View Full Version : Jon and Kate... Separate

06-22-2009, 09:07 PM
After months of speculation, the 10-year marriage of Jon & Kate Plus Eight's stars Kate and Jon Gosselin appears to be coming to an end, a source close to the situation tells PEOPLE.

Documents to initiate a legal split were filed in Pennsylvania Monday afternoon.

Fans who have watched the couple's popular TLC show – or read the voluminous coverage of the Gosselin marriage in the press – will hardly be surprised: The duo had long maintained a tense relationship, with Jon recently telling PEOPLE he wanted a less high-profile life, while Kate appeared to remain committed to their TV career.

In February, photos surfaced of Jon in the company of young women during a solo visit to see his mother, who was recuperating from surgery, in Huntingdon, Pa. The couple quickly attempted to quash rumors of problems. But in May, the scandal erupted again when 23-year-old Deanna Hummel was photographed driving Jon's car home from a bar late at night.

When the fifth season of the Gosselins' show premiered May 25, the couple admitted to having problems and not knowing where their relationship was headed. "Parents of multiples have triple the divorce rate," Kate said through tears. "I was thinking we were going to beat that. I don't know if I can say that anymore."

TLC promotions of the show are promising a major announcement about the family in Monday night's episode of Jon & Kate Plus Eight.



06-22-2009, 09:15 PM
In most divorces you can't explain to the kids "Well your mom was just a total bitch". At least this guy has taped evidence.

06-22-2009, 09:17 PM
I am so sick of hearing about these two.

06-22-2009, 09:22 PM

06-22-2009, 09:22 PM
anyone else not give a flying fuck?


The Ponzzz
06-22-2009, 09:23 PM
Their divorce has nothing to do with multiple children, but more so Kate not wanting to get out of the spotlight. I don't really follow the show or the tabloids, but my girlfriend watches it and I end up hearing about it.

06-22-2009, 09:48 PM
Look at me, I had a natural biological occurrence! Put me on TV!

I feel horrible for the kids, imagine being raised that way. I don't feel bad for any wealthy, overexposed asshole so in the parents case, I hope they end up addicted to painkillers and ol' Kate ends up in Playboy.

Really though, why do people feel the need to seek validation from others when they have a child? "Congratulations, you are doing something that requires no talent or ability and are only owning up to the responsibility because you must!". Learn a new language, find a hobby, stop pro-creating and plastering your stupid lives on social networking sites and reality TV!

06-22-2009, 09:51 PM

06-22-2009, 09:51 PM
Sextuplets is not a natural biological occurrence. She was on fertility hormones or some shit, very unnatural.

06-22-2009, 09:55 PM
Sextuplets is not a natural biological occurrence. She was on fertility hormones or some shit, very unnatural.Yes it can be natural though the fact that it occurred with fertility drugs makes it that much LESS underwhelming.


06-22-2009, 09:57 PM
Sextuplets is not a natural biological occurrence. She was on fertility hormones or some shit, very unnatural.

Of course, that is a freak incident and I am sure there was hormonal tinkering somewhere there to blame. I feel it goes for even people I went to high school with, though. Working some meaningless job to support the kids they had not planned on whatsoever or having kids just to get on TV either way is sick, deluded and certainly not to be celebrated by your social circles or national television. Guess I don't think within that mold.

06-22-2009, 10:15 PM
This topic has about as much appeal as a random person with AIDs.

06-22-2009, 11:42 PM
It's like colostomy tv. It's absolute shit.

And I really don't wanna know about it.

The Ponzzz
06-22-2009, 11:44 PM
It started off as any other show on TLC. For some reason, this got big, and with it, they started to make money. I think they were wracking in $70k an episode. Not including all expenses paid for what ever TLC let them do in the shows. Jon got a free chopper from West Coast Choppers.

06-22-2009, 11:51 PM

I am so sick of hearing about these two.

anyone else not give a flying fuck?

06-22-2009, 11:52 PM
First of all, my wife got me hooked on the show.

Second, we, like every other normal couple, have always believed Kate to be a bitch.

Third, I was stunned when Jon was "cheating" on Kate and still gave her the cold shoulder. He usually said, "thank you, can I have another" when she verbally bitch-slapped him. It was different, to say the least, to see him not give a fuck even though he had "cheated" on her.

Fourth, I heard (rumor-mill!) that Kate slept with one her body-guards on a publicity tour, which was the catalyst for Jon becoming so distant. This made so much more sense.

I actually had some sympathy for Kate for like 2 weeks. No more.

06-22-2009, 11:55 PM
I have two quick responses:

1st off, I don't know why so many people care enough to call this news.
2ndly... This cunt was being a complete and total bitch to her husband for so long. Every time my wife watched it I noticed how much of a cunt that woman was. I don't know their whole story, but there are two possabilities. She was nice and happy while they were courting and then turned into the cuntrag she is today, or she was always a cuntrag. If the former, then she gets what she deserves. If the latter, he knew what he was going into.

The Ponzzz
06-22-2009, 11:58 PM
The money changed her. I watched the first season when they were barely hanging on with all the kids, living pay check to pay check. She took the money and the fame and went running with it. She writes and goes on tours, signing and public speaking. This to her, is her career. Jon seemed to never want the fame and tried to end it for several seasons.

It's news because the show has really high ratings.

06-23-2009, 12:08 AM
Does this mean that this annoying shit for TV show can finally get off the air? Or are we talking now about a spin-off to the series?

Either way, I thank GOD every day that I have satellite TV with hundreds of channels with which I can avoid the crap that passes for reality TV.

The Ponzzz
06-23-2009, 12:14 AM
Most likely not. I give the show at least one more season.

06-23-2009, 12:14 AM
OMG!!!! DID THEY!!????!?!??!?!?!?

Who gives a shit?

The Ponzzz
06-23-2009, 12:15 AM
This thread has as much backbone as the Perez Hilton thread.

Tea & Strumpets
06-23-2009, 12:33 AM
First of all, my wife got me hooked on the show.

Second, we, like every other normal couple, have always believed Kate to be a bitch.

Third, I was stunned when Jon was "cheating" on Kate and still gave her the cold shoulder. He usually said, "thank you, can I have another" when she verbally bitch-slapped him. It was different, to say the least, to see him not give a fuck even though he had "cheated" on her.

Fourth, I heard (rumor-mill!) that Kate slept with one her body-guards on a publicity tour, which was the catalyst for Jon becoming so distant. This made so much more sense.

I actually had some sympathy for Kate for like 2 weeks. No more.

You're a vagina. Apologize for that in depth explanation immediately.

06-23-2009, 06:34 AM
Does this mean that this annoying shit for TV show can finally get off the air? Or are we talking now about a spin-off to the series?

Either way, I thank GOD every day that I have satellite TV with hundreds of channels with which I can avoid the crap that passes for reality TV.I think I've seen like 3 full episodes. Either TLC is going to make a circus of their divorce and separation (spin-off) or it will be the end of (yet another) useless "reality" series.

Regardless of what happens to Jon and Kate the attention it has generated is just going to spawn more shows like it. Every time I stop on TLC for 10 minutes I see commercials for several "hey-look-we-have-a-ridiculous-number-of-children-aren't-you-dying-to-watch-us?" shows.

OMG!!!! DID THEY!!????!?!??!?!?!?

Who gives a shit?

Oh. And thanks for trolling Backlash.

06-23-2009, 06:58 AM
It annoys me that crap like this show is on The Learning Channel. They should create a new channel called the "Brainless Voyeur" channel. Maybe Bravo already has that copyrighted?

While I'm bitching, the History channel needs a spin-off channel called the "Stupid Fucks Holding Flashlights Below Their Faces Pretending to see Ghosts and UFOs channel."

06-23-2009, 08:05 AM
First of all, my wife got me hooked on the show.

Second, we, like every other normal couple, have always believed Kate to be a bitch.

Third, I was stunned when Jon was "cheating" on Kate and still gave her the cold shoulder. He usually said, "thank you, can I have another" when she verbally bitch-slapped him. It was different, to say the least, to see him not give a fuck even though he had "cheated" on her.

Fourth, I heard (rumor-mill!) that Kate slept with one her body-guards on a publicity tour, which was the catalyst for Jon becoming so distant. This made so much more sense.

I actually had some sympathy for Kate for like 2 weeks. No more.

Please turn in your man card. Your man privledges have been revoked for 30 days.

06-23-2009, 08:08 AM
While I'm bitching, the History channel needs a spin-off channel called the "Stupid Fucks Holding Flashlights Below Their Faces Pretending to see Ghosts and UFOs channel."

that would be awesome starring Conan and Andy

06-23-2009, 08:19 AM
It annoys me that crap like this show is on The Learning Channel. They should create a new channel called the "Brainless Voyeur" channel. Maybe Bravo already has that copyrighted?

While I'm bitching, the History channel needs a spin-off channel called the "Stupid Fucks Holding Flashlights Below Their Faces Pretending to see Ghosts and UFOs channel."QFT.

06-23-2009, 08:33 AM
Oh I hope this means the show will end. I heard more about this show than I saw it. I would only watch about the last five or ten minutes waiting for What Not to Wear to come on. :D

I couldn't handle watching a full show because I couldn't stand watching Kate. She was such a bitch to Jon. I would have cheated on her too. Then again I wonder how the hell he found the time. I almost want to applaud him.

06-23-2009, 08:54 AM
In that link, Kate Gosselin looks like a poor man's version of Victoria Beckham (i.e., beat to shit).

I didn't know who these people were until about a week ago. I'd like to return to that as quickly as possible.

06-23-2009, 08:57 AM
anyone else not give a flying fuck?


Yes, mememememeeeee! :spaz:

06-23-2009, 10:04 AM
Oh I hope this means the show will end. I heard more about this show than I saw it. I would only watch about the last five or ten minutes waiting for What Not to Wear to come on. :D

unfortunately, from CNN:

The kids will continue living in their Wernersville, Pennsylvania, home, the couple say. Each parent will stay there during their time with them. And despite the separation, the show will go on. The couple say they will continue to be a part of "Jon & Kate Plus 8," but instead film their time with the kids separately.


06-23-2009, 10:47 AM
Please turn in your man card. Your man privledges have been revoked for 30 days.

Eh.. sometimes you just can't help it. In our house, we relax in the den where she has the remote control and I'm playing on the computer. If there is something I need to watch (football season), she goes into the bedroom to watch tv.

While playing on the computer, I'll half pay attention to anything she has on. She's a big fan of the John and Kate show.. so I know what's going on. Unlike Keller though, I never got hooked on it.. but there have been shows I'm slightly embarrassed to say, I enjoy. Big Brother on CBS is one of them (OMG TEH NEW SEASON STARTS IN 2 WEEKS!!)

06-23-2009, 10:53 AM
I thought the Ozzy reality show was funnier.

The Gene Simmons show is by far the best.

06-23-2009, 11:23 AM
Eh.. sometimes you just can't help it. In our house, we relax in the den where she has the remote control and I'm playing on the computer. If there is something I need to watch (football season), she goes into the bedroom to watch tv.

While playing on the computer, I'll half pay attention to anything she has on. She's a big fan of the John and Kate show.. so I know what's going on. Unlike Keller though, I never got hooked on it.. but there have been shows I'm slightly embarrassed to say, I enjoy. Big Brother on CBS is one of them (OMG TEH NEW SEASON STARTS IN 2 WEEKS!!)

I have obligatory wife time.

We usually talk while watching tivo'd shows.

I don't ever watch TV by my own volition, so naturally all the tivo'd shows are shows she watches. It is one of the better options.

06-23-2009, 12:00 PM
I've watched it occasionally with my wife. Good for him for finally getting away from her, she's psychotic.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-23-2009, 01:50 PM
I watched the show last night.


- Kate loves the smell of Play-Doh
- Jon loves knocking down trees with his tractor.
- Jon has new ear piercings that make him look super douchey.
- Kate thinks telling Jon she wants the playhouses closer to the real house will start WWIII.
- Kate is all about picnics in the nice weather. Really.
- Kate asks who wants a granola bar. Every child says "Me". She tells them, "Too bad, I only brought 5."
- Kate likes the sun.
- Jon looks in the back of the truck that brought the playhouses. He looks at stuff and says, "Sweet" "Cool" and "Awesome."
- They both admit they do not communicate well. Zomg, shocker.
- The playhouses are set up. The kids love them.
- Kate is freaked out that one of her daughters wanted a haunted mansion instead of something cute. Said daughter loves it.
- Kate says Jon won't talk to her.
- Jon says life is a rollercoaster and you gotta get off the tracks sometimes. I personally hope to never be on a rollercoaster that derails.
- They both do not hate each other (repeatedly)
- An abyss of crappy cliches roll forth.
- Break in the cliches to announce they are separating.
- More cliches about how they will survive and continue the show.
- They will take turns living in the house.
- More cliches.
- End of show, news that they filed for a divorce.

06-23-2009, 02:35 PM
Perfect synopsis. I <3 Narc. That is all.

06-23-2009, 11:11 PM
I think I could make Kate a lesbo. She's hot. Obviously she likes girly men anyways. ITS NOT A STRETCH. Somebody get me her address.