View Full Version : Lost bow in OTF

07-04-2009, 07:50 PM
You come out of hiding.
You search the Ithzir scout.
She had an arrow, a gleaming steel broadsword.
You discard the scout's remaining useless equipment.
She had 246 silvers on her.
You gather the remaining 246 coins.
She had nothing else of value.
An Ithzir scout's body shimmers slightly, then fades from view like a dissipating phantom.
An Ithzir scout fades into view while striking!
An Ithzir scout swings a gleaming crystal-edged longsword at you!
AS: +414 vs DS: +267 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +85 = +269
... and hits for 32 points of damage!
Well placed shot pierces knee, that hurt!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 5 rounds!
** An Ithzir scout's crystal-edged longsword emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 30 points of damage!
Electric blast goes right to the heart! You'll miss that steady beat.
Spell Sign of Shields (Shields) ended. [-20DS]
Your SIGN OF SHIELDS is no longer effective.
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Sign of Striking (Striking) ended. [-5AS]
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
Spell Presence (402) ended.
Your senses are no longer as sharp.
Spell Sign of Smiting (Smiting) ended. [-10AS]
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Sign of Defending (Defending) ended. [-10DS]
Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
Spell Sign of Swords (Swords) ended. [-20AS]
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
Spell Sign of Warding (Warding) ended. [-5DS]
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
Spell Sign of Staunching (Staunching) ended.
Your SIGN OF STAUNCHING is no longer effective.
Spell Sign of Deflection (Deflect) ended. [-20BoltDS]
Your SIGN OF DEFLECTION is no longer effective.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 14 mins...
The Ithzir scout quickly cleans the fresh blood from her crystal-edged longsword with a few wipes across your clothing.

The scout drops her longsword on the ground!
The scout grabs your bow!
>, scout has my bow
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Rathain just arrived.
Rathain just went west.
An Ithzir scout chuckles softly, the soft laugh sounding alien and intriguing at the same time. She nods confidently, speaking in a hollow tone, "Trasa ramal vasse ukon?"
An Ithzir scout clenches her ruic composite bow while assessing her situation.

I really hate crystal edged weaponry.

07-04-2009, 08:00 PM
Well Rathain can go fuck himself lol

07-04-2009, 08:03 PM
Yagnuts picked it up.

Bow has been returned. :)