View Full Version : Whistler's Pass, Tunnel

07-23-2009, 03:21 AM
Anyone know how to get through the maze going North and/or South. I always just run around forever till I get out. But would be nice to know the right directions.

07-23-2009, 03:29 AM
found it looking at some of Durfin's scripts...

Illistim to landing - sw, s, sw, s
Landing to Illistim - ne, n, e, n, e

07-23-2009, 08:03 AM
lol, you're a frickin citizen in Illi :)

07-23-2009, 04:28 PM
lol, you're a frickin citizen in Illi :)

I know its sad. I've always just used scripts or spent forever randomly wandering in there. My psinet atlas/goto was broken last night and every time I told it to go to the GoS taskmaster it took me to that maze and stopped. It was time to finally figure it out.

The Ponzzz
07-23-2009, 04:37 PM
What's sad is all the sophisticated elves have not built a common caravan trail to the western side of the world. You would think by now, someone would construct a better trail.