View Full Version : Starsnuffer??

07-21-2009, 10:31 PM
That guy used to have a website up with Dhenar info. I'm trying to track down the website and/or info. Google is not cooperating. Anybody have this stuff saved?

07-21-2009, 10:37 PM
-------------> try this (http://web.archive.org/web/20050203033305/http://www.starsnuffer.com/) <--------------

07-21-2009, 10:41 PM

07-21-2009, 10:58 PM
Apparently our Webmaster sucks donkey balls. It should be back up in a week or two.

Sylvan Dreams
07-21-2009, 11:03 PM
As per my conversation with Fallen, the site was getting less than one hit per day and with 2 OT accounts active, there wasn't much real reason to keep paying for a website. Also per our conversation, I will be moving it to a freebie website once I find a decent one.

Feel free to contact me directly if you can't find what you need, as I am the Webmaster that evidently sucks donkey balls.

The Ponzzz
07-21-2009, 11:07 PM
Hey guys, I have the bandwidth... If you want to put all the info on GSGuide.net, feel free. I can't give you a subdomain, but you can create as many pages as you'd like there and I can sysops one of you to restrict pages and such. Let me know.

edit: I can even make a skin that matches the color palette of your site.

07-22-2009, 02:46 PM
But can you provide them with demonic poison sperm receptacles?

The Ponzzz
07-22-2009, 02:46 PM
Yeah, we have quite the surplus.

07-22-2009, 04:09 PM
But can you provide them with demonic poison sperm receptacles?

You had to take it to the next level didn't you? You just had to go there..

07-22-2009, 04:13 PM
You had to take it to the next level didn't you? You just had to go there..

You have to admit, that crap is pretty laughable. I think that little bit of trivia died with Starsnuffer's selling out.

07-23-2009, 08:55 PM
so I'm kinda curious E what are your guy's numbers like in game these days?

07-24-2009, 01:46 AM
so I'm kinda curious E what are your guy's numbers like in game these days?

1? I think. We all quit at about the same time, though took steps to keep them from closing the Tower.

07-24-2009, 02:26 AM
thats just sad. OT was always fun to mess with :(

Sylvan Dreams
07-24-2009, 03:25 PM
There's only 1 active "Dhe'nar" account with the Tower and 2 active non-Dhe'nar accounts. The bulk of the members just have a membership, but do not attempt to form a community, which is in some ways for the best, since most don't get along anyway.

07-24-2009, 04:56 PM
You have to admit, that crap is pretty laughable. I think that little bit of trivia died with Starsnuffer's selling out.

But it destroyed all of Billy's credability at the time. Still he did an amazing job designing a culture.

1 active Tower Dhe'nar? That's really sad.


07-24-2009, 09:45 PM
1 active Tower Dhe'nar? That's really *awesome*.


Fixt. :)

The Dhe'nar attitudes was partly why I chose Giant for my sorcerer's race - and fueled motivation for leveling high enough that they couldn't screw with me. (I had some bad run ins back in the days of dropping all your items back when I was first starting to play. Didn't know about the "report" commands, and decided that I would get high enough up that they couldn't do that any more to me.)

07-24-2009, 09:47 PM
But it destroyed all of Billy's credability at the time. Still he did an amazing job designing a culture.

1 active Tower Dhe'nar? That's really sad.


We were pretty much all sorcerers, and we pretty much all got sick of no decent dev.

I picked a stupid race to avoid Dhe'nar.

Oh, and random hate for players who likely haven't played for 5 years from a player who hasn't played in ..10? yaay.

07-24-2009, 09:55 PM
Oh, and random hate for players who likely haven't played for 5 years from a player who hasn't played in ..10? yaay.

What hate? The Dhe'nars were all posers that picked on people that couldn't defend themselves under the guise of roleplaying.

And regarding the race remark: giants kick the shit out of dark elves hands down.

07-24-2009, 09:56 PM
What hate? The Dhe'nars were all poser bullshit artists that picked on people that couldn't defend themselves.

If any emotion comes into play, it would be pity for their delusions of grandeur.

When did you quit? You do realize that more people have played this game after you stopped, right? Honestly, it is always worth a chuckle when you run into people who have a hard on for the Tower because Starsnuffer et all slapped them around back in 1990something.

07-24-2009, 10:00 PM
I can assure you - no one has a hard on for the Tower. Nothing but a bunch of limp dicks were its members.

07-24-2009, 10:02 PM
I can assure you - no one has a hard on for the Tower. Nothing but a bunch of limp dicks were its members.

No..no hard on at all. You don't come off as pointlessly bitter in the slightest!

07-24-2009, 10:09 PM
Whats there to be bitter about? Their society died.

And they still have fanbois trying to stick up for them (which is hysterical).

07-24-2009, 10:09 PM
Is the demon jizz dumpster joke a dig on the fact that Starsnuffer married a human?

07-24-2009, 10:17 PM
Whats there to be bitter about? Their society died.

And they still have fanbois trying to stick up for them (which is hysterical).

You..do know Simutronics adopted the culture as official, right? Try not to beat yourself up over it. This is pointless. I'm done arguing with a clueless golden oldie.

07-24-2009, 10:19 PM
I actually liked Avaia (something like that?) and missed her when she disappeared. And Seranzia? Damn my poor memory for names. I think that was when I really started to notice the decline in membership, even though I never belonged myself.

07-24-2009, 10:20 PM
Is the demon jizz dumpster joke a dig on the fact that Starsnuffer married a human?

Starsnuffer and co. wrote it into the original docs docs as an effort to rule out the possibility of half-dhe'nar. Of course, The official docs didn't pick up that bit of nonsense. They did, however, make it mechanically impossible to play a half-dhe'nar. You can RP it if you want, but you can RP anything you want in GS.

07-24-2009, 10:22 PM
I actually liked Avaia (something like that?) and missed her when she disappeared. And Seranzia? Damn my poor memory for names. I think that was when I really started to notice the decline in membership, even though I never belonged myself.

NOBODY knows what happened to Avaia. She completely fell off the face of the earth, which I will agree was a damn shame. Gahread was another I was sad to see go, though at least we know he is still alive, heh.

07-24-2009, 10:24 PM
NOBODY knows what happened to Avaia. She completely fell off the face of the earth, which I will agree was a damn shame. Gahread was another I was sad to see go, though at we know he is still alive, heh.

His wife is playing again so maybe he'll be sucked back in. Seems a slim hope as he's thus far resisted, but GS is a conqueror.

07-24-2009, 10:27 PM
His wife is playing again so maybe he'll be sucked back in. Seems a slim hope as he's thus far resisted, but GS is a conqueror.

His wife is equally as awesome, though I haven't done much RPing with her.

07-24-2009, 10:28 PM
OH SHITE. I think I will do Tower just to spite the Naysayers. EFF EM ALL.

I like institutions with lots of laws and straight edged Do's and Dont's. They give me warm fuzzies. Playing Dhenar is fun because you have to play your character to someone else's specifications. CHALLENGE! And I like all the rules. It's like a blanket of YUMMMM.

07-24-2009, 10:29 PM
Starsnuffer and co. wrote it into the original docs docs as an effort to rule out the possibility of half-dhe'nar. Of course, The official docs didn't pick up that bit of nonsense. They did, however, make it mechanically impossible to play a half-dhe'nar. You can RP it if you want, but you can RP anything you want in GS.

I don't get what you're saying.

Can you select half dhe'nar if you're a half-elf or not?

07-24-2009, 10:30 PM
You..do know Simutronics adopted the culture as official, right? Try not to beat yourself up over it. This is pointless. I'm done arguing with a clueless golden oldie.

And I broke the game to the point that they had to release GSIV. Try not to beat yourself up over it.

And I seriously doubt that you are done arguing about this. (At least I hope not, this is way too funny.) :)

07-24-2009, 10:30 PM
I don't get what you're saying.

Can you select half dhe'nar if you're a half-elf or not?

No, you can't. You can select half-faendryl. That's it.

07-24-2009, 10:55 PM
My dwarf was invited to join the tower, I have considered it, but I enjoy hunting and then hiding until it's time to hunt again, Ive never been a fan of the RP side of GS.

Sylvan Dreams
07-24-2009, 11:24 PM
http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Starsnuffer?? (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=972370#post972370) 07-23-2009 11:50 PM Your disgusting

u r uh maw-rahn

07-25-2009, 12:25 AM
http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Starsnuffer?? (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=972370#post972370) 07-23-2009 11:50 PM Your disgusting

u r uh maw-rahn

See now, he learned from yours and he actually managed the correct choice of your/you're for mine. Still lacks a period. But whatever. I'm not here to judge, only to laugh.

http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Starsnuffer?? 07-24-2009 10:21 PM Because you're you

07-25-2009, 12:31 AM
My dwarf was invited to join the tower, I have considered it, but I enjoy hunting and then hiding until it's time to hunt again, Ive never been a fan of the RP side of GS.

Sounds just like me. Maybe it's because I hang around the landing too much.

07-26-2009, 08:39 PM
I can assure you - no one has a hard on for the Tower. Nothing but a bunch of limp dicks were its members.

Actually some of the better RPers I've played with, character wise, in the last few years have been either members of OT or associated with it in some way. and in the last three years I've had way more fun due to the OT IG then not.

Oh, and if you think I'm one of the Dhe'nar teh everything awesomeness players, wrong. Aside a Dhe'nar Sorc I played back before it was an "official" race and one Dhe'nar inspired Sylvan Warrior with a fetish for twc w/ a pair of estoc/rapier? based whip-blades., I have always and ever strictly played Faendryl.

07-27-2009, 11:04 PM
Actually some of the better RPers I've played with, character wise, in the last few years have been either members of OT or associated with it in some way. and in the last three years I've had way more fun due to the OT IG then not.

Oh, and if you think I'm one of the Dhe'nar teh everything awesomeness players, wrong. Aside a Dhe'nar Sorc I played back before it was an "official" race and one Dhe'nar inspired Sylvan Warrior with a fetish for twc w/ a pair of estoc/rapier? based whip-blades., I have always and ever strictly played Faendryl.

My comment was in regard to the "hard on" statement made previously - so I stuck with that topic/verbiage to form the basis of my response.. :)

Regarding anything recently within the past few years, I can't speak in that regard. If they are awesome today: rock on.

But, back in the "glory days" - it was made up of mostly elitist & arrogant douchebags that FEIGNED roleplay. And under the guise of RP - used that as a means to abuse people that were unable to defend themselves. They were so chicken shit about it, that they usually did it via a mob (read: their fellow guildmates all jumping in) to pick on 1 individual, with several of them "roleplaying" simultaneously gangbang style on whomever was the fat kid of the day for their amusement.

(And for the record: before the stale & completely unoriginal response of: "bitter?" or some such comes showing up in a reply post: The passage of time does not change the facts & history of a situation as they occurred - and to accurately portray those events as they did occur, does not indicate any emotional state today regarding those events that occurred in the past.)

07-27-2009, 11:21 PM
(And for the record: before the stale & completely unoriginal response of: "bitter?" or some such comes showing up in a reply post: The passage of time does not change the facts & history of a situation as they occurred - and to accurately portray those events as they did occur, does not indicate any emotional state today regarding those events that occurred in the past.)

But it does mean that

1.) You are a history professor in the habit of recalling inane details for no other reason than that they are historical fact, because you get paid to do so.


2.) The situation is emotionaly significant to you and therefore a derogative descriptor such as 'bitter, jaded, or bitchy' in this situation, does apply.


07-28-2009, 12:19 AM
QQ invasion!

07-28-2009, 03:02 AM
I actually recall most of my time involving Dhe'nar to be no small amount of fun. True there where some that where on some serious power trips, but at the time that wasn't limited to just the Dhe'nar. More Players, More Utter Dickwads period. I will grant that we/they tended to favor "Elitist" roles more then not, but wtf? That's Dhe'nar. And in most of my time with them or around them I seriously do not recall any newb bashing from those I associated with.

Hell, alot of what I picked up from playing mine ended up carrying over to my Faendryl's after wards. And I wasn't considered all that bad of an RP'er, not one of the greats, but good enough. My spelling on the other hand sucked donkey balls :(

07-29-2009, 06:46 AM
While I don't agree with Malok completely, I do agree that a good portion of the Dhe'nar back in the day were just high level players with massive egos (that kept being fed by the masses). However, that goes for a lot of people and groups back then. The RP was numerous (because of the population size) but not overly spectacular all the time.

As to who's the better dark elf...

Lylia and Silvean > nearly all dark elves I've ever encountered

These days, it seems as if the organized dark elf groups have resorted to relying on belittling others to improve the status of their culture ("OMG, you're an human.. ewww!"). See above for my thoughts on the old days.

When I debated with Silvean.. he truly had an air of superiority about him and Lylia, while not as strong in that ability, was a perfect match. Also, you never heard about their players being assholes. You didn't hear about who they were screwing, or the raging drunkfests they had going on, or the times they made someone feel horrible over some little incident.

Starsnuffer was fun to be around because something interesting would always happen.

Lylia and Silvean were fun to be around when you wanted intelligence and strong RP.

PS - The best Dhe'nar in my opinion was Mnar. ..and yes, think about that a bit before blindly going "he wasn't a Dhe'nar."

07-29-2009, 08:26 AM
He wasn't. That said, he did a lot for the Tower, and in doing so, the culture. Remember, Asrial, people often view their fledgeling years (or glory days) of GS through rose-covered glasses. The RPers of yesteryear, be it Snuffy, or Silvean, or Bleeds, or (insert character here), will nearly always be regarded more highly than the RPers of today. That isn't to take anything away from these characters, it is simply recognizing the fact that many of us were a lot less jaded about GS in general, and hadn't already seen it all, done it all, and then wrote a script for it.

Sylvan Dreams
07-29-2009, 02:07 PM
While I don't agree with Malok completely, I do agree that a good portion of the Dhe'nar back in the day were just high level players with massive egos (that kept being fed by the masses). However, that goes for a lot of people and groups back then. The RP was numerous (because of the population size) but not overly spectacular all the time.

As to who's the better dark elf...

Lylia and Silvean > nearly all dark elves I've ever encountered

These days, it seems as if the organized dark elf groups have resorted to relying on belittling others to improve the status of their culture ("OMG, you're an human.. ewww!"). See above for my thoughts on the old days.

When I debated with Silvean.. he truly had an air of superiority about him and Lylia, while not as strong in that ability, was a perfect match. Also, you never heard about their players being assholes. You didn't hear about who they were screwing, or the raging drunkfests they had going on, or the times they made someone feel horrible over some little incident.

Starsnuffer was fun to be around because something interesting would always happen.

Lylia and Silvean were fun to be around when you wanted intelligence and strong RP.

PS - The best Dhe'nar in my opinion was Mnar. ..and yes, think about that a bit before blindly going "he wasn't a Dhe'nar."

Lylia and Silvaen were Faendryl, not Dhe'nar. They were spectacular roleplayers though. Incredible to be around. I've yet to see anyone RP Faendryl as well as they did.

While Mnar wasn't Dhe'nar racially/mechanically, he did more for the culture than most who played Dhe'nar characters.

07-29-2009, 02:14 PM
Mnar was a far better roleplayer than most Dhe'nar.

All my favorite Dhe'nar have been the "bad" ones (Alisaire and so on).

The irony is that Starsnuffer was a bad Dhe'nar in the culture he wrote.

There also were a lot of folks who couldn't cope with the idea that most Dhe'nar should properly be peasants, as written, and were obsessed with....


I do like the fact that eventually Fallen's character got around to better RP.

07-29-2009, 04:42 PM
Remember, Asrial, people often view their fledgeling years (or glory days) of GS through rose-covered glasses.I agree.

For me what does it was the amount of people playing...

Yes, you had a crapload of snerts and high powered jerks...

..but at least the place felt alive and you could go find stuff to do anywhere.

..and I'm not saying there's horrible RP these days, in fact, it's the opposite. You just have to really search for it (which forces a stronger clique mentality as people form their own circles of RP and then it's even harder for new people to get in and have a good time).

08-04-2009, 01:40 PM
OH SHITE. I think I will do Tower just to spite the Naysayers. EFF EM ALL.

I like institutions with lots of laws and straight edged Do's and Dont's. They give me warm fuzzies. Playing Dhenar is fun because you have to play your character to someone else's specifications. CHALLENGE! And I like all the rules. It's like a blanket of YUMMMM.

Submissive much?

08-04-2009, 03:58 PM
I'm the man. Your're the bitch. That said.

I will be as submissive as I want, when I want.

The End.

08-04-2009, 04:08 PM
So... you're demanding your right to be submissive?

08-04-2009, 04:10 PM
Just tellin it like it is. :)