View Full Version : Crazy or no
02-26-2004, 09:36 PM
Simple question: Is living in a big house with ~7 other (really cool) people a crazy/bad idea or no?
[Edited on 2-27-2004 by Tayre]
02-26-2004, 09:36 PM
Men/women count plz.
02-26-2004, 09:37 PM
It would be all guys. A couple of my friends and a couple of their friends.
02-26-2004, 09:38 PM
Not a good idea.
02-26-2004, 09:40 PM
Sounds like the makings of a sitcom.
I predict it'd go for 4 seasons, then they'd have 4 of the characters die, one go into a coma, one get married, and one go back to live with his parents. The finale would be seen by 16 million viewers.
02-26-2004, 09:50 PM
Define big.
02-26-2004, 10:13 PM
Depends on how you are about privacy, your things, and cleanliness? 7 guys together are going to be worse than messy, and its hard dealing with more than 2 people in keeping the place clean and out of your stuff...
For every person living there you also have to take into consideration that each one will have a few friends hanging out. Thats alot of people to deal with. I would never do it unless I had my own bedroom and bath, and a strong lock.
In college I lived with 4 other women in a townhouse for one year, it was not a pleasant experience. I'm a clean freak and two of the girls where slobs. There were ALWAYS people around, partying, noisy. Sleeping was hard, studying was impossible. I couldn't buy groceries because if I left the apartment, the girls or their "guests" would eat them. Don't get me wrong, they were all ok people, and 9 times out of 10 it wasn't them but their friends. I got so sick of waking up and stepping over people to get out the door, cleaning up after others and "losing" stuff, I couldn't wait for the lease to be up.
02-26-2004, 10:21 PM
Some people get along fine with a lot of roommates. A lot depends on compatibility. Another thing to consider is the study habits of the other members of the household, if you plan to go to school. If the focus is always on partying, and never about studying...well, I think you have already seen what that can do for you. ;)
HarmNone would be careful with this choice
Miss X
02-26-2004, 10:23 PM
Its a great idea, just ask Stray! Some of the stories I've heard about his antics.....
02-26-2004, 10:25 PM
I know one of the guys really well. I know another one pretty well. The rest I don't know. However the guy I do know, I trust and he's a decent fellow. Doesn't do that crazy partying.. attends church.. doesn't do drugs (to my knowledge).. and I get the feeling that if HE'S willing to invite these people to live with him, they're similar. I'd be fine if they were all boring... I would NOT be fine if he and I end up being the only sane ones in the house.
But like HarmNone and Myshel said.. it's all about how I can deal with it. I'm a pretty take-charge person when I need to be and I can probably set some form of order or method to the madness in a situation like that. Most of the opinions I've been getting about this though are along the "I wouldn't do it" side. So.. I don't know. I'll talk with teh peoplez and we'll see.
I lived in a house with 7 other guys once.
It was cool until the place got dirty, we ran out of toilet paper, and there were bugs in the sink from dirty dishes.
I ended up being the one who took care of everything and it sucked.
As long as you've got ground rules from the get-go, I'm sure it'd be a blast.
Otherwise, BEWARE.
02-26-2004, 10:30 PM
Really, thanks for the opinion. You and Stray both have good things to say about living with people in that situation. But it doesn't make my decision easier. :(
Originally posted by Tayre
Really, thanks for the opinion. You and Stray both have good things to say about living with people in that situation. But it doesn't make my decision easier. :(
Decisions like this are much easier if you have a plan. Like I said, sit down with these guys and figure out the ground rules. If you don't have any, there won't be any.
02-26-2004, 10:35 PM
Im in a place with 5 other guys myself next year. I know all 5 guys and im hoping we wont have that much of a problem.
02-26-2004, 10:36 PM
1. Happy 420th post.
2. I don't understand why you need more than maybe three people in a house/apartment/city.
02-26-2004, 10:43 PM
And you won't until you're a college student. ;)
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
1. Happy 420th post.
2. I don't understand why you need more than maybe three people in a house/apartment/city.
There is a short period in your life where you'll find that cheap rent is the coolest thing ever.
Then you realize 7 other people are freaking you out and you move out and pay lots.
02-26-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
I'm a pretty take-charge person when I need to be Don't mess with Texas. :D
02-26-2004, 10:53 PM
Hard to get laid when you got 3 people sharing a room together. Most times people are cool, but it can screw you in the end.
02-26-2004, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Don't mess with Texas. :D
02-26-2004, 10:56 PM
Having lived with 4 other people in a townhouse, its all about rules and sticking to em.
Get one of those messageboard that go on your fridge. Mark due dates for bills, how much everyone owes, chores stuff like that.
If everyone has a car, make sure that there are a extra copies of their keys. (Hope you trust em) My place had room for 4 cars, and many a time I have had to move my roomies car to get mine out.
As for being civil with each other Well that depends on the people. Sounds like you will probably have decent roomies, but who knows. Its all about communication. Setting rules and defining who stuff is whos and what is public domain.
We didnt have any real problems. usually about cleanliness, but no big deal. We would just battle it out playing Goldeneye or Starcraft. Heheh.
02-26-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Hanksbane
We didnt have any real problems. usually about cleanliness, but no big deal. We would just battle it out playing Goldeneye or Starcraft. Heheh.
Omg. Nerd.
02-26-2004, 11:01 PM
02-26-2004, 11:02 PM
I'll be in an apartment with 6 people including me next semester... I've stayed there on weekends a lot, I personally think it's awesome if you can get along with the people.
[Edited on 2-27-2004 by Hulkein]
02-26-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Elrodin
Im in a place with 5 other guys myself next year. I know all 5 guys and im hoping we wont have that much of a problem.
Heh, same, but up at PSU. I got friends on High St up in WCU, they only got 4 people though in their apt.
02-26-2004, 11:27 PM
Look on the bright side, at least you'll have people to play Diablo II with.
A side note. Dirk Diggler?:
02-27-2004, 09:38 AM
Dude, you know three of them will stiff you on the rent.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-27-2004, 09:42 AM
Most I ever lived with was 3 other people, and that was interesting to say the least (all were my very good friends).
People are different, if you talk, have ground rules, and call out the bullshit when it happens instead of letting it fester... should be alright.
7 though... you joining a fraternity? 8 people in one house should be able to afford a maid btw, I'd suggest that!
02-27-2004, 09:56 AM
I think 7 is too many. I'm sure you'll eventually find little things (like the person next to you blasting bass while coming in drunk at 1:30 on a weekday). And with 7, that increases the odds. As well, exactly how "big" is a house to be able to comfortably house 7 dudes. The privacy thing is big too.
02-27-2004, 10:21 AM
I'm living with 5 (well, 4 now) other guys in a 3 bedroom apartment. I knew two well before the year started. It's working out alright, except you really do have to come up with a system for things beforehand.
1. If possible, try and get separate leases so that you don't kill each other over rent. That way, if you forget to pay your part you're the only one that's boned.
2. Take turns buying TP. That sounds retarded, but it's sort of clutch.
3. Paper plates and plastic forks/spoons. Enough said.
4. Take turns taking out trash, or flip for it.
5. Set ground rules for parties.
6. Set ground rules for coming back wasted during the week. I only did that during the weekends last semester, but just last night I was about to drop one of my roommates for coming back so wasted he woke us all up yelling at his alarm clock to go to AM and not PM.
7. If you can...get 2 or 3 girls to join the lease instead of 2 or 3 extra guys. That way the ratio is good (2:1 or a little lower) so they don't feel suffocated. I broke a lease to live with 3 girls next year because in the end I think it would have driven me crazy, but having actual cooked food and a clean apartment was really tempting.
And so forth.
one thing I learned about living with other people.... by the time it's time to resign the lease, you want to kill them all for one reason or another...
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