View Full Version : Looking to trade for a Heroism Self-charging Item

06-22-2009, 01:47 PM
Well, I finally remembered what my password for this account was, so I could post over here instead of on the officials again.

Still looking for a Heroism self-charging item.

I'm also looking for some sort of self-charging self-cast defensive spell item. Maybe something like 507. Something non-cleric.

Have the following items I would be willing to trade in some way, all things depending. You can PM or E-mail me with inquires.


an enruned blue ice shard - casts spells based on gems as below.

some blue lapis lazuli - major cold(907, metal wand spell)
a blue moonstone - major cold(907, metal wand spell)

a blue sapphire - minor cold(blue wand spell)
a blue diamond - minor cold(blue wand spell)

a blue spinel - resist elements(602)
a blue starstone - resist elements(602)

a blue tourmaline - minor water - (903, aqua wand spell)
a blue dreamstone - minor water - (903, aqua wand spell)


The first thing that strikes you about the shard is the weight, which is about 4 pounds. You feel it's quite valuable.

The aura of magic surrounds the shard as if it was an artifact of great power. You also sense that it has more than one ability.

A dim aura of magic radiates from the the shard. You sense that the empty gem setting has something to do with its power and that if it were not missing a gem it would radiate even stronger power.

A vision slowly forms before your eyes...
Smoke slowly wafts from censers set at the four corners of a silvery square, and you see four robed figures standing in the center of the hazy scene. On a marble pedestal in the midst of the figures rests an enruned blue ice shard, an artifact that seems incomplete with its empty setting.

A spectacled dwarf shuffles to the edge of the scene, cupping a precious jewel in both hands as if terrified of dropping this treasure. One of the robed figures glides over to the short fellow and gently lifts the jewel from the dwarf's trembling grasp. You can barely see the robed man's mouth begin to move within his thick grey beard as he slowly moves to the center of the square, and you notice the three other figures have begun speaking or chanting as well.

The man raises the jewel over his head while the smoke from the censers seems to draw in, obscuring his form. Suddenly there is a brilliant flash of light, and when the smoke clears you see the four figures bowed and kneeling toward the pedestal, where the jewel within the blue ice shard pulses with mysterious magic!

The vision slowly begins to fade...


a thin beige portfolio

>read port
It takes you a moment to focus on the beige portfolio.
On the beige portfolio you see
(613) Self Control
(219) Spell Shield
(611) Mass Colors
(215) Heroism
(215) Heroism

>flip port
You flip your beige portfolio to page two.

>read port
It takes you a moment to focus on the beige portfolio.
On the beige portfolio you see
(213) Minor Sanctuary
(116) Locate Person
(114) UnPoison
(609) Sun Burst
(318) Raise Dead

>flip port
You flip your beige portfolio past the last page. There appears to be space for another page.

>look port
Two large pieces of vellum are stitched together along one edge, providing a crude and very thin portfolio. A tarnished silver gem setting has been centered on the front cover of the portfolio, though it is empty. Scribbled on the back cover is the list, "Topaz, Emerald, Smooth Stone, Ruby, Diamond". All but "Diamond" have been crossed out.
The portfolio is opened past the last page. There appears to be space for another page.

This Portfolio holds up to 10 spells and each slot holds up to 20 charges. Spells/Charges can be moved into the Portfolio from scrolls.

You put a scroll inside the Portfolio and activate the transfer by putting a diamond in the setting on the cover. It then moves any spells from the scroll from top to bottom and will move all spells if there is enough space. Any spells that don't fit just remain on the scroll. If all spells from the scroll are removed, the scroll disappears.

If a spell from the scroll is already in the Portfolio it will add charges to that slot up to 20, if the additional charges make it go over 20, it will move the remaining charges to an empty slot, if there is one. If there is not an empty slot the remaining charges stay on the scroll.

You can SCRATCH spells out of the Portfolio at any time if you want to remove one. You can also just invoke all the remaining charges out. I'm not sure yet, if two slots have the same spell, if it will always scratch out the one with the least amount of charges or not. It probably just scratches out whichever one it comes to first.

Removing spells from a fresh or used scroll does not change the scrolls (locked/unlocked) status.

Removing charges from an infused scroll (assuming at least 1 charge of the spell being transferred or some other spell is left on the scroll so that it does not disappear during the transfer) will leave the spells transferred that were unlocked on the scroll with 0 charges, and it can be re-infused.

If no spell or charge of a spell will transfer from a scroll (because there is no room in the portfolio) the diamond will fall out of the setting and not be wasted.

Transferring spells to the portfolio does not lower the scrolls value while invoking spells off a scroll does. So, the portfolio increases the number of charges you can get from a scroll if used properly.


a wight skin shawl edged with bold sigils in deep crimson spidersilk - 4x DB

>inspect sha
You carefully inspect your wight skin shawl.

Your careful inspection of a wight skin shawl edged with bold sigils in deep crimson spidersilk allows you to conclude that it is miscellaneous armor that protects the wearer in general.

You determine that you could wear the shawl, hanging it from your shoulders.

You assess the shawl for structural weaknesses and strengths.

Careful examination indicates the wight skin shawl has a base strength of 1 and a base durability of 10. You also determine the current integrity of the wight skin shawl to be at 100.0%.

You heft the shawl a few times, but learn nothing more about it.

The first thing that strikes you about the shawl is the weight, which is about 5 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 1,000,000 silvers.

You sense a faint aura of magic around the wight skin shawl. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the shawl is as some type of defensive garment.

It has a bonus of +20 from a normal shawl, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it serves some type of defensive purpose, different from that of normal armor.

The magical harmonics reveal that the wight skin shawl has a special ability to protect the wearer.
The wight skin shawl resonates with your voice, indicating that it has been enchanted by Herachio.


a glowing veniom-thread pouch

In the veniom-thread pouch you see a braided grass band, a tiny blue egg, a pretty daisy, a lemon drop, a pink ribbon, a shiny pebble, a bright red leaf, a chocolate chip cookie, a paper fan and some silver coins.

The pouch makes 1 or 2 items from the list below when activated. It's activated by open/closing the pouch and is unlimited.

a braided grass band - wearable - wrist worn
a tiny blue egg - does nothing
a pretty daisy - does nothing
a lemon drop - eadible - 1 bite
a pink ribbon - wearable, waist worn
a shiny pebble - does nothing
a bright red leaf - does nothing
a chocolate chip cookie - edible - 8 bites
a paper fan - does nothing
some silver coins - 2 coins

You estimate that a glowing veniom-thread pouch can store a very large amount.

You determine that you could wear the pouch, attaching it to your belt.