View Full Version : State of Lich Repository 2008

Drunken Durfin
07-22-2009, 02:00 PM
# This will create a log of all game lines as they're received. The point is to make sure that the user, after being kicked off by something, doesn't need to type `;log' after Lich has already exited and isn't available to dump its log anymore.

#A nifty script, written by Gibreficul, for rogues. It will keep you STANDING at all times.
#CAUTION! Script expect the user to have gambits and stunmans mastered.

#A nifty script, written by Gibreficul.
#Automatically forces a cast of adrenal surge. Mana friendly. IF MANA IS LOW, it will stand with the "stand" command.
#Also knows to wait for conditions like WEBBED, and STUNNED.
#Good idea to keep this one OFF unless you're hunting. It triggers at the most inopportune times, sometimes. (Spinoff of the ROGUESTAND script, also on the repo)

#Automated box picker

# REQUIRED: v2.96+
# This script allows you to connect to 'LichNet', which is in a nutshell a PsiNet-OOC clone I wrote during PsiNet's downtime. Since I already wrote the fully functioning server and the client (which is just this script), figured I might as well just run the prog for anyone who wants to use it.
# Here you can change LichNet to display itself in anyway you please (the default is to show LichNet thoughts as coming from 'LNet'). Example: [[LNet]-Shaelun] "Hi there."
# Turn the information Lich outputs to the user off for a second so we can set things up w/o cluttering the screen
# Toggle echoing back on

# A script to automate the deed process in Ta'Illistim; needs to be run while standing in the room with the tome.

# Brief demonstration of how to include embedded Lich "miniscripts" within a Wizard or StormFront script

#Written by Gibreficul, AKA, "Rocco".
#Script that will automatically invite ANYONE to your table, and the entire group if applicable.

#OK, this is a safe version of the autoinvite script. It will ONLY invite people in the friends array. There are two names there, just add, more, remove the ones that are there, I don't care. The example is there.

#Just a simple script to put up 1618 when it drops. Totally ripped off
#Aethor's zealot.lic and created with the help of Shaelen
#Some times It always thinks the spell failed to cast - cant recrate this my self though. If this does happen replace the line after the "fput" with a couple second pause instead of the waitfor.

#This script is designed to refresh you demon illusion every 20 minutes and is designed to be run when lich starts mainly but should work anytime you have a demon.
#It assumes your demon is the first npc in the room and will try to illusion it(if the script is run on startup this will always be true if you logged off with one already summoned). If for whatever reason the script detects the name wrong, or your demon/illusion changes you will need to restart the script making sure your demon is the first(or only) npc(any name in yellow) in the room.
#Any problems with the script talk to dalzashel over psinet or lich.

#Demon refresh script V1.0
# Just a simple script to refresh a demon automatically when you get the warning message saying it is about to expire
# You need to set the user9 varaible to the container that has your vakra runestones( ;settings change user9 [container] )
#If your hands are full when it tries to run it will fail - will fix this at a later date
# It currently leaves your container open(writers prefenace). If you want to close it again the second to last line begings with a "#", remove this and the script will close the continaer again

#By popular demand, signs2.lic. It might be better than the original. It might be worse. YOU DECIDE.
#It WILL NOT do combat movement. I always hated that about the signs script
#Also, It doesn't do SIGN OF THOUGHT, because my primary is a locksmith and ESPnet screws disarming.
#Written by Rocco, AKA, Gibreficul.
#Any caught bugs, problems, suggestions, spare change, I'm accepting.
#DISCLOSURE: CHECKSPELL command only checks lich's documented spells active, not the actual spell active window from the game. Therefore, this script CAN and WILL be wrong. (For instance, lich doesn't know that I have sign of swords active right this second. Earlier it was sign of shields. The pause at the end is due to a glitch I had with lich not removing a spell from the ;magic list before the script checked for it's presence.)

#Simple script to keep 1618 up. Will pause when in banks or other non
#castable room.. or on any failure for that matter.

# Ok this script will redo sign of thought when ever you drop off the amulet(even with thought window open)

# Ok first of i ripped of who ever made the walk script. I have just made one small change for the SF users who want to groupwalk and remove certain npc's from the check
# The script checks who is in the room when you start the script and assumes they are in your group. When it enteres the room it then checks for PCS minus who ever was in your group when the script started.
# For those who dont know you can remove npc's from the list by opening the script in notepad or similar and looking for where it says "famcheck.delete('mouse')". Add a new line for every npc you want to remove from the check(eg. famcheck.delete('figure') for those who go around with a demon illusioned as a figure)
# Assume that if there's a disk in the room the critter is taken (unless it's this character's disk), and if there's a void (like you find in the rift) move two rooms away.
# If the user didn't enter any specific critter names to look for, go ahead and check if any NPCs found are familiars.
# Since in Wizard, familiars are highlighted just like critters, Lich can't tell the difference -- this puts the array of critters in the room into the 'famcheck' variable, then deletes any critters by the name of 'mouse' or 'halberd' (Bard's animated weapons are also highlighted like NPCS) from the 'famcheck' array. If after this the 'famcheck' variable is nothing but an empty array, start over at the beginning of the loop (meaning, go back to walking around).

# Ok this script will re-rub your amulet when ever you drop off the amulet(even with thought window open)

# guildx.Cmd Scripting done by Bladenight. With help from Swetelove and Severius.
# Alteration of an original script created by Delmax.
# Can contact me at Bladenight@aol.com
# use variable 1 if you know which guild you will be working in
# 1 is for Landing guild
# 2 is for Solhaven guild

#put signs up staggered
#This script puts up your CoL signs, staggered 1 minute apart, and then initiates the SIGNS2 script.

#Ok this script Will pick up gems after looting a critter
#It will setup the script the first time you run it. If you even need to change them run the script with any varaible, its not fussy.
#It assumes you have gemsack set to put gems in
#If you use a weapon it will try to put it into you sheath
#If you use a shield it will wear it. If you cant wear your shield, tough, tell the script to stow your weapon instead
#To set sheath and lootsack type ";settings" for info

# Ok this script will redo sign of contace when ever you drop off the amulet(even with thought window open)

#HASTE SCRIPT, AUTHOR: "Rocco" aka Gibreficul: VERSION 1.0
#This script is multi-talented, and will be subject to constant updates as I get my round tuit.
#VERSION 1.0: This is the original. It's triggered by someone fidgeting at you. It will keep ANYONE hasted if haste drops, including the casting wizard, whose haste must be selfcast unless you remove the "#" from the start of the next line.
#multifput("release","prep 506","cast") if checkmana >= 6

#Quick Highlight script for stormfront. I beleive you need to actually import it into stormfront to work properly.

# Script to heal yourself with herbs.
# Now works with stormfront. Has to send one health command.
# Added a new "bench mode" for the freeloaders that don't carry their own herbs. Try something like: ;useherbs on bench or ;useherbs in bin
# Works with any combination of herbs from any town.
# Herbsack must be set. (unless using bench mode, ;set change herbsack <container name> )
# Lootsack should be set if you want to start the scrip with your hands full ( ;set change lootsack <container name> )

# Ok this script will redo sign of focus whenever it drops

#Works well with Foogly's Quick Highlight script (qhl.cmd)
#Pull names of everyone playing with 'who prof x' and writes names to .xml to be imported into stormfront.

# Mana Pulse Timer for StormFront by Kyle Spraggs (Ihston/Marishka/Pandin)
# Will place a pulse timer under the experience window and until I find another place
# this script will NOT work with the xpSF script.
# Changelog
# ---------
# 02/22/2008 1.0 - Initial release. Very simple, with very few checks.

# Simple healing script that is part of a much larger project
# just like the rest/hunt defines
# returns false on failure to get healed

# Shows a visual bard renewal timer for StormFront
# Setup the window

#sfTimers -- Frosk
#Creates a new window for multiple timers. Will automatically search for certain key events
#and begin timers for them such as getting a new bounty task.
#Current timers: mana, stamina, bounty, cmovement, surge, rogue guild windows, custom
#Change list
#4/15/08 added timer for rogue guild windows

#simple script to keep 220 running. Simply copy/paste some of your 220's room description into the existing regexp, and yer golden,

#Mana per pulse calculator. THIS SHOULD WORK FOR ANY PROFESSION.

# Hunting script for firerats
# Good for levels 18-27
# Initialize
# Timeout
# Mind level to kill at
# Goto information

# Saw Gib's maxlock script in the repo and figured I would share mine which has
# much better formated output and I think is a little more accurate.
# Warning: I don't care about non-selfcast / scroll / imbed lores, so I don't have
# them in this script. Feel free to add them if that is important to you.
# I haven't tested this on anyone except myself and characters with 0 ranks
# Calculate bases for lockpicking formulas

# Saw Gib's maxlock script in the repo and figured I would share mine which has
# much better formated output and I think is a little more accurate.
# Warning: I don't care about non-selfcast / scroll / imbed lores, so I don't have
# them in this script. Feel free to add them if that is important to you.
# I haven't tested this on anyone except myself and characters with 0 ranks
# Calculate bases for lockpicking formulas

# This script connects to the server I run and lets you list the Lich scripts currently available, download one of them, upload one of your own for others to be able to download, or see any comments included in the script so you can get an idea of what it does before you d/l it.
# lichserver.send(data, 0)

# A travel script for the Elven Nations area. 17,000+ lines, appears to be designed for The Wizard; author unknown.

#Simple script, usable by any profession, that causes you to standup
#if you aren't already standing.

#A Detailed and Exhaustive Weapon Reference Script

# This file is used by updater.lic to update map.dat

Simple script so you don't have to copy and paste the description from your familiar window for go2



REQUIRED: mapper.lic (available from the repository)
COMPATIBILITY: Should work with Wizard and StormFront both, but it's untested in SF.
AUTHOR: Shaelun

Specifically designed for use with mapper.lic: this script moves across the entire immediately-accessible area to gather data for mapper.lic. By "immediately-accessible area," I mean it will start at your current room and will move through all rooms that are connected to eachother by "Obvious exits:" directions (i.e. it won't go into buildings that aren't shown by the "Obvious exits:" line, but it will cover all obvious paths.)


REQUIRED: Should work with any version of Lich; the "hide" options requires v3.57+, however [see in-script comments].
COMPATIBILITY: Wizard; should be equally compatible with StormFront, though it's untested.
AUTHOR: Shaelun

This script implements a ``thought_get'' method and actively monitors for any thoughts both; it's the equivalent of the standard ``get'' method, but only returns recognized thoughts (should also work with PsiNet chats, but that's untested.) It also adds the ``thought_clear'' method, which clears any unchecked thoughts (the return value of which is an array of all cleared data.)

Note that if this script isn't running, the ``thought_get'' method won't work properly (if this script doesn't monitor the game, there won't be any thoughts to ``get''...) If you make use of this function frequently, just add the script to your global favorites list (type ``;favs add all thoughtget'' to do that) and it'll behave like a built-in feature.

# Gets your stuff out of your possession box after being arrested (just automates the tedious "get blah from (myname) box", "wear blah" -- nothing more)
# Can also do the same thing for something you provide... if you start the script without any command-line parameters, it'll default to a target of "(yourname) box", but if you enter something when starting the script, it targets whatever you enter.

# This is the list of spells that the infomonitor script uses to track what's currently active. Feel free to add in any that are missing, but if you do, please email GS4Lich@yahoo.com with a copy/paste of whatever you added (or if any are incorrect, please email the fix for that too). Just follow the format (each spell is exactly 4 lines; if that isn't maintained, every spell that comes after the mistake will be royally fucked -- blank lines will screw that up, but commented-out lines are deleted before processing, so those are okay). The ENTIRE line, not just part of it, must be present (but there's full regular expression support, see quick & dirty summation below). For the durations, the values are in minutes, and it's the actual Lich code that should be used to calculate how long it lasts -- a '~' after the second ':' means it stacks, and a '1' means it's self-cast only (this is used by the 'spellup' script, so it's closer to 'only useful when self-cast' than 'cannot be cast on others'). If a spell doesn't have a tilda '~' or a '1', it still needs the second colon, or it may screw everything up.
# spell number:spell name
# duration in minutes:mana cost:stacks and/or self only
# message seen when the spell becomes active
# message seen when the spell melts

Drunken Durfin
07-22-2009, 02:01 PM

REQUIRED: Lich v3.50+
COMPATIBILITY: Wizard and StormFront are both supported (note however that v3.51+ is required for SF, and that SF hasn't been exhaustively tested yet.)
AUTHOR: Shaelun
WARNING: the Lich setup program overwrites any existing "map.dat" files during installation, so if you've got corrections that you want saved, backup your map.dat file PRIOR to installing any new versions of Lich (and email GS4Lich@yahoo.com your [preferably zipped] copy of map.dat.)

This script will monitor your movements and store all recognized directions for "goto.lic" to use. All data gathered by this script is immediately available and will be used by goto.lic the next time you run it (it's completely automated, you needn't do anything more than run this script.)


Most movements are recognized, but not 100% of them; any that are recognized, however, will be correct (without exception.) Unfortunately, the price of guaranteed correctness is that you MUST have your movement style set to "trudge." If you're really bothered by it, you can squelch the "You trudge..." line in your front-end so that the script can continue using it without you having to see it.

Despite it being active immediately, updated data is ONLY saved when this script is killed; note also that exiting the game causes Lich to shutdown all active scripts, which leads to data being saved as well. If you want to manually save your current map database to disk for future use, killing this script will do that (you can of course restart it afterward if you like.)

Be mindful of what's going on when you're running mapper.lic on multiple characters (which isn't the best idea.) Each character will be using their own internal copy of the map database, and will be modifying their own unique copy only: if the map.dat file is of a smaller size than a given character's currently-loaded map database (which includes all changes made by mapper.lic), then the map.dat file will be overwritten when said character exits the game. If, however, the map.dat file is larger (or of equal size), it won't be overwritten when the character exits.

It may be useful to know that prior to it being overwritten, the "map.dat" file is automatically copied to the "map.dat.bak" file; any existing "map.dat.bak" backup file, however, is erased when that happens and will be lost forever -- so if you screw up and want the map.dat.bak file, be sure you copy it before doing anything else.

If you find that your map.dat file has gotten screwy somehow, don't forget that you can always download a fresh copy from the repository (i.e. type ``;rep download map.dat'' [without quotes].)

Lastly, bear in mind that the older, less reliable "automap.lic" script still functions, but that its use is not recommended.

This is an edited version of infomonitor.lic. It should work the same as the original infomonitor except that:
It should correctly track the duration of spells from imbeds based on magic item use and scrolls based on arcane symbols.
It should correctly track the duration of spells cast on you by other people, so long as they have also used this script.
It echos a message to the game window after a defence spell is cast on you, telling the spell name, duration added, and duration remaining.
It uses spell-list.xml.txt.
It changes the max spell duration to 250 minutes.
It doesn't clear Call Familiar when you die.
Other random things.

# This is a script I tossed together for a friend to MA with; since one character's Lich scripts share global variables, that's no trouble at all... but multiple instances of Lich for logging in with multiple characters simultaneously are extremely limited. All this does is set up the first character to run the script as the 'server' or 'operator' for all characters who subsequently connect using this script. It automatically senses which it's supposed to be, etc., etc.
# USAGE: All you have to do is run the script on each character you want to be able to communicate with/to/from and it'll do the rest. Once you've got your characters linked together and all running this script, you can send commands to & receive them from any of the characters -- it doesn't need to be a specific one of them.
# Syntax for usage: ;send to crosscharc (target_character) (command to perform). So for example, if I wanted to have Shaelun send 'incant 414' to the game, from any of the chars I had linked up with this script I would type: ;send to crossc shaelun incant 414
# Note: If you want *all* your characters to perform a certain action, enter the target character's name as 'wall' and the command will be sent to every character linked. For example, to have all the chars linked with this script go 'out', you would type: ;send to crossc wall out
# Note 2: If you want a more convenient way to talk to your other chars with this script, just alias ';send to crosscharcom' to be whatever you want.
# If you really want advanced functionality, you can customize it for your needs by filling in the actions in the 'def lookup_crosscharcom_action(message)' block of code. It'll work just as well to make aliases for complicated stuff, but either method will get the job done. Just add your own if/elsif statements that perform whatever action you want to trigger with a 'keyword', and you're set :)

#bardgemsort, written by YOU WISH I'D TELL YOU WHO WROTE THIS.
#OK, I stole most of the code from the pure script... THANKS SHAELUN!.
#This script was written because the current gemsort.lic script on the repo uses gem dealer appraisals to sort gems. Those appraisals are not accurate.
#That said, this script requires you to enter the SOURCE container, the LOWVALUE container, and the HIGHVALUE containers.

#To use this script you need SF and to download mycheckloot
#This works in almost the same way as pickup4, i just completly rewrote it as it was far to much of a mess to try and fix the bugs.
#One improvment is a lot less questions during setup! The script will check what is in your hands each time you loot. If your hands are full and you have a sheld in your lefthand it will wear that, else it will put is in your left hand in your sheath(set under ;settings) if it is set, else it will just try to stow it(i recomend setting your sheath to a container that you don't use for loot so is always empty).
#The first time you run the script, or if you start the script with setup as a variable it will set the containers.
#Gems will go to gemsack, boxes to boxsack and everything else(as set in your lich treasure) will go to your lootsack. When these are full it will then move onto the backup containers(if any) that you set during setup.
#If your boxsack fills up it will try to put it in your backup containers, if these are full it will then drop the box and stop picking up any more but carry on picking up gems and loot.
#When you unload use ';send reset' to tell the script that your containers now have space again
#You can manually trigger the script by using ';send search'

#A nifty script, written by Gibreficul, for rogues and modified for everyone else, by someone else. It will keep you STANDING at all times.
#CAUTION! Script expect the user to have gambits and stunmans mastered.

#Works well with Foogly's Quick Highlight script (qhl.cmd)
#Pull names of everyone playing with 'who prof x' and writes names to .xml to be imported into stormfront.

#19/8/08 - It will now save settings sperately for all charchters! (Thanks to Shaelun for posting how)
#Before that Fixed a typo that could cause an occasional error and also updated so it can stow a weapon in left hand(for TWC)
#Before that....i updated and fixed stuff with out thinking about noteing what....never did like documenting
#*******Contact Info - Any problems with the script contact Dalzashel or Raltomer via lichent or psinet(can even drop a psinet mail to leave me a note for later)*********
#Ok this script Will pick up gems, boxes and anything in your lich treasure list(;settings add treaure [item]) after looting a critter. More info on setup can be found by opening up the script in notepad(or equivilent). The script will be saved in ".../lich/scripts/"


#01/09/08 - Fixed a bug which caused the script to start wearing your weapon instead of stowing
#19/8/08 - It will now save settings sperately for all charchters! (Thanks to Shaelun for posting how). Also boxes will now be put in boxsack untill thats full then carry on to fill the other containers.
#Before that Fixed a typo that could cause an occasional error and also updated so it can stow a weapon in left hand(for TWC)
#Before that....i updated and fixed stuff with out thinking about noteing what....never did like documenting
#*******Contact Info - Any problems with the script contact Dalzashel or Raltomer via lichent or psinet(can even drop a psinet mail to leave me a note for later)*********
#Ok this script Will pick up gems, boxes and anything in your lich treasure list(;settings add treaure [item]) after looting a critter.
#It will setup the script the first time you run it. If you ever need to change these at a later date then run the script with any varaible, its not fussy.
#It assumes you have gemsack set to put gems in and will put boxes in your boxsack untill full and then carryon with the list of containers you gave it
#If you use a weapon it will try to put it into you sheath. If you use a shield it will wear it. If you cant wear your shield, tough, tell the script to stow your weapon instead
#To set sheath, lootsack and boxsack type ";settings" for info

##This script when run will hold everonye in the room(assuming group is open) and fog(130).

#Set a psinet alias to goto the room your in. Will name the goto with what ever variable you start the script with
#Example: ";setalias tvvc" will create an alias called tvvc that will goto the room number you are in.

#This script takes gems out of your (gemsack) container (which is set in your settings for lich) appraises them at the gemshop, if they are under 1k it will sell it to the gemshop, if they are worth over 1k it puts the gem in your (puregemsack) also set in the settings.
#Works with psinet using the "ll" instead of "look" command

#This script takes gems out of your (gemsack) container (which is set in your settings for lich) appraises them at the gemshop, if they are under 1k it will sell it to the gemshop, if they are worth over 1k it puts the gem in your (puregemsack) also set in the settings.
#Just fixed the syntax error so it should work with out you having to edit it.

# Script to run around and forage, making a 50 bite bundle of each herb
# Edit herb_list below if you want to forage for different herbs.
# Herbsack must be set. ( ;set change herbsack <container name> )
# This script uses goto.lic to get around, and requires that a bunch of rooms are saved.
# (such as ;goto save acantha_leaf_1=current ) I recommend using http://www.virilneus.com/roomdata/room.php
# to find where to forage what, or use the list below for the Landing:

#Everthing it says below still goes apart from it will not heal you down! It will also only try to transfer blood once before ending.
# REQUIRED: Lich v2.88+ if you use Wizard, or Lich v3.37+ if you use StormFront
# Script for empaths to heal a target, then themselves. Basically, it clones the infamous JSE script (I think it works exactly the same, anyway... I've never used JSE, have never been an empath, and wrote it by request to suit the guy who asked for it, so who knows).

# This is the level of wound you want the script to stop at... 1 would be a minor wound (rank 1). If you'd like it to go all the way to fully healed, just change the line so that the number is 0 instead of 1.
stop_at = 1

# The command 'quiet_exit' just tells Lich that it shouldn't clutter your game window when the script ends by informing you it exited.

# This checks to make sure the user gave us a name of a target to act on ('script.vars' is an array of the words the user entered after the script name, and calling the 'empty?' method of an array asks if the array is empty or not).

# This is a version of goto.lic designed for use with the Adventurer's Guild child rescue tasks
# See the info for goto.lic and note that all requirements/restrictions apply to this copy as well.
# This script does not stop to kill creatures, it runs by them.
# If the child does not follow (timeout in 8 seconds) it assumes the child is dead and continues on as a normal goto.
# NOTE: this script hasn't been extensively tested by myself
# send me an email at craigob@gmail.com (Jaimaltz in game) if you have any problems/suggestions on making the script better.

#Will stick gems into jars (will also do bottles and beakers)- useful for adventure guild gem hoarding
#Usage: ;jargem <container1> <container2> <container3> <container4>
#where container1 = Unprocessed gems - will default to greatcloak if not defined
# container2 = Your primary jar container (not full jars) - backpack if not defined
# container3 = Empty jar container - sack if not defined
# container4 = Full jar container (full jar storage) - satchel if not defined

#Will count and display the contents of all the jars, bottles, and beakers in one container
#Usage: ;jarcount <container1> <container2>
#where container1 = Jar/bottle/beaker container - defaults to backpack if not defined
# container2 = Preferably empty transfer container - satchel if not defined
#NOTE: Transfer container must be large enough to fit all the jars/bottles from your other container
#Causes a lot of screen scroll, don't use it in TSC, Dais, etc.

# This script might tell you the maximum difficulty trap and lock you can pick with and without lores
# Rewrite of maxlock2.lic using the pick list of maxlock.lic
# Apparently, lore is calculated as self cast.

# Fun script to make friends

### This is another version of the reamulet to get rid of the actual amulet.

#A script to send a demon to find anyone who dies

#This script attempts to locate people who die.
#[[LNet]-Tillmen]: "* A mournful wail fills the air. Oh wait, it's just Quazyd dying."
#[[LNet]-Tillmen]: "Fix it! Quick!"
#[[LNet]-Tillmen]: "* A black cat just crossed Laureina's path!"
#[[LNet]-You]: "slow down."
#[[LNet]-You]: "one at a time"


This is a rewrite of the xp.lic script to make it work for capped people.
The best way to use this is by setting up an alias. (;alias set xp=;xp2 quiet)


# Modified by Dion to allow for capped characters
# This script adds three lines to the experience window in StormFront -- "XP since login:" "XP last pulse"
# and "XP in past 10 minutes" although, the last's name is currently inaccurate, as it only records the last
# ten pulses where experience was gained. This'll be fixed eventually. The script is similar to Xygon's
# GUITweak, except that it runs continuously and displays different datapoints.
# Version 0.3, written by Andrew Sage (Divid, Belathus, etc.) with some help from Shaelun.

# REQUIRED: Lich v3.43+
# A script that passively waits for someone to hand you an item; it then loresings to the item, whispers the discovered information to whoever handed it to you, and hands the item back when it's done.
#Added a waitfor after the accept command, should allow the sctipt to work on faster computers where the script alwasy thought you hadnt been handed an item
# "You can have as many loresongs as you want, just enclose them in brackets and put %s anywhere the item's name",
# "should go -- just like above, and just like this commented-out part",

# [SpiffyJr]-getnames
# Edited the original getnames to be a little nicer.
# Fixed incorrect names from being put into the newnames.xml file. You
# can now do ;getnames cleric empath ... for each class if required.
# Original Changelog Below:
# Works well with Foogly's Quick Highlight script (qhl.cmd)


Translate trollspeak to common

Translation won't be perfect, because some letters are deleted or moved when changed to trollspeak.
Start the script with some trollspeak to translate it.
Start the script with no variables and it will attempt to find and translate any trollspeak that shows up in the game.



Talk like a troll

;trollspeak <say|think|chat|psinet|echo> <something>


#This script is for when in the stocks
#This script needs to be run with jailanswer.cmd. It's a script some one else wrote, i just made this lich script to start the script with the correct variables. Just run this and all should be good.

#Run this with the jailanswer.lic script

#A random script cos i was bored, you really dont want this
#exp till next and mind state
#Room window
#puts ("<clearStream id='room'/><pushStream id='room'/><compDef id='room desc'>Tall maoral trees surround this tiny clearing, providing cool leafy shade above a carpet of thick grass. Flowering bushes gather close around the bases of the trees. Clinging to the high stone wall that forms the city's defenses, thick white jasmine <a exist=\"-45115\" noun=\"vines\">vines</a> climb the weathered stones to well over the height of even the tallest elves.</compDef><compDef id='room objs'></compDef>")

#Cos everyone loves seeing aize die
#A script to make it happen

# Guild Entrance script
#It doesn't work for Vaalor, and I don't know where Logoth's guild is. So don't do them LOL.
################################ Door Password
### Lean door first to wipe any other attempts, so put lean door before your password. Or you'll frustrate yourself one day and you won't know what the problem is...
################################ EntranceToTrainer
################################ EntranceToTrainer

#random script for playing with the room stuff

#Just a script to demo how to read in users answers to a settings file unique to each charcter

#This script only works in SF as far as im aware. It uses the room window(which updates automatically) to see when the critter has died.

#For when lich does not want to track your stance properly

#screwy script
#for aize
#puts("<dialogData id='minivitals'><skin id='manaSkin' name='manaBar' controls='mana' left='25%' top='0%' width='25%' height='100%'/><progressBar id='mana' value='#

#Your own personal invasion

#Very basic hunting script.

704 monitor
Will pop up a window when the script starts and write to it when ever you phase a container showing it's name and duration left.
Currently does not save anything between runs of the script. If you close the script(like when you log off) it will not remember phased containers and their durations
If you would like to change the window height open up the script(notepad will do) and change the line at the top that reads height = 55
***Bug Fixes***
30/12/08 - Fixed a bug where casting any spell at a phased item would clear it from the monitor

30/12/08 - Will save durations for when you log off. If you kill the script but stay logged into game the durations it will greatly effect the accuracy of the duration(it only counts down while the script is running).
30/12/08 - Added a clear command. The format is ";send 704monitor clear (all|1|2|3....)" The bit in the brackets responds to what it is clearing. All to clear the whole window or if using a number it will clear that line only(entering 2 clears the 2nd line).
30/12/08 - Detects the phase duration being ended earlier(by dropping, recasting phase or by using dispel. I don't know of any other ways) even when an item is still an another container.
29/12/08 - Will detect you ending the duration of phase early if the item is in your hand when it happens. Like if your trying to drop it

***Future updates***
Look into tracking items my ID, but looking unlikely as phasing changes the container ID. Currently if you have two items with the same name it will track them both but when ending the duration early it will remove the first ocurance of the item from the tracker no matter which one you unphase.

***Contact Me***
If there is a problem with the script or you have suggestions feel free to contact Dalzashel on psinet or lich or "ed002002" on aim/yahoo

#Just puts your spell timers in a new active spell window for Lich
#All times straight from the ;magic list, so if Lich isn't right, that's Lich's problem.
#Thanks to Dionket for the help in posting all those very interesting 'screwy' scripts and correcting my initial error of not using a container window.
#";e status_tags;loop

#I did it once before so ill do it again, here is my second knock of version of Saiene's activespells script.
#The only difference is this sperates out the spells into spell circles giving each of them a tittle

# This script rummages for a scroll and invokes it
# It will empty your hands if needed. It changes your spell ranks in all circles to be half your arcane symbols ranks, if that's higher, and restores the ranks after the spell is cast or released.
# If a target is provided, it will cast at the target. If not, it will not cast the spell after invoking it, but the script will keep running until the spell is cast or released.
# Lich.scrollsack should be set (;set change scrollsack <container name>)
# Lich.lootsack should be set if you want to start the script with stuff in your hands (;set change lootsack <container name>)
# send bug reports, money, and death threats to: tillmen@gmx.net

# Just returns an echo of all items in a container
# Can be useful for a few things