View Full Version : Why America Has No Future (non-political)

07-10-2009, 09:47 PM
Seriosuly.. I am just too horrified and angry to rant about the following:


I wish I knew where to begin.. but WTF? SERIOUSLY :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

07-10-2009, 09:50 PM

1. proves that abortion should remain legal.

2. provides evidence in favor of capital punishment for everyone involved with making that band.

3. proves that the apocalypse is at least 10 - 15 days away.

4. causes facepalms greater than a clyder thread.

...ok, you add your own now.

07-10-2009, 09:57 PM
5. Won't load.

07-10-2009, 10:17 PM
5. Won't load.

be thankful your internet senses something horrendous and wants to protect you.

i personally think it's worse than goatse.cx or two girls 1 cup

ie: no nudity although plenty of full frontal stupidity.

07-10-2009, 10:21 PM
6. Reminds me that there are other people out there like certain people on this forum.
7. Makes me afraid they might find each other and breed.
8. Causes me to think of dinosaurs.
9. Makes me think about dinosaurs finding each other and breeding. Hot, steamy, breeding.

07-10-2009, 10:24 PM
HAHAHAHA Brokencyde is the ridiculous. It's my go-to "worst band ever" I keep meaning to post about it but you beat me to it.

07-10-2009, 10:26 PM
just when you think things couldn’t get much worse than electro-ska, black polka metal, or christian punk, the crunkcore scene comes along and makes everything else look perfectly acceptable.

the crunkcore movement is one that seems to be a brilliant marketing strategy by some sort of modern day lou pearlman who learned to tap into the brain of misguided emo kids who don’t know where to turn. there is no way such a genre would evolve organically, someone had to have made a conscious marketing decision to create one of the worst crossover genres of all time and throw it on myspace to see what happens.

to sum up the stylings of crunkcore, it is a horrific combination of two genres that were bastardized and declared dead several years ago, crunk and screamo, only now with overtly sexual lyrics directed at 7th grade girls. with that said, you can use the following recipe to create your own crunkcore band…

2 ¼ cups t-pain vocoder
4 tablespoons of angst ridden white teenagers
2 sticks of bowel inducing screams
3 teaspoons of shuttershades
2 cups fake bling from vending machines
12 cups of lyrics that would give brian peppers douche chills
205,809 myspace friends

somewhere on the back of the miley cyrus tour bus the guys in metro station are thanking their lucky stars that bands like brokencyde came along. the crunkcore wave is to dance pop what 9/11 was to gary condit and his missing intern.


EDIT: This one doesn't have a video but it's even worse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa6qpgLvH30

Stanley Burrell
07-10-2009, 10:30 PM
If anyone wants to buy me front row tickets to a show and a complete makeover, I'll go as an undercover AzN emo and pretend like I'm getting on stage with them to sing their gay-ass song.

But then I'll stick it to the iron mic with some Wu-Tang Shaolin shit and spit crazy verses before security removes me. I'll try to kick their soundmen.

07-10-2009, 11:23 PM
rofl, I had to check after i saw this...

from Wikipedia:


Metal Edge Magazine has called brokeNCYDE "fucking horrendous".[10] Thrash Magazine has called them "a mockery to the world of music." [11] Another metal magazine, Decibel, has repeatedly made fun of the band, mentioning them in a interview with the group Big Business, and once ironically referring to then as their "favorite screamo-crunk band". British commentator Warren Ellis calls brokeNCYDE's "Freaxxx" music video "a near-perfect snapshot of everything that’s shit about this point in the culture."[12] Says August Brown of the Los Angeles Times, "The 'Albucrazy'-based band has done for MySpace emo what some think Soulja Boy did for hip-hop: turn their career into a kind of macro-performance art that exists so far beyond the tropes of irony and sincerity that to ask 'are they kidding?' is like trying to peel an onion to get to a perceived central core that, in the end, does not exist and renders all attempts to reassemble the pieces futile."[13]

07-10-2009, 11:56 PM
This stuff sells terribly well. Really. *gets soapbox*

-Our youth have 100% committed to simply being a carbon copy of one another. The prettiest girl/boy who thinks he's a girl in the classroom are their only realistic, every day type social molds they feel they need to fit. If it's not awful, sugar-coated poor techno with "screamo" overtones, it's drop-tuned to the lowest registered note a Korg Tuner can pick up and there are kids who "sing" for bands who collapse lungs screaming inwards like stuck pigs. There is absolutely no social reward in their microcosms to actually be different, and I've run an all-ages music venue before well enough to see the demographic and study it first hand. There is no proper solution because what parents fail to understand is that acceptance in your social circles is not affected, or gained by parental adoration and reinforcement. Solution? Encourage individual behavior and leadership. That's about all you can do. If your kid is 60 lbs. soaking wet send him to jiu-jitsu or music school, not Hot Topic and MySpace.

Stanley Burrell
07-11-2009, 12:49 AM
Posted in wrong thread.

Now relating to the OP:


07-11-2009, 09:14 AM
If anyone wants to buy me front row tickets to a show and a complete makeover, I'll go as an undercover AzN emo and pretend like I'm getting on stage with them to sing their gay-ass song.

But then I'll stick it to the iron mic with some Wu-Tang Shaolin shit and spit crazy verses before security removes me. I'll try to kick their soundmen.

I'm in on this.

07-11-2009, 09:19 AM
Dimebag was murdered for much, much less.

07-11-2009, 06:42 PM
Georgi that boy in the video has hair like you.

07-11-2009, 08:32 PM

95% of rapper videos it just remind me of those.

07-12-2009, 01:42 AM
Georgi that boy in the video has hair like you.

you will suffer a thousand torments in the afterlife for that statement.

07-12-2009, 02:34 AM
There is a certain delicious irony to the end of days that I did not anticipate.