View Full Version : Don't fuck with Subway

07-23-2009, 03:25 AM
This just made me laugh:

Source. (http://www.khou.com/news/local/stories/khou090722_mp_robber-gets-knuckle-sandwich.68c23903.html)

Robber gets a ‘knuckle sandwich’ at Houston Subway

HOUSTON – A man walked into the Subway sandwich shop on West Little York and tried to rob it. But instead of getting the cash, the woman behind the counter served him a 'knuckle sandwich.'

“When the register opened, he lunged over and grabbed it. My initial response was to hit him. So I hit him,” Subway employee Yava Matthews said.

Police say Tracy Armstead, 29, attempted to rob the sandwich shop on Monday night. When Matthews hit him, he fell back into the wall, but he still had the cash drawer in his hands.

“When he proceeded to run towards the front door, I jumped over the counter and then jumped on him,” Matthews said.

She says they ended up outside, but the fight was not over.

“We were out here tussling, tussling and tussling. A lot of people were standing around and I told them to give me something. Somebody brought me some handcuffs, so I got him and I handcuffed him,” Matthews said.

Then someone handed her a Taser.

“I got the Taser in my hand and I am tasing him and he says, ‘I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.’ I said, ‘If you can talk to me, you can breathe. So be quiet before I taser you again,’” Matthews said.

She says that Armstead, who is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 235 pounds, began to cry.

Seconds later, the police arrived.

“There were about 15 police cars and I was so excited to see them. When they came, they told me that I could get up now, and I said, ‘Are you sure? Are you positive about that?’” said Matthews.

Police are calling her a hero, but her customers are calling her Rambo.

P.S. One of you slackers needs to make a catchall weird/funny/odd/offbeat news story thread so we don't have to make a thread for one little story.


07-23-2009, 03:32 AM
Fucking awesome.

07-23-2009, 03:35 AM
This just made me laugh:

Source. (http://www.khou.com/news/local/stories/khou090722_mp_robber-gets-knuckle-sandwich.68c23903.html)

P.S. One of you slackers needs to make a catchall weird/funny/odd/offbeat news story thread so we don't have to make a thread for one little story.


Do you happen to work at subway?

07-23-2009, 03:44 AM
I'm not tough enough to work at Subway.

07-23-2009, 07:39 AM

That shirt could make you tough enough.

07-23-2009, 08:24 AM
Everything was cool up until she tazed the guy when he was already in handcuffs. That's a no no.

07-23-2009, 08:29 AM
I would be amazed if Subway (or whoever is sued) doesn't lose the resulting law suit. There isn't a doubt at all that there will be a lawsuit filed by that guy.

07-23-2009, 08:33 AM
I would be amazed if Subway (or whoever is sued) doesn't lose the resulting law suit. There isn't a doubt at all that there will be a lawsuit filed by that guy.

Yeah the issue isn't the defending the register, etc. It's the tazing while in handcuffs. Subway will be able to get out of the lawsuit if they show company policy is not to take action during a robbery and said employee was acting outside of her role. She'll be fired and sued. Companies have lawers on staff to protect the company, not the employees.

That's why companies have LP, they can have a group that's trained and has knowledge of the law to act during theft, crisis, etc. This way if a non LP employee does it they're acting outside their role and can be removed to protect the best intrests of the company.

07-23-2009, 08:45 AM
Yeah the issue isn't the defending the register, etc. It's the tazing while in handcuffs. Subway will be able to get out of the lawsuit if they show company policy is not to take action during a robbery and said employee was acting outside of her role. She'll be fired and sued. Companies have lawers on staff to protect the company, not the employees.

That's why companies have LP, they can have a group that's trained and has knowledge of the law to act during theft, crisis, etc. This way if a non LP employee does it they're acting outside their role and can be removed to protect the best intrests of the company.

Sad, but true.

07-23-2009, 09:35 AM
yeah, thats a lame action against her though.

I understand the whys, but I think it's dumb.


07-23-2009, 09:44 AM
yeah, thats a lame action against her though.

I understand the whys, but I think it's dumb.

Even though I think the douche got what he deserved it's still pretty much torture to taze someone that's already in custody.

07-23-2009, 09:49 AM
it's still pretty much torture to taze someone that's already in custody.
or force them to eat at Subway

07-23-2009, 09:53 AM
I think it is awesome she beat the guy down...handcuffed and tazed him. I hope she doesn't get fired or sued.

I remember when I was a cashier they always told me if someone tries to take the cash, let them. Then alert authorities.

07-23-2009, 10:01 AM
The fact that he got dropped by a girl during a robbery is going to make him a punk within 5 minutes of being in county.

07-23-2009, 10:18 AM
‘If you can talk to me, you can breathe. So be quiet before I taser you again,’” Matthews said.

I'm so using this line.

07-23-2009, 10:20 AM
I'm so using this line.
We used to use that same logic with headlocks in wrestling. You'd have some bitch in a headlock and he'd be saying "I can't breathe" hoping the ref would stop it for a reset. "If you're making noise you're breathing." get the three count, or if you're an ass (and I was) get your nearfall points, lift his shoulder and go for more points.

07-23-2009, 10:32 AM
We used to use that same logic with headlocks in wrestling. You'd have some bitch in a headlock and he'd be saying "I can't breathe" hoping the ref would stop it for a reset. "If you're making noise you're breathing." get the three count, or if you're an ass (and I was) get your nearfall points, lift his shoulder and go for more points.

07-23-2009, 10:41 AM
Am I the only one that's wondering how and why random onlookers just happened to have a pair of handcuffs and a taser with them?

Were they on their way back from the S&M store or something?

07-23-2009, 10:44 AM
Yeah I thought that was kind of weird. Tazer/stun gun I can see. Handcuffs is kind of weird. Not to mention generally people carrying cuffs don't hand them out. You cuff someone you're responsible for their well being while they are cuffed so it's not just a ohh let's do this for shits and giggles kind of thing.

07-23-2009, 10:45 AM
Am I the only one that's wondering how and why random onlookers just happened to have a pair of handcuffs and a taser with them?

Were they on their way back from the S&M store or something?

I was thinking... maybe there was a bored cop in the crowd and he just wanted to watch her beat his ass.

07-23-2009, 10:49 AM
I was thinking... maybe there was a bored cop in the crowd and he just wanted to watch her beat his ass. He wouldn't hand over his cuffs and most def wouldn't hand over his tazer.

07-23-2009, 11:08 AM
He wouldn't hand over his cuffs and most def wouldn't hand over his tazer.

He would have restrained him. HPD has a 24 hour badge in jurisdiction, so he would have been duty bound to intervene.

I'm guessing it was a rentacop or some wannabe with cuffs. I believe the tazer came from someone else, not the gun kind.

07-23-2009, 11:17 AM
He would have restrained him. HPD has a 24 hour badge in jurisdiction, so he would have been duty bound to intervene.

I'm guessing it was a rentacop or some wannabe with cuffs. I believe the tazer came from someone else, not the gun kind.


Are they still considered tazers if they don't shoot, aren't they just stun guns then?

07-23-2009, 11:19 AM
For purposes of assault I believe they are considered the same, and thats how this case will most likely be viewed since she employed the tazer after restraints were applied.

07-23-2009, 12:41 PM
Am I the only one that's wondering how and why random onlookers just happened to have a pair of handcuffs and a taser with them?

Wait, that's not S.O.P.?

07-23-2009, 12:46 PM
My guess is that Tisket was in the crowd. She'd always have that sort of stuff on hand. She probably put the guy up to the attempted robbery just to watch him get beat down.


Sean of the Thread
07-23-2009, 02:05 PM
Only in Texas would a customer be carrying spare handcuffs.

07-23-2009, 05:08 PM

I've still got a set of SW cuffs and irons from back when I ran transport.

07-24-2009, 09:34 AM
Speaking of tazing someone while restrained...


Looks like the guy was not restrained enough, especially since this was a court appearance for aggressive behavior in a previous court session. I would have had a belly chain on him since he was cuffed in front. I think he's got leg irons on, but not sure.