View Full Version : Combat flight sim

07-08-2009, 08:49 PM
I recently picked up a great deal on a joystick/throttle combo. (saitek x52 for $15- I was stoked)

Now I need something to play. I have MS Flight Sim X, but I want to shoot something. You know how it is.

I'm going to pick up Beyond the Red Line again (Battlestar Galactica sim). Other than that, what good Air or Space combat games are there that would function well with a joystick? (For example, EvE online is a great space combat came, but not too joystick-worthy).


07-09-2009, 01:34 PM
Bump cuz I found Freespace 2, what Beyond the Red Line was based on.

Anyone have any other ideas?

07-09-2009, 02:16 PM
I used to play Fighter Ace online, and it was pretty cool. WWII flight sim with tanks, bombers, troops, and baby seals galore!!!


07-09-2009, 10:57 PM
I recall there is a free online version floating around somewhere too, of the older version. Fighter Ace 1.5 or something like that. Last time I looked it was up to 3.5

The newest version has a month sub that you will need.

Also remember something called Air Attack that was free.

Either way the FA isnt for the weak heart...


07-09-2009, 11:13 PM
I recall there is a free online version floating around somewhere too, of the older version. Fighter Ace 1.5 or something like that. Last time I looked it was up to 3.5

The newest version has a month sub that you will need.

Also remember something called Air Attack that was free.

Either way the FA isnt for the weak heart...


Not for the weak heart? Sounds fun, hehe.

I'll take a look around for it. Thanks!

Sean of the Thread
07-15-2009, 04:18 PM

about as serious as it will get and it's a blast.

And they take it serious. Fun stuff.

Bombing run someone recorded

Some personal screen shots of me fucking people up. Mind you this is a few years ago there have been many improvements.





Game also involves infantry and armor town to town battle. All weapons ATG's FLAK you name it.

All historically accurate and great community. 14.95 a month I think.

p.s. I loved my saitek before I fell over an apc in the no power empty house and fell on it and snapped it like a twig.
My next rig will have rudder peddles but the saitek you can wrist right to left on the stick for rudder.

One more thing. Aces high sucks ass. WWIIOL is a massive online player rpg and they're serious dudes not fucks with all aspects of play. When I can afford a new joystick I'm back in a heartbeat.

07-15-2009, 04:44 PM

One more thing. Aces high sucks ass. WWIIOL is a massive online player rpg and they're serious dudes not fucks with all aspects of play.

I have to agree with the Aces High, it was lame. Microsoft's Combat FS is a little better but not much.

Allot of people bailed out on Fighter Ace for WWIIOL...For the fact you could do more then fly the planes. It really caught on back then. Although I haven't followed it much since I made the move to GS.

What keep me in Fighter Ace was the community of players. Lots of old friends and groups to play with at all given times. And those same groups played a multitude of other games on the Zone. But even that dies down at years of playing.

I actually found GS one night while digging around for another game after getting burned out on Fighter Ace. Back when you could access it from www.zone.com
