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Drunken Durfin
07-22-2009, 02:03 PM
#Does the same as magic

#Calculates CS for all circles and all professions, I hope. If not, fix it.
#Currently not 100% accurate, although it seems to be within 2 CS for any circles and skill sets I've tested.
#It takes 425 (elemental targeting) into consideration.

#Open my box, biatch, script
#By Knack
################################################## ###########################
################################################## ##################################

# REQUIRED: Lich v3.38+
# Automatically closes any of your containers if you leave them open for a specified amount of time (like the self-closing containers, except this script has no special messaging); note that adding your container name(s) in the script and their open/close messages may be required.
# You can change the amount of time the script will wait to close the container (if you don't close it yourself first, of course) here
# This is where you should add your container if you'd like to
# This is where you should add the opening line seen if your container's messages aren't recognized
# This is where you should add the closing line if your container's messages aren't recognized

Reads in all the data stored in c:\psinet\casters\ and extracts spell ranks, MIU and AS skills saving it to your lich scripts folder i a file called psinet-skills.txt in a format infomonitor2 cas use

#Script to check room descriptions
#I was using checkroom to know when i changed room but in some places the room names are the same so decided to read the room descriptions instead.
#If you know of a better way to check for room changes please feel free to message Dalzashel in game and tell me how

A script that when you recive a send from a Gm will send what they sent to everyone in your friends list. Also allows those in your friend list to send comands via a private chat.
Currently the friend check is commented out and it only echos what the script would do just to show the concept.
Worst it can do now is cause a bit of scroll on the screen.

#sfTimers -- Frosk
#Creates a new window for multiple timers. Will automatically search for certain key events
#and begin timers for them such as getting a new bounty task.
#Current timers: mana, stamina, bounty, cmovement, surge, rogue guild windows, custom
#Change list
#4/15/08 added timer for rogue guild windows

--- Lich: rep is already running (use ;force [ScriptName] if desired).
A script to monitor encumbrance using the encumbrance window in SF
Stores a value of 0-10 (0 being unencumbered, 9 being maxed encumbrance) in the global variable $sfcheckencum
When you first start the script though it has a value of -1, this is to indicate it is unset. It will update as soon as the enc bar does.
It is only as acurate as the encumbrance monitor, i have noticed on a few occasions it does not always update in certain circumstance
The script also updates when ever you check you encumbrance so could be used by wizard but of course they miss the benefit of the autoupdate from the encumbrance window.
Just be aware, the enc bar takes a second to update, therefor so will this script.

--- Lich: rep is already running (use ;force [ScriptName] if desired).
--- Lich: rep is already running (use ;force [ScriptName] if desired).
# Watis for a box
### User-definable variables
# Lockpicks go below. Do one lockpick per line up to the maximum
# number of lockpicks you use. It's okay to leave broken lockpicks in the

#Open my box, biatch, script
#By Knack
################################################## ###########################
################################################## ##################################

# MODIFIED SCRIPT: xpsf.lic. Modified by Gibreficul with help from Brikus.
# We fixed the bugs where the script didn't update for capped characters, and would show negative exp gain when it was run..
# This script adds three lines to the experience window in StormFront -- "XP since login:" "XP last pulse"
# and "XP in past 10 minutes" although, the last's name is currently inaccurate, as it only records the last
# ten pulses where experience was gained. This'll be fixed eventually. The script is similar to Xygon's
# GUITweak, except that it runs continuously and displays different datapoints.

#Just cos i've writting this so manty times using exec all this script does is echo get with status_tags on. This can be toggled on and off by using ";send tags"


#4/1/09 - Updated to work with the "mycheckloot" script. This is for SF users. Now does the same as pickup3 but with out a look(wizard users stick to pickup3)
#01/09/08 - Fixed a bug which caused the script to start wearing your weapon instead of stowing
#19/8/08 - It will now save settings sperately for all charchters! (Thanks to Shaelun for posting how). Also boxes will now be put in boxsack untill thats full then carry on to fill the other containers.
#Before that Fixed a typo that could cause an occasional error and also updated so it can stow a weapon in left hand(for TWC)
#Before that....i updated and fixed stuff with out thinking about noteing what....never did like documenting
#*******Contact Info - Any problems with the script contact Dalzashel or Raltomer via lichent or psinet(can even drop a psinet mail to leave me a note for later)*********
#Ok this script Will pick up gems, boxes and anything in your lich treasure list(;settings add treaure [item]) after looting a critter.
#It will setup the script the first time you run it. If you ever need to change these at a later date then run the script with any varaible, its not fussy.
#It assumes you have gemsack set to put gems in and will put boxes in your boxsack untill full and then carryon with the list of containers you gave it
#If you use a weapon it will try to put it into you sheath. If you use a shield it will wear it. If you cant wear your shield, tough, tell the script to stow your weapon instead
#To set sheath, gemsack and boxsack type ";settings" for info

No idea how useful this will be in it's current state but oh well. Does the same as checkloot but with out the look
Cant view it as an array yet, still working that bit out, but you can write it into one your self.
$sfcheckloot[x].view just to see whats in at that point
These i hope are obvious:

No idea how useful this will be in it's current state but oh well. Does the same as checkloot but with out the look
Cant view it as an array yet, still working that bit out, but you can write it into one your self.
$sfcheckloot[x].view just to see whats in at that point
These i hope are obvious:

#This script is an auto looter script.
#the containers are hard-coded, however it shouldn't be difficult to adjust to your characters.
#This script does NOT seperate gems, SORCLOOTER will do that, which is also on the REPO.
#SHould work for any build other than Two weapon combat.
#It disks boxes, auto-disks into any boxes in the room before it stashes into your box.
#It does NOT recognize multiple drops.

#Sorc phase looter
#You do NOT have to be a sorcerer to use this script
#it is a modification of the LOOTER script that sorts gems and phases boxes assuming you are a sorcerer.
#All of the bonuses and shortcomings of the LOOTER script are included here.
#It does recognize magic boxes so it will not phase those.
##################### CHANGE LOOT SACKS BELOW ########################

Cos i was bored, an xml generator. Currently does the room window. Mainly just simplified some of the tags so i can remember em better. Will slowly add to the list as i can be bothered.
Start the script with the variable help, for a command list ';xml help'

#To use this script you need SF and to download mycheckloot
#This works in almost the same way as pickup4, i just completly rewrote it as it was far to much of a mess to try and fix the bugs.
#One improvment is a lot less questions during setup! The script will check what is in your hands each time you loot. If your hands are full and you have a sheld in your lefthand it will wear that, else it will put is in your left hand in your sheath(set under ;settings) if it is set, else it will just try to stow it(i recomend setting your sheath to a container that you don't use for loot so is always empty).
#The first time you run the script, or if you start the script with setup as a variable it will set the containers.
#Gems will go to gemsack, boxes to boxsack and everything else(as set in your lich treasure) will go to your lootsack. When these are full it will then move onto the backup containers(if any) that you set during setup.
#If your boxsack fills up it will try to put it in your backup containers, if these are full it will then drop the box and stop picking up any more but carry on picking up gems and loot.
#When you unload use ';send reset' to tell the script that your containers now have space again
#You can manually trigger the script by using ';send search'

Monitors you inventory in sf. Tracks the id, noun and name of each item.
Inventory.list - List your inventory in the format: id - noun - name
Inventory.id - Lists the id of every item in your inventory
Inventory.noun - Lists the noun of every item in your inventory
Inventory.name - Lists the name of every item in your inventory

#Helper program for Portal to kill portal if any badthings are seen

#Script to refresh spell, cmans and sigil when they drop(not surge or smastery and list will expand later)
#To set what spells you want it to run open and add the spell numbers to the spellarray list(can check spell number by putting it up and checking ;magic
#Script will exit when dead
#9603 => "cman smastery",
#9605 => "cman surge",
#9603 =>

#A script intended for casting bard spells.
#Syntax is ';cast (spell number)' and it will keep re-incanting the spell if it fails cos of hinderance
#Should check mana but bard spells can be funny so who knows.

# This script will sell anything listed in the array below.
# Usage is ;pawnsell <container>

#["Sigil Contact", 9703, 1, 0]
#["Sigil of Resolve", 9704, 0, 5]
#["Sigil Minor Bane", 9705, 3, 3]
#["Sigil Defense", 9707, 5, 5]
#["Sigil Offense", 9708, 5, 5]

#Displays the bonus damage recieved from casting 702 in offensive stance

#Script for in warcamps. Holds anyone who comes into the room(only in warcamps)

#Cutting wood for shafts

#Cut shaft, for leveling up archery

###xml stance tracker
### this SHOULD track stance, and create a global variable named $mystance that will pull stance from the xml stream.
### I tested it with feint, and it accurately accessed the pushdown it caused

Script that should whisper any RT you get to the groupleader, while in a grim camp.

#Will display under the injuries window the warning level of the shroud in a grim camp
#0 for all ok, 1 for your first warning level, 2 for your second(and final). Will display unknown if you walk into a room where the shroud is already showing signs of activity.
#Can now move the warning to any window you want or be displayed in its own custom window
#Now has a timer to give an indication of how long is left till the shroud resets,

Updated 6/1/09 - Fixed the room change detection to work off the room window so peering will no longer make the script think you have changed rooms
Updated 18/1/09 - Bone shatter insta-kills should now be counted
Updated 25/1/09 - Shamans and warchiefs dont throw the count off(fixed a while ago but forgot to say), just relized i missed bodyguards too so added that now.

#Script that locates someone then runs to them using goto

Downloads carabele's lore chart to your script directory and then querys it by spell number.
Still a work in progress
Start the script with a spellnumber as a variable

Update 28/1/09
Tad more backend hacking and slashing but all spells i have tested appear to work. I'll reformat 1125 when i can be bothered, it displays the data just not that easy to read.
Will no automatically update when you run the script and the lorechart is more then one week old. Can still manually reload by using ';lorechart reload'
Update 27/1/09
Will write data to a seperate window.
Formats spell 650 properly
Shows all of 740/650 rather then just the first part
Known bugs: 518,901 and 910 do not display at all. 725 displays partially and 1125 works but needs some better formating

If you find any bugs (other then those listed) please tell dalzashel in game(also on psinet so can psimail if not online)

#This script loresings the difficulty of locks on boxes
#and gives numerical outputs relative to the verbage output.
#Written by Gibreficul because that's how I roll.

# So...
# This script will help people that watch their scripting out of the corner of their eye.
# It will put any line it hasn't seen X times into a new window
# 'alwaysshow' - these it will always show you, and not put into the list
# 'alwaysiggy' - these it will always ignore, and not put into the list
#The way I use it, is if I see a line while I hunt, I will make a regex out of it

#This file contains a list of methods that are defined in the definitions2.lic script.
#This file is pretty useless without the definitions2.lic script, however it is quite a bit smaller
#so if you're curious about the definitions2.lic script, check this out, and it'll give you an idea
#of what the definitions2.lic script will allow you to accomplish in your other scripting adventures.

Yet another signs upkeep script, written from the ground up
(stealing ideas from some of Tillmen's work on Lich however).
Edit the top of the script to select which signs to use.
It will track which signs are down, and cleanly attempt to get them up again.
It checks your spirit and mana, spirit signs will not go up if less than 75% spirit.
Fixed a minor bug causing a sign to get missed, increased sign spam rate a bit

#This file contains a list of methods that are defined in the definitions2.lic script.
#This file is pretty useless without the definitions2.lic script, however it is quite a bit smaller
#so if you're curious about the definitions2.lic script, check this out, and it'll give you an idea
#of what the definitions2.lic script will allow you to accomplish in your other scripting adventures.

#Very simple rat script, Written by Gibreficul because someone's SF script made my head hurt.
#it runs randomly until a rat is found in an empty room, and waits for the rat to attack
#I put a little haste-wizard check in there too
#Yes, I know, the last thing we need is another rathunter, and even worse, level 10 assholes without a clue.

# Workaround to give you the webgoals link, useful for when using fake stormfront mode or Linux

#This version is a further modified "escortgoto.lic" script, modified by Gibreficul.
#It's slightly more intelligent than escortgoto, and should work with child tasks as well.
#The script will pause automatically if the NPCs in the room are greater than ONE after it gets message of the traveller/child following you.
# This is a version of goto.lic designed for use with the Adventurer's Guild escort tasks; see the info for goto.lic and note that all requirements/restrictions apply to this copy as well. Since I don't have reliable messaging for recognizing when you're ambushed, the script performs a LOOK just prior to moving in Wizard. In StormFront, the list of NPCs in the room is automatically updated and the LOOK isn't necessary.
# NOTE: this script hasn't been tested by myself, so if it's got problems that're more than a minor irritation, say so
# waitfor /(human|elven|dwarven|halfling) (child|traveller|scribe|merchant|dignitary|officia l|magistrate) .*just.*|.*arrives|, following (you|[A-Z][a-z]+)\./

Drunken Durfin
07-22-2009, 02:04 PM
#An updated "definitions2.lic" script is REQUIRED to use this script.
#OK, I'm not sure why, but I'm feeling generous
#This is the exact script I run to control my bard and wizard
#it's not totally clean, but it's what I'm willing to share.
#Written by Gibreficul

#Based completely on Gib's HASTE SCRIPT -- VERSION 1.0
#VERSION 1.0: It will recast invisibilty if it drops while you are AFK.
#multifput("release","prep 916","cast") if checkmana >= 16

# Script to loresing to an item in your right hand. Tries to get the minimum
# roundtime on each verse. Posted by Vulvamancer on the PC

#This file contains a list of methods that are defined in the definitions2.lic script.
#This file is pretty useless without the definitions2.lic script, however it is quite a bit smaller
#so if you're curious about the definitions2.lic script, check this out, and it'll give you an idea
#of what the definitions2.lic script will allow you to accomplish in your other scripting adventures.

#gods of elanthia.txt, by Gibreficul.
#Just a quick reference of deities and their symbols, all in one place.
#I had my reasons for creating this.

#Trolls blood watcher script
#Written by Gibreficul
#All my empath scripts start with the letter "K" for my own personal reasons, in case you were wondering.
#Should heal scars after Trolls Blood heals the minor
#What it really does is watch the heal window for a scar to appear, and heal down to a rank 1 scar..
#If you would like to heal down to no scars, change the start of the following line to say one.times instead of (one - 1).times

#Empath script to heal a bard after blowing up a gem, written by Gibreficul.
#It captures the string where a bard blows a gem, pulls that bard's name, and starts the heal script on the unfortunate bard
#If you know Troll's Blood, it will ensure it is running after healing the bard.
#Might I suggest the kblood.lic script if you do know Troll's Blood. It's one of my handy little scripts I use for my empath.

# Will purify the contents of your container with 1004 (purification song), while being conscious of mana and checking for orbs/rechargables; defaults to stopping at a 'safe' point, but enter 'full' as the first command line variable and it will go until the gem shatters or is fully purified.
# Can also transfer all recognized gems from containers to another container. For full usage info, start the script with the `help' command line variable (as in type `;pure help').
#This script has been modified from it's original version by Gibreficul and shared only because certain critical issues have been fixed.
#Certain things have been fixed, such as singing to a non-gems
#The bulk of the work (I'd say 99.999%) was done by Shaelun, so credit where due. Thank you.
#May I suggest, for empaths, healblown2.lic for healing bards who are purifying gems.

#this script REQUIRES the forgeme.lic script to run.
#let me also suggest the countaha.lic script too.
#It will output the time between your rankups.
#This script WILL NOT WORK unless you modify it and set variables.
#This script HAS NOT BEEN TESTED for anything but dagger blades, but that shouldn't matter.

#countaha.lic, for use with "forgeme" and "autoforge" scripts.
#all written by Gibreficul...
#It doesn't really count anything significant, just a timer for the Ahas.
#comment, comment, comment......

s updater.lic
--- Lich: rep is already running (use ;force [ScriptName] if desired).
--- Lich: rep is already running (use ;force [ScriptName] if desired).
# This script handls your favs for Lich version 3.58 and higher
# tillmen@gmx.net

Forging Linear, written by Gibreficul for use with the autoforge.lic script
UPDATE MAY 28 2009 added different trash containers for the different forges, and River's Rest.
This script was made from the forge instructions from
Credit where due.
DO NOT MESS WITH THIS SCRIPT. Everything you have to change is in the autoforge script.
This is the guts, and they work.

#Continually spells yourself up.
#It will spell you back up to within 1 cast of 4 hours if the following conditions are met:
# Your left and right hands are empty
# You are located in a 'safe room'. These are currently set for all the 'enhanced nodes', but you can add any room you wish.
#It will put a spell back on you if you have the mana and it falls below 5 minutes (when it falls off or is disspelled) no matter where you are.
#If you're Numbed, it will spell you back up to 250 minutes

#Gibreficul's self-spellup script
#it REQUIRES, REQUIRES, REQUIRES definitions2.lic to have been run prior to running this script
#If you're not able to edit the script for yourself, too fucking bad, don't ask me, I don't care.
#101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 120, 202, 207, , 211, 219, 1109, 1119, ,

# This here thing here tries to turn Wizard scripts into Lich scripts.

Quick attempt at implementing a Stormfront style game window for the Wizard FE
Open the familiar window.


writes the server buffer and client buffer to lich.log in your lich directory

#Similar to but vastly superior to my cats.lic
#A script for mindlessly killing fire guardians near Wehnimer's. Rests in the park. Kills only fire guardians, loots them and picks up certain worthwhile items.
#returns to town when 2 kills beyond fried, sells a container that you will have to set up (in the gohunting definition),
#banks any silvers you have and rests in the park.
#This is more for peoples' educational use, however if you were to actually use this you would need to set up:
#stow container, ready list (weapon and shield), anything you did or did not want picked up (defined in grabthese and craplist)

# temporary script

#script for wandering around catacombs and mindlessly killing anything but lesser shades. loots things but does not pick up loot. starts off in ants and rests at the cul-de-sac.
#written by Sixbits/Psighs, who is a Ruby noob. Forgive or correct any noob mistakes. Makes use of Tillmen's version of lich, will not work on previous versions.
#The targetting and attacking bits of this script suffer from some logic errors, and if used in other areas (or even extensively in the catacombs) would epicly fail.

This is an edited version of infomonitor.lic. It should work the same as the original infomonitor except that:
It should correctly track the duration of spells from imbeds based on magic item use and scrolls based on arcane symbols.
It should correctly track the duration of spells cast on you by other people, so long as they have also used this script.
It echos a message to the game window after a defence spell is cast on you, telling the spell name, duration added, and duration remaining.
It uses spell-list.xml.txt.
It changes the max spell duration to 250 minutes.
It doesn't clear Call Familiar when you die.
Other random things.

Simple script so you don't have to copy and paste the description from your familiar window for go2


#New smastery script that only uses smastery if you have enough stamina. Accounts for the cooldown of smastery. -Sixbits/Psighs


This make map good.

movement script for your familiar

Auto Teras Herb Healer v1.1
This is a little script Gnimble threw together for those in need of Teras herb consumption.
Modified by Sixbits/Psighs to work with Tillmen's version of lich.


Script to help figure out the formula for mana leech cooldown time

If you want to help, start the script and leech some stuff. One leech
per recovery with different amounts of mana gained will probably be most
helpful. When you're done, kill the script and start it again with
;watchleech list
Copy the results and e-mail them to gstillmen@gmx.net or AIM: GSTillmen.

--- Lich: rep is already running (use ;force [ScriptName] if desired).
#heirloom search script
#line = String.new
#fput "store shield" if checkleft =~ //i

# REQUIRED: v5.70+
# Origionaly written by Shaelun Edited heavily by Blueland ~ Joseph@Joseph.Net
#This script will work for anyone of any profession, and will spell up any targets you provide when starting the script (if you provide yourself as a target you MUST SPELL OUT YOUR ENTIRE NAME); if no targets are given, it defaults to yourself. Type ;waggle help for a more detailed list of options.
#This script's start-up is slow, but it starts with stackable spells first then finishes w/ unstackable spells, which I like.
#This script is very Rapid Fire friendly. It will put each spell on all targets before moving on to the next target.

#This script is NOT ready yet. it is on the ;repos so that others can see it.. I highly recomend that you Do NOT use it yet.
#Will stick gems into jars (will also do bottles and beakers)- useful for adventure guild gem hoarding
#Origional script by Craig O'Brien ~~ Edited by Blueland (Joseph@Joseph.net)
# container1 = Unprocessed gems -
# blue shimmarglin sapphires & uncut maernstrike diamonds will also be kept in this container once jared, please use a different container for your empty jars.
# Use a bottle for uncut maernstrike diamonds and Jar for blue shimmarglin sapphires ( OR edit the script in the appropriate place #'ed below to use .name and 2 different types of jars / bottles etc..)

#Famelist will gather the fame list, then let you reference it.
# ;famelist reset
# ;famelist who - shows you everybody in who full's fame list status
# ;famelist room - shows you everybody in the room's fame list status
# ;famelist echo - echos the whole fame list (yahoo)
# ;famelist name1 name2 name3 - shows you those people's fame list

#Just tells you what the range of lock a measured lock is...
#And sugguests a pick for you to use.
#Also added trap data. Not 100% sure it's all correct
# Name, Failure, self damage, othrs, mastery, safe on fail, 408, notes, Regex Messaging

#THanks Gib!
#that's right, global loot definitions, what else would it be?

#Monotonous: (Start) Vaalor 0 to 1

#Helper program for Portal to kill portal if any badthings are seen

# This script handls your aliases for Lich version 3.58 and higher
# tillmen@gmx.net

This is an edited version of infomonitor.lic. It should work the same as the original infomonitor except that:
It should correctly track the duration of spells from imbeds based on magic item use and scrolls based on arcane symbols.
It should correctly track the duration of spells cast on you by other people, so long as they have also used this script.
It echos a message to the game window after a defence spell is cast on you, telling the spell name, duration added, and duration remaining.
It uses spell-list.xml.txt.
It changes the max spell duration to 250 minutes.
It doesn't clear Call Familiar when you die.
Other random things.

#prime number generator for fun by Psighs/Sixbits.
#syntax (generates prime numbers from lownumber to highnumber): ;prime lownumber highnumber

# This is used by infomonitor2.lic

#Snuggle all humans
#Snuggle all humans
#Snuggle all humans

version 3.82

This script is used by updater.lic for updates to Lich that don't require a restart.

version 3.82


Tracks your current room on Tsoran maps

this is a very early release just for testing
requires Lich version 3.72 or so, and Ruby-GTK bindings

download and extract the Tsoran maps to a directory named 'maps' in your lich directory


#This used to be a .cmd file, I modded it slightly for Lich.
#It's just the list of what cures what echoed to ya.

# This file is used by updater.lic to update map.dat


This script screws around with the registry so you can install Psinet, in case you're into that sort of thing.


# Updated bundle script that will bundle any item from any container.
# usage: ;bundle <item> <container>
# example: ;bundle "acantha leaf" "herb pouch"

#my_global_looter, UPDATED! Re-download both scripts bitches. version, 2.3, I think.
#fixed bug with crystalline globes, added another terminate match, and fixed lapis lazulis, and there was an onyx bug I fixed..
#also fixed the gemsack being opened for each gem, instead of each search, if applicaple, as it does now.
#And now I fixed the $pregrab/$postgrab to not execute for each item, rather once per search
#This script is riddled with small bugs here and there, mostly "terminate lines" are missing to stop it
#from gathering lines from the game indefinately. I've been trolling around in platinum on some noobs,

################################################## #####################################
# UltraFletch by SpiffyJr (Noldo, the Forest Gnome Wanger)
# Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009
# Version: 1.0.4
# Disclaimer
# Don't AFK script (yada yada yada). I'm not responsible (blah blah blah).

# Fires your weapon at targets and will acquire a new target if needed
# ;fire fires - bow at current target or targets a new random
# ;fire other orc - fires bow at a new target and assigns that as target

# Fires your wand at targets and will acquire a new target if needed
# ;wand - fires wand at current target or targets a new random
# ;wand other orc - fires wand at a new target and assigns that as target


This is the script

################################################## #####################################
# UltraHerb by SpiffyJr (Noldo, the Forest Gnome Wanger)
# Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2009
# Version: 1.0.0
# Instructions
# This script requires certain variables to be set using the ;setting script. Use

# Script to heal yourself with herbs.
# Now works with stormfront. Has to send one health command.
# Added a new "bench mode" for the freeloaders that don't carry their own herbs. Try something like: ;useherbs on bench or ;useherbs in bin
# Works with any combination of herbs from any town.
# Herbsack must be set. (unless using bench mode, ;set change herbsack <container name> )
# Lootsack should be set if you want to start the scrip with your hands full ( ;set change lootsack <container name> )

# Lich script that mimmics Psinet's voodoo feature

# Ultra Alchemy by Kyle Spraggs
# Script setup
# Add recipe to database if it doesn't exist
# Grind something
# Execute a recipe
# List all recipes

# UltraSkin Lich Edition by Kyle Spraggs
# Auto Looter, Skinner, Searcher, and Sorter
# 3/22/2008
# Script setup
# Gems
# Herbs

movement script based on Shaelun's goto.lic
requires map.dat

################################################## #####################################
# krakii by SpiffyJr (Noldo, the Forest Gnome Wanger) with help from Tillmen
# Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2009
# Version: 1.1.1
# Usage
# Features

# REQUIRED: v5.70+
# Origionaly written by Shaelun Edited heavily by Blueland ~ Joseph@Joseph.Net
#This script will work for anyone of any profession, and will spell up any targets you provide when starting the script (if you provide yourself as a target you MUST SPELL OUT YOUR ENTIRE NAME); if no targets are given, it defaults to yourself. Type ;waggle help for a more detailed list of options.
#This script's start-up is slow, but it starts with stackable spells first then finishes w/ unstackable spells, which I like.
#This script is very Rapid Fire friendly. It will put each spell on all targets before moving on to the next target.

# quick script to get to level 5 in vaalor
# running water to the guards and resting etc.
# start anywhere, make sure Lich.lootsack is set: ;setting add lootsack <the container you want to set>
# doesn't buy more water if it doesn't have to.
# original credits: Auryana, edit: Psighs/Sixbits

# quick script to get to level 5 in vaalor
# running water to the guards and resting etc.
# start anywhere, make sure Lich.lootsack is set: ;setting add lootsack <the container you want to set>
# doesn't buy more water if it doesn't have to.
# original credits: Auryana, edit: Psighs/Sixbits

# Tillmen
# Prints a message using MONSTER BOLD
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# This file is used by infomonitor2.lic. It is uploaded and downloaded automatically. Go away.

# This file is used by infomonitor2.lic. It is uploaded and downloaded automatically. Go away.

07-24-2009, 08:39 AM
Might I ask wtf your doing?