View Full Version : Help: Lich
07-20-2009, 01:06 PM
I have been having trouble with sge and psinet since I started playing gemstone and last night I was able to get SGE up and running accurately spite my unknowledgable (spelling?) pc savy. Psinet however is being a jerk and giving me error code 2869 when I go to remove to install agian. removing and repairing are my only options when I run the install thingy after download. Being upset with psinet I decided to give Lich a try and see how it works out. I downloaded and installed and everything is running great.
I look up at the above paragraph and see that it is of no importance to my question. I need some help on running scripts with lich and what do I do to get them. I am a dwarf cleric (fast spirit regen ftw) and need scripts for spelling myself up if one exists. I always forget how long I have up on me when I am manually casting and need to wait for the next pulse of mana and end up wasting mana. Also, any suggestions on scripts that would be helpful to game play would be awesome. :thanx:
07-20-2009, 01:07 PM
PS Im running vista home basic
07-20-2009, 01:12 PM
;repo list
youll want the basics... xp, xpsf, alias, go2, magic, spellup
07-20-2009, 01:14 PM
ok that worked but how do I know what is what?
07-20-2009, 01:15 PM
enter ;repo by itself and youll get the instructions
07-20-2009, 01:19 PM
mk Ill try it
07-20-2009, 01:29 PM
I am seeing LNet chat. How do I speak in it?
07-20-2009, 01:30 PM
;chat message
;chat to person message
07-20-2009, 01:43 PM
I downloaded all the scripts because its easier and I went to run spellup and I encountered this:
--- Lich: spellup active.
Script has encountered a fatal error: Lich doesn't have any record of your character information! This script can't spell someone up when it doesn't even know what spells you can cast -- please start the 'infomonitor' script (by typing ';infomonitor'), and while it's running, check your skills and stats information (by typing 'skills' and 'info'). Even though the 'infomonitor' script doesn't clutter your screen with unnecessary output, if it's running when this information is displayed in your game window, it will be recorded for use by Lich.
Note: all of Lich's 'advanced' information tracking is handled by this script, and it's highly recommended you add it to your global favorites list so that Lich always has updated information for other scripts to use (to do this, type ';add all infomonitor' -- that will put 'infomonitor.lic' on your global favorites list, so that Lich will always start that script at login on all of your characters). See the help menu for a list of Lich commands and features you can make use of (typing ';help' will show this menu). Also note that everything related to this 'advanced character information tracking' is handled by the script, including reloading values that have been saved from prior login sessions -- in a nutshell, that means you have to at least start the script once everytime you login, otherwise scripts won't be able to access the information that it's recorded.
--- Lich: spellup has exited.
Am i doing something wrong? I typed ;force spellup
07-20-2009, 01:46 PM
did you download and run ;infomonitor?
07-20-2009, 01:54 PM
I can just wait until my friend is off work. He knows how to use lich. Thanks for helping though.
07-20-2009, 02:11 PM
the problem is he downloaded the original version of lich and not tillman's. many scripts wont run on the old version.
07-20-2009, 06:15 PM
Don't forget ;repo download krakii
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