View Full Version : Eggs - Good Or Bad Cholesterol?

06-25-2009, 03:04 PM
Eggs rule and I could eat them like my avatar eats cake.

Eggs are also high in cholesterol, but apparently there is "good" and "bad" cholesterol, which I know pretty much nothing about.

Do eggs contain "good" cholesterol or "bad" cholesterol?

Everyone says eggs are good for you, but if they're loaded with bad cholesterol, how are they good for you?


06-25-2009, 03:21 PM
Eggs = food of the gods. Only food that comes with its own sauce.

06-25-2009, 03:22 PM
They're high in cholesterol, but it is said to be healthy and beneficial to eat at most one egg a day, or three in a week.

Eating only the whites will give you the protein without the cholesterol.

06-25-2009, 03:31 PM
They're high in cholesterol, but it is said to be healthy and beneficial to eat at most one egg a day, or three in a week.

Eating only the whites will give you the protein without the cholesterol.


06-25-2009, 03:31 PM
Eating only the whites will give you the protein without the cholesterol and flavor.


06-25-2009, 03:41 PM
Moderation is the key to most things, eggs are no exception. While they are a decent source of protein they come with the loaded cost of cholesterol. Even "good" cholesterol can't be great for you in too large a quantity.

06-25-2009, 03:44 PM
Moderation is the key to most things, eggs are no exception. While they are a decent source of protein they come with the loaded cost of cholesterol. Even "good" cholesterol can't be great for you in too large a quantity.

If moderation is considered 1 egg a day or 3 eggs a week, then moderation is gay when it comes to eggs and makes me think of Jerry Seinfeld's airplane peanuts joke.

I guess I could buy those cartons of egg whites and scramble them, but fried eggs are fun to eat AND YOU CAN'T DUNK TOAST IN SCRAMBLED EGGS!!!! :(

I had a few fried eggs yesterday after not having any in forever and I forgot how awesome they were.

06-25-2009, 03:48 PM
If moderation is considered 1 egg a day or 3 eggs a week, then moderation is gay when it comes to eggs and makes me think of Jerry Seinfeld's airplane peanuts joke.

I guess I could buy those cartons of egg whites and scramble them, but fried eggs are fun to eat AND YOU CAN'T DUNK TOAST IN SCRAMBLED EGGS!!!! :(

I had a few fried eggs yesterday after not having any in forever and I forgot how awesome they were.
I don't think 1 a day or 3 a week is moderation. I think that's a generalized rule of thumb and it's out there for people that would eat a carton of eggs every day until someone said hey here's a rule.

I eat my eggs over easy, I don't eat them often though. I used to eat a half a dozen hard boiled eggs in the morning when I was lifting heavy back in the corps. I would only eat one yolk and pitch the rest though. Some people think the hardest part about lifting/getting big is the weights I say it's the diet.

Stanley Burrell
06-25-2009, 04:00 PM
Just eat only the egg whites like every other vegetarian-vegan-communist pussy.


I thought that was protein :(

06-25-2009, 04:01 PM
Now I'm in the mood for fried eggs and toast. Fucker.

06-25-2009, 04:02 PM

I thought that was protein :(
It is but unfortunately most protein supplements are measured in grams so you wouldn't be eligible as a valid protein source.

06-25-2009, 04:04 PM
It is but unfortunately most protein supplements are measured in grams so you wouldn't be eligible as a valid protein source.
OMG LOL! I would have put ROFL if it was Back you were saying this to.

Stanley Burrell
06-25-2009, 04:07 PM
It is but unfortunately most protein supplements are measured in grams so you wouldn't be eligible as a valid protein source.

I'd angrily shoot blanks at you but that requires energy and I'm too protein deficient to do anything about it except sit here and cry.

06-25-2009, 04:10 PM
It is but unfortunately most protein supplements are measured in grams so you wouldn't be eligible as a valid protein source.

I measure it on how many Libraries of Congress I could fill.

06-25-2009, 04:18 PM
I measure it on how many Libraries of Congress I could fill.
Does this work? Do ladies get turned on when you say hey baby you wanna get down on this < 1?

06-25-2009, 04:22 PM
heh. I tell them I can at least measure up to War and Peace!. That's something!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1/2093840928302309 ain't bad, right?

"Yo baby. I got .00000000000345345 of the Library of Congress in my pants." Works every time.
"Hey sexy. I got .000000000020304203402304234 the distance to the moon down there."

(Made up math. Now I have to go put it in the calculator to make sure I didn't just say I have a molecule instead.)

06-25-2009, 06:44 PM
Even "good" cholesterol can't be great for you in too large a quantity.

I haven't done a ton of research on this but I don't think that's true. The "good" cholesterol are the high-density types, which means basically it's more protein than fat, and it's heart-healthy because the purpose of this cholesterol is to mobilize the fat in your blood to the liver to be metabolized, rather than letting it float around to clog arteries or get stored as fat. So technically I think you could eat plenty of this good cholesterol and all it would do is help you break down the bad stuff.

06-25-2009, 11:53 PM
I don't think 1 a day or 3 a week is moderation. I think that's a generalized rule of thumb and it's out there for people that would eat a carton of eggs every day until someone said hey here's a rule.

I eat my eggs over easy, I don't eat them often though. I used to eat a half a dozen hard boiled eggs in the morning when I was lifting heavy back in the corps. I would only eat one yolk and pitch the rest though. Some people think the hardest part about lifting/getting big is the weights I say it's the diet.

The bolded part - learn it, live it, love it.

I love eggs. I could eat them every day for breakfast. Scrambled, over easy, or sunnyside up. yummy. Scrambled with a little jelly rocks the socks.

I'm back to lifting 4x a week so I usually have 2 hard boiled eggs (without the yoke) with a dash of salt, each lift night.

06-26-2009, 12:00 AM

06-26-2009, 12:39 AM
I haven't done a ton of research on this but I don't think that's true. The "good" cholesterol are the high-density types, which means basically it's more protein than fat, and it's heart-healthy because the purpose of this cholesterol is to mobilize the fat in your blood to the liver to be metabolized, rather than letting it float around to clog arteries or get stored as fat. So technically I think you could eat plenty of this good cholesterol and all it would do is help you break down the bad stuff. Pretty sure if taken to the extreme too much HDL would be bad. It would flush you of the LDL and you do need some LDL to do the job. I could be wrong and way off but I'm thinking that both extremes (High cholesterol and low cholesterol) both run their gambit of risks so you're best bet is to be at a healthly mid level, which means too much of a good thing (HDL) could be bad.

06-26-2009, 01:21 AM
Pretty sure if taken to the extreme too much HDL would be bad. It would flush you of the LDL and you do need some LDL to do the job. I could be wrong and way off but I'm thinking that both extremes (High cholesterol and low cholesterol) both run their gambit of risks so you're best bet is to be at a healthly mid level, which means too much of a good thing (HDL) could be bad.

I don't think it's possible for HDL to flush out your LDLs. While you do need LDL for I think cholesterol synthesis (i'm not sure if HDLs do that too), i'm pretty sure if your HDLs got too high they would be regulated by HDL receptors. I'm guessing that unless you had some sort of malfunction with your HDL receptors, it wouldn't be possible to stop cholesterol synthesis.

edit: Sorry I don't think i'm being clear. While I know high levels of HDLs can have some effect on lowering LDL levels, i'm pretty sure HDLs don't break down LDLs as a general rule. HDLs target free-floating cholesterols and triglycerides in the blood (or ones already in fat tissue) in order to transport them to be metabolized, rather than being stored as adipose (fat tissue) or being deposited inside the middle layer of arteries, which is what LDLs tend to do.

06-26-2009, 01:56 AM
Oh and I just did some looking and I learned something new too, hooray. Turns out you don't actually ingest any HDL or LDLs, your body just synthesizes them from the foods you eat.

I think the biggest misconception here which I probably should have posted earlier, is that while people call HDLs and LDLs "good" or "bad" cholesterol, and they DO contain some cholesterol, they aren't technically cholesterol. Not like dietary cholesterol like what's in eggs, anyway. They are lipoproteins, which are a combination of lipids (fat, dur) and proteins. I thought you were able to actually eat some of these, but I was wrong. Apparently your body just synthesizes them, in some method i'm not going to try to understand, from the types of fats and other junk you eat. I'm pretty sure that saturated fats raise your LDLs way more than dietary cholesterol does. And the eggs in my fridge say they're low in sat fats.

So in short Meth, you're safe. Eat in moderation.