View Full Version : What do I do?

The Ponzzz
07-11-2009, 12:14 AM
Ok, I seem to be placed into a situation I am not sure what to do. My girlfriend's parents send gifts every now and then to both of us (holidays mostly) and they are usually clothes. The clothes are usually from nice stores and it is usually a couple of hundred dollars worth of stuff. The problem is, they clip the price tag in half (can't return them) and they just aren't things I'd ever wear (mostly pastel colored golf shirts). Ever.

So, over the course of 3 years, I now have a closet full of clothes that I just don't wear. What do I do to stop this? I feel bad saying I don't like them, but I hate the fact that they have spent so much on these clothes that just sit in my cloest forever.

07-11-2009, 12:16 AM
You could give them to charity, or get some glitter and glue and strips of denim and go all early-90s on their asses. Then they'd be cool, and you could wear them. Personally I prefer the latter.


07-11-2009, 12:16 AM
Why can't your girlfriend be critical of her parents? Casually just say "You know my boyfriend would never wear that haven't you ever noticed his choice in dress?".

Unless they are trying to sway you to dress a certain way to fit a mold. Totally different story altogether.

I recommend smoking PCP, calling the police and asking them for advice.

Stanley Burrell
07-11-2009, 12:21 AM
Keep half of them to wear around her folks to show that you appreciate the gift (to your girlfriend as well) and, in turn, give everyone a few rays of sunshine because you're wearing a particular set of clothing.

Take the other half and donate it the local salvation army/clothing collection whatsit.

Save one pair of granny panties to cut holes out for eyes and paint a smiley face on it as you run around naked with said underwear helmet pretending to be your favorite superhero.

The Ponzzz
07-11-2009, 12:29 AM
Oh, they know what I wear. My assumption on what they are doing is to get me to dress a certain way. I keep two shirts around that I wear when they come up or we go out to visit them. I have even mentioned it once that some of the clothing isn't my style. It just doesn't stop the influx of these things at all.

I will say, the PCP smoking and police sounds like a good idea, but the police don't come out unless there was a murder here in SOuth Bend. You call in reports for Domestic Violence and Robberies and you can pick up the report for $5.

07-11-2009, 12:31 AM
Oh, they know what I wear. My assumption on what they are doing is to get me to dress a certain way. I keep two shirts around that I wear when they come up or we go out to visit them. I have even mentioned it once that some of the clothing isn't my style. It just doesn't stop the influx of these things at all.

I will say, the PCP smoking and police sounds like a good idea, but the police don't come out unless there was a murder here in SOuth Bend. You call in reports for Domestic Violence and Robberies and you can pick up the report for $5.

Heh, South Bend. Familiar with Urinal Mints?

The Ponzzz
07-11-2009, 12:33 AM
The band? I've heard of them. I'm not from here. I only moved here over a year ago.

07-11-2009, 12:35 AM
Yeah from there, I know some of the guys in the band on my label are also from there as well. I just went there for Woodwind & Brasswind and King's Buffet haha. No longer in the region though, moved down south for studies.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-11-2009, 12:46 AM
Since they know it's not your style of clothing, there is no none-rude way to get them to stop.

However, do stop wearing the clothes even just to see them. You don't owe it to them and that DOES encourage them to continue giving you the same kind of clothes.

If you want to try to get them to stop decimating the tags so you can exchange the stuff for stuff you like, have your GF tell them that they've gotten you a lot of stuff that didn't fit properly and it sucks that you guys couldn't exchange it because of the tags being damaged. Hopefully they get the hint to stop fucking with the tags and give a gift receipt.

Besides that, just thank them then sell it on ebay once they're gone.

Stanley Burrell
07-11-2009, 12:54 AM
Oh, they know what I wear. My assumption on what they are doing is to get me to dress a certain way.

That's dumb.

Start buying them clothing they'd never wear as presents.

Edited to Add: Cut all the tags in half while you're at it.

07-11-2009, 12:59 AM
Oh, they know what I wear. My assumption on what they are doing is to get me to dress a certain way. I keep two shirts around that I wear when they come up or we go out to visit them. I have even mentioned it once that some of the clothing isn't my style. It just doesn't stop the influx of these things at all.

Fuck them then, let them continue to waste their money, and donate the clothing to the homeless via Salvation Army or the local church or whatever.

But like Nikki said, STOP wearing the shit they buy you when they come around.

The Ponzzz
07-11-2009, 01:15 AM
I really don't want to go the rude way on this one, as I'm not looking for bad blood. I guess I should have made it clear in my opening post that I'd like to inform them the nicest way possible.

Stanley Burrell
07-11-2009, 01:18 AM
I really don't want to go the rude way on this one, as I'm not looking for bad blood. I guess I should have made it clear in my opening post that I'd like to inform them the nicest way possible.

Then you should tell them how you feel, plainly, and leave it at that. If worst comes to worst, they'll keep sending you clothing. I could think of worse things happening.

The Ponzzz
07-11-2009, 01:26 AM
Stunseed gave me an idea with Plato's Closet as well, so let me see how that works out. Maybe Shirts ??? Profit!

07-11-2009, 01:28 AM
My other idea works better, damnit.

The Ponzzz
07-11-2009, 01:28 AM
Hahah, for hilarity, yes.

07-11-2009, 01:31 AM
XXX (12:22:49 AM): what do I do? I buy the mother/father-in-law a gaudy colored shirt. But I jizz on the collar and on the top button and clip it so it can't be returned, that way they remember you forever. Or you can laugh hysterically and hope it makes it never happen again.

07-11-2009, 01:35 AM
Just stop wearing clothes around them, period.

07-11-2009, 09:22 AM
Stop wearing the clothes they bought you around them. If they ever say something about your attire or mention their clothes just politely say something that tells them you don't wear the kind of cloths they buy you..

Try and get them to bring up the subject of clothing so it's more like you didn't go in with a goal rather to just add to the conversation.

Or try and return them! I'm sure you can't return just because the price tag is clipped in half. Or go to the store and find the same cloths and same size and rip those tags off and put the clipped ones on it. Then return.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-11-2009, 09:24 AM
I really don't want to go the rude way on this one, as I'm not looking for bad blood. I guess I should have made it clear in my opening post that I'd like to inform them the nicest way possible.

There is no way to "nicely inform them". Telling someone the gift they bought you isn't what you actually want is ALWAYS going to come across rudely. It's crappy etiquette. If you do mention it I can guarantee you there will be bad blood. Your only polite option is to graciously accept the gift.

What you do from there is up to you.

Continuing to wear the stuff, even just in front of them, says "Hey I actually like this shit", which is why some of us are advising you to cut it out. You're only encouraging them on that front.

You already said they know it's not what you wear. If they were interested in buying you stuff you'd actually like, they'd be doing it already.

07-11-2009, 10:54 AM
Sell the things or give them to charity, as suggested. Auction sites etc are your friend; leave the tags on for this route. Some of those pastel polo shirts are ridiculously expensive.

I'd tell her parents that you appreciate that they think of you but that pastel golf shirts aren't practical for your style. Note something that is practical for work/interviews or whatever if they're so intent on getting you more expensive clothes.

When/If they happen to get you something you marginally like or are willing to wear, praise them for it copiously (positive reinforcement).

07-11-2009, 06:44 PM
You could ummm....take the hint and dress better.


07-11-2009, 07:20 PM
You could ummm....take the hint and dress better.


Preppier and snootier does not equal better. Boo for the shittiest suggestion of the thread. :D

07-11-2009, 08:05 PM
Man up and tell/show them what clothes you would like to wear if they wish to buy clothes for you.

Or you just might as well wear the clothes they buy you. If you're going to act like a pussy, might as well dress like one.

07-11-2009, 08:47 PM
Man up and tell/show them what clothes you would like to wear if they wish to buy clothes for you.

Or you just might as well wear the clothes they buy you. If you're going to act like a pussy, might as well dress like one.

Yeah, this is definitely the option as long as you want to piss off and/or alienate your girlfriend's parents.

Ever go to a little kids party where the birthday boy or girl quite loudly exclaims "I hate this present!" when they open something they don't like? Um...if you've never experienced it, it's extremely awkward. I taught my kids to say thank you no matter what! You can bitch and gripe in private later. Honesty is not always the best policy.

Lots of good suggestions here - sell them on ebay, donate them, find a thrift shop or a consignment shop where you can recoup some cash from them. Being rude is an option but not always the best one, in my book.

If it was me, I'd say thank you, wear one the next time they come around and move on. Then have your girlfriend subtly point out some things you might like as present suggestions for the future. It's amazing how easy it is to work "Oh there's this neat gizmo my guy has really been wanting! Have you seen it? Here's a picture!"

Good luck!

Sylvan Dreams
07-11-2009, 08:55 PM
Sell the clothes and then use the money to buy stuff you do like. They're obviously not taking subtle hints and ignoring outright civil declarations.

07-11-2009, 09:28 PM
Both sets of parents (his and mine) buy me stuff like this that no one in their right mind would think of as fitting in with my lifestyle. And it doesn't matter that they've never seen me wear any of it and that my mother, at least, should know better. The stuff just never stops coming in what I can only think of as a wave of unsubtle hints or outright laziness and callousness instead of actually making an attempt at knowing who I am.

So... I just take the gifts in the spirit in which they should have been given: a kind, well-meaning if misguided attempt to give me something which could be useful to me. In that spirit, I promptly sell, exchange, or donate almost all of it, because that's the way in which it is useful to me or to someone anyway.

The Ponzzz
07-11-2009, 10:12 PM
I did Stunseed's option and have a pretty nice credit over at Plato's. Thanks again for the suggestion.

07-11-2009, 10:15 PM

07-11-2009, 10:38 PM
Yeah, this is definitely the option as long as you want to piss off and/or alienate your girlfriend's parents.

If you approach them respectfully, thank them for their thoughtfulness and then be honest with them, they should not get pissed off or alienated. Most people appreciate being dealth with straight forward and honestly.

As the girl's father, I would appreciate the hell out of it. Especially if future consideration is expected should the relationship turn into an engagement.

Infact, I'd buy ou some fucked up shit just to see what kind of reaction I'd get out of you.

07-11-2009, 11:16 PM
Ok, I seem to be placed into a situation I am not sure what to do. My girlfriend's parents send gifts every now and then to both of us (holidays mostly) and they are usually clothes. The clothes are usually from nice stores and it is usually a couple of hundred dollars worth of stuff. The problem is, they clip the price tag in half (can't return them) and they just aren't things I'd ever wear (mostly pastel colored golf shirts). Ever.

So, over the course of 3 years, I now have a closet full of clothes that I just don't wear. What do I do to stop this? I feel bad saying I don't like them, but I hate the fact that they have spent so much on these clothes that just sit in my cloest forever.
Ask them to leave the tags on in case they don't fit so you don't have a gift you can't use. I would bring it up as a potential fit/size issue because "Every brand fits different" than a your taste != my taste issue.

07-11-2009, 11:17 PM
Also if these golf shirts are 2XL I can drive up there and take them off your hands as I live in golf shirts.

07-12-2009, 02:52 AM
Also if these golf shirts are 2XL I can drive up there and take them off your hands as I live in golf shirts.

Seriously, I'll take your pastel golf shirts if they are L or XL.

07-12-2009, 10:18 AM
Damn, now someone went and left the closet door open...

07-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Maybe her parents just don't feel comfortable buying booty shorts with a visible thong showing and sequined halter tops for a 250lb hairy italian man. Just a thought...


The Ponzzz
07-12-2009, 01:34 PM
If I get more, I will take pictures and Drew and Wayne can pick what they want. You guys will just have to pay shipping! And good thing Plato's Closet has a really big selection of booty shorts where my thong can hang out, because now my wardrobe is complete.

07-12-2009, 01:35 PM
Pimps up, ho's down, imo. Slap a bitch.