View Full Version : Couple Empath questions

02-29-2004, 04:51 PM
I was considering starting an empath character...so I have a few questions.

Which race would make the best hunting, runestaff using empath?

What stats are important to a hunting, runestaff using empath?

As I understand it, 1106 is basically the only hunting spell Empaths have. When is it viable to hunt purely with 1106?

CoL or Voln, and why?

Which mental lores would be the best for a hunting empath, and how often should they be trained in?


Miss X
02-29-2004, 05:39 PM
I'm not a great fan of runestaff using empaths, however I know quite a few sylvan/elf types that use them and do ok. As you know, my empath is a halfling and still uses a weapon when needed, she does pretty well.

As for 1106, when I hunt things that I can ward (generally anything up 8ish levels above my head) I hunt purely with bone shatter, I love it but I think its harder for younger empaths to do so because of the mana involved. Thats the main reason why I prefer swinging empaths to runestaff empaths. Its hard if you only have a small amount of mana to fry just with 1106.

CoL all the way, better AS, DS and TD bonus, sign staunching which is wonderful for empaths, also wracking is great if you are hunting just with mana. I would only suggest joining Voln for RP reasons, if you have none then deffinitly CoL. Its hard for empaths to master Voln, 1106 doesnt work on a lot of undead, too much hassle if you ask me.

Lore wise, manipulation increases the effect of bone shatter, as does first aid. Chica has 1.5x in manip and 3x first aid and her bone shatter rocks. I only learn manipulation lore and transformation lore (for healing RT) because I hardly use any of the other spells that lore effects (All the info is on the main GS4 website INFO pages, shows each spell and the lore that has an effect on it I think)

Thats all I can think of right now, Im not great with stats to be honest, I usually ask Stray to help with mine. Let me know if you need any more help.


02-29-2004, 06:21 PM
Depends on what you want to do with your empath. Manipulation is best for Bone Shatter, Transformation cuts down on heal times (but not enough that I think it's worth training in it).

I have an empath that hunts runestaff and one that hunts with a claid, and I love both. Bone shatter is a fearsome spell, but I agree with the CoL/Voln assessment, CoL is much better, especially as most undead nowadays drift towards non-corporeal (gotta have bones, to shatter'em).

02-29-2004, 06:23 PM
P.S. Empathy is not that bad a spell, if you're simply looking to fry, as opposed to treasure hunting.

And I have still yet to find a time when Empathic Link has made me come out on top, since the damn spell only seems to work on physical attacks done (as opposed to linking them, and then using Bone Shatter on them, which would make SENSE), rendering it a group hunting spell.


02-29-2004, 07:29 PM
Also, Bone Shatter is not an empath's only offensive spell. For critters without bones (or for multiple critters in one room), use fire spirit. Sure it's 11 mana points, but as long as you have a decent spell aiming skill and have your AS spells up (215, 211, 1130, 1109, signs) you will hit decently. And the fireball will blossom and hit multiple critters (MOC helps this). Also unbalance (I had to use this on Stone Giants, no bones, and immune to fire) comes in handy from time to time.

As for Runestaves, I've recently converted, and from what I can see my defenses are better then they were when I was using shield & brawling (to still get the OCH). But I'll have to find out exactly what the difference is when I lose some of the elemental spells that were cast on me.

02-29-2004, 11:22 PM
Let me add, that with my runestaff, my defense has jumped almost 100 points.

That being said, don't neglect Mental Lore - Transformation, or you'll have to wait 24 seconds to heal a friggin scar.

Only 239 more in game hours to go. woo hoo

02-29-2004, 11:33 PM
As an after thought, I thought bone shatter only works on living things?

I just cast it at a lesser ghoul, skeleton, and mummy.

If it's going to work that way, that totally changes what I can hunt

02-29-2004, 11:38 PM
Race: I prefer human, but a lot of people tend to go with giant because of the extra blood. Having no negativies to stats, and being fairly good at dragging and yet still able to drag is a plus in my book. Haven't looked into it much really, but a dwarf probably isn't bad either. Ultimately you should let your RP decide this one though. Halflings are probably good, since they have high spirit recovery for wracking, and a dexterity and elemental TD bonus too.

Stats: No clue. I placed mine for level 100 optomization.

Hunting w/1106: Purely by itself? I'd guess around 20 if you've got wracking and you're not an elf.

Society: CoL. Less headache, maintaince, and the abilities are more useful. Staunching and wracking alone are amazing.

Lore: If you plan on using 1106, you'll want to train in Manipulation at 1x or more. You'll also want to do 3x FA. Man Lore will increase your damage threshold, and FA will increase your crit threshold.

If you want to utilize 111, train 1x in SL Summon. That'll up your damage factor a little and make your flares more likely. I'd suggest being 2x in spell aiming if you're going to pure route, as it is rumored that 1110 (our next hunting spell) will be a bolt-based attack and require spell aiming.

Also make sure to atleast 1x Emp for decent warding with 1106.

02-29-2004, 11:39 PM
1106 will work on most corperal undead.

Killer Kitten
03-01-2004, 09:27 AM
Which race would make the best hunting, runestaff using empath?

I picked Human for my empath because I was brand new to GS when I made her and I liked having a lot of health points and no negative stat bonuses. I've never found any reason to regret my choice.

What stats are important to a hunting, runestaff using empath?

I placed my stats to be optimized at level 100. Once you reach 100 you're stuck with what your stats have matured into. Having the best stats possible is a good idea regardless of whether you're a weapon/shield hunter or a runestaff user.

As I understand it, 1106 is basically the only hunting spell Empaths have. When is it viable to hunt purely with 1106?

As far as I'm concerned never. Why limit oneself to <prep 1106> <channel critter> <repeat>< repeat>< repeat>< repeat>? Boring!!! My empath is fully singled in shield, edged and brawl and fully doubled in Spell Aim for Fire Spirit.

CoL or Voln, and why?

For me Voln. Brawling/Voln Fu means still another way to fight. The AS/DS bonus difference with CoL is not big enough to compensate for losing Return, Preservation, Need, and Thought. Sym of Mana doesn't give as much back as Wracking but it gives back enough to get you out of a tough spot if needed. Calming and Submission are great for hunting, and Turning rocks when one needs to clear a room quickly. Also Voln is popularly perceived as the 'good guys' and CoL as the 'soulless'. Now we all know that these perceptions have no real basis in fact, there are lots of bad folks and good folks in both societies, but for roleplay enhancement if you want to be a 'good guy' Voln is a great badge to put on. Also, CoL is easy to master, where Voln takes much more time and effort. So once you master it, particularly as an empath, you really have achieved something.

Which mental lores would be the best for a hunting empath, and how often should they be trained in?

I gave my empath 51 ranks in Transformation because when I was playing with it that was where she lost all roundtime for healing any scar. She also has 50 ranks in Manipulation for Bone Shatter, and combined with being 2x trained in First Aid she is very good with the spell. I wanted her able to hunt with Bone Shatter, I just didn't want hunting with Bone Shatter to be the extent of her capabilities.


03-01-2004, 05:26 PM
Return, Preservation, Need, and Thought.

SPirit Guide (130), a flask, Cry For Help, and a crystal amulet. That takes care of that.

Frankly, the Symbol of Thought is the very reason none of my characters ARE in Voln, what with the fuckwads who clog that channel up.

By the way, my one empath goes two handers/2x spell aim and still has a pretty decent Bone Shatter. 111 plus a claid is quite the effective combo.

But two weapon styles for an empath, PLUS a shield? That's a waste - or, you have no armor.


03-01-2004, 05:29 PM
Simple. So when she whips out a knife to skin, she doesn't lose DS. Same with when she puts that knife away, she won't lose DS via OHC.

03-01-2004, 05:54 PM
Use a script. It takes me exactly one second to skin something, and, if you can't time it so you can skin it right after another creature swings, you deserve to die.


03-01-2004, 06:18 PM
I have a side question on this topic. On the site they say 1108 has to potential to kill the target out-right. Anyone seen this done? Or do they mean because it's frozen in place the chance of a one hit kill is more likely?

03-01-2004, 06:24 PM
On certain rolls, it literally makes a critter run away, forever. Makes it lousy for treasure hunting (cause you can't search the critter) but it counts towards getting fried. Hold on a bit. Let me capture it.


Killer Kitten
03-04-2004, 11:59 AM
<<SPirit Guide (130), a flask, Cry For Help, and a crystal amulet. That takes care of that.>>

Can't use 130 if you're injured or scarred up or outta mana, and I really hate not knowing where I'm going to land and the puking thing. Can't use a flask if you're dead. Can't use Cry for Help if you're dead. And bloody hell, I hate the amunet as much as you seem to dislike the Voln net.

<<Frankly, the Symbol of Thought is the very reason none of my characters ARE in Voln, what with the fuckwads who clog that channel up.>>

On the other side of the coin, I really like the Voln net. It makes me feel more in touch or something. I have one CoL char, and I don't play her all that much because I miss the Voln net.

<<But two weapon styles for an empath, PLUS a shield? That's a waste - or, you have no armor.>>

I have enough armor to wear double leather, so I use the siren lizard scale stuff with an imflass mesh coif (all altered with the requisite kitten pictures of course). I realize two weapon styles and a shield isn't for everybody, but I played a long stretch while being unable to learn. After awhile that became really boring, so any way I could think of to make playing the character more interesting I wanted to try. Edged/Brawl/Shield and Voln has proven to be a lot of fun for me, but like I said it probably isn't the path for everybody.
