View Full Version : What is the best way to let someone down easy?

06-26-2009, 10:06 PM
Put the word through their grapevine?

Abruptly shattering their world with a confrontation?

Brush off to eternity?

I’ve been in that position and the only thing that works is hardcore face-in-the-brick-wall of reality. But that sucks.

Do I just go out with her one night and act like the total dick I am?

Is there anything better/lighter/less harsh?

I am asking the ladies mainly because now I am on the other end of the situation.

06-26-2009, 10:09 PM
Tits or GTFO. Duh!

06-26-2009, 10:10 PM
"I'm sorry, but this just isn't going to work."

No explanation, no "because", no answering her "why". Rinse, repeat as necessary. If she calls/texts/emails, you may return one saying "As I told you, this isn't going to work. I won't be answering/texting/responding again."

06-26-2009, 10:20 PM
Tits or GTFO. Duh!

I would not ask if she had some. Oh!

Er, I would not be asking this question if she had some?

I know, I’m a dirty slut.

I’m reliving He Just Isn’t That Into You.

06-26-2009, 10:26 PM
"I'm sorry, but this just isn't going to work."

No explanation, no "because", no answering her "why". Rinse, repeat as necessary. If she calls/texts/emails, you may return one saying "As I told you, this isn't going to work. I won't be answering/texting/responding again."

Thank you. Will do. She is sweet and I like her but I’m just not into her and she is texting, messaging, facebooking and in person trying to set up dates with me every day.

06-26-2009, 10:29 PM
Talk with her a little by phone but don't act interested and end the convos short saying "hey can I call you back later" and don't say when just say later and if she asks then you have to call back.

Anyway, after you hang up to call her for a while, maybe a couple of days, but she'll probably call first. Then you say "shit sorry i was meeting up with so and so" and make up something. She'll get the hint right there.

ACT gets an umbrella for the neg reps i'll be receiving for this from the females

06-26-2009, 10:41 PM
Talk with her a little by phone but don't act interested and end the convos short saying "hey can I call you back later" and don't say when just say later and if she asks then you have to call back.

Anyway, after you hang up to call her for a while, maybe a couple of days, but she'll probably call first. Then you say "shit sorry i was meeting up with so and so" and make up something. She'll get the hint right there.

ACT gets an umbrella for the neg reps i'll be receiving for this from the females

Chicken shit way to break up with someone, and makes you more of an asshole than if you said, "I don't like you and your boobs are tiny. Don't ever call me again." At least then she isn't left wondering.

06-26-2009, 10:45 PM
Tell her you can't afford to pay 50 dollars per "date" anymore. She's got plenty of other clients, she'll understand.

06-26-2009, 10:54 PM
Chicken shit way to break up with someone, and makes you more of an asshole than if you said, "I don't like you and your boobs are tiny. Don't ever call me again." At least then she isn't left wondering.

Actually the boobs have nothing to do with it. Shes an attractive girl. I see guys hit on her all the time. She just does not interest me in the way that I feel she is interested in me.

We could be good friends but I fear that any refutation on my part is going to turn her ugly.

06-26-2009, 10:56 PM
Put the word through their grapevine?

Abruptly shattering their world with a confrontation?

Brush off to eternity?

I’ve been in that position and the only thing that works is hardcore face-in-the-brick-wall of reality. But that sucks.

Do I just go out with her one night and act like the total dick I am?

Is there anything better/lighter/less harsh?

I am asking the ladies mainly because now I am on the other end of the situation.

Just have sex with her.. She'll leave willingly.

06-26-2009, 11:16 PM
Tell her you dont believe in birth control and you think that she is acting like a whore by showing her legs in public.

If that dosnt work, ass smack, demand a beer and hand her a book of your favorite recipes. If she stays buy the girl a ring you dumbass.


Just tell her, man. When did communication become so complicated?

06-26-2009, 11:19 PM
Chicken shit way to break up with someone, and makes you more of an asshole than if you said, "I don't like you and your boobs are tiny. Don't ever call me again." At least then she isn't left wondering.

you're mamma

p.s. - well in my experience it has been better for both parties to be let off subtly (sp) than abrupt. If I cut it off too fast I get scared I will damage their self confidence too hard. Btw, I call back, but i just talk about things only other friends would tell eachother, not something someone interested would say. They get the picture in not too long of a time and are not mad at me (except for one, but that's because I didn't use the just mentioned technique)

06-26-2009, 11:32 PM
Just have sex with her.. She'll leave willingly.

He'd just need to show her his dick. That'd do the trick.

Size DOES matter.

06-27-2009, 12:13 AM
you're mamma

p.s. - well in my experience it has been better for both parties to be let off subtly (sp) than abrupt. If I cut it off too fast I get scared I will damage their self confidence too hard.

Nah, you just don't like the confrontation and watching the girl cry. Trust me, we get over it.

Btw, I call back, but i just talk about things only other friends would tell eachother, not something someone interested would say. They get the picture in not too long of a time and are not mad at me (except for one, but that's because I didn't use the just mentioned technique)

They're mad at you. They talk to their friends about how confusing you are, and how mean it is that you suddenly stopped seeming to care. They swear at you in their heads. The only difference is that you, being a chicken shit, haven't given them real opportunity to say it to you.

06-27-2009, 12:21 AM
Nah, you just don't like the confrontation and watching the girl cry. Trust me, we get over it.

They're mad at you. They talk to their friends about how confusing you are, and how mean it is that you suddenly stopped seeming to care. They swear at you in their heads. The only difference is that you, being a chicken shit, haven't given them real opportunity to say it to you.

If someone swings at me I am going to duck.

Oh and they are not mad at me, I know this better than you do because I stay friends with them. Maybe you are using a universal "you" and that "you" is not directed at me, which in that case, that's your advice. Ending it abruptly I've had them a lot madder at me. You can use your experience to differ, I will tell him mine. Nyah

06-27-2009, 12:51 AM
Tell her you dont believe in birth control and you think that she is acting like a whore by showing her legs in public.

If that dosnt work, ass smack, demand a beer and hand her a book of your favorite recipes. If she stays buy the girl a ring you dumbass.


rofl. That would only make things worse!

Just tell her, man. When did communication become so complicated?

Tell her what? I’m just not that into her?

06-27-2009, 01:00 AM
He'd just need to show her his dick. That'd do the trick.

Size DOES matter.

Would you do me a favor and show her your dick?

06-27-2009, 09:38 AM
You could always tell her that you're leaving her for som random chick you met by a dumpster.

06-27-2009, 10:01 AM
Size DOES matter.
Goddamnit...NOW you tell me. I hate you, Tisket. You continue to shatter my world.

06-27-2009, 10:08 AM
He'd just need to show her his dick. That'd do the trick.

Size DOES matter.

God damnit tisket... once again proving that I love you... I was gonna be like Just show her your dick... scrolled through and LOOK THERE tisket won :(..

orrr... just call her and politely say , Look I got 99 problems and you aint one. sing it to her.. in country format for added effect..

Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-27-2009, 10:13 AM
Tell her what? I’m just not that into her?


Seriously, just tell her the truth. Yeah it sucks to be shot down but it is better to just hear it straight and be able to move on than get some wishy-washy chicken shit answer.

06-27-2009, 11:07 AM
Tell her flat out so she can move on to someone else, unless you enjoy the attention.

Otherwise, work on your dodge skills, especially if she wears high heels. Watch tapes of Bush.

06-27-2009, 11:52 AM
Would you do me a favor and show her your dick?

Just be a chicken shit, nothing wrong with it, everyone feels better about themselves in the end.

Stanley Burrell
06-27-2009, 12:05 PM
Next time you go to a party, go into the room where all the coats are:

Shit on the coats :thumbup:

06-27-2009, 12:19 PM
Fucking hell. Again?

If you can't end relationships like a grown up, stop fucking having them. Your regular "how do I...?" threads are pathetic.

06-27-2009, 12:31 PM

06-27-2009, 12:37 PM
Put the word through their grapevine?

Abruptly shattering their world with a confrontation?

Brush off to eternity?

I’ve been in that position and the only thing that works is hardcore face-in-the-brick-wall of reality. But that sucks.

Do I just go out with her one night and act like the total dick I am?

Is there anything better/lighter/less harsh?

I am asking the ladies mainly because now I am on the other end of the situation.


06-27-2009, 01:23 PM
Walk up to her, repeat the following phrase: "I break with thee", three times. Then throw dog poop on her shoes.

06-27-2009, 01:31 PM
Walk up to her, repeat the following phrase: "I break with thee", three times. Then throw dog poop on her shoes.

LOL, delayed rep (Rep on a fuse) coming at you whenever I can give it again.

06-27-2009, 01:45 PM
So, she called me after I went to bed last night... didn’t leave a message, she has emailed me movie times for today to two of my email accounts and left me the same message on facebook.

Meeting her after work to tell her to hit the freaking breaks already.

06-27-2009, 01:57 PM
Fucking hell. Again?

If you can't end relationships like a grown up, stop fucking having them. Your regular "how do I...?" threads are pathetic.

Maybe he's just "proving" to us he has had a relationship other than with Beth? Why do you have to be such a Negative Nancy?

06-27-2009, 02:35 PM
Maybe he's just "proving" to us he has had a relationship other than with Beth? Why do you have to be such a Negative Nancy?

Well, I guess he could have just said "I don't really know what to say in situations like this, so I asked my friend on a message board I post on about a text-based roleplaying computer game how to tell you this and they said..."

By the time he gets that far, s/he will be long gone.

06-27-2009, 02:52 PM
rofl. That would only make things worse!

Tell her what?

The truth.

Holy crap, if I have to make some truth up for you because you cant figure it out yourself, I'm charging by the hour.

Also, I'm getting deja vu 2006 from this thread....

06-27-2009, 03:08 PM
Create a document called "Test Results" leave it somewhere she'll see it. Things will sort themselves out.

06-27-2009, 03:18 PM
Create a document called "Test Results" leave it somewhere she'll see it. Things will sort themselves out.

Don't forget to include pictures of warts and herpes and all that fun stuff inside.

06-27-2009, 03:24 PM
Tell her "Let's just be friends!".

06-27-2009, 04:04 PM
So, she called me after I went to bed last night... didn’t leave a message, she has emailed me movie times for today to two of my email accounts and left me the same message on facebook.

Meeting her after work to tell her to hit the freaking breaks already.

Oh jeez... you have to be blunt... stage 2!

06-27-2009, 10:36 PM
Ok seriously have you graduated from elementary school yet? Maybe that is harsh but holy hell asking on a message board at your age how to *tell* a person you are not *into* them?

Maybe this unrelenting heat in Texas has me a tad bitchy but WTmajorH.

06-27-2009, 11:08 PM
Well, I guess he could have just said "I don't really know what to say in situations like this, so I asked my friend on a message board I post on about a text-based roleplaying computer game how to tell you this and they said..."

By the time he gets that far, s/he will be long gone.

rofl. I know you have cast anything to do with me in the waste bin but these little snippets of hilarity never cease to amuse me. Yes, I considered telling her I played GS and that my elf finally attuned to his rapier of wit, slew the frenzied monks of denial and was seeking the omelet of Hammy to rule the kingdom of Nerdom.

And also, yes, why the hell would I ask a group of social misfits (myself being included if not in the top five) about advice on the subtlety of social interaction? Thats easy... the PC never fails to deliver delicious, if not over the top, comedy. I did it for the lulz.

Ok seriously have you graduated from elementary school yet? Maybe that is harsh but holy hell asking on a message board at your age how to *tell* a person you are not *into* them?

Maybe this unrelenting heat in Texas has me a tad bitchy but WTmajorH.

Age is a state of mind. No, that was not harsh at all, and I accept all criticism with the intent to learn and improve. In fact I require it as I am not omnipresent.

06-27-2009, 11:08 PM
Ok seriously have you graduated from elementary school yet? Maybe that is harsh but holy hell asking on a message board at your age how to *tell* a person you are not *into* them?

Maybe this unrelenting heat in Texas has me a tad bitchy but WTmajorH.

Now now.. remember that Backlash has very little experience with women. Hell, I bet Bob has more experience!

Cut him some slack!

The Ponzzz
06-27-2009, 11:11 PM
Just peace out. GET SOME STRANGE! That's what I'd do. But I'd also eat their food and drink any chocolate milk from their fridge before moving on. Bitches gotta know.

06-27-2009, 11:16 PM
Make goatse your wallpaper and invite her over.

Your living room wallpaper that is.

06-27-2009, 11:36 PM
So, on the advice of some of you and a couple of my friends, I did it face to face and it was easier than I thought it would be. After rolling over various scenarios in my mind I finally came to the conclusion... it did not have to be a confrontation.

As Johnny Rotten screeched the lyrics of Frank Sinatra... I did it my way.

As I said earlier today I arranged to meet her, in a public place, to put a stop to this. I arrived at a very cool establishment early and chose a discreet table in the bar area. Of course I did not tackle her with it right when she arrived. We drank beers and conversed about idle shit for about an hour. Then I felt she, and I, were comfortable enough and found the right point in the conversation to bring it straight up face to face eye to eye but with my own quirky humorous edge.

This is my answer to my own question of how to let someone down easy...

It does not need to be a confrontation. Just lure them to a public place (in case anything gets crazy you have witnesses) and ply them with alcohol for a while until they agree with anything you say! Oh, a little social grace and humor helps.

Good luck!

06-27-2009, 11:40 PM
Make goatse your wallpaper and invite her over.

Your living room wallpaper that is.

I am not, nor will ever be, the player that you are.

06-27-2009, 11:41 PM

06-28-2009, 12:54 AM
Sorry, I do not condone that sort of behavior fake or real. Even if she did drink the last beer in the fridge. Dude needs to be put in jail.

06-28-2009, 12:58 AM
text message been suggested?

06-28-2009, 01:11 AM
First rule: Don't have a MySpace or Facebook account. Ever.
Second rule: Only give people you trust your real EMail.
Third rule: Don't answer your cell phone.

I've never "dumped" anyone, so I'm no expert. And I hate hurting people's feelings, but I would probably go with the ignore route, as long it wasn't a long time friend. Either that or just text a fake picture of "a new girl I met".

Obviously the best option is always communication, and being honest. (Some girls are nuts though, and it is not a viable option). Not to be sexist, as I think the same % of guys are the same way.

06-28-2009, 01:51 AM
First rule: Don't have a MySpace or Facebook account. Ever.
Second rule: Only give people you trust your real EMail.
Third rule: Don't answer your cell phone.

You must have many friends...

06-28-2009, 02:08 AM

So you're saying you need to get tanked in order to get the courage to tell her! :D

06-28-2009, 02:11 AM
You must have many friends...

Wow. Someone is pissed at me tonight. Oh, and one period would have been fine.

06-28-2009, 02:29 AM
So you're saying you need to get tanked in order to get the courage to tell her! :D

Uh, no.

If I were “tanked” as you suggest I would have made out with the girlfriend she brought with her or puked in her lap. No, no, sir. Getting tanked would have been the easy out.

Stanley Burrell
06-28-2009, 03:47 AM
Well, you could've made her swallow your load and then shown her the door. Way to not take advantage of a drunk girl.