View Full Version : Recommendations for warcamps?

07-08-2009, 07:31 PM
I'm looking to optimize my warcamping experience. Right now, I'm mostly hanging out in the hut and trying to handle them in pairs as they come in, but it occasionally gets crowded in there, or I find a mass I need to get through outside to even reach it.

I can berserk pretty well at this point. I'm use a rebalance nagi (3 more levels until I unlock the 50 MoC ability!).

I'm keeping myself stocked up on small statues and potions for the following spells:

101, 107
401, 406, 414

I'm in 4x AsG 15. 50 ranks of Armor Use.

Thoughts on how I can optimize?

07-08-2009, 07:34 PM
618/611 would be super sexy, as would 103.

07-08-2009, 07:59 PM
Drop the naginata and get yourself a forged lance. You won't regret it.

07-08-2009, 08:05 PM
618/611 would be super sexy, as would 103.

I hadn't thought of those, but is there a reason to get 611 instead of 601?

Drop the naginata and get yourself a forged lance. You won't regret it.

I built the whole character around that naginata :(

It's the whole reason I'm 2x'ing MoC. Also, I think I'm a little poor to afford a perfect lance, don't those sell for several million?

ETA: I'm a giant, can't swing that lance in 5. In fact, I'd swing it in 7 right now (32 total AGIDEX).

07-08-2009, 08:06 PM
503 would also be good to add to the spell mix.

And a forged lance is damn sexy, if you have the AGI/DEX to swing it in good time.

07-08-2009, 08:07 PM
503 would also be good to add to the spell mix.

And a forged lance is damn sexy, if you have the AGI/DEX to swing it in good time.

Well, I have no AS/MIU, so I've been looking at potions for all my spellup needs. Can I activate a 503 alchemy trinket without any MIU?

07-08-2009, 08:09 PM
As an FYI, if you can manage to open the box in the east hut, Grimswarm will ALWAYS use one action round to close it.

If you have a decent STR bonus and happen to have the key, makes it much easier to take on more than 1 at a time.

07-08-2009, 08:13 PM
I hadn't thought of those, but is there a reason to get 611 instead of 601?

I built the whole character around that naginata :(

It's the whole reason I'm 2x'ing MoC. Also, I think I'm a little poor to afford a perfect lance, don't those sell for several million?

ETA: I'm a giant, can't swing that lance in 5. In fact, I'd swing it in 7 right now (32 total AGIDEX).

I didn't say it needed to be a perfect lance. You can probably get one for under 500k, superior maybe? Swing time doesn't really matter either when you're using berserk, 5 seconds every time. Even when you're not berserking, 7 seconds is perfectly OK. From lvl 20 to 29 I was swinging in 7 seconds with no real negative side effects. You can see from my berserk clip how lethal a lance is as well.

07-08-2009, 08:15 PM
503 would also be good to add to the spell mix.

And a forged lance is damn sexy, if you have the AGI/DEX to swing it in good time.

Swing time is a moot point when it comes to lances and claids.

07-08-2009, 09:20 PM
I didn't say it needed to be a perfect lance. You can probably get one for under 500k, superior maybe?

Eh, all I ever hear about is perfect lances, so my mind jumped to that. I'll try to find a superior.

Even when you're not berserking, 7 seconds is perfectly OK. From lvl 20 to 29 I was swinging in 7 seconds with no real negative side effects.

Swing time is a moot point when it comes to lances and claids.

This does not jive with my warcamp experience at all. Every second counts there, especially if I'm trying to dance or if there are archers (which fifty fucking percent of all Grim are).

07-08-2009, 09:57 PM
Is your warrior prime and around the landing? I have some lower level GoSers.

I'll sell you a 5x superior awl-pike for 800k if you decide you want one.

I have a 5x lance too you can have for 750k (not forged).

07-08-2009, 10:45 PM
Is your warrior prime and around the landing? I have some lower level GoSers.

I'll sell you a 5x superior awl-pike for 800k if you decide you want one.

I have a 5x lance too you can have for 750k (not forged).

Appreciated, Bhuryn, but I'm in TV. Fortunately, I was able to acquire a 4x superior lance for 125k a moment ago :D

This guy's something of a loner, but I may look into making some friends when next the traveling warrior guild night hits TV. Until then, I'm probably on my own, I just don't see a House fitting this guy's personality.

07-10-2009, 04:14 AM
Abusing the hut is a good way to go about it if your stamina isn't enough to keep berserking for long periods of time. Just step outside once it gets hot in there, and step back inside once you see some of them follow you. Since they won't enter a hut from the outside, it limits it by quite a bit.

Once your berserk/moc is up to snuff, and you have a lot of stamina at your disposal, your camping style can generally become:
if <2 grimswarm in room