View Full Version : Not really a duel, but funny nonetheless....

07-21-2003, 01:41 PM
I had an ongoing conflict with Cleric, had conflicts in the past with Rogue, and was just on my way to rescue a dead fellow when I ran across them. Anyway, classic stuff....The only part I edited was the names, room descriptions, and the spells I cast to protect my super secret identity.

It all started on a sunny day, no words were exchanged before the spells started flying...I was heading for the dead fellow, but Cleric had sancted the prior day so that he could make some death threats and general insults towards me, and that's a sure way to get killed.


Obvious exits: north

You notice the Cleric disk and the Rogue disk.
Also here: Cleric, Rogue
Obvious exits: south, northwest

You gesture while summoning death and destruction down on your enemies...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Cleric.
Your armor prevents the spell from working correctly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Cleric traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
You gesture while summoning death and destruction down on your enemies...
Your spell is ready.

Rogue crouches, sweeps a leg at you and connects!
MS: +411 - MD: +375 + MAvA: -13 + d100: +44 == +67
Rogue whacks your legs futilely! Rogue stumbles back on her feet.
Cleric gestures at you.
CS: +474 - TD: +480 + CvA: -9 + d100: +92 - +5 == +72
Warded off!

Cleric traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

Cleric gestures at you.
CS: +474 - TD: +480 + CvA: -9 + d100: +6 - +5 == -14
Warded off!
You gesture at Cleric.

Death and destruction are visited upon him!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Rogue crouches, sweeps a leg at you and connects!
MS: +411 - MD: +375 + MAvA: -13 + d100: +72 == +95
Rogue whacks your legs futilely! Rogue stumbles back on her feet.

You gesture while summoning death and destruction down on your enemies...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Cleric.

Death and destruction are visited upon him!

* Cleric drops dead at your feet!

The air calms down around Cleric.
Cleric comes back into focus.
The bright luminescence fades from around Cleric.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Cleric.
Cleric becomes solid again.
Cleric seems a bit less imposing.
Cleric appears less secure.
The powerful look leaves Cleric.
The wall of force disappears from around Cleric.
The deep blue glow leaves Cleric.
The opalescent aura fades from around Cleric.
The light blue glow leaves Cleric.
The brilliant aura fades away from Cleric.
Cleric seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Cleric seems slightly different.
Cleric appears less confident.
The dim aura fades from around Cleric.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Cleric.
The white light leaves Cleric.
The very powerful look leaves Cleric.
A white glow rushes away from Cleric.
A golden aura fades from Cleric.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Stance Defensive
Cast Round Time in effect: Setting stance to guarded.
* Cleric just bit the dust!

You nod.
Cleric gives a ghostly chuckle.

The Cleric disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.

You are now in a defensive stance.

You notice an acid-pitted mithril coffer, an engraved iron strongbox and the Rogue disk.
Also here: the body of Cleric (prone), Rogue
Obvious exits: south, northwest
Rogue swings a tarnished rolaren longsword at you!
AS: +460 vs DS: +655 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +78 = -92
A clean miss.
You gesture while summoning death and destruction down on your enemies...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Rogue.

Death and destruction are visited upon him!
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)

>rub glas am
You rub an opaque glass amulet.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Take My Axe From My Cloak
You remove a vultite axe from in your spidersilk cloak.
>Stance Offensive
You hear the ghostly voice of Cleric say, "you'll die for this, Captain Justice"
You are now in an offensive stance.
>amb rogu head
You fade into view and strike!
You swing a vultite axe at Rogue!
AS: +493 vs DS: +185 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +94 = +425
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Rogue drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Rogue.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rogue.
The deep blue glow leaves Rogue.
Rogue appears less secure.
The powerful look leaves Rogue.
Rogue becomes solid again.
Rogue comes back into focus.
The bright luminescence fades from around Rogue.
The dim aura fades from around Rogue.
The light blue glow leaves Rogue.
Rogue seems a bit less imposing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You hear the ghostly voice of Rogue say, "asshole"

You say, "Silence."
* Rogue just bit the dust!

The Rogue disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
You are now in a defensive stance.
You put a vultite axe in your spidersilk cloak.
You hear the ghostly voice of Rogue say, "what a puss"
[Doubly Irrelevant]

Obvious exits: west, northeast, southeast
[Doubly Irrelevant]

Obvious exits: east
[Doubly Irrelevant]

Obvious exits: west, northeast, southeast
[Doubly Irrelevant]
Obvious exits: northwest, southwest
[Doubly Irrelevant]
Obvious exits: west, southeast, southwest
[Doubly Irrelevant]
Also here: the body of Great Lord UninvolvedDeadGuy (prone)
Obvious exits: south, east, southwest

You grab UninvolvedDeadGuy's body and drag it east with you . . .

[Doubly Irrelevant]
Also here: the body of Great Lord UninvolvedDeadGuy (prone)
Obvious exits: west, southeast, southwest
You grab UninvolvedDeadGuy's body and drag it southeast with you . . .

[Doubly Irrelevant]
Also here: the body of Great Lord UninvolvedDeadGuy (prone)
Obvious exits: northwest, southwest
You grab UninvolvedDeadGuy's body and drag it southwest with you . . .

[Doubly Irrelevant]
Also here: the body of Great Lord UninvolvedDeadGuy (prone)
Obvious exits: west, northeast, southeast
You grab UninvolvedDeadGuy's body and drag it southeast with you . . .

You notice an acid-pitted mithril coffer and an engraved iron strongbox.
Also here: the body of Great Lord UninvolvedDeadGuy (prone), the body of Cleric (prone), the body of Rogue (prone)
Obvious exits: south, northwest
You hear the ghostly voice of Cleric say, "you'll still die"

You say, "enough threats out of you, village idiot."
You hear the ghostly voice of Rogue say, "you promised "
You chuckle.
You remove a white flask from in your spidersilk backpack.
You force UninvolvedDeadGuy's mouth open, and pour in a small amount from your white flask.
You hear a gentle voice whisper to you, "The soul of UninvolvedDeadGuy is already bound by the web of PRESERVATION, my child."
You have 2 doses left.
You hear the ghostly voice of Rogue say, "puss"
You say, "You attacked me, AGAIN, Rogue."
You hear the ghostly voice of Cleric say, "read my lips freak, you'll still die for this"
You put a white flask in your spidersilk backpack.

You say, "Good luck fulfilling that threat."

You reach down and tenderly cradle UninvolvedDeadGuy's lifeless hand in yours.
You hear the ghostly voice of Rogue say, "i will"
You hear the ghostly voice of Rogue say, "promise"
You ask, "You two want a lift out or you want someone else to come?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Rogue say, "you're such a puss"
Great Lady Partofamultiheadedmonster just arrived.
Great Lady Partofamultiheadedmonster just went northwest.
Great Lady Partofamultiheadedmonster just arrived.
Partofamultiheadedmonster gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

You chuckle.
You hear the ghostly voice of Cleric say, "we'll get a ride ya dick"

You say, "Very creative."
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Guide spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .

07-21-2003, 04:22 PM
Don't edit out names.

07-21-2003, 04:27 PM
What's the fun in it if I can't laugh about those 2 idiots? Names!

07-21-2003, 07:26 PM
Seriously that was the most retarded log I've ever read. "Spell of Death and Destruction"? Is the secrecy of your identity really important enough so that you can't disclose even your profession? Get a life.


07-21-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
Seriously that was the most retarded log I've ever read. "Spell of Death and Destruction"? Is the secrecy of your identity really important enough so that you can't disclose even your profession? Get a life.


Decaf is your friend.

07-21-2003, 09:07 PM
So is Raspberry Arizona Iced Tea.

07-21-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
So is Raspberry Arizona Iced Tea.

Bob, I told you to cut out the whole making me laugh thing.

It's so much easier to just find you annoying when I don't have to admit you are funny at times.

07-21-2003, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
Seriously that was the most retarded log I've ever read. "Spell of Death and Destruction"? Is the secrecy of your identity really important enough so that you can't disclose even your profession? Get a life.


You are a funny little troll. The point is, my identity, and the other two's identity isn't even important. I just thought it was a funny example of a GS3 conflict.

To me, the deaths and such are irrelevant, it's the reactions that are priceless.

Red Devil
07-21-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets

Originally posted by Makkah
Seriously that was the most retarded log I've ever read. "Spell of Death and Destruction"? Is the secrecy of your identity really important enough so that you can't disclose even your profession? Get a life.


You are a funny little troll. The point is, my identity, and the other two's identity isn't even important. I just thought it was a funny example of a GS3 conflict.

To me, the deaths and such are irrelevant, it's the reactions that are priceless.

Makkah isn't a troll dumbass, next time we want names/spells/damage/crits or don't even bother posting at all, you'll just get negative feedback

07-22-2003, 03:00 AM
Can I be a funny little troll to?

07-22-2003, 09:05 AM
The point is...

If you want people to laugh and be impressed by your logs (which obviously you do, or you wouldn't be posting...), you would need to reveal names and MAYBE even your profession. Put simply, noone was impressed by your made up log.


07-22-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
The point is...

If you want people to laugh and be impressed by your logs (which obviously you do, or you wouldn't be posting...), you would need to reveal names and MAYBE even your profession. Put simply, noone was impressed by your made up log.


Dude, you've either got a Napolean complex or some undersized genitals, but whatever your issues are, you are funny. There's so much malice in most of your posts, and for no apparent reason. Either way, you need to work on those poorly aimed insults.

I did think the post was funny, and I only included the deaths so you could see the context of the remarks. It's just the most common type of Gemstone conflict, where some of the players take everything personally.

Now, sure, if I was an insecure little troll like you, I'd post all the names and such. Unlike you, though, I don't take every conflict with a CHARACTER in a GAME as a personal slight, so I didn't see any need to further embarrass the characters involved.

Anyway, if there's anyone out there that doesn't log in there 140 train wizard when a conflict goes south, I'd be intrested to hear your outlook.


07-23-2003, 02:38 PM
Tea and confusion, Makkah is stating what is the majority of opinion in this folder, names, crits, professions, etc are all keys to a good duel log. You start the post by giving alittle background then toss in the duel (uneditted). You presented something that was so heavily editted most of us won't take the time to read the entire thing, hell I stopped right after I saw

"Death and destruction are visited upon him!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. "

As for calling anyone a troll I don't see that the case. You presented a duel they didn't like the fact that it was heavily editted and said so. You reverted to the name calling not them, you're trolling your own thread.

07-23-2003, 02:48 PM
Yeah, you are right Little Boom Boom. I don't know how I could have misconstrued Makkah's first post as being antagonistic....

Don't worry, I know for the future that all anyone cares to see is some nice AS/DS and CS numbers, who cares what anyone is saying!

07-23-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets
Yeah, you are right Little Boom Boom.

That's just low! Funny as hell but low.

And that last part what anyone was saying... We don't want what dead-univolved-slightly smelly-cleric#1 is saying we want what the person is saying. It makes the log so much better.

07-23-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
The point is...

If you want people to laugh and be impressed by your logs (which obviously you do, or you wouldn't be posting...), you would need to reveal names and MAYBE even your profession. Put simply, noone was impressed by your made up log.


Speak for yourself. Not everyone.

So someone doesnt want to put a name down. Big deal. If it pains you so much then don't read the thing.

If you don't like the content then put some of your own up but don't just whine about not liking someone elses format.

07-23-2003, 09:11 PM
<<I did think the post was funny>>

You know what they say about people that are the only ones laughing at their own joke...

<<Dude, you've either got a Napolean complex or some undersized genitals, but whatever your issues are, you are funny.>>

Haha, wow... I sure touched someone the wrong way. Don't get so heated, shawty... it's online ;)


07-24-2003, 08:41 AM
We shall call you....

"Mini-Boom Boom"

07-24-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
That's just low! Funny as hell but low.

Well, obviously it's stolen from that other thread, and I was just yanking your chain because you mispronounced my ingenious name!

I think a lot of conflicts in GS are funny, just about all of them actually. I just don't really see the point on adding the names to the log just so that people can pile on and say "Oh yeah, I ran into him, he's a complete jackass." That's fine and all, but what's the point?

I don't have any hard feelings towards the players involved. I think to come here and post their names for ridicule just demonstrates that I'm taking each conflict as a personal pissing contest, which is what far too many folks seem to do.

Oh well, no big deal either way, just thought I'd explain my reasoning.

07-24-2003, 09:39 PM
It's all good, Tea. I'm just curious, then, why did you post in the first place? To display your massive CS? Or to genuinely share a situation you encountered to be funny? No flames, I apologize for entering the thread the way I did.


07-24-2003, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
It's all good, Tea. I'm just curious, then, why did you post in the first place? To display your massive CS? Or to genuinely share a situation you encountered to be funny? No flames, I apologize for entering the thread the way I did.


Yeah, but maybe you had to be there. I'd been killed by them in the past, but I did fail to start calling them names while I lay there dead.

I always think it's funny when someone gets killed and they flip out.

[Edited on 7-31-2003 by Lord Deprav]

Inspector Gadget
07-30-2003, 12:54 PM
Orange space monkeys are invading our world, save the children, monkeys? where? Treden

08-01-2003, 12:46 AM
I found it funny. But really, what are the names of those idiots?