View Full Version : HP and GoS

07-02-2009, 04:31 PM
I'm thinking I want to put my giant warrior in GoS. Unfortunately, his WIS and AUR are shit (+7 and +2 bonuses, respectively).

Is this a good plan? Also, how much harness power would I want? He's a polearmer who uses Berserk a lot and Charge occasionally (other CMPs are sunk into wspec and bonding). I'm a little over 2x Armor, waiting until I can jump into MBP, but I also want to bump PF up to 3x since I go through so much stamina, which GoS would also eat.


07-02-2009, 04:47 PM
I say go for it. My WIS/AUR stats are worse then that, (+4 and -1) and I mastered quite easily. I have 9 ranks of HP right now so that gives me 27 mana to work with which is enough to complete most GoS tasks or to fry.

I use a 5x lance and as long as I have the basic spells from a wizard I tear through camps using berserk.

07-02-2009, 04:51 PM
as long as you have ~25 mana you can always convert 50 stamina to 25 mana if you need more too.

07-02-2009, 04:56 PM
My DE has 10 ranks of HP for 36 mana which allows me to run Offense/Defense, and a Major Bane before berserking. Good enough for me, but I'll end up getting more.

The Ponzzz
07-02-2009, 07:26 PM
If you just want the AS/DS bonuses, even 25 mana can be tight. 5 for Off and Def, 10 for Mjbane, 30 for MjProt if you stack it, 15 for focus if you stack, and then any of the offensive ones can stack. I'm sure it can be done with a lower count, it just wouldn't be very fun.

07-02-2009, 07:29 PM
For now 27 mana gets me by. I usually run off/def/focus and Mjbane. That alone will get me fried in a warcamp. Going to work on getting a bunch more ranks though.

07-02-2009, 07:31 PM
I had 30 mana at level 35 and had no problems keeping concentration, mending, offensive, and major bane up.

07-03-2009, 03:26 AM
Thanks for the feedback, folks. My primary concern was to put Offense and MajBane up before Berserking, but I was really hoping to fit Mending in there, too, since I do expect to get hit.

I totally forgot about Focus, that'd be a good one to add in. I'm only level 19 so far, so I'm not sure how many ranks of Harness I'd be able to fit in.

I also wonder how much stamina I can sink into sigils before I really feel it. Berserk is so damned stamina intensive X.x

07-03-2009, 12:53 PM
Hey, my warrior is 55 with 60 mana, and I find that to be sufficient all the time to use most of the useful warrior sigils. In HCP armor, I can stack focus to 3 minutes, use offense/defense and major bane, and when I have need, I can use minor protection.

My wisdom is +6 and Aura +11, but I was finding mana tight to keep major bane going all the time, so I bumped up my HP. Sigil of Power is definitely nice, but if you're berserking a lot, you wont have stamina to use power... like ever. Focus at low level camps is probably unnecessary. I didn't find casting grim to be all that nasty sub level 30.

Also make sure you utilize Sigil of Concentration, which I strangely just discovered as it will boost your mana regen by 5, and lasts for 10 minutes.