View Full Version : golvern fullplate-- 10x, hcp, 26 .lbs

07-23-2009, 12:03 AM
Selling some "matte black veniom-laced golvern plate."

10 enchants, 26 pounds and heavily crit padded.

Will consider cash or coin offers via PM, please.

07-23-2009, 12:10 AM
hole'e'shit, that is all.

Drunken Durfin
07-23-2009, 12:12 AM
Wondered where that went.

07-23-2009, 12:35 AM
How much is something like that worth?

07-23-2009, 08:18 AM
200+ mill

Lord Orbstar
07-23-2009, 08:24 AM
35m or so.

I bid 35m.

07-23-2009, 08:51 AM
Whats going to happen to uber-items like this when silvers get down to 5-6 dollars per?
200m today is a far cry from 200m a few years back

07-23-2009, 08:53 AM
Whats going to happen to uber-items like this when silvers get down to 5-6 dollars per?
200m today is a far cry from 200m a few years back

Cash sales.

Lord Orbstar
07-23-2009, 10:16 AM
It used to be 20 bucks a million. Way different world now.

07-23-2009, 10:18 AM
It used to be 20 bucks a million. Way different world now.

True, but the fluxiating silver's market doesn't really effect an item's worth. You either pay for it with double the amount of silvers, or the same dollar value. One could make the argument that the game is dying out, but when CCF sells out in less than what? 15 minutes for three runs straight, it is pretty plain to see people are willing to shell out money for a chance at power.

07-23-2009, 10:30 AM
no, just means most of us that are left still have the cash to do that kinda shit.

07-23-2009, 10:48 AM
no, just means most of us that are left still have the cash to do that kinda shit.

Same difference.

07-23-2009, 01:26 PM
I'd value it at about 100m.

07-23-2009, 01:43 PM
I'd value it at

07-23-2009, 02:03 PM
I freely admit im one of those people!

Just try`n to figger out a way to get my hands on this Armor.
$1600ish...Just cant do that all at once.Id have to give my car as collateral for two months till it was paid off.

The first CCF sold out within 5 min,gonna be fun to see how fast EG tickets go

07-23-2009, 02:28 PM
People that are willing to spend $1000 on a text-based game need a fucking reality check. It's a fucking video game. I'm all for buying a few silvers here and there so you can afford some basic items but for fuck's sake... isn't there something better you could do with that $1000? Like, I dunno, buy a razor, shave, pay your bills, etc? If you're rolling in the dough and $1000 is pocket change then more power to you but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of GS players are addicted like crack heads and willing to do anything to get their fix.

07-23-2009, 02:32 PM
It's more than i'd spend, but if you have faith the market will be around, worse comes to worse (or when you move on) you can resell it, so it's more like renting or putting a deposit down.


07-23-2009, 02:48 PM
People that are willing to spend $1000 on a text-based game need a fucking reality check. It's a fucking video game. I'm all for buying a few silvers here and there so you can afford some basic items but for fuck's sake... isn't there something better you could do with that $1000? Like, I dunno, buy a razor, shave, pay your bills, etc? If you're rolling in the dough and $1000 is pocket change then more power to you but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of GS players are addicted like crack heads and willing to do anything to get their fix.
I've paid more for a set of golf clubs. A hobby is a hobby.

07-23-2009, 02:58 PM
GS is been around how long? How many people/friends have come and gone?

Any high end item ya get you`ll sell for at least what ya paid for it

07-23-2009, 03:12 PM
As long as your patient when reselling it.

GS is been around how long? How many people/friends have come and gone?

Any high end item ya get you`ll sell for at least what ya paid for it

07-23-2009, 03:26 PM
As long as your patient when reselling it.

I think you'd be surprised how freely a lot of this top end stuff floats around for this kind of money.

07-23-2009, 04:22 PM
I think you'd be surprised how freely a lot of this top end stuff floats around for this kind of money.

Yep. Hell, I'd offer him 1750 for it right this second if I wasn't already wearing almost exactly the same armor.

07-23-2009, 08:40 PM
I've had about 20 PMs of "how much are you looking for" and no bids. Will begin updating this thread as soon as someone makes a hard cash or silvers offer.

07-23-2009, 08:49 PM
I've sent you a few PMs talking about coin/trade offers and basically told you to give me a cash price so we can wrap this up. IM me or PM me back so we can work out a deal.

07-23-2009, 09:00 PM
I've had about 20 PMs of "how much are you looking for" and no bids. Will begin updating this thread as soon as someone makes a hard cash or silvers offer.

Nobody likes doing that. It helps to give a rough idea of how much you're looking for.

07-23-2009, 09:03 PM
Alright, I bid a whopping 50 million. Let's go from there.

07-23-2009, 09:05 PM

07-23-2009, 09:06 PM

07-23-2009, 10:13 PM
54! wait...damn it!

07-23-2009, 10:15 PM
damn that's some intense armor

07-23-2009, 10:17 PM
I've had about 20 PMs of "how much are you looking for" and no bids. Will begin updating this thread as soon as someone makes a hard cash or silvers offer.

Pretty sure some Hard Coin Offers were offered to you via PM's.

I can at least tell you one person, who offered you X amount of coins for it via PMs

07-23-2009, 10:57 PM
Nobody likes doing that. It helps to give a rough idea of how much you're looking for.

Fair, but tough for me, since I don't buy or sell much and am rather clueless as to value. Based on this thread, I'd be willing to sell with no further ado for $1,400 or equivalent in coins.

07-23-2009, 10:59 PM
Fair, but tough for me, since I don't buy or sell much and am rather clueless as to value. Based on this thread, I'd be willing to sell with no further ado for $1,400 or equivalent in coins.

What you paid for it is never a bad starting point. If nobody bites then lower the price. :shrug:

07-23-2009, 11:02 PM
What you paid for it is never a bad starting point. If nobody bites then lower the price. :shrug:

Or do what other merchants do, take the price you paid and increase it by 50%

07-23-2009, 11:04 PM
Can you either IM me, or just set a starting point for cash/coin and let us bid it up.

07-24-2009, 09:57 AM
Fair, but tough for me, since I don't buy or sell much and am rather clueless as to value. Based on this thread, I'd be willing to sell with no further ado for $1,400 or equivalent in coins.

If it were me I would set the selling price somewhere close to what I paid.

07-24-2009, 10:27 AM
not sure if i should try to by this..

or this: http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=002565306F574A01A2DBFEF1 227B354F


07-24-2009, 10:34 AM
not sure if i should try to by this..

or this: http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=002565306F574A01A2DBFEF1 227B354F


I can't comment on the price, but I can comment on the website. GSauctions is 100% reliable, in as much as any gemstone sale can be. I've never heard anyone claim that they were mislead about what they bought, or outright robbed. The only complaints I hear about the site is their prices. That being said, the owners of the site are willing to haggle on nearly all of their items. If you're curious about an item, I would suggest e-mailing or IMing them. They're good people.

As for the armor itself, what profession are you? I happen to value padding quite a bit, and masterful level padding and above is quite difficult to get in any set of armor. GoS padding will stack with it, possibly bumping it up into an even higher bracket. As sets of plate goes, I imagine this suit would be rated in the top 10 in the game. Do you wear outside spells? If not, 5x isn't terribly high for enchant, and flaring weapons can one-shot you on a 101 endroll regardless of your padding. I'm not saying a suit of 7x-10x plate armor would be automatically better if you suffer from DS issues, but it may be a better bang for your buck. Weight is as low as you can go short of very old sets that were lightened heavily before any sort of standard was in place, so definitely nice there. If you've the cash/coins, and can haggle him down a bit (The armor has been there for a while), I would say grab it. It is a pretty godly set of armor.

07-24-2009, 11:12 AM
not sure if i should try to by this..

or this: http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=002565306F574A01A2DBFEF1 227B354F


This golvern suit isn't all that special to be honest. HCP can be added by anyone. The 10x is something, but it is still possible to create 10x, albeit difficult. The weight may also be lower than you could expect to create.

The 200m suggestion is high IMO, I would still value the golvern set at 100m.

If I had a choice between 10x HCP or 5x MCP.... the MCP wins. (Especially since it's cheaper.)

07-24-2009, 12:18 PM
200m definitely seems high for this set, but overall i do think the 10x and HCP is better than the 5x and MCP, unless you are really really really concerned about maneuver attacks (from a warrior's standpoint, imo)

You aren't going to be taking many big crits to begin with, and the extra 25 defense, as fallen mentioned, will save you from being nailed by flaring weapons or hit to begin with.

But, the MCP set would be pretty amazing for things with nasty maneuver attacks or the crazy weighted weapons.

They're both damn amazing sets of armor :)

07-24-2009, 05:47 PM
No one jumped on my $1,400.00 buyout offer, and I'm not the sort to just sit here for 3 weeks waiting to make a bit extra.

I'll set a minimum bid of 100M or $800.00, which seems to be very fair based on even the most conservative estimates in this thread. I'll do a once, twice, sold thing, with updates on a nightly basis.

I'm not really interested much in trades, as I basically have everything I'll ever need. Thanks.

Minumum: 100M or $800
Current: None
Buyout: 175M or $1,400

07-24-2009, 05:53 PM
No one jumped on my $1,400.00 buyout offer, and I'm not the sort to just sit here for 3 weeks waiting to make a bit extra.

I'll set a minimum bid of 100M or $800.00, which seems to be very fair based on even the most conservative estimates in this thread. I'll do a once, twice, sold thing, with updates on a nightly basis.

I'm not really interested much in trades, as I basically have everything I'll ever need. Thanks.

Minumum: 100M or $800
Current: None
Buyout: 175M or $1,400

There ya go.

07-24-2009, 06:36 PM

07-24-2009, 08:19 PM

Note to self: Make friends with Durg.

07-24-2009, 08:28 PM
As sets of plate goes, I imagine this suit would be rated in the top 10 in the game.

I'd have to strongly disagree with this statement. There are a lot of plate armors out there that blow this away. It is good armor no doubt and in the top 100 since it is 10X, but the padding is meh and the weight is meh when you are talking about the best armors in the game.

07-24-2009, 08:29 PM
I think he was talking about the masterful crit padded plate on GS auctions.

http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=002565306F574A01A2DBFEF1 227B354F

07-24-2009, 08:35 PM
I think he was talking about the masterful crit padded plate on GS auctions.

http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=002565306F574A01A2DBFEF1 227B354F

Ah ok...yea that armor would be in the top 25 for sure. There are quite a bit of nice plate armors that are well known...and an equal amount that are dusty that haven't been seen in ages...and yet more that nobody even knows exist.

07-24-2009, 08:43 PM
Ah ok...yea that armor would be in the top 25 for sure. There are quite a bit of nice plate armors that are well known...and an equal amount that are dusty that haven't been seen in ages...and yet more that nobody even knows exist.

That's the only reason I quoted it at 100m, there seems to be more nice plate than any other armor type.

Why is that?

07-24-2009, 08:54 PM
As far as armor goes, warriors need it the most of any class for their style of combat. Since most warriors train for plate, a high end set becomes a near to post cap necessity.

07-24-2009, 09:03 PM
Note to self: Make friends with Durg.

HEH, most of my friends in this game have way more uber gear and coin than I do, I just happen to be in need of armor..

Also, I have owned the set of plate that GSAuctions has 2 different times and sold it to them both times after I was done with it. The armor is amazing, but I just have a thing about wanting my gear to be 10x.

07-24-2009, 09:26 PM
As far as armor goes, warriors need it the most of any class for their style of combat. Since most warriors train for plate, a high end set becomes a near to post cap necessity.

Same goes for most rogues and of course paladins. Plate armor has too many bennies to the point it is usually an RP choice to not wear it at near cap.

07-24-2009, 09:41 PM
Same goes for most rogues and of course paladins. Plate armor has too many bennies to the point it is usually an RP choice to not wear it at near cap.

Which is a shame, as it would be nice if there were strong alternatives that would see chain getting more use. Casting rogues aside, too many people end up in the same AsG.

07-24-2009, 09:49 PM
Ah ok...yea that armor would be in the top 25 for sure. There are quite a bit of nice plate armors that are well known...and an equal amount that are dusty that haven't been seen in ages...and yet more that nobody even knows exist.

Yah, exactly. I like mine, I just gotta train someone up to be able to use it and long away from that.

6x vhcp self mana heal, you get healed for 2 mana if you get hit....


07-24-2009, 09:57 PM
Yah, exactly. I like mine, I just gotta train someone up to be able to use it and long away from that.

6x vhcp self mana heal, you get healed for 2 mana if you get hit....



:wtf: :bananahit:

07-24-2009, 10:14 PM

:wtf: :bananahit:

It's nice Plate indeed :)

I've had the luxury of wearing it on the Paladin

07-24-2009, 11:28 PM
I would be all over this set if I haven't bought the set from Durg.

07-24-2009, 11:34 PM
Current Bid: 800 to Durg going once.
Buyout: 1,400 or 175M.

Absent any additional bids, this time tomorrow will be going twice, this time Sunday will be sold. Thanks.

07-25-2009, 03:35 AM
I'd have to strongly disagree with this statement. There are a lot of plate armors out there that blow this away. It is good armor no doubt and in the top 100 since it is 10X, but the padding is meh and the weight is meh when you are talking about the best armors in the game.

Can you tell me 10 or even 20 sets of plate out there, that are better then this?

07-25-2009, 03:41 AM
I'll start with two right away:

Red armour.
8x masterfully crit padded lightened plate - a shimmering ancient golvern field plate

07-25-2009, 03:49 AM
Can you tell me 10 or even 20 sets of plate out there, that are better then this?

I hear paul has some high enchant, VHCP, self mana heal plate

07-25-2009, 04:02 AM
I'll start with two right away:

Red armour.
8x masterfully crit padded lightened plate - a shimmering ancient golvern field plate

I remember this definitely.

07-25-2009, 08:28 AM

07-25-2009, 09:35 AM

Please don't drop it in TSC!

07-25-2009, 09:39 AM
If its spiked he`ll have to takes off for Tackle

07-25-2009, 01:07 PM
I hear paul has some high enchant, VHCP, self mana heal plate

So does Boomsplat (they may have traded before tho).

More from some notes I've taken over the years:

Some platinum spiked alloy breastplate 8x very heavily crit padded aug breastplate

Some ancient scarred golvern plate 5x masterfully crit padded lightened plate

Some gleaming rolaren plate armor 6x exceptionally crit padded plate

Some dark invar plate armor Masterfully damage padded full plate. 60-65 lbs. 74/680

A gold and veniom alloy breastplate 6x exceptional crit padding

a suit of void black platemail etched with a bone-white skull on the breastplate - 6 enchant exceptionally crit padded full plate

some ancient scarred golvern plate - 5 enchant masterfully crit padded full plate

07-25-2009, 01:23 PM
There is also a set of 5x ICP full plate, and a set of 9x MCP full plate.

07-25-2009, 01:47 PM
I hear paul has some high enchant, VHCP, self mana heal plate

Put quite a lot of work into this plate.

I bought it out of Wadsworth's shop when he closed his account and wasn't coming back to reclaim stuff, was 5x damage padded for 75m.

Had the padding removed at an event.

Enchanted it to 6x with my mage.

Lightened a bunch of times, think its max now.

At CCF bought one of the raffle spots for vhcp for 50m or so.


Definitely some decent armor


07-25-2009, 01:52 PM
Put quite a lot of work into this plate.

I bought it out of Wadsworth's shop when he closed his account and wasn't coming back to reclaim stuff, was 5x damage padded for 75m.



Wad's was good people.

07-25-2009, 01:53 PM
The way armor is designed, at least for squares, yah, there is a bunch of very high end plate out there thats been worked on over the years. Even with the armor verb, and yes, I know a bunch of rogues experimenting in robes and lighter armors.

Chain class armors by way of compare, isn't too many, its a transitional step for most people who can wear plate. Best suit i know of (own, but sold just gotta hook up with the guy is the 8x mcp set)...

Brig and doubles both have a fair share of good ones. Several sets of 9x icp (superb now??) brigs and doubles exist.

Partials of any class are the hardest to find with padding higher than heavy because for too many years, partials had a major bug and simply wasn't worth using. Been fixed, but that was long after that padding merchants and enchanters became rarer than the dodo. And most of those now with hcp came from the Premium Points system.


07-25-2009, 01:54 PM
People that are willing to spend $1000 on a text-based game need a fucking reality check. It's a fucking video game. I'm all for buying a few silvers here and there so you can afford some basic items but for fuck's sake... isn't there something better you could do with that $1000? Like, I dunno, buy a razor, shave, pay your bills, etc? If you're rolling in the dough and $1000 is pocket change then more power to you but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of GS players are addicted like crack heads and willing to do anything to get their fix.

Ya, fuckers!

Also, people who are willing to spend $500 on a golf club need a reality check. It is a fucking golf club, you're an amateur who golfs 8 times a summer while drinking beer, you don't need to spend so much on your hobby.

And those fucking fishermen, with their boats and their rods and their tackle and their coolers full of beer. Who the fuck do they think they are? Spending so much on a hobby.

And the hunters, dropping a grand for a tricked out AR 15, where do they get off? All you need to kill a deer is a cheapass shotgun with buckshot, who the fuck do they think they are?

And the cyclists, wtf, all you need is a 10 speed, but they go buying fancy ass carbon fiber mammajamma bikes for 8 grand.

Then those fucking people who ride snowmobiles or ATVs to unwind, dropping 10 grand on a machine, where do they get off?


In case your sarcasm interpreter fails, adults spend money on hobbies. Get used to it.

07-25-2009, 01:55 PM
Can you tell me 10 or even 20 sets of plate out there, that are better then this?

I don't merchant that much since I tend to acquire the best I can for Lucos and then stop looking, but being friends with Brian and Paul, I see the shit they sell and trade and it is crazy stuff.

But placing a set of armor in the top 10, 25, 50, whatever can depend on different views. 10X enchant is nice, but there are other factors that some rate higher. A set of plate with self-mana spell is much more desirable than a few extra enchants. HCP is common with PP nowadays, so anything higher than that can override the desire to have max enchants. Me personally, I value the weight of the armor for encumberance issues as very desirable.

Lucos wears 6X ECP 20 pound rolaren full plate, which I personally think is better.

There are at least a dozen MCP sets with mid to high level enchants that have some major lightening done on them that float around.

There is the red armor.

Several sets of self-mana sets.

There is even Kerl's set that adds a sick amount to your TD.

So, while the armor this thread is selling is some serious nice shit, it is not in the top 10 plate class armors out there.

07-25-2009, 01:58 PM
Some gleaming rolaren plate armor 6x exceptionally crit padded plate

Lucos wears this set of armor. You can update your records to reflect the weight is a very respectable 20 pounds.

>rem my cloak
You work your way out of a deeply cowled dark cloak, revealing the rolaren plate armor underneath.
>tap my armor
You tap some gleaming rolaren plate armor that you are wearing.

07-25-2009, 02:21 PM
I wear +22 imflass full plate.

Reading this thread reminds me how i fail gemstone :(

07-25-2009, 02:26 PM
I wear +22 imflass full plate.

Reading this thread reminds me how i fail gemstone :(

Our Paladin wears the 6x VHCP Self Mana Heal Plate

Lord Orbstar
07-25-2009, 02:27 PM
hehe. US dollars are pretty much the only currency that matters for the oh.my.GOD stuff.

But you do not need it. It is just a driving obsession for alot of people is all, me included.

I personally think that 6x VHCP self mana heal plate is the bees knees and would buy it if i could. Well that and a capped wizard..

Lord Orbstar
07-25-2009, 02:28 PM
hilarious...i was posting this and when it refreshed..there was Widgets talking about the armor I love. It is like destiny threw us together, sweet prince.

now, gimme ur shit

07-25-2009, 02:30 PM
I wear +22 imflass full plate.

Reading this thread reminds me how i fail gemstone :(

I have some 5X HDP golvern full plate that weighs in at 33 pounds if you are looking for some transition armor to wear until you find that uber life set.

Lord Orbstar
07-25-2009, 02:31 PM
that is nice stuff for a square with good redux. damage padding is nice

07-25-2009, 02:34 PM
that is nice stuff for a square with good redux. damage padding is nice

Ya, it is good warrior armor. Since most rogues at cap have spells, as well as all paladins, I personally feel that crit padding is what they need and want, but it is some good stuff for a warrior just getting into plate and using until they find that set that really kicks ass. Or if they can get it worked on with special services, it has the potential to end up as an uber set...with enough time, money and luck.

07-25-2009, 02:35 PM
I have some 5X HDP golvern full plate that weighs in at 33 pounds if you are looking for some transition armor to wear until you find that uber life set.

I might be interested in this, since I don't know if I want to go over 1k on the armor in this thread. I just really want some 10x armor to complete my collection of gear on my warrior.

07-25-2009, 03:10 PM
I might be interested in this, since I don't know if I want to go over 1k on the armor in this thread. I just really want some 10x armor to complete my collection of gear on my warrior.

You can always make your armor via the same hard road you made your weapon!

I was hoping my plate would be in the top 50. I'm not so sure with all the insane padding flying around. 8x, 9lbs, spiked, very lightning resistant, disintegration flares, moderate slash vulnerable.

07-25-2009, 03:19 PM
You can always make your armor via the same hard road you made your weapon!

I was hoping my plate would be in the top 50. I'm not so sure with all the insane padding flying around. 8x, 9lbs, spiked, very lightning resistant, disintegration flares, moderate slash vulnerable.

True, but that would be an insane number of PP/merchants to get it where I would want it.

But I have almost completed the ultimate 10x set for my warrior...

10x shield/returner/DB, just need some 10x plate...

If anyone wins this, I would almost be willing to buy the set off of GSAuctions and work out a trade deal.

07-25-2009, 03:21 PM
hilarious...i was posting this and when it refreshed..there was Widgets talking about the armor I love. It is like destiny threw us together, sweet prince.

now, gimme ur shit

Heh, no, its mine, just loaned out...


07-25-2009, 03:51 PM
Heh, no, its mine, just loaned out...


Speaking of which....I lost that armor, and e-bow somewhere in the Landing Paul, I think they fell down the well cause they were on me, then the next moment...Poof...Gone! ;)

07-25-2009, 03:52 PM
True, but that would be an insane number of PP/merchants to get it where I would want it.

But I have almost completed the ultimate 10x set for my warrior...

10x shield/returner/DB, just need some 10x plate...

If anyone wins this, I would almost be willing to buy the set off of GSAuctions and work out a trade deal.

Gotta weigh the pros and Cons here Matt. Do you take teh easy way out and spend a good chunk of cash for nice armor, but pretty much NEVER need armor again for Durg...Or do you save yourself the cash, and just invest alot of time into the armor you currently have and get it worked on over time...Keep in mind, EG is coming up as well.

07-25-2009, 04:04 PM
I have some 5X HDP golvern full plate that weighs in at 33 pounds if you are looking for some transition armor to wear until you find that uber life set.

That would be pretty hot, but i've never had much money and i just wiped myself out buying a few odds and ends (spiked, flaring brawling gauntlets, golvern slab)

I'm trying to scrap together the silver to go hunt in RR and make some coins back! Lol, need to clean out my lockers too, not a lot in there but at least a couple mil i could scrap together probally for some kickin around money.

07-25-2009, 04:12 PM
Speaking of which....I lost that armor, and e-bow somewhere in the Landing Paul, I think they fell down the well cause they were on me, then the next moment...Poof...Gone! ;)

Its really good you moved from CT bro...cause I'd be on the road next to pound you :)


07-25-2009, 04:32 PM
Its really good you moved from CT bro...cause I'd be on the road next to pound you :)



07-25-2009, 04:37 PM
I like my plate. I've had the opportunity to upgrade the enchants via merchant, but honestly I didn't see the need. It'll last me forever without needing an upgrade.

+28, 25lb, spiked, HCP, moderate resistance to slash/crush/puncture, and silly anfelt tier 2 zested

07-25-2009, 06:01 PM
Current: $1,000 or 125m to Brute once.
Buyout: $1,400 or 175m

will go twice tomorrow & sold on Monday if no further bids.

07-26-2009, 06:59 PM
More from some notes I've taken over the years:

You can add this one.

Ora-veined midnight glaes field-plate

8x exceptionally crit padded sanctified 25lbs.

07-26-2009, 09:08 PM
Current bid: $1,000.00 to Brute going twice.
Buyout: $1,400.00.

Will be sold if no further bids by tomorrow night. Thanks.

07-26-2009, 09:26 PM
Add this one too.

some glossy black vultite plate covered with an erratic lightning pattern in red glaes

6X - 26 lbs - Santified - Mast crit padded. Very resistant to shocking attacks.

Drunken Durfin
07-26-2009, 09:38 PM
Add this one too.

some glossy black vultite plate covered with an erratic lightning pattern in red glaes

6X - 26 lbs - Santified - Mast crit weighted. Very resistant to shocking attacks.

Yay, my old plate. That stuff saved me so many times playing Shedbolt. In the end though, everyone dies.

07-26-2009, 10:29 PM
Add this one too.

some glossy black vultite plate covered with an erratic lightning pattern in red glaes

6X - 26 lbs - Santified - Mast crit weighted. Very resistant to shocking attacks.

Crit weighted armor?

07-26-2009, 10:40 PM
Crit weighted armor?

His tackles decapitate bitches.

Drunken Durfin
07-26-2009, 10:59 PM
Padded, not weighted. Was not sanctified when I had it either.

07-27-2009, 09:23 PM
Armor is SOLD to Brute for $1,000.00.

I hope you enjoy it for a long time, Brute. Thanks to everyone for your interest.

07-28-2009, 10:13 PM
no, just means most of us that are left still have the cash to do that kinda shit.


We all grew up and now have real jobs.

07-29-2009, 12:22 AM
Armor is SOLD to Brute for $1,000.00.

I hope you enjoy it for a long time, Brute. Thanks to everyone for your interest.

fucker brute. you swooped on the eahnor void flaring plate i was bidding on then you just go and buy this! jerk! :-P

07-29-2009, 01:27 AM
All this insane armor flying around and I can't even find some 4-5x hcp plate =P.

07-29-2009, 01:41 AM
All this insane armor flying around and I can't even find some 4-5x hcp plate =P.

That's easy to find now with PPs

07-29-2009, 07:14 AM
fucker brute. you swooped on the eahnor void flaring plate i was bidding on then you just go and buy this! jerk! :-P

hah. yeah i think i overpaid for that because i was bored in a kuwaiti starbucks.

I'll be selling it off, but probably not for a few months.

07-29-2009, 12:05 PM
Eh, you paid a good price for it. It sold a week or two earlier for 20m, that was a flat price sale from someone liquidating (i can't believe i didn't buy it then..blargh) and some similar sets sold for about the same price. wraith had a nearly identical set for 30m i think, which was a bit too high i think (not sure what he got for it)

I'm kind of glad i didn't win it...it would always be under an armor concealer on me and it really was some gorgeous looking armor, deserves to be shown off. Grats on the new set, upgrade :)

07-30-2009, 05:53 PM
People that are willing to spend $1000 on a text-based game need a fucking reality check. It's a fucking video game. I'm all for buying a few silvers here and there so you can afford some basic items but for fuck's sake... isn't there something better you could do with that $1000? Like, I dunno, buy a razor, shave, pay your bills, etc? If you're rolling in the dough and $1000 is pocket change then more power to you but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of GS players are addicted like crack heads and willing to do anything to get their fix.

Got a rep for:
or we have real jobs and not paper routes

Well, I'm a software engineer, so if that's not a "real" job I don't know what is.

07-30-2009, 06:18 PM
You really have to consider the player base. Some of the people still playing I'm sure were around when the monthly bill for the pay per hour internet service was in the thousands per month.

07-30-2009, 09:02 PM
Also I haven't really played much over the last 10 years, so I saved at least $10,000 in simu bills.. Now I need to make up for the lost time!

08-20-2009, 06:26 AM
There is also a set of 5x ICP full plate, and a set of 9x MCP full plate.

>knock armor
You knock upon a full suit of golvern plate armor.

26 pounds as well. I would show the assess, if I was still a warrior.

08-20-2009, 08:27 AM
Got a rep for:
or we have real jobs and not paper routes

Well, I'm a software engineer, so if that's not a "real" job I don't know what is.
You play golf at all? Or have any other hobby where you spend money? 1000 isn't that much in the scheme of entertainment dollars for adults. Shit if I added up the price I paid for my clubs, shoes, balls, etc. then factored in green fees, booze (required), cigars (required) I'm sure it would easily out pace a GS subscription + a few "large" cash purchases.

Shit if I added up my rifles, reloading equipment, ammo, cases, safes, scopes, custom trigger groups, etc. etc. etc. it would make a 10 year GS subscription + cash purchases look like a drop in the bucket.

But that's crazy talk how dare I compare entertainment to entertainment without having tunnel vision. You can argue that one is just text and the other is something you can actually hold. Great. It's still just shit you do for fun.

08-20-2009, 02:02 PM
You play golf at all? Or have any other hobby where you spend money? 1000 isn't that much in the scheme of entertainment dollars for adults. Shit if I added up the price I paid for my clubs, shoes, balls, etc. then factored in green fees, booze (required), cigars (required) I'm sure it would easily out pace a GS subscription + a few "large" cash purchases.

Shit if I added up my rifles, reloading equipment, ammo, cases, safes, scopes, custom trigger groups, etc. etc. etc. it would make a 10 year GS subscription + cash purchases look like a drop in the bucket.

But that's crazy talk how dare I compare entertainment to entertainment without having tunnel vision. You can argue that one is just text and the other is something you can actually hold. Great. It's still just shit you do for fun.

And until recently the GS purchases didn't depreciate like everything else =P.

08-20-2009, 03:32 PM
There is even Kerl's set that adds a sick amount to your TD.

I've always thought this set of armour was totally underrated. I remember, oh 6 or 7 years ago I was thinking of trying to do a warrior with a bunch of TD enhancing items, someone said "Talk to Kerl". I did, and quickly realized that he had all the good stuff already and wasn't interested in selling :)

08-26-2009, 01:42 PM
I am guessing the armor sold?

08-26-2009, 07:58 PM
Closer to 30 a mil when I first saw coins for sale...

08-27-2009, 12:24 AM
I've always thought this set of armour was totally underrated. I remember, oh 6 or 7 years ago I was thinking of trying to do a warrior with a bunch of TD enhancing items, someone said "Talk to Kerl". I did, and quickly realized that he had all the good stuff already and wasn't interested in selling :)

I saw Kerl's TD in the Solhaven invasion and it was 447 which is pretty good for a warrior. Not sure what spells if any he had up.

09-01-2009, 01:11 AM
I've always thought this set of armour was totally underrated. I remember, oh 6 or 7 years ago I was thinking of trying to do a warrior with a bunch of TD enhancing items, someone said "Talk to Kerl". I did, and quickly realized that he had all the good stuff already and wasn't interested in selling :)

The plate has served me well:

Some embossed krodera full plate. It's 4x/5x with some implosion resistance (I forget how much) and weighs about 37 pounds.

The full plate has been polished to a high sheen, and powerful runes of warding are engraved across the breast-plate. Their contorted shapes twist around each other in a serpentine dance, radiating outward from a central iconic figure.

Add in the shield: A spiked krodera kite shield emblazoned with a crossed sword and hammer, 5x/4x, and getting warded during normal hunting of like aged critters becomes a little less likely.


09-01-2009, 03:42 AM
9x in TD and redux....sheesh.

Kerl's done well...


09-02-2009, 08:07 PM
9x in TD and redux....sheesh.

Kerl's done well...


Yeah it was pretty darn sick during the Solhaven invasion, his TD was ridiculously high for a warrior.

09-02-2009, 08:12 PM
20% implosion resistance, with a 10% disruption vulnerability.

09-02-2009, 08:45 PM
20% implosion resistance, with a 10% disruption vulnerability.

What has this?

09-03-2009, 02:16 PM
20% implosion resistance, with a 10% disruption vulnerability.

Yeah that's probably right. I try not to advertize my vulnerabilities, but that sounds right.

Comes in handy in the rift especially, as well as vs. the implosion flares that some of the invasion critters had. With the high TD they can't often hit me with the disruption, and in exchange I get help vs the spell where they don't need to overcome the TD.

As for the TD when I was in Solhaven... I wasn't even using the shield. Didn't want to risk losing it. Toys go a long way though, especially in invasions, and spell-ups are readily available too. And unlike most normal high level hunting areas, the spells stick, so it's a free for all.


09-03-2009, 09:14 PM
I think only Kerl and I chose the implosion resistance when it was offered at EG'07. Mine went on a suit of +35 HCP brig.

12-13-2009, 06:32 PM

12-13-2009, 11:40 PM
Heh, just wanted to say thanks for bumping this I hadn't seen it. Having just come back to GS after about 5 or 6 years it was fun to read through about all the nice plate sets. I used to own the platinum spiked aug breastplate a long time ago. Fun set of armor.