View Full Version : God, Guns and America

06-29-2009, 01:33 PM
"God, guns and America are a package deal" at many churches in the United States. One church in Kentucky made that package deal an explicit reality this weekend when the church's pastor invited people from all over Kentucky to attend his church and bring their guns.

The armed church service is evidence that many Christians fear that the Democrats controlling the White House and both houses of Congress may take our guns away.

“But for a deep-seated belief in God and firearms, this country would not be here today,” Mr. Pagano declared from the church’s pulpit.

Amens rolled forward from the congregation of about 180 people who were celebrating their ability to bear their arms almost anywhere in Kentucky, including in church.

Mr. Pagano said the event Saturday was not a worship service (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj-_tdmMgC4).

But at one point he could not resist, raising both hands above his head, blessing his heat-packing flock and saying a prayer.

“You have become my parishioners,” he said. “I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you.”

Mr. Pagano, 49, a voluble former Marine originally from New Jersey, also conveyed his message with a little comedy, singalongs and a raffle, in this case for a Ruger firearm. A sheriff’s deputy won the raffle. The Christian Science Monitor dubbed the evening a “Saturday night special.”

Doug Hawkins, a Louisville Metro Council member who represents the south end of the city, where the Assembly of God church is located, leapt from his pew to address the other congregants.

“I am glad to be among American patriots,” Mr. Hawkins said. “Thank God for you all being here and standing up for your rights.”

More... (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/29/us/29guns.html)

06-29-2009, 02:22 PM

06-29-2009, 02:24 PM
I hate people.

06-29-2009, 02:47 PM
Yeah I went to that. Check out my ride.
