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Drunken Durfin
07-22-2009, 01:58 PM
#just a simple script to refresh 1617 auto matically

# Just a simple script to refresh 218 automatically.
# --aethor

# Just a simple script to refresh Call Familiar automatically.
# --aethor

# Little script that looks up the dictionary definition of a word and shows it to you (I hate how resource-hungry web browsers are, and this is a lot faster anyway).

# This is a version of goto.lic designed for use with the Adventurer's Guild escort tasks; see the info for goto.lic and note that all requirements/restrictions apply to this copy as well. Since I don't have reliable messaging for recognizing when you're ambushed, the script performs a LOOK just prior to moving in Wizard. In StormFront, the list of NPCs in the room is automatically updated and the LOOK isn't necessary.
# NOTE: this script hasn't been tested by myself, so if it's got problems that're more than a minor irritation, say so

# This is a really simply modified (read: 2 lines added) version of "pure.lic" b/c the thing is written so horribly even I can't follow it anymore, and people like to go a cast or two further than I do. Enjoy
# Will purify the contents of your container with 1004 (purification song), while being conscious of mana and checking for orbs/rechargables; defaults to stopping at a 'safe' point, but enter 'full' as the first command line variable and it will go until the gem shatters or is fully purified

# Identical to "walk.lic" but won't walk by critters when you're leading a group in SF. Since Lich doesn't track who's in your group, it can't distinguish between a taken critter and the guy in your group (in SF, Lich sees the people in your group as being in the room also, whereas in Wizard the people in your group aren't visible in the room -- hence the difference in behavior)
# Assume that if there's a disk in the room the critter is taken (unless it's this character's disk), and if there's a void (like you find in the rift) move two rooms away.
# If the user didn't enter any specific critter names to look for, go ahead and check if any NPCs found are familiars.
# Since in Wizard, familiars are highlighted just like critters, Lich can't tell the difference -- this puts the array of critters in the room into the 'famcheck' variable, then deletes any critters by the name of 'mouse' or 'halberd' (Bard's animated weapons are also highlighted like NPCS) from the 'famcheck' array. If after this the 'famcheck' variable is nothing but an empty array, start over at the beginning of the loop (meaning, go back to walking around).
# If the user DID enter specific critters to look for, store the list of present NPCs in the 'usercheck' variable and see if any of the critters we're looking for are in it.
# if checknpcs.join(' ') =~ /#

# Super-simple script that waits until combat focus drops and puts it back up

# This is a version of goto.lic designed for use with the Adventurer's Guild escort tasks; see the info for goto.lic and note that all requirements/restrictions apply to this copy as well. Since I don't have reliable messaging for recognizing when you're ambushed, the script performs a LOOK just prior to moving in Wizard. In StormFront, the list of NPCs in the room is automatically updated and the LOOK isn't necessary.
# NOTE: this script hasn't been tested by myself, so if it's got problems that're more than a minor irritation, say so

# This script requires you to be running StormFront and Lich version 3.45 or higher.
# When used without any variables, it searches the room description for any objects.
# If variables are entered, it only searches the objects specified.
# This function does work in the Wizard.
# Written by Andrew, player of Divid.
# 0.2 - Some fixes -- there was a hang after checking the first item in the room. That has been resolved. Also, the script has had some reorginization.

# This script adds three lines to the experience window in StormFront -- "XP since login:" "XP last pulse"
# and "XP in past 10 minutes" although, the last's name is currently inaccurate, as it only records the last
# ten pulses where experience was gained. This'll be fixed eventually. The script is similar to Xygon's
# GUITweak, except that it runs continuously and displays different datapoints.
# Version 0.3, written by Andrew Sage (Divid, Belathus, etc.) with some help from Shaelun.
# Requires: StormFront. It is unknown if there is currently a version requirement for Lich.

#This is my first crack at a lich or ruby script. I used Belathus' (Divid's) work on xpSF to help guide me on the whole lich/xml stuff. This will create a stance bar in your Injuries window. On the intial startup of StormFront, checkstance shows as offensive. I have tried to fix it, but so far no dice. This will not happen after you change stance at least once. I made this as most of the combat window was somewhat overkill for me. I just used the stance bar. he only thing different with my stance bar is that it will show the "advanced" stance as advancing.That is how it shows up in the main screen when you change in to satance adv and I saw no reason to change it.
#Made by Darcconis/Darkram 3/20/2007 SN - Darcconis
#ver: 1.2 3/22/2007 - After using it in game I noticed I wasn't catching the forced stance changes when casting or trying to go defensive when in Spell rt
#ver: 1.1 3/22/2007 - Trying to undo my Perlisms and dropped the hash
#ver: 1.0 3/20/2007
#Used Divid's stuff right here to learn how to access windows in StormFront. That and the ;log script helped me figure out how to put it in the right window.

# A script to connect to the Lich server and check for any updates that might be available. Will download and run the update directly if you tell it to, or you can opt to manually d/l any updates from the web link it displays whenever a new version is available. Note that I've added support for downloading the latest Linux compressed archive; simply type ;update help for help information.
# echo $!
# ensure
# file.close unless file.closed?

# please script responsibly. made by Aethor Whiteaxe

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.
s surge2.lic

#keeps up surge - works with cooldown
# --grog42

# Merzbow's Taxi Partnership - Global Travel Script
# StormFront Version - 1.1.3 - October 16, 2006
# AIM: Merzbow42
# email: nryan@nryan.com
# For updates see: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=520781
# Based heavily on:

#id, title, desc, paths, wayto=

# Okay, this is the best combination of (relative) ease and versatility I could come up with for rooms that require things like "push medium moon, pull relief, push u, push t..." to get from that room to the next room on the way to a given destination (that example is part of how to get past hooded figures in the Broken Lands, if memory serves). Basically this file is a collection of "mini-scripts" that goto.lic should "execute" to get from one room to the next. Anytime you start goto with the 'reload' option (by typing ;goto reload) it re-loads this file along with the map database that exists (first it loads the map.dat file, THEN it loads this file, so any changes to this file will override what the existing map.dat has).
# YOU CANNOT USE LABELS HERE!! Labels are not native to Ruby, they're something I wrote in and they require that a script go through specific pre-processing steps in order for labels to work. These do not go through any of that preprocessing, so the only thing labels will do is cause the script to die because of a syntax error. Any blank lines don't matter, and any lines that are comments (that start with '#') don't matter. This is the basic format:
# (miniscript data goes here)
# (as many lines as are necessary, including any standard Lich/Ruby code EXCEPT FOR LABELS!!)

# This is an exceedingly simple, but exceedingly useful script. It walks around in random directions (never backtracking unless it hits a dead-end) until it finds a critter. Personally, I use it almost constantly when I hunt, but it also serves to demonstrate usage of the 'walk' command.
# Assume that if there's a disk in the room the critter is taken (unless it's this character's disk), and if there's a void (like you find in the rift) move two rooms away.
# If the user didn't enter any specific critter names to look for, go ahead and check if any NPCs found are familiars.
# Since in Wizard, familiars are highlighted just like critters, Lich can't tell the difference -- this puts the array of critters in the room into the 'famcheck' variable, then deletes any critters by the name of 'mouse' or 'halberd' (Bard's animated weapons are also highlighted like NPCS) from the 'famcheck' array. If after this the 'famcheck' variable is nothing but an empty array, start over at the beginning of the loop (meaning, go back to walking around).
# If the user DID enter specific critters to look for, store the list of present NPCs in the 'usercheck' variable and see if any of the critters we're looking for are in it.
# if checknpcs.join(' ') =~ /#

# REQUIRED: Lich v3.43+ -- note that Lich can properly use this script in both StormFront and The Wizard, however, the separate script for recording new information to add to the map database (automap.lic) ONLY works in The Wizard.
# This is a modified version of goto.lic that just displays the directions to your destination, as opposed to actually performing the movements. See goto.lic for more information.
# If for some reason the time it takes Lich to calculate the route between your current room and your destination is noticable, you can try changing the following variable to be false instead of true -- doing so will make Lich use a more efficient distance-estimating heuristic (that is, it's faster, but unlike the default setting is not guaranteed to find the shortest possible route)

# REQUIRED: Lich v3.43+ -- note that Lich can properly use this script in both StormFront and The Wizard, however, the separate script for recording new information to add to the map database (automap.lic) ONLY works in The Wizard.
# This is a modified version of goto.lic that just displays the directions to your destination, as opposed to actually performing the movements. See goto.lic for more information.
# If for some reason the time it takes Lich to calculate the route between your current room and your destination is noticable, you can try changing the following variable to be false instead of true -- doing so will make Lich use a more efficient distance-estimating heuristic (that is, it's faster, but unlike the default setting is not guaranteed to find the shortest possible route)

# This script is used to alter your LichNet remote-access settings, such as who has permission to locate you, etc.

# Just a simple script to put your signs back up when they fall; includes cman cmovement and mana checks (when applicable), but it doesn't care about anything except mana, so swords/shields/etc. are just put back up with no checking.

# Just a simple script to refresh (was surge, shadow mastery and combat focus) and now spirit servant automatically.
# --written by Bisco, modified by Blin, remodified by Gibreficul

#Empath script to heal a bard after blowing up a gem, written by Gibreficul.
#It captures the string where a bard blows a gem, pulls that bard's name, and starts the heal script on the unfortunate bard
#If you know Troll's Blood, it will ensure it is running after healing the bard.
#Might I suggest the kblood.lic script if you do know Troll's Blood. It's one of my handy little scripts I use for my empath.

# A simple script that puts "time" in every ten minutes.
# --Cylnthia