instance I could and would be banned. It's taken over my life and I play it non stop, not to mention the fact I've been banned. I play Lydrift, a level 57 warrior. And yes, I used to play warclaidhm. I've gotten to meet alot of new people, who once hated me and turn and become friends. Been playing about 2 years since 2007-2008. Since I posted this I'm sure a GM will find it and I will be permanently banned once again. I just can't continue like this, and its wrecking my life. Thanks to paul (khaladon), and all my friends for a hell of a good time I had. I recently told lunatick that I was warclaidhm, and am pretty sure he will probably tell augie and I will be poof anyway.

Maybe now I can finally lose weight and get laid.


Oh, here's a picture of me with pen and teller:

07-23-2009, 03:39 AM
The look on teller's face says "This is the only cool thing to happen to you IRL"

07-23-2009, 03:40 AM
I'm tired of playing GS knowing that any instance I could and would be banned. It's taken over my life and I play it non stop, not to mention the fact I've been banned. I play Lydrift, a level 57 warrior. And yes, I used to play warclaidhm. I've gotten to meet alot of new people, who once hated me and turn and become friends. Been playing about 2 years since 2007-2008. Since I posted this I'm sure a GM will find it and I will be permanently banned once again. I just can't continue like this, and its wrecking my life. Thanks to paul (khaladon), and all my friends for a hell of a good time I had. I recently told lunatick that I was warclaidhm, and am pretty sure he will probably tell augie and I will be poof anyway.

Maybe now I can finally lose weight and get laid.


Oh, here's a picture of me with pen and teller:

lawlz at the odd stain on the shirt.

07-23-2009, 03:41 AM
Oh come on Geshron. If you knew me in game you'd know I was different, a nice guy, and not like I once was. I wish the GMs would change their minds, but it is not going to happen. Warclaidhm was an ass, and frankly I deserved it.

Hell you even bid on some of my items.

Edit to add: Interesting to see that just because I said I once played warclaidhm, doesn't mean a person can't change. And I think with the people I've met I've proved that.

07-23-2009, 03:44 AM
The picture was taken by michael finney's wife as well, who taught me the watch steal. After the show was over michael finney introduced me to pen and teller (both of them), finney told teller he taught me the watch steal and teller said "Oh, I talked to you about the classic palm". It was a nice experience.

Here's pen:

07-23-2009, 03:47 AM
Oh come on Geshron. If you knew me in game you'd know I was different, a nice guy, and not like I once was. I wish the GMs would change their minds, but it is not going to happen. Warclaidhm was an ass, and frankly I deserved it.

Hell you even bid on some of my items.

Edit to add: Interesting to see that just because I said I once played warclaidhm, doesn't mean a person can't change. And I think with the people I've met I've proved that.

I am stunned. If that's really you, serious, etc., etc., I can only say that is one of the best suicide notes to nerd-dom I have ever read. Every statement I type in my head is talking in Triumph the Comic Dog's voice.

Good luck.

07-23-2009, 03:47 AM
The picture was taken by michael finney's wife as well, who taught me the watch steal. After the show was over michael finney introduced me to pen and teller (both of them), finney told teller he taught me the watch steal and teller said "Oh, I talked to you about the classic palm". It was a nice experience.

Magic tricks or GTFO. I know you have videos.

07-23-2009, 03:53 AM
Here's winged silver by david roth. Been practicing the classic palm with it for 2 years now straight, everyday. Its pretty good according to other magicians.
Nice shuttle pass eh?
Here's the one with my boring vocals:
My mastery (finally) of the four coin roll down flourish:

David stone "Bridal journey"

Few others:
Slydini sponge vanish with purse frame

Flourish with rings, the insanity ladder from de'vo:

All 102 videos are on www.youtube.com/fishsticks911

Here's the award I won for the ellusionist forums for my magic:

I still collect coins too. Recently won an 1826 silver switzerland coin from an essay I wrote on numismatics.
Enjoy, heh

07-23-2009, 04:22 AM
Mad props for your coin skillz.

And also for that Dionne Farris song playing in the background in video 12.

07-23-2009, 06:20 AM
Well im shocked, in a couple a ways
1) Hell ya your different now then Wardouche, i used to cheer when he died.I know we arent excatly friends,but i seen ya go out of your way helping people(especially at CCF)was great help to me in Stone giants learning the ropes.
2)I seen on the net when Lunatick was ask`n if any knew or rermeber`d him.Why in hell would ya tell him or anyone you was a banned player.Only thing i would tell that to would be my G/F black gerbil then kill it to keep it silent

Shame your going, i for one gonna miss you bein around.Dam Lydrift was just look`n for ya in the Mastif area to show ya i can hunt there at 45.

Heh,you was right about Stone Fist,squezed my guts out,then drop me dead on the gound
That areas way to much fun to let a li`il thing like dy`n stop me.

Welp good luck in whatever you do

Tea & Strumpets
07-23-2009, 06:30 AM
I love the combination of the sob story about Gemstone ruining your life again, followed by a random photo of you with Teller.

In on the first page. Edit: Fuck!

07-23-2009, 07:25 AM

07-23-2009, 07:27 AM
I'm tired of playing GS knowing that any instance I could and would be banned. It's taken over my life and I play it non stop, not to mention the fact I've been banned. I play Lydrift, a level 57 warrior. And yes, I used to play warclaidhm. I've gotten to meet alot of new people, who once hated me and turn and become friends. Been playing about 2 years since 2007-2008. Since I posted this I'm sure a GM will find it and I will be permanently banned once again. I just can't continue like this, and its wrecking my life. Thanks to paul (khaladon), and all my friends for a hell of a good time I had. I recently told lunatick that I was warclaidhm, and am pretty sure he will probably tell augie and I will be poof anyway.

Maybe now I can finally lose weight and get laid.



Quoted for posterity.. pictures saved before they get edited out.

This thread is full of epic failure.

07-23-2009, 07:38 AM
Thanks Rimalon for taking the time to view my magic videos. I appreciate it

Thanks Willington, I remember you. Aren't you the one with that bad ass lance? Good luck to you too

I have to say thanks also to Methais, when I died on teras he sent me an IM and told me I could IM him if I die again for help...he was very helpful and kind. And for the spell ups..

07-23-2009, 07:40 AM
Why not stay until they ban you? Who knows, maybe they'll take pity...

07-23-2009, 07:43 AM
Why not stay until they ban you? Who knows, maybe they'll take pity...

Thanks StrayRogue.

I talked to GM Sangrious (sp?) over at feedback several times, he said several times there is no chance of unbanning me during the life of the game.

07-23-2009, 07:47 AM

I really, really wish that I didn't have to work today so I could see this thread play out in real time.

07-23-2009, 07:47 AM
No wonder the game dies.

Lord Orbstar
07-23-2009, 07:50 AM
What did you DO that got you, personally, a lifetime ban? I cant even imagine. I am genuinely curious

07-23-2009, 07:53 AM
What did you DO that got you, personally, a lifetime ban? I cant even imagine. I am genuinely curious


Stanley Burrell
07-23-2009, 07:55 AM
I just can't continue like this, and its wrecking my life.


07-23-2009, 08:00 AM
Don't go we had fun:

I don't know why this h asnt been brought up yet, but it hasnt as far as Ive seen. So I thought I would.

It all starts when i'm hunting in the glacier. A titan weapon fires me, I ring back to tsc. I put my weapon on the ground untill the fire wears off on it, (while I'm getting healed) and then 1 second before I could pick it up, Anticor does.

He would not give it back. He taunted me and said if I went on my kneels and begged him he would. I knew he wouldn't.

So, I got to hearthstone. once I got there there was half the landing there to laugh at me.

He was pondering what to do with it. Instead of doing the right thing to give it to me, he thought of doing 2 things instead.

1) Give it to ardwen, who in return tosses it in the well.

2) Give it to drizz, who puts it in his locker with his other billion weapons to gather dust for years.

In the end I never got it back.

I guess I learned my lesson, I did do something stupid. But anticor did steal, doesn't make it right.


Oh, by the way. the claidhmore was 1x altered w/show. Worth around 3m-4m. I Spent all my coin on it, and don't have a single coin in the bank now, cant afford nothing else...

07-23-2009, 08:02 AM
This could very well be the best day on the PC ever. I hope I can hijack a wireless signal today.

07-23-2009, 08:04 AM
What did you DO that got you, personally, a lifetime ban? I cant even imagine. I am genuinely curious

It was alot of things. I called the gamehost and GM that banned me terrible things, I don't even want to repeat. I was a general jerk to put it lightly and I would kill people alot....I abused assist and warned people alot. I remember Ardwen trying to kill me constantly with his pipe. Or the incidient where people hated me so much, they sold me a veil iron mesh cloak for example, then met me at the well for the exchange and threw it down the well.

People change and grow. I don't think the PC people (the majority) understand this but whatever, I know I have and I know alot of people I met think I have. It was actually a 60 day ban if I remember correctly, but they upgraded it to permanent. And while I was Lydrift I did not get a single consultation pull, a single warning, and just a few SEND's from gamehosts about not to be OOC (I put a stat on an enhansive on the net, like for example +3 to logic stat instead of "Increases your logic stat moderately")

07-23-2009, 08:06 AM
I'm tired of playing GS knowing that any instance I could and would be banned. It's taken over my life and I play it non stop, not to mention the fact I've been banned. I play Lydrift, a level 57 warrior. And yes, I used to play warclaidhm. I've gotten to meet alot of new people, who once hated me and turn and become friends. Been playing about 2 years since 2007-2008. Since I posted this I'm sure a GM will find it and I will be permanently banned once again. I just can't continue like this, and its wrecking my life. Thanks to paul (khaladon), and all my friends for a hell of a good time I had. I recently told lunatick that I was warclaidhm, and am pretty sure he will probably tell augie and I will be poof anyway.

Maybe now I can finally lose weight and get laid.


So.. Lydrift was Warclaidhm.. and no one knew it until you told Lunatick? I find that hard to believe, considering your behavior as Warclaidhm. Are you saying you didn't hump the shit out of Ardwen's leg while you played Lydrift!?

07-23-2009, 08:06 AM
On a side note fuck I miss my claw-hilted black ora old style claidh...that thing would go for a metrick fuckton now since the black ora craze is going. Ah well

07-23-2009, 08:08 AM
So.. Lydrift was Warclaidhm.. and no one knew it until you told Lunatick? I find that hard to believe, considering your behavior as Warclaidhm. Are you saying you didn't hump the shit out of Ardwen's leg while you played Lydrift!?

Not many knew it. I told a few close friends, but they kept their mouths shut.

Heh, regarding Ardwen. I talked to him on the amulet several times, learned alot from him. He helped me with tackling, and no I didn't 'hump his leg'. I let him have his space and found out he is actually a really nice guy. I was a real jerk as warclaidhm and deserved all the shit he gave me.

07-23-2009, 08:08 AM
I remember Ardwen trying to kill me constantly with his pipe. Or the incidient where people hated me so much, they sold me a veil iron mesh cloak for example, then met me at the well for the exchange and threw it down the well.

I had to check my calendar to make sure today wasn't my birthday or something.

I must lead a charmed life, that's for sure.

Kevin, when you get banned from Gemstone, please stay on the PC.

07-23-2009, 08:11 AM
On a side note fuck I miss my claw-hilted black ora old style claidh...that thing would go for a metrick fuckton now since the black ora craze is going. Ah well


You realize it's "metric" (a unit of measure) and not "metrick" (maybe some secret magician talk?)

Hopefully, you aren't doing anything today Kevin.. and can focus on this thread.

07-23-2009, 08:11 AM
I am not saddened by this news.

07-23-2009, 08:12 AM
I had to check my calendar to make sure today wasn't my birthday or something.

I must lead a charmed life, that's for sure.

Kevin, when you get banned from Gemstone, please stay on the PC.

Parkbandit what I don't understand is, why do you have to be that way?
I know you're a nice guy, don't you see how people can change? Can't you see that? Honestly I don't know if you're joking or not, but sometimes words do hurt.

Lord Orbstar
07-23-2009, 08:13 AM
Anticor, if you indeed took his blade like in the post above...you were being a douche.

Driz was an abusive asshat in game to where I hoped he got pancreatic cancer. Anyone know if he did or not? Glad he is gone.

07-23-2009, 08:14 AM
Parkbandit what I don't understand is, why do you have to be that way?
I know you're a nice guy, don't you see how people can change? Can't you see that? Honestly I don't know if you're joking or not, but sometimes words do hurt. Remember it's down the block not across the street.

07-23-2009, 08:15 AM
I am not saddened by this news.

Hell who would be? Warclaidhm was an ass. I deserved at the time.

07-23-2009, 08:15 AM
Anticor, if you indeed took his blade like in the post above...you were being a douche.

Driz was an abusive asshat in game to where I hoped he got pancreatic cancer. Anyone know if he did or not? Glad he is gone.
Fuck yes I took it. I never interacted with Driz except for the time he asked me to give him that claid as a trophy.

07-23-2009, 08:16 AM
<<Anticor, if you indeed took his blade like in the post above...you were being a douche.>>

I'm pretty sure Anticor gave him the weapon back that day.

07-23-2009, 08:18 AM
Anticor, if you indeed took his blade like in the post above...you were being a douche.

Driz was an abusive asshat in game to where I hoped he got pancreatic cancer. Anyone know if he did or not? Glad he is gone.

Drizz (Drizzsdt) still plays. He was always nice to me and in fact I sold him a weapon that I found. I'm not sure why but I've heard alot of people say the same thing you did about him. I've always found him friendly

07-23-2009, 08:19 AM
<<Anticor, if you indeed took his blade like in the post above...you were being a douche.>>

I'm pretty sure Anticor gave him the weapon back that day. False.

Lord Orbstar
07-23-2009, 08:19 AM

We should take a poll about who are/were giant asshats in the game, but did so with Class and Panache to where it was more cool to be victimized by them than bad.

I vote:


07-23-2009, 08:20 AM
Anticor, if you indeed took his blade like in the post above...you were being a douche.

Driz was an abusive asshat in game to where I hoped he got pancreatic cancer. Anyone know if he did or not? Glad he is gone.


Driz was one of my favorite people in the game.

07-23-2009, 08:22 AM
Parkbandit what I don't understand is, why do you have to be that way?
I know you're a nice guy, don't you see how people can change? Can't you see that? Honestly I don't know if you're joking or not, but sometimes words do hurt.

I'm a stupidist.. someone who has a thing against stupid people.

Sorry :(

07-23-2009, 08:24 AM
Parkbandit what I don't understand is, why do you have to be that way?
I know you're a nice guy...

No..no, that's not true. He is one of the most genuinely mean personalities I have ever seen online.

07-23-2009, 08:25 AM
No..no, that's not true. He is one of the most genuinely mean personalities I have ever seen online.

No kidding...I see that. Seems like some people just take pleasure out of screwing with others.

07-23-2009, 08:26 AM
No kidding...I see that. Seems like some people just take pleasure out of screwing with others. Yeah it couldn't possibly have anything to do with you being a raging douche that really doesn't get it.

07-23-2009, 08:26 AM
No kidding...I see that. Seems like some people just take pleasure out of screwing with others.

To be fair, this whole thread is a giant pity party. If you're going to leave, leave. Otherwise, you're going to make a lot of people happy while they laugh at you.

07-23-2009, 08:27 AM
To be fair, this whole thread is a giant pity party. If you're going to leave, leave. Otherwise, you're going to make a lot of people happy while they laugh at you. You shut your whore mouth!

07-23-2009, 08:27 AM
You shut your whore mouth!


07-23-2009, 08:29 AM
Son of a.... touche.

07-23-2009, 08:32 AM
To be fair, this whole thread is a giant pity party. If you're going to leave, leave.


Stanley Burrell
07-23-2009, 08:32 AM
No kidding...I see that. Seems like some people just take pleasure out of screwing with others.

It's okay, I'll report him to the mods for harassment. It's in the PC's Terms of Service documentation (which you seem to be following really well, btw :))

Anyway Kevin, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself since your last posts here. How's life going, etc.?

A new introduction would be cool and everyone knows it would be a nice way to re-reintroduce yourself to these forums. You are a member of this community and you do have fans :yes:

07-23-2009, 08:32 AM
No..no, that's not true. He is one of the most genuinely mean personalities I have ever seen online.

If that was an effort to get positive rep from me... IT WORKED!!

07-23-2009, 08:33 AM
To be fair, this whole thread is a giant pity party. If you're going to leave, leave. Otherwise, you're going to make a lot of people happy while they laugh at you.

Good point. I didn't see that.

07-23-2009, 08:36 AM
Good point. I didn't see that, I had thought people on the PC would think someone can change, that was the point of this thread. I'm not sticking around here unless someone has something constructive to say.

Personally, I think we should let bygones be bygones and not dwell on the past. It's clear that you have changed dramatically and I for one wish to wipe the slate clean.

Glad you learned a life lesson Warclaidhm.

Hey.. do you have anymore videos of you doing magic tricks??

07-23-2009, 08:37 AM


07-23-2009, 08:37 AM
Good point. I didn't see that, I had thought people on the PC would think someone can change, that was the point of this thread. I'm not sticking around here unless someone has something constructive to say.

You mean like when you told Daniel to go to war and get shot?

Fuck off.

Lol way to fail and edit out your post after we already quoted it.

Stanley Burrell
07-23-2009, 08:37 AM
Good point. I didn't see that, I had thought people on the PC would think someone can change, that was the point of this thread. I'm not sticking around here unless someone has something constructive to say.

You're a good guy Warclaidhm, it's obvious that other people see this and feel jealous of you, honestly.

Are you still collecting coins and doing your infamous vector calculus equations?

And seriously though, why don't you update us a bit since you are, obviously to me anyway, no longer the old Warclaidhm. There are those who like you here, and it would be very sad to see you go so quickly.

07-23-2009, 08:44 AM
It's okay, I'll report him to the mods for harassment. It's in the PC's Terms of Service documentation (which you seem to be following really well, btw :))

Anyway Kevin, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself since your last posts here. How's life going, etc.?

A new introduction would be cool and everyone knows it would be a nice way to re-reintroduce yourself to these forums. You are a member of this community and you do have fans :yes:

Hello Stan, thank you. Especially for saying I am a member of this community, that means alot.

I also hope you are being sincere, but I think you are.

Since I started Gemstone again in the last few months life has been terrible. I'm glad I quit. Quite angry and depressed, and would spend many many hours (over 20 a day) playing gemstone. Truly hooked. I figured this would be the only way to fix it, or rather force myself to quit. I figured I wanted to study numismatics and counterfeit detection some more (I wrote an award winning thread about it on the coin talk forums, read it if you want), and magic some more. I also wanted to get a girl friend, I talked to naina in game, she was real nice. I don't have much confidence, and I think I will definitely need to lose alot of weight before I do anything.

Since starting playing gemstone at age 12, in 2000 (Now 21) has really jumped started my typing ability. I learned to type around age 7 with my dad on a program called read write and type. From there it was all practice. I decided to get a certain career and possibly go to college, playing gemstone and realizing I was hooked I realized I couldn't do both, I was too hooked on GS. I took an 8 month training course in computers at a program called Elite, they said I was the fastest typer they ever had at 122 WPM at 100%. I got a special certificate.

After that was over, I had to do an 80 hour internship on computer databases at the world food bank. I'm a little over halfway through that. It's going well.

Hmm, last halloween I went to a party with my friend and did some magic, including a slydino purse frame rountine with sponge balls (on the first page magic videos). it went over well. We went to this one party and there was this hot girl there in a bunny suit who said I was hot (no way), and told me to come to her, and then asked me how 'big' I was. I said 5'7'', which is my height. She was obviously very drunk, heh. I wasn't going to take advantage of someone like that.

Been trying to get together again with my other magic buddy. At 21 birthday I went to las vegas with my family, I went to the pen and teller show, after the show they both met with many people . I said to teller his misers dream rountine was very good, and asked what palms he used for his cigarette rountines. After everything was gone, to my surprise to my left I see michael finney. He taught me the watch steal months earlier. I had orginaly learned it from chappy brazil's DVD. He didn't recognize me, but after awhile he did. He introduced me to pen and teller, and told them he taught me the watch steal. It was a great experience.

07-23-2009, 08:46 AM
You mean like when you told Daniel to go to war and get shot?

Fuck off.

Lol way to fail and edit out your post after we already quoted it.

Sergey? I know I regret saying that, and that wasn't right at all. He did say to me however to get out my dad's shotgun and kill myself, don't you agree that was just as bad?

07-23-2009, 08:47 AM
God bless you Stanley.

07-23-2009, 08:48 AM
Sergey? I know I regret saying that, and that wasn't right at all. He did say to me however to get out my dad's shotgun and kill myself, don't you agree that was just as bad? No, but I'm biased.

07-23-2009, 08:48 AM
We went to this one party and there was this hot girl there in a bunny suit who said I was hot (no way), and told me to come to her, and then asked me how 'big' I was. I said 5'7'', which is my height. She was obviously very drunk, heh. I wasn't going to take advantage of someone like that.

Epic fail.

07-23-2009, 08:50 AM
Fucking Stanley. LMAO.

Tea & Strumpets
07-23-2009, 08:52 AM
Stanley will be going to a special place in hell (not for his trick, but because I suspect he's Jewish).

07-23-2009, 08:52 AM
We went to this one party and there was this hot girl there in a bunny suit who said I was hot (no way), and told me to come to her, and then asked me how 'big' I was. I said 5'7'', which is my height. She was obviously very drunk, heh. I wasn't going to take advantage of someone like that.

If the pictures weren't posted up, I would be leaning towards this being a fake Warclaidhm. No way can someone literally be this much of a failure.

07-23-2009, 08:53 AM
You're a good guy Warclaidhm, it's obvious that other people see this and feel jealous of you, honestly.

Are you still collecting coins and doing your infamous vector calculus equations?

And seriously though, why don't you update us a bit since you are, obviously to me anyway, no longer the old Warclaidhm. There are those who like you here, and it would be very sad to see you go so quickly.

It's good to see some people realize I've changed, thank you.

I still collect coins. Been more interested in that as of late than magic, and recently won a silver 1826 batzan for my essay I wrote. I keep winning coins in giveaways.

I still want to do magic though, I think I have a talent in it. To be fair I never did vector calculus seriously, I studied trigometry a little bit and read a calculus book or two but never completly understood the mechanics behind it. I am still interested in physics and mathematics, however I found out that after taking such a long break from high school (It's been years) my algebra is very fussy to say the best. I can still do basic stuff like balance equations and exponets, and some factoring but that's it really. I've forgotten alot and seem to be having great difficulty relearning it. I was a straight A student in algebra.

I took an IQ test when I was very young, my IQ is 101. Average, nothing special. I read alot on wikipedia and have written a few articles, I hope to go back to college and take mathematics. I think having a teacher (vs learning from a book) will make things easier. Now that I'm not playing GS I Can do that. I'm very interested in psychology and behavior as well.

07-23-2009, 08:56 AM
It's good to see some people realize I've changed, thank you.

I still collect coins. Been more interested in that as of late than magic, and recently won a silver 1826 batzan for my essay I wrote. I keep winning coins in giveaways.

I still want to do magic though, I think I have a talent in it. To be fair I never did vector calculus seriously, I studied trigometry a little bit and read a calculus book or two but never completly understood the mechanics behind it. I am still interested in physics and mathematics, however I found out that after taking such a long break from high school (It's been years) my algebra is very fussy to say the best. I can still do basic stuff like balance equations and exponets, and some factoring but that's it really. I've forgotten alot and seem to be having great difficulty relearning it. I was a straight A student in algebra.

I took an IQ test when I was very young, my IQ is 101. Average, nothing special. I read alot on wikipedia and have written a few articles, I hope to go back to college and take mathematics. I think having a teacher (vs learning from a book) will make things easier. Now that I'm not playing GS I Can do that. I'm very interested in psychology and behavior as well.

OK.. even with the pictures posted, I'm leaning towards this being fake.

Dear "R", is this you posting?

07-23-2009, 08:58 AM
I still collect coins. Been more interested in that as of late than magic, and recently won a silver 1826 batzan for my essay I wrote. I keep winning coins in giveaways.
Wouldn't it be a batzen?

07-23-2009, 08:58 AM
OK.. even with the pictures posted, I'm leaning towards this being fake.

Dear "R", is this you posting?

Yeah I'm starting to think we're being Warclaidhm-rolled.

07-23-2009, 09:00 AM
Yeah I'm starting to think we're being Warclaidhm-rolled.


If it's "R", I'm going to kill him.

07-23-2009, 09:02 AM
Wouldn't it be a batzen?

Yes, my mistake. Couldn't remember how to spell it...its from switzerland I believe.

07-23-2009, 09:07 AM
Has to be a fake.Warclaidhm was an asshole but he was a man.He fight anybody and say anything.
This guy a lesbian in training.

Sorry dude i was with ya in the beginning cause of the interactions we had but ya lost me.You had to of gott`n your ass beat by a 12 year old girl at one piont in your life

07-23-2009, 09:08 AM

I need proof that this is really you.. so take a picture of yourself with a sign that says "Hi PC".

Otherwise, I will believe that this isn't you.. but someone who found your website and is now impersonating you.

07-23-2009, 09:12 AM
I also wanted to get a girl friend, I talked to naina in game, she was real nice. I don't have much confidence, and I think I will definitely need to lose alot of weight before I do anything.

This part made me :rofl:

07-23-2009, 09:14 AM
Jesus christ, heh,

I've had what...one supporter? Orb? One person who I met in game who I thought we were cool, and then he calls me a lesbian. I'm trying to be fair here, not be an asshole.

Stanley, thanks for playing with me to get me to take more.

I'm done here.

07-23-2009, 09:17 AM
Warclaidhm was before my time. I remember seeing a post of you trying to twirl a pencil or something that was pretty funny. Your magic isn't amazing (its just coin tricks) but I was impressed. You've come a long way. You definitely have changed but still a little clueless on reading people.

07-23-2009, 09:23 AM
Jesus christ, heh,

I've had what...one supporter? Orb? One person who I met in game who I thought we were cool, and then he calls me a lesbian. I'm trying to be fair here, not be an asshole.

Stanley, thanks for playing with me to get me to take more.

I'm done here.

I think it's more that people aren't sure if this is actually you Kevin.. and not someone pretending to be you. Since you have tons of videos available to anyone via youtube.com, it's also quite possible that someone found a website with the 2 photos of you with Penn and Teller and now using those photos of you to "prove" it's not a fake.

You can clear it up real quickly by posting a photo of yourself with a sign saying something about the Players Corner that isn't available to someone on the internet, pretending to be you.

07-23-2009, 09:32 AM
meh, I'm calling fake.

07-23-2009, 09:33 AM
Only read the first couple of pages of this thread, but I have to say "Good for you" on two counts. On the one hand, you changed from being an ass of a character into someone who was pretty normal and even nice (though occasionally annoying, if I'm remembering right and it was you who sent me 95 IMs about DFRedux). And on the other hand, you're getting away from an addiction that is apparently quite bad for you. Both of those are admirable.

07-23-2009, 10:09 AM
Epic fail.

07-23-2009, 10:13 AM

Lord Orbstar
07-23-2009, 10:26 AM
BriarFox put is succinctly. And I think his magic tricks are pretty cool.

07-23-2009, 10:31 AM
The few times I saw Lydrift in game, I kept thinking he was Warclaidhm junior...

07-23-2009, 10:34 AM
I believe I warned you that hunting in Stronghold in your 50s would drive you crazy.

07-23-2009, 10:39 AM
Lies, the stronghold just weeds out the weak. Bisco and I used to make babies with that place.

07-23-2009, 10:39 AM
Lies, the stronghold just weeds out the weak. Bisco and I used to make babies with that place.

There's a name I haven't heard in awhile.

07-23-2009, 10:56 AM
Anticor, if you indeed took his blade like in the post above...you were being a douche.

Driz was an abusive asshat in game to where I hoped he got pancreatic cancer. Anyone know if he did or not? Glad he is gone.

He snagged one of my TD shields like 6 or 7 years ago during a invasion. I was ok with the lost as I used it to RP to get it back. But never seen it again.

Oh well...Think the GM rewarded me with a sweet treasure item shortly after...


Driz that is, not Anticor

07-23-2009, 11:03 AM
If this is really Kevin LOL.

We had a date on Christmas day you don't remember? Course I was still in game afterward and you were not aww the memories.


07-23-2009, 11:40 AM
This can't be real. It really IS my birthday today.. Thankyou internets.

07-23-2009, 12:21 PM
I dont know about the rest of you but I have a sudden hankering for a scooter ride. Anyone know of any good 90 degree hills?

07-23-2009, 12:27 PM
This was a pleasant surprise of a thread to get upon sitting down at work!

You seemed nice in game as Lydrift, i talked to you a bit a couple of times...i forget for what exactly. Either warrior issues or helping with psinet or something.

Lesson learned: if you're sneaking back into a game low pro, just don't mention it. You have anonymity online, use it.

In closing, can I have your stuffsz? etc. etc.

07-23-2009, 12:51 PM
I'm done here.

Man, the PC needs to learn to pace itself. It's like hunting in the wild, you don't rush up to an animal waving your rifle. No, you stalk it and stay downwind.

07-23-2009, 12:57 PM
No!! Immediate gratification! Finger point, name calling, ridicule, laugh laugh laugh!!

07-23-2009, 01:18 PM
Fake. He pealed after we asked for a picture saying Hi PC.

07-23-2009, 01:18 PM

Epic. Someone sticky this thread.

07-23-2009, 01:27 PM
Someone give the cliff notes edition. It's been decided that it isn't really Warclaidhm but just someone who found his website? And so Lydrift is just some random GS person being framed by whoever is impersonating Warclaidhm? Oh the twists and turns...

07-23-2009, 01:31 PM
This belongs in this thread:


Photo courtesy of NachosDSL

07-23-2009, 01:34 PM

07-23-2009, 01:38 PM
Definitely worth the scroll. HAHAHA

07-23-2009, 01:40 PM

07-23-2009, 01:44 PM
I was just talking to Lydrift the other day about his typing speed and how I figured it had come from Gemstone because he was posting some absurd numbers. He was pretty talkative. So that would be all and all sadd(er) and strange(r) if he procures consistent facts about his bizarre self just to fool OOC/PC. Either way, 5 star thread. Especially the comic, my face hurts.

07-23-2009, 01:50 PM
Holy crap, that was awesome. Green, green, green rep.

Sean of the Thread
07-23-2009, 02:04 PM
I can't wish bad luck on anyone at this point.

Way to man however and best of luck dick.

07-23-2009, 02:23 PM
BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH I recently told lunatick that I was warclaidhm, and am pretty sure he will probably tell augie and I will be poof anyway.

Maybe now I can finally lose weight and get laid.


How the hell did I get thrown into this mix? Lawls. This is funny as hell..I'm on the phone with Lunatick right now. I didn't know you were so scared of me Warclaidhm. Of course, the minute you logged off IMs with Lunatick, he called me (at 3am) and told me it was you and I put in a call right away to the Simu offices to be sure that you were perma banned. Watch out..the black helicopters are outside your house right now!

You're a tool. I haven't played GS in a long time (save for the month I came back to sell the rest of my silvers off to make money for my daughter's birthday). I really don't give a damn who plays GS anymore since I don't play it lol.

07-23-2009, 02:25 PM
Not many knew it. I told a few close friends, but they kept their mouths shut.

You told me this in an IM a few months ago when I bought something on the boards. Then a very weird and confusing story about someone else using your character, selling items and you just wanting to finish up the sale.

Then you proceeded to go deeply into your depression and chat at me nonstop.

Clue: This is a huuuuge turn off to people. Don't do it anymore. If I buy something from you and have to contact you in a real time format, do not abuse that by trying to become my new best friend and bitching about your life.

Add to be honest: I could not for the life of me figure out if you were a male or female. Because I thought only chicks act like that, and there was nary a hint of your gender in the things you said.

I wouldn't usually post publically about something like this, but while getting yourself out from under Gemstone and back into some semblance of a normal life, you might want to inspect your bellybutton a bit more with help from a counselor.

Best of luck you you. I mean that. (But you're blocked on IMs, I can't be a support group, sorry.)

Sidenote: Penn's looking pretty hot these days, mmm.

07-23-2009, 02:31 PM
You told me this in an IM a few months ago when I bought something on the boards. Then a very weird and confusing story about someone else using your character, selling items and you just wanting to finish up the sale.

Then you proceeded to go deeply into your depression and chat at me nonstop.

Clue: This is a huuuuge turn off to people. Don't do it anymore. If I buy something from you and have to contact you in a real time format, do not abuse that by trying to become my new best friend and bitching about your life.

Add to be honest: I could not for the life of me figure out if you were a male or female. Because I thought only chicks act like that, and there was nary a hint of your gender in the things you said.

I wouldn't usually post publically about something like this, but while getting yourself out from under Gemstone and back into some semblance of a normal life, you might want to inspect your bellybutton a bit more with help from a counselor.

Best of luck you you. I mean that. (But you're blocked on IMs, I can't be a support group, sorry.)

Sidenote: Penn's looking pretty hot these days, mmm.

Penn is badass, but in that picture he looks like the giant, magic Imp that he is and always has been. U R WEIRD

07-23-2009, 02:33 PM
I was just talking to Lydrift the other day about his typing speed and how I figured it had come from Gemstone because he was posting some absurd numbers. He was pretty talkative. So that would be all and all sadd(er) and strange(r) if he procures consistent facts about his bizarre self just to fool OOC/PC. Either way, 5 star thread. Especially the comic, my face hurts.

I definitely got my 111 GWPM from Gemstone. I haven't been tested since freshman year in highschool (~11 years ago).

P.S. Coin tricks are for fatties.

^^^ Thread qualifier.

EDIT: Holy shit this thread goes fast. Added quote.

07-23-2009, 02:40 PM
Penn is badass, but in that picture he looks like the giant, magic Imp that he is and always has been. U R WEIRD

You're not the first person to say that about my taste in men. :D

07-23-2009, 04:39 PM
I definitely got my 111 GWPM from Gemstone. I haven't been tested since freshman year in highschool (~11 years ago).

P.S. Coin tricks are for fatties.

^^^ Thread qualifier.

EDIT: Holy shit this thread goes fast. Added quote.

Indeed, last time i checked my WPM, which was when i applied for my current job about 4 years ago, i tested actually at like 175. That sounded obscene, so I just put 150 :)

07-23-2009, 04:45 PM
I use to type in the 150 WPM range until some douchebag invented tag completion and they copied it to visual studio, forte and every other programming tool.

07-23-2009, 05:49 PM
I only know bits and pieces of the Warclaidhm escapades but I've come across Lydrift a bunch of times in the warrior guild and he seemed like a decent person.

07-23-2009, 06:01 PM
I only know bits and pieces of the Warclaidhm escapades but I've come across Lydrift a bunch of times in the warrior guild and he seemed like a decent person.

Yea. Any interaction I had was decent.

07-23-2009, 06:35 PM
The posts read more like something Klaive would do.

07-23-2009, 06:36 PM
He knows his redux.

07-23-2009, 06:46 PM
He knows his redux.

:laughs:, you were a great help.

Your last post really confused the hell out of me too, that was some hard shit. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.

Some black imflass full plate partially deflects the onslaught of the crushing attack.
An Illoke shaman throws a huge stone maul at you!
AS: +352 vs DS: +195 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +57 = +249
... and hits for 29 points of damage!
Neck broken.
You twitch several times before dying.

07-23-2009, 07:16 PM
So, here's the confusing part to me, Kevin. I know a magician doesn't reveal his tricks, but HOW do you make the coins fly from one hand to another???

07-23-2009, 07:18 PM
The posts read more like something Klaive would do.

You'd know.

07-23-2009, 07:22 PM

07-23-2009, 07:26 PM
WARBUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can get laid and lose weight while playing teh GEMSTONE.

portable vagina plus treadmill plus log onto gemstone =


07-23-2009, 07:30 PM
WARBUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can get laid and lose weight while playing teh GEMSTONE.

portable vagina plus treadmill plus log onto gemstone =


Fleshlight attached to a bowflex?

07-23-2009, 10:09 PM
Liked Lydrift. Cool guy. Sorry to see you go, especially before I was able to sell you one my void armors. ;) Best of luck man.

07-23-2009, 10:35 PM
So, here's the confusing part to me, Kevin. I know a magician doesn't reveal his tricks, but HOW do you make the coins fly from one hand to another???

Most sleight of hand tricks include palming. This is no exception.

07-23-2009, 11:11 PM
There's a name I haven't heard in awhile.

Thats because Gemstone got fucking boring and I stopped playing :)

07-23-2009, 11:19 PM
This thread is almost like an old school PC hate rally.

07-23-2009, 11:19 PM
This thread is almost like an old school PC hate rally.

Awesome isn't it?

07-23-2009, 11:20 PM
Awesome isn't it?


Shit like this even makes me like PB.

07-23-2009, 11:43 PM

Shit like this even makes me like PB.

I agree.

07-24-2009, 12:06 AM
Someone told me during the CCF that Lydrift was him, but I was too busy with the fest to worry about it.

Lydrift came through on some stuff I wanted there and was a good member of our group during the fest.

Best of Luck to you Kevin.

07-24-2009, 12:30 AM
Fleshlight attached to a bowflex?

Exercise bike (http://www.jackassworld.com/videos/1575414/190418) with "Head"?

07-24-2009, 12:35 AM
We need a term to describe something awesome, like beef wellington = retarded. Not out of any particular, REAL need. Just because. This thread would be truly PC awesome.

07-24-2009, 12:46 AM
I ROFLed at the pics but now i need someone to summarize the previous 13 pages of posts.

07-24-2009, 12:48 AM
I ROFLed at the pics but now i need someone to summarize the previous 13 pages of posts.

His mug shot



07-24-2009, 02:33 AM
So regarding the atrocious, one-sided IM conversations with a depressing player of Lydrift, I've been told by Kevin that it wasn't him.

While I'm usually more gullible as the next person, his email to me did not bear that much resemblance to the amazing IM diarrhea spawned from this other person. Sadly, I did not save them, I was busy WTFing and closing the window.

My apologies for assuming the person representing themself as Lydrift to me was actually the person.

For christ's sake, don't share an account with a nutjob.

I do still stand by my assertion that Penn Jillette is lookin' good.

07-24-2009, 02:46 AM
So regarding the atrocious, one-sided IM conversations with a depressing player of Lydrift, I've been told by Kevin that it wasn't him.

While I'm usually more gullible as the next person, his email to me did not bear that much resemblance to the amazing IM diarrhea spawned from this other person. Sadly, I did not save them, I was busy WTFing and closing the window.

My apologies for assuming the person representing themself as Lydrift to me was actually the person.

For christ's sake, don't share an account with a nutjob.

I do still stand by my assertion that Penn Jillette is lookin' good.

Heh, does the suit enhance his appearance? I should get a tex for my magic...

07-24-2009, 03:20 AM
Heh, does the suit enhance his appearance? I should get a tex for my magic...

No, his personality and ginormous size, along with the hair. A tux doesn't change much when you're that kind of flamboyant-intense already.

07-24-2009, 05:06 AM
No, his personality and ginormous size, along with the hair. A tux doesn't change much when you're that kind of flamboyant-intense already.

Oh, I thought you were talking about teller. God even I keep getting them confused...I keep thinking teller was penn and pen was teller because I thought teller 'told' the stories which describes what pen (actually teller) does as it happens in the show.

07-24-2009, 05:39 AM
You told me this in an IM a few months ago when I bought something on the boards. Then a very weird and confusing story about someone else using your character, selling items and you just wanting to finish up the sale.

Then you proceeded to go deeply into your depression and chat at me nonstop.

Clue: This is a huuuuge turn off to people. Don't do it anymore. If I buy something from you and have to contact you in a real time format, do not abuse that by trying to become my new best friend and bitching about your life.

Add to be honest: I could not for the life of me figure out if you were a male or female. Because I thought only chicks act like that, and there was nary a hint of your gender in the things you said.

I wouldn't usually post publically about something like this, but while getting yourself out from under Gemstone and back into some semblance of a normal life, you might want to inspect your bellybutton a bit more with help from a counselor.

Best of luck you you. I mean that. (But you're blocked on IMs, I can't be a support group, sorry.)

Sidenote: Penn's looking pretty hot these days, mmm.

Yeah that was me. I'd engage your bullshit about how my "way of handling life" is deeply flawed but i'd rather point out that i'm getting some instead of engaging. Yep. That crazy guy that acts like a woman is very loved. *smiles*

[7/23/2009 9:28:06 PM] me: I am easy I guess! [7/23/2009 9:28:10 PM] her: i know you are [7/23/2009 9:28:16 PM] her: *has her way with you* [7/23/2009 9:28:55 PM] me: You know that's the way I like it right? [7/23/2009 9:29:10 PM] removed: ^_^

just wait til you're having a bad day =)

Lord Orbstar
07-24-2009, 06:55 AM
what just happened....

07-24-2009, 06:58 AM
We need a term to describe something awesome, like beef wellington = retarded. Not out of any particular, REAL need. Just because. This thread would be truly PC awesome.

I thought Beef Wellington meant gay... since when Harmnone was a moderator, you couldn't say gay.

07-24-2009, 07:01 AM
what just happened....

No idea.. but let it be known I was the first one to smell a fake. I KNEW it was too good to be true.

Lord Orbstar
07-24-2009, 07:16 AM
beef wellington is NOT gay. It is fucking awesome. It is one of the more upper crust dishes the wal-mart crowd wouldnt take a hankerin' fer.

07-24-2009, 08:49 AM
You're all very clever, it's too bad you put it to such cruel uses. get bullied in high school much for that raw intellect? You're all so fucking see thru. Anyways I'm going to go enjoy my day without having to think about fellow clever people being assholes.

P.s. I get every reference, every inside joke and everything about your scene. The whole point of letting warclaidhm even use my account was to point out that when someone gets in "Bad" with you there's no recovering because you've fundamentally stopped believing people change. Is it too hard to deal with a reality that isn't totally black and gray?

Also the whole game is now in how crafty you are at being a shit. I enjoy being nice to people, I guess there's something horribly wrong with me.

07-24-2009, 09:24 AM

07-24-2009, 09:27 AM
*laughs* Yeah I know. I can be a bit of a dick sometimes but I just wanted to register my objection formally as being bothered by someone trying so hard to recover and apologize for something only to face even more redicule =/ it was a pretty hillarious inside joke going over all the people who hated him and finding out they liked the more considerate persona. for the record I think he shot himself in the foot deciding to brag about his hobbies etc rather than just fucking apologize and let it be but he's got asperger's, as do I I think the thing he was trying to do there was scream "hey screw you i'm a human too." but he was just digging himself in further because it looked desperate. it's important to remember that when you think there's something wrong with them to actually try to check them to see if they've got ANY empathy.

I know I do... It's not as if I don't notice the plight of my friends, I tend to just be self centered. I think most people are though, it's one thing I love about socializing with people, I run into people all the time that just get it, and then there's those who don't who refuse to be more communicative. I just avoid them... in essence it's just about communicating deeper when someones got "issues" to get back to normal.

unless they truly have no conscience, and that...is rare.

I don't think a lot of what happened was in the spirit of harmless fun though, it's the internet. everything gets taken way out of bounds around the corner and back again because the legendary power of the assbeating is no longer a threat. *sigh* alas.

07-24-2009, 09:52 AM
Hahaha, you're going to lose you account.

07-24-2009, 09:52 AM
Wait, you knowingly lent your account to someone who was perma-banned? Isn't that a lifetime ban?

07-24-2009, 09:53 AM
Hahaha, you're going to lose you account.


07-24-2009, 10:00 AM
Lydrift admits to being a banned player=gone
Legacyofpain admits to letting a banned player use his account=gone


Better start the Auction of ya stuff now - both ya

Some Rogue
07-24-2009, 10:06 AM

07-24-2009, 10:07 AM
Lydrift admits to being a banned player=gone
Legacyofpain admits to letting a banned player use his account=gone


Better start the Auction of ya stuff now - both ya

Actually, they should immediately hand off all their equipment to someone they trust. Let them take commission on anything sold. No time for an auction, really.

07-24-2009, 10:10 AM
Im in the Niche west of small park

07-24-2009, 10:12 AM
Did someone say assburger?


07-24-2009, 10:34 AM

07-24-2009, 10:38 AM
Where was that "colossal PC meltdowns" thread again?

Tea & Strumpets
07-24-2009, 10:38 AM
I still have no idea what the fuck Legacyofpain is talking about. How the fuck did you guys decipher his paragraphs?

07-24-2009, 10:54 AM
Blah blah blah.

GOD. Please stfu.

At least Warbunny has a sense of humor that partially redeems his crooked-cock oddness.

You need to stare at your toes and figure out which one is weirdest looking. After that think really hard about all the high horse crap that you failed at 'communicating'. Then tell us about your hobbies. Then let us laugh at you about your hobbies. Then quit thinking your special. Then maybe I might like you.

Also, I am at least 85 percent sure that this is not a fake. :D

07-24-2009, 11:01 AM


07-24-2009, 12:21 PM
P.s. I get every reference, every inside joke and everything about your scene.

I think this was my favorite part.

Oh noes! He's got one of our secret decoder rings and he KNOWS. He's in our scene, stealing our jokes!

Lord Orbstar
07-24-2009, 12:48 PM
Although his point of cruelty for cruelty's sake should be reason for a wee bit of introspection... unless you are a sociopath in the clinical definition of the word.

07-24-2009, 12:57 PM
Those spouting love, peace, understanding, and kindness to your fellow man are awfully judgmental, aren't they?

07-24-2009, 01:01 PM
seriously... fuck them and the horses they rode in on.

07-24-2009, 01:14 PM
You're all very clever, it's too bad you put it to such cruel uses. get bullied in high school much for that raw intellect? You're all so fucking see thru. Anyways I'm going to go enjoy my day without having to think about fellow clever people being assholes.

P.s. I get every reference, every inside joke and everything about your scene. The whole point of letting warclaidhm even use my account was to point out that when someone gets in "Bad" with you there's no recovering because you've fundamentally stopped believing people change. Is it too hard to deal with a reality that isn't totally black and gray?

Also the whole game is now in how crafty you are at being a shit. I enjoy being nice to people, I guess there's something horribly wrong with me.

Not only are you wrong but you're retarded as well.

You want an example?

Stanley please step up. Ask how much he was liked on the boards back in the day as compared to now. He changed. Warclaidhm is still a douche.

07-24-2009, 01:16 PM
Oo, yeah, good one, Anticor. I love Stanley these days.

07-24-2009, 01:32 PM
There are a number of regular posters I hated then liked, and some I liked then hated. I think it was more about me getting used to them than them changing though.

Or I'm capricious.

07-24-2009, 01:55 PM
Stanley please step up. Ask how much he was liked on the boards back in the day as compared to now. He changed.

No he didnt. He just stopped telling us that he robbed his parents to buy his next fix.

Oh, and he stopped spamming tubgirl pics.

07-24-2009, 02:13 PM
I don't know wtf is going on. :(

07-24-2009, 02:40 PM
I don't know wtf is going on. :(

Liberally sprinkled with hyperbole:

We're all evil, heartless and possibly sociopaths without the capacity for compassion, understanding, and without the ability to change. A couple of fine, upstanding citizens from the GS community have come to our den of iniquity and called us out on our cruel ways. "Stand forth and do battle, ye spawn of Satan!"

07-24-2009, 02:43 PM
wtri feint god
act does a line of blow off a hooker
att bible

07-24-2009, 02:48 PM
I don't know wtf is going on. :(

Get with the scene, nub.

07-24-2009, 02:49 PM

07-24-2009, 02:50 PM
I like how the arrow points to the sideboob.

07-24-2009, 02:57 PM
Nice eye for detail.

07-24-2009, 02:58 PM
That top box should be photoshopped to be an Express Lube package. But still win, nonetheless.

07-24-2009, 03:21 PM
There are a number of regular posters I hated then liked, and some I liked then hated. I think it was more about me getting used to them than them changing though.

Or I'm capricious.

Hey, I'm capricorn too!

BTW, did you get the camera? I never PM'd you Tuesday

07-24-2009, 03:40 PM
number one I logged onto lydrift without anything coming up this morning and number two it wouldn't really matter because I quit playing a long time ago as I have better shit to do.

Seriously... I'm happy for anyone that had a good time with lydrift genuinely but this is the last reply i'm sending.

I Don't care, i'm happy.

07-24-2009, 03:48 PM

07-24-2009, 03:58 PM
number one I logged onto lydrift without anything coming up this morning and number two it wouldn't really matter because I quit playing a long time ago as I have better shit to do.

Seriously... I'm happy for anyone that had a good time with lydrift genuinely but this is the last reply i'm sending.

I Don't care, i'm happy.

Haha, you have better shit to do.

I do too. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a press conference to attend and dinner with the President.

Or I mean, playing Gemstone like you, ya douche.

07-24-2009, 03:58 PM
He's happy. Duh.

07-24-2009, 04:21 PM
Lydrift admits to being a banned player=gone
Legacyofpain admits to letting a banned player use his account=gone


Better start the Auction of ya stuff now - both ya

Hmmm.. I doubt just because someone says they are a person on the PC actually means anything. I doubt they could go on what has been said here to issue a perma ban....

Than again, GS isn't the most ethical bunch.

07-24-2009, 04:21 PM
Or I'm capricious.

Kramer: Well, I have to say this seems capricious and arbitrary!

NYU Dean: Your fly's open.

07-24-2009, 04:24 PM
WTF is going on? This thread makes me feel like I just ate some acid.

07-24-2009, 04:25 PM
*yawns* more people who want to accuse me of drama who are engaged in the biggest drama storm in ages.

Shut up sit down don't complain and listen to me whine while i tell you not to complain humorously because that makes it cool.

you want to know who I actually am anyways? I'm just some guy who saw deevareeree get attacked viciously for her bad RP skills and didn't like how far it went because I liked her. It's about that non specific.

anyways ... I Play like 400 games? What makes you think GS matters and what makes you under estimate the power of prepaid gift cards and craftiness? If I wanted to play even after they "permabanned me" I'd have a new toon up in six days well crafted enough that they wouldn't be able to cross reference. I'd of considered everything.

Anyways I don't think you get this. type "Find lydrift."

am I playing? And when I walk away from here and DON'T respond again are you STILL going to live in the illusion that I'll come back, that I care, that any of it matters?

07-24-2009, 04:26 PM
No one takes you seriously, dude.

07-24-2009, 04:27 PM
No one takes you seriously, dude.

they never do =)

07-24-2009, 04:27 PM
*yawns* more people who want to accuse me of drama who are engaged in the biggest drama storm in ages.

Shut up sit down don't complain and listen to me whine while i tell you not to complain humorously because that makes it cool.

you want to know who I actually am anyways? I'm just some guy who saw deevareeree get attacked viciously for her bad RP skills and didn't like how far it went because I liked her. It's about that non specific.

anyways ... I Play like 400 games? What makes you think GS matters and what makes you under estimate the power of prepaid gift cards and craftiness? If I wanted to play even after they "permabanned me" I'd have a new toon up in six days well crafted enough that they wouldn't be able to cross reference. I'd of considered everything.

Anyways I don't think you get this. type "Find lydrift."

am I playing? And when I walk away from here and DON'T respond again are you STILL going to live in the illusion that I'll come back, that I care, that any of it matters?

why are you still here?

07-24-2009, 04:28 PM
Seriously... I'm happy for anyone that had a good time with lydrift genuinely but this is the last reply i'm sending.

You forgot the '...for at least 45 minutes.' on the end of that.

07-24-2009, 04:32 PM
*yawns* more people who want to accuse me of drama who are engaged in the biggest drama storm in ages.

Shut up sit down don't complain and listen to me whine while i tell you not to complain humorously because that makes it cool.

you want to know who I actually am anyways? I'm just some guy who saw deevareeree get attacked viciously for her bad RP skills and didn't like how far it went because I liked her. It's about that non specific.

anyways ... I Play like 400 games? What makes you think GS matters and what makes you under estimate the power of prepaid gift cards and craftiness? If I wanted to play even after they "permabanned me" I'd have a new toon up in six days well crafted enough that they wouldn't be able to cross reference. I'd of considered everything.

Anyways I don't think you get this. type "Find lydrift."

am I playing? And when I walk away from here and DON'T respond again are you STILL going to live in the illusion that I'll come back, that I care, that any of it matters?

I don't know you, nor do I really care, but judging from your few posts in this thread:

That would probably last a week or two before you, in your infinite self-glory, would tell someone how cool you were for doing it.

07-24-2009, 04:35 PM
because I have nowhere else to post it...


07-24-2009, 04:36 PM
Who the fuck is this guy?

Is Warclaidhm still a fat virgin, or not?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2009, 04:51 PM
This is why I occasionally come read the PC.

Because it delivers.

07-24-2009, 05:03 PM
warclaidhm = douche
lydrift = decent guy

GSmerchant(some random number) - You want to say goodbye cause this game ment alot to you, understandable, But done poorly so bad idea (for you personally).

Legacyofpain - well thats how you do it MF everybody and tell them how shallow and cruel they are and point out how you are a kind and caring friend, but yet still an asshat........makes sense.

All and all I would say this thread was worth the read.

07-24-2009, 05:09 PM
Okay, here's what I got from skimming this thread. Wardumdum came back as Lydrift. Nobody cared so he came in here to announce he was Lydrift and made an ass of himself thinking people cared. Is he still Lydrift? Who the hell is Legacy of Pain? Why is he being a knob? People like Stanley? what?......


07-24-2009, 05:12 PM
because I have nowhere else to post it...



Stanley Burrell
07-24-2009, 05:13 PM
Stanley, thanks for playing with me to get me to take more.

I don't know what you mean by "playing with you" but my original statement still stands.

There is no doubt in my mind that you have your supporters who wish to see more posts from you :) (and for better or worse, you've made yourself an unimpeachable member of these forums man!)

P.S. I still have a hard time understanding what it is, exactly, that you're talking about when you discuss your magic tricks. We have a bunch of magic (not like the card game, LOL) fans here, so do you think you could put it into laymen terms sort of how you actually do your awesome magic stuff? (I had a hard time understanding it from your last post, no offense :blush:)

Good luck with the numismatics, btw, Kevin.

P.P.S. W-t-heck was up with that bunny girl? Weird, man.

07-24-2009, 05:27 PM
/facepalm Stanley

Oh god please let him go for the bait, I so need this...

07-24-2009, 05:56 PM
wtri feint god
act does a line of blow off a hooker
att bible


07-25-2009, 12:58 AM
nice I made a sig :)

07-25-2009, 01:18 AM
I just ordered some stuff from parts express. I will be eagerly awaiting that delivery. .... I'll post any details.

07-25-2009, 01:35 AM
I just ordered some stuff from parts express. I will be eagerly awaiting that delivery. .... I'll post any details.

She's actually tied up with my package over here, they're sending someone else with your stuff. :D


07-25-2009, 01:41 AM
She's actually tied up with my package over here, they're sending someone else with your stuff. :D


Fuck... Well I dont' care, as long as it arrives tomorrow I'll be happy.

07-25-2009, 02:00 AM

07-25-2009, 02:05 AM
Fun until your friends see you riding her....

Lord Orbstar
07-25-2009, 06:11 AM
I like how the arrow points to the sideboob.

That arrow represents my erection.

Lord Orbstar
07-25-2009, 06:20 AM
I think legacyofpain is really the old warclaidhm who has access to lydrift but doesnt play and gsmerchant### was someone posting as a joke, or is actually the real lydrift... If you get my drift.

This is like that fucking knot Alexander the Great had to unravel. Legacy of Pain or GSmerchant## should (please God) take time to write a cogent post with the purpose of giving clarity.

The magic tricks from the beginning are pretty cool too. He does have a talent.

Legacyofpain...who are you?

07-25-2009, 06:43 AM
I think legacyofpain is really the old warclaidhm who has access to lydrift but doesnt play and gsmerchant### was someone posting as a joke, or is actually the real lydrift... If you get my drift.

This is like that fucking knot Alexander the Great had to unravel. Legacy of Pain or GSmerchant## should (please God) take time to write a cogent post with the purpose of giving clarity.

The magic tricks from the beginning are pretty cool too. He does have a talent.

Legacyofpain...who are you?

Regarding the magic tricks, thanks man, worked hard on those.

Legacyofpain is the person who created the account for me, I tried to create accounts before then but anytime they see my name, address, or card number they axed me. I tried getting a pre paid debit card but that didn't work, so legacyofpain set up the account for me and helped pay for premium, in return for me making silvers and him getting half of what I made. The only thing is I always felt rushed by it, to make silvers, and being asked by him on a regular basis how the silvers were going. Eventually I made 40 million, we sold that and I got half.

GSIVMerchant21 (me), yeah I did play lydrift, and I was the old warclaidhm. Hope that clears things up

07-25-2009, 07:43 AM
Epic fail.


07-25-2009, 07:53 AM

Dude, next time you try to look cool? Try not to post a picture of YOU lactating.

*Edited by Me*
(That's the way it should read. 10 hours later. (Zoinks!))

Stanley Burrell
07-25-2009, 08:43 AM
Dude, next time you look cool? Try not to post a picture of YOU lactating.

Male lactating is awesome...

When it comes out of your eyeball:


Maybe that's not so awesome actually.

07-25-2009, 10:27 AM
This thread had such great potential.

I feel cheated and betrayed.

07-25-2009, 10:30 AM
Regarding the magic tricks, thanks man, worked hard on those.

Legacyofpain is the person who created the account for me, I tried to create accounts before then but anytime they see my name, address, or card number they axed me. I tried getting a pre paid debit card but that didn't work, so legacyofpain set up the account for me and helped pay for premium, in return for me making silvers and him getting half of what I made. The only thing is I always felt rushed by it, to make silvers, and being asked by him on a regular basis how the silvers were going. Eventually I made 40 million, we sold that and I got half.

GSIVMerchant21 (me), yeah I did play lydrift, and I was the old warclaidhm. Hope that clears things up

The GS equivalent of "gimme yer' lunch money", haha!

Lord Orbstar
07-25-2009, 11:06 AM
ya, makes the other guy seem like an opportunist douche. "ah, here is a desperate addict! I will do him a favor and make him into my chinese gold farming bitch!"

Or maybe he was just doing him a favor and I am too cynical.

I still say he should sell off Lydrift. I would make him into a TWC warrior and not sell my 5x ECW falchion then. lol.

07-25-2009, 07:36 PM
That arrow represents my erection.

small and curved slightly upwards?

07-25-2009, 07:49 PM
This thread had such great potential.

I feel cheated and betrayed.


I couldn't even get through enough of legacyofpain's posts to make fun of him.

07-27-2009, 12:28 PM
Fuck. Where'd the win in this thread go? I am disappointed.

07-28-2009, 10:13 AM
Here's a video of Kevins latest magic trick.


11-10-2010, 11:59 PM
Oo, what a lucky night, look what I found hiding out in the dark hairy crack of the PC.

Also, this is positive proof that playing GS at a young age can entirely fuck up your brain to the point you can barely function as a normal person.

I'm feeling lucky tonight that I was 15 when I started playing and not 12, I'm only half as retarded as I could have been.

11-11-2010, 12:05 AM
nice necroposting. I love how I quit gemstone like a year and a half ago and this pops up in my in box.

For the record I consider everyone posting on this fucking forum a sub human sociopathic nut case suffering from severe borderline personality and anti personality disorder as it's the only way it would be ok to come down so hard on such an obvious case of asperger's syndrome on kevin's part.

Your post, and mockery of him are juvenile at best, and frankly if you anti social pricks hate me, remember this: you've already taken on a NEGATIVE human value to me, so regardless of how you feel any insults will only feed my ego, if you feel like having that orgy party with me, by all means.

I have friends, a life, a very active account on the experience project, a girlfriend, and a whole world outside of the game and get this. I Don't have to spend my life on a forum mocking people to feel good about myself. I recongize this a pattern of people with no life, no future, and nothing going for them.

11-11-2010, 12:13 AM
nice necroposting. I love how I quit gemstone like a year and a half ago and this pops up in my in box.

For the record I consider everyone posting on this fucking forum a sub human sociopathic nut case suffering from severe borderline personality and anti personality disorder as it's the only way it would be ok to come down so hard on such an obvious case of asperger's syndrome on kevin's part.

Your post, and mockery of him are juvenile at best, and frankly if you anti social pricks hate me, remember this: you've already taken on a NEGATIVE human value to me, so regardless of how you feel any insults will only feed my ego, if you feel like having that orgy party with me, by all means.

I have friends, a life, a very active account on the experience project, a girlfriend, and a whole world outside of the game and get this. I Don't have to spend my life on a forum mocking people to feel good about myself. I recongize this a pattern of people with no life, no future, and nothing going for them.

Wow man. You have a girlfriend. Talk about going the distance. Like, all the way man. You did it!

11-11-2010, 12:16 AM
Wow man. You have a girlfriend. Talk about going the distance. Like, all the way man. You did it!

It wasn't bragging, I was simply saying I'm happy.


anyways, i'm unsubscribing from the thread.

is it just me or were forums created by people with antisocial personality disorder to engage in bullshit drama?
and very little else
Because while the rest of the populace has a rate of sociopathy of about 3$
I find it rises to 80 on the average forum
[Matt Hunsaker]

11-11-2010, 12:29 AM
Liquor + reading Legacyofpain's posts = WTF laughter as I fail to understand what he's talking about as my eyes gloss helplessly over his words. Him and SotT need to get together. While I'm drunk.

11-11-2010, 12:33 AM
At first I thought LegacyofPain was Warclaidhm posting in the third person. Now I'm not sure.

11-11-2010, 12:35 AM
At first I thought LegacyofPain was Warclaidhm posting in the third person. Now I'm not sure.

Okay, see, I thought that too. I thought it must just have been me.

11-11-2010, 12:52 AM
His ability to recognize patterns and group people according to them will be very helpful at keeping his short temper busy.

11-11-2010, 01:06 AM
Now I didn't know Warclaidhm at all, but I knew Lydrift. As he describes himself he was really over eager to play, and overall a pretty nice guy.

From what I've heard of Warclaidhm, I don't think it could have possibly been him, but Legacy of Pain's posts seem to be coming from the computer of a person that could get the kind of legacy that Warclaidhm has....

Maybe Lydrift opened the original account for Legacy of Pain to play Warclaidhm, who got all of Lydrift's info banned. Then Legacy of Pain had to return the favor so Lydrift could play.

I win, you owe me fifty bucks.

11-11-2010, 01:23 AM
:rofl: LoP isn't Warclaidhm. Warclaidhm still posts here, somewhat frequently, and has for a while now.

11-11-2010, 01:49 AM
Its pretty simple:

LoP suffers from asperger's as well, so he sympathized with Warclaidhm and created an account for him.

This would also make it more easy to understand why LoP gets angry at internet forums, which are a place for social interaction.

His statements about "NEGATIVE human value" are a little worrisome because this can be a sign of a sociopath.

If you read his post and then look up the definition of sociopath, it actually is a little frightening.