View Full Version : Few items for sale

06-30-2009, 12:25 PM
Considering offers on all items as well.

1. perm HCW 2x dagger with exquisite player forging bonuses, 8m

2. 6x switchable acid/ice flaring dagger, 7m

3. +18 Vaalorn augmented breastplate, +4 twc ranks, +3 shield ranks, 22 lbs, temp vhcp, 3m

4. 4x leather breastplate, +6 max health, +5 agility stat, moderately corrosive resistant, 500k

5. 5x vultite short sword, +4 hp ranks, +5 MIU ranks, +4 mana recovery, +6 health recovery, sancted, nice GoS weapon. 3m

6. 4x gladius, +4 ambush bonus, +4 stalking/hiding bonus, have two of these, 800k each

7. 3x mossbark short bow, permanently crit weighted, not sure how much. (let me find an assessor, will post price shortly)

8. 3x crossbow, +4 agility stat, +8 stamina recovery, +2 ranged ranks, crit sighted, 300k

9. leather arm guard, +4 ranged bonus, 1m

10. Eahnor whip-blade, +18, sancted, 500k

11. +8 vhcw wickedly curved faenor waraxe, 4m

12. Vultite mace, 4x, temp damage weighted, +5 ambush bonus, 400k

13. 6x rolaren foil, 3m

pm me or post here if you're interested. Thanks!

07-13-2009, 12:43 PM

07-13-2009, 01:15 PM
I'll take the faenor waraxe.

07-13-2009, 01:16 PM
I'll take #11.

Beat by a minute. Son of a bitch.

07-13-2009, 01:18 PM
wayward, you have a pricing on that short bow yet?